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Show -4WV CARIBOU WITH flt1 TOPi St r mi i HE weather seemed set fine and I felt so elated with my previous-, success with the moose that when my hunt er. Albert, proposed- a re treat up the trail of fire miles to -a high sugar-loaf mountain on the Tuya . .mountains. I consented. I meant to Uk$ some chances in a second attempt at-tempt to-get the b caribou. Soon we reached a point opposite the mountain. moun-tain. and -then the hard work began. " I drove the horses and the Indians weuf In front cutting down trees, for we had t6 force otrf own trail. Snow was falling when we got Into ; camp, so Albert put up his Jwn little tent and alongside it the. small shelter shel-ter which "Tie always carried for his ' four dogs. ' Aftv supper, having fed "the dogs, the trapper sat late over the fire smoking his pipe, when, looking over his shoulder, he saw an Immense wolf standing at his side. As he moved the wolf gripped hlm firmly by - the, shoulder, but did not succeed in throwing him "down It might, be thought that the dogs which were ly- Ing on the" bther side of the Ore would have growled and at once, attacked the wolf, but this was not the case with the dogs of Casslar. On the contrary, they retreated Into their shelter, where they set up a. dismal howl .of Tear. . Albert seems to have kept his head with admirable presence of mind., and being unable to reach the as or rifle, he grabbed the first weapon that came handiest, namely, a burning brand from the fire. With this he strurk the wolf three times lightly- on the nose, when It at length let go, and he save It a stunning crark over tho bead. The wolf now slunk away. September 20 is one of the red let ter- days of my life, so ! must give It In full. At dawn we moved our outfit about four miles to the highest clump of wnaai. The walking for once was easy and Arm, and as we forced our way through" the last Of the willow scrub, one of the finest landscapes In the world was spread before our wondering won-dering eyrs. Four thousand feet below, be-low, was the Tanzilla, lost to great golden splashes of cotton-wood, birch and poplar. Successions of' deep green fir woods rolled away to the west as far as the grand canyon of the Sllkine, and looking beyond were hvr mountains between that river and the lskoot now covered, with deep and permanent snow. It was a glorious 'day for spying, and on every point of . commanding eminence we stopped and worked the glass industriously. There wer hundreds of likely spots for the ' great cariboo, but not one could we find. I guess wolves Scare hUn right out f the country, ssm Aioert. as be clocd the, glass with an n immense' beast beJooked,-and how keen I should have been to kill him had ! not seen something better. Presently another grand stagcame by, but I resisted the temptation to shoot and kept my eyes glued on the big fellow who was still lying down. Finally, he arose,, surrounded by five large females. I never supposed for an Instant but that he would do aught but follow the -others, but to my great disgust he turned and walked' the other, way, My heart sank . to the depths, of despair. Even the phlegmatic- Albert fidgeted and almost said something. He kept looking Intently at the herd on our left, and I could read his thoughts as he mentally planned a fresh stalk at the main Jaer.tL.,JBut eventa look Ul that jUrsfc tion signified an admission of weak ness on my part, so I kept the glass glued on the object of my desires till my eyes ached at watching his slow, measured steps. Again and again he stopped and looked back at his late companions, and then my heart sank as each time he dropped bis massive boms and followed In the wake of the ladles, who bad. now commenced to snatch a few mouthfuls of food. But what is this? He has started and is galloping full speed. Has something frightened, him or has some fresh bull appeared to excite, his Jealousy1, for he Is a master bull without doubt and the rut Is near. ' He rushes beyond the leading doe and then down goes his head. The show of power drives tho frightened does together and then back on the trail. . They hesitate a moment and then start off at full gal lop towards us. What Joy! Our luck has turned. Albert's face Is a study. He Is Incredulous and then, excited. "They come now" he says to himself. It was a reompense for the hard ships of the Journey to see that, little troop advancing. I knew they would follow the line-of the others and thus pass within easy shot. Moreover, I felt that I bad been right to wait, and that, pleases any man's vanity. On and on they came till the stag began to grow In slue 500 yards, 400 yards. 300 yards. Now they stop and smell about the old tracks, for cariboiTlIke to follow the xact trail of others of their kind. Then an old hind put out her neck; cocks ber ears and trot slowly down the hill towards ouj hiding place. Albert worms bimsell Into a desirable .support bolUnd my right shoulder, and all Is la readiness for his majesty. The nearer he comes the bigger his horns look and, although al-though not long, they contain a forest of point such as I had niter seen before .. A merciful Pro Ideate eaiwee the bull to stop just where the others had stood, but be' Is covered by two binds and I must wait till they have miirvd. He- pokes one gentry out of the wsy and then himself mores forward for-ward a step of two to smell the earth. It Is enough; the sight Is on his shoulder shoul-der and I let go lie. swings round once, shaking his Bead, and then rolls over with all four legs in the air. I give a whoop of triumph, for those great antlers are tnlne. and I rush down the bill for the possible chance of a long shot at on of the stags on the opposite bin. . They are too yards away at least, and all Jammed to gether In a solid park as a result of the shot. A little forest of antlers stands out above a dsrttfi- of bodies. It Is hopeless to fire, as the stags are all at the back, and 1 must wait till they string out and run Now they are o9. tearing orer the hills la a mad race. One stag shows to-the rich! oa Irritable ' " skylla as4 I salute him sua two ' shots. Put It i hor !. as 1 ratrttot We had now walked about 12 miles. 'r.klBg Dl lt' and I was feeling very tired and had A "u ,b f A:Wt-Bf,w great difficulty -la hrealhia la the m " - i rarfl4 atmosphere. ' 1 lm w -We will ja.t look this U.t valley." , ' kl '- . t th Wft is M through the luegs. wklcfc prodares wanted with the gt and thea gave It to Albert, who had hardty placed It to hi eye ke dropped rt. esrited'y icUiigt -Cartbow. !tty b'g h-l's: iise4! c JUpe. .. The In t to. ttsrems. had gone a little to kgh aad too far forward. Wtseea the ak a4 shoulder, I ksve hld teas? fa tun la . . ...... tt - 1 tar IM tirr . rrosa kis e:s.r iac. .-i -. vwct-has! vwct-has! afid. lobktsg la the 4mk km ke ! br ikst day tWi Taya iwited. saw a fcTd of ovr U cart- j otatias lat.-rilih be- ii ts at W.t It fc-U.. Osr.av with a r.5t eual to oes t gV first a.ve wm to red tato ti , koa rrr is srst CTOIP W NEW .?f'rC- fitfji , - J-3 Mi w. HIS year's big and record yield of wheat, corn- and other-staples ter been heralded-far heralded-far and 'wide, fyit there Is mm mm :t ard kMe H fcorw. iad was Wowlrg dtrertly la pet taew- so ttat a3 wst w3 asr:i rval4 tke last stkk of ror i o af:iX-:jL nui.iirtwrM w f hto m t lm It rkk tk s fjs. rta to taeir f aa4 wet rvwivaaJfcw. frvn.'Vy to f4. sad H was fyf liJ a to-r fcf tfc Sn stag, ae-f Ta Cmm-Ut CHr. isvraaH f tw r k4.1 ay tt U tf poi Ut ; osf t:&t v. w at , (mat trraa i rsy that has been growing and ripening all unnoticed unno-ticed by government .statisticians and try .everybody -else, hh1": - that- - Is . the bumper crop of new millionaires and multi-mllllonalres. Never before were there so many in New York as there are to-day. Millionaires were made In a night by the great wave of consoli dation and the merging of hundred? of Industrial enter.u i.-p that was the feature of the opening years of the twentieth century, J.ist after the close of the Spanish-American war. There were, steel kings, steamship kings pump kings, kings of car springs and of air brakes and of all sorts oi things. They blossomed forth between the sunset of ode day and Jhe dawn of the next. ,Tbe select, circle of plutocracy plu-tocracy widened o swiftly that It broke all barriers ami created a new aristdcracy of wealth In America. New York Was In vailed by a horde of westerners whose manners In some cases shocked even the Imperturbable servitors at the expensive hotels where they monopolized .the royal suites. Pittsburg, from being simply a great mill town, a city - of grimy., workmen, Jumped Into worldwide prominence because it was discovered suddenly that.lt hud more millionaires to the square !"h than t any other spot on eartn. In New York all aorta of people achieved fortunes, paper or actual,' almost before they were aware; jockeya. waiters, bartenders and ober bumble folk, glanced with amass at the balances . with their brokers and began making plans for yachts and country houses. The history his-tory of this period waa one of the wonders of America, . Then. to years ago, the panic came and put a dampener on the financial hopea and aspirations of tbos bo bad survived the varloua Ills that followed In the wake if industrial over-expansion. Hut since the panic clouds have cleared away there has come anth-r and cvtn more wonderful appreciation in values, the most remarkable advance In the prices oi alt COBIIiodnlf-g'Tltrd MCUrlllei lh Ihis country ha ever knowo. Probably more millionaires have l--n made In the last 1 month by th .teadily rl. Int: tide of tremendous prosperity than hUtory -r bas recorded Ip a similar period of thue. Til number of those who have grown rich qukkly ! greater, probably than It was In the time of mer ger and consolidation, nearly a deiade ago He-fore He-fore the panic of IS07 there were, perhaps. J.W millionaires la New Tork. Now there are any whsre trtitweea 5,000 and 10.0to. The advancee In the value of securities in the last two years have been almost Increiiibif There probably are more than IiVJ.OCxi --rvna ho are Stockholders -t."r.Ue4 States Jttel In October. 1M7, Steel Common was 2!"V. In IVr-roary. tt was 41 V. this October It ha t n w-U above M. The tharee of the Penny!snia railroad are more widely distribute than any other tranpor-ta'.Ion tranpor-ta'.Ion line, more than C0.QO4 peo-,4 bring luted a its books of shareholders. Two years ago It was 193: lately It baa been above I In Ion Pa MSe Is Best to Pennsylvania la the Ifcgtb of Its stockholders lit It la not only on ot the iuo4t popular Inrestaietit ecur1M, but also ooe that Is speculated la fcoet largely. VbIb ParlSe rotu tuoo was 100 la 1')T; this year it has t-a above lit. aa lncrewse of aoore thsa lw pr ceat New Tork Central. Southern PaciSe. nal'Tinore Ohio. "Atlantic Coast Lin. Illinois Central. Croat Nor- thera. 5Bdar4 Oil practkal'y all th storks la the of railways aad ladottrUls hat ad vatcd from 14 to 190 or more tr rct ta value TkowMcds of t. 1 who are a-tX pcaU'ors aad who are intolerant of --; fcsv proSt-4 proSt-4 MiMKiM!; l-y this weclerfut ie Ja vV They are tke eaea who bought for tavf?iBBt ka the rtce were low aad who are bow rs- tr the kartewt. IXirlig the " t&lc nmwi LUxks f g-t erle share were thrvwa ws the trk4A grt sf-ikUiira Lit Ucl&M a&d Msrse. aod toot cO.rs aha were bo to ifne-Ur ifne-Ur or dsr-tc ksd to s-t.S.- atj't t aed err"!."sg for r4y scay. Tl-ir fc-4d:t. a? are scatt.rvd kroetht lh twittry aad hate Wa takd ai la teas tt lhoaa4s of sal atrctg tx?i. Wi.5 --e ef !h aew aOuira e& frma th n&kt 4 tSws wh were te.ga.a ktrt ta Che days of reaVr, tost of the aew t;rorat8 are wos th arsty ct sjUssr. . . TVr ar ur cf the aew saiUfcsaaiis k.i - mit v tssfi ta tfa sul u:i Il.'I ISP -few tr t t ... 0 r i it W i k t - . rm a ifi Do0 ainf rum Ar'-frt-. V i luully with ny dt-grec f accuracy. Compara tit !- few ut tlx- oid hand of iiillllunaires have failed to add liiHteriall) toMheir fortunes since th paiiir Thrte ar- Mime, it l true, who were more or le tiUaUUil In thiiKe daj. snrt ih period that )ril'enl th'-ru who h.nve not succeeded In win ning l-a k their loit ' money and prestige; some who wre In th l!lf.ttd ir-ift companies. oih-rs of the lr.Kurat.ee crowd, and so on Hut thoi-who thoi-who hflii on iwd wire aide to weather the storms hae n Hfti-d up and now are riiher than ever." Not only that, but a larK- nutnixT of n groups of grrat. fin-mrlal rtrt tifiib h t-en developed. There Is the ilawl-y group, for Instance, which has made tiitlllons and mKiloii In the ri In val-ui val-ui of railway shares, i-ldwln llawley, the had of this coterie, was not a Mg Wail street Kgure--umil wliln the lat year or mi. but of late he has ad Jed Inirm amratlr to bin wealth find to his power pow-er as a iran. -orTSM..n king Among tbox of bl friends who hae climbed Itto the rhsrtot of the piutrn-nrts rrwBh A Vaa- d-rllp. the reld-nt of the National City bank. He Is reputed to have made more than a miiiioa qui of Cbenaprake Ohio, and t nlon Pacific. When he was aUtant secretary of the treasury a lew years ai. Vandrllp was a man of very moderate m-ar. and lived In a modest tittle fiat In Washington After he rame to New, Jork his wealth lern-aited somewhat, but only since the first of this year has he eatrrvd the millionaire c'as. Another of the lis ley group jbo Is one of the new crop of mu'.tl aillltonalres Is Uaaker named &cot. who j lli-d up a small fortune, dollar by dol Ur. la Rkbt&oad. Va. and who has Inrreajw-d It many fold of hate la Wail street. S-i:i another of the Mcce gro-jp If tiobert KTernieg He was not a fr niaa when the rt- la itwti begaa. tut he Is said to t-e a very rt h ine now. Then ther I a fcw croy ef t ak e Pactfc wl'Slnaalrva, 8oythra IIEr o..;.ltalre. Uah Kotk Ulacd aad w.aey eher fro re cf tew wtillkraslrrs wJM have hrotr.e weal'hy ty the tretaeadmrs upturn of the shares they were Interested la. ftcw. of the wa eer a l.ilealre fcefore the t-tEii!cg of this year. th hae to B.-d tp to th SttailJ-,-i.r":'.talre rtau. .... . There are q as cisy who he woa for-tsaew for-tsaew la the- fce!d U H4;.ul rwks. es;uny ta I'kited State 8'eel awo Owe of the Bore ttaa a e.i::kai.e wta he t-ga l.Ug ta rraak A X tb .t:ifcev He U aaU to hare sarf4 his ?'.e f Srh.es tee years aga. ha th sk was irvscf It, at4 to hare acra- SsUte4 a. total ef 1M?- share at sery lew jrV. lilt wtaaiigs are eeciskated at avcre tVaa n lstaas, uWs at ra4v-. give aa te4l tmiiem f the tlsds A that tat rprutig up lately through the np ward sweep 'of prices in Wall .treet. C.rent corporations, like the fire and the life insurance cotn-panlea. cotn-panlea. have 1ho profited stupen-Uiukly. stupen-Uiukly. These tremendous reservoir, reser-voir, of money own huge blocks of hhareH In scores of railway and ln-d ln-d nut rial companies lota . of from 10.0(10 hhn.es to aluiOBt.a control- ling Interest. The most of the ure sober, gilt edged, dividend paying pay-ing stocks i bat have tot been spectacular spec-tacular In their advance In price aa compared with some of those that have gono up like ekyrockew. Y t even these high priced shares have, been enhanced In value from 20 to 50 per. cent. In the last 12 months. They were bought at panic prices, so the' published reeord of those companies show, and these Institutions Institu-tions now are salJ to be sotling them off.-cautiously and carefully at the fancy figures that have tx-eo prevailing of late. Vnllke the Individual In-dividual investor, they believe ta caching In their winnings and Baiting Bait-ing them down until there la at-.ther at-.ther chance to buy cheap. In the rommodlUoa ;hete are new groups of millionaires, and niultt-mlllloiialres niultt-mlllloiialres alno. Some of these have won Ihelr wealth In wheat; other in corn, but niont of them ta are more new cotton kings and than ver before. Practically all OX cotton There , Hi.. ..- Iml.lV these are M.iitltertiers. who bate had an expert knowledge of thl staple MoM of Ih.m have beea cotton planters thenix-lvs on a Urge scale, and all their lives the) l. e I e. n studying .cotton. Its growih and It HfT tildt'tittig markets. - - Almost etr da. there hate been minora fifing fif-ing al-otit n to what Palt.-n was doing In cottoa. Hut curiosi.ly tnoi sh' there ban ben nevr a word paid s!nit the reni bull bUr to he cotton market, mar-ket, the unn who hs been the bl:gil speculator In this sMple. and who recently has Jumied lata the multl iiill!Un..lie class. Kugene O. Scale of lullas. T Scales Is tho mot towering bttH. probably, that the cotton market ever has known. Ifclten Is a piker beside bin. Kven the celebrated! . 5Ir Sully in bl palmiest day never operated oa iuh a hi f bj-m aa Scl.- has been In the last eUht month This new and n lar.tr mul't millionaire In the cotton cot-ton market has steadfastly h-p himself In th background He ln 'tio'liiiati'iir spculator. how- ever, for live years aro be w ta one of the Sully campaigns and tetlnd from te fght wfh several large d nt In hi ftnancUl' armor But aow ha has won back all hi bwse and a lot more Some among the many other who "know ootlos and hate won big fortune through Its rie la prloa are Fergus Held of Norfolk. Va ; Morris H. Koth-schiid Koth-schiid of Wocwirllie. Vl; Witllaro P. Hrowa of New Orleans and Uula S lrg of WbietearrT-Herg WbietearrT-Herg hsd chars- of the Chalusett tensfoala at New Oriesns not I'.r.g sgo and was a hard working rallorad man A H"le later he r-leced tpftfw-r a lot of scnall )tliul pi rwltrraids aad coibiBe4 them Into an iff'H and proltabl system. Them. l:h a mdet tctrtne. he rame to New York, aad tise theo ha heen niahg luoaey oat of (ottsa. And so lb :ut ra oa Ifirdly a Baae atacsstt the ibrn.jn! frf ew minkiaatres I fsmUr tw New Yorker Tt are prt.r ally ueknr a ect-i ect-i !e U the jt '! o,mnri'li'r caste f rare ta the r'4ad th Th y lite la the etst:wt BaJtea 1 the taot etrl . N York fcote;. Nest ' viSDWier. tf they hate ao elch they will begla l'S.:eg or bwytrt t!areat Newport. Par IIat U.r cr efk'er j.af where the oct" elect arw ind Wtrte Tti ' B tey H tta t?cg U ' break thro;fh the linaglaasry la3oare wt-h skkh "Mriey- trm.Mi lr!f - There are so teajs y of the aew B,U.kaire (hat -r !( I.k the faacsar ska of a aew rare key will eerhia aad ena-th ena-th r!'l'y tslt grwey cf etfJe whe krw hea yet jicg ihesssettea hslac thr w!:a tot a decs or ci-e At acir. rst. the aaawa sf tl of the aew aclteeatrea pttUr wUt he rvwd fee the lm Use ta Frtat ta th ast few a tc4k of . orial registry, Ut forss h asar tx rvrh to the iirec'ory cf the erig that the r-i.-cy f AerJta huwa. ' 1 r |