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Show PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW t New Champion of Cornhuskers Greatness By DOUGLAS M ALLOC H j Sally Sez i i THORNTON W. UURGESS i"9 uTchucIThas gjiGON HISMINP 0 1 I ..r.v ant on his door M . .u. fnp nrnlr Of D we ! 1,111 I" 'c Sard trying to make up ! . that 18 Just what ; -.ting Jiru- " hn It sometimes Is when 'le undecided.' First ;;Uui. then you think ,L finally you begin ask Idi around you for their wlnd up by being no L I Could Know If the Winter U to Be Hard and uong," johnny. "' at than you were In the be- F - matter on jonnny wuck ... u. rti wnetner ue was iai msleeD comfortably all win- L seems like a funny thing L irorrying one, . doesn't It? rasn't funny to Johnny No, Indeed, It wasn't funny It really was very serious. it that a great deal depended immint of fat stored away Ss skin before he said good everybody and went to . bed b the ground to sleep until If he were fat enough it Jrt make much difference to iicold the winter might be h late sweet Mistress Spring be io coming to wake him up. lieTIIbTTiaveTfiTeB5rjgir iway under his skin he might warm enough, and if Mis- spring should happen to be :e he would be so weak when ke that he might not ha?e W enough even to crawl out bouse. Or It might happen :ager might awaken him be Sistress Spring arrived and fie might freeze to death try- something fit to put in wchnck's stomach. h seethe matter was really htinnrtont tn Tnhnnw Chnnlz K under his skin was both a band food. That seems queer, S true. The fatter he was the He would keep and the more cable he . would be. In this 2 fat was like a blanket lie slept tliroueh the lorn:. poBtiis of course he would eat In .the first place he fat be awake to eat. and you people do not eat while they peep. Id the second place there would be nothing to eat anyway. any-way. So wise old Mother Nature has provided that the fat Johnny Chuck, lays up shall take the place of food. You know how It Is with food. We take It into our stomachs and from there It Is taken Into our bodies bod-ies to build tbem up and to make the heat which keeps us warm. In Johnny Chuck's case Old Mother Nature has fixed things so that the body can get i what It needs from the fat with which It is covered. It needs only a very little at a time during the winter, because you know Johnny Is asleep; curled up quite motionless. A great deal of the food we eat Is used up In what Is called energy, which is the power of moving about and doing things. You know how It is when you are sick and cannot eat In a little while you have no strength to move. You are very weak. But If you did not have to move at all you could live a long time with very little lit-tle food, because none of It would be used for energy. It is the same way with Johnny Chuck. Sleeping and lying perfectly still, he needs no food for energy, and so his body gets all It needs by absorbing It from the fat. Absorbing means taking tak-ing In the way av sponge soaks up water. So you see it was quite as Important Im-portant to Johnny Chuck that he should be fat enough as it was to Striped Chipmunk that he should I LOOKED for greatness in tree And found one very tall to see, For rich the soil and warm the sun And much it had nf aiih n And then, amid the sterile ground, A Cleft Within nick I fnnnH That little soil or summer knows. Yet In that cleft there grew a rose 1 looked for PrPflfnPRA In fl man And found one who with gold began. ... .1 .. . . . . . auu an tne nation knew his name Paid tribute to his purchased fame And then, amid the huts and streets I found a man who met defeats, Yet made a little, millions less. And did not think It was success. I looked for greatness in a soul And found a singing oriole Upon the stage, when crowds applaud. ap-plaud. Yet whisper when she walks abroad Then, by a little thoroughfare, I found a spotless mother there Whose songs, remembered by a son Had brought him to that Other One. '. IMS. Douglas Malloch.) WNTJ 8ervtca COSMOPOLITAN DISHES A S AMERICA has been called the meltlne not of the world, so are we cosmopolitan In our na jV'Si' "".or ! ii mi in UTii in- " '"- CAItL SE1LER of Knox county, IlUnoIs, won the national cornhusklng championship when he defeated 13 state champions in the tourna- . . a na M M hnah. ment at Galva, I1L Carl estahlisnea a new wona recora oi oo.oi. uuou-els uuou-els husked In 80 minutes. Be Is unmarried, twenty-nine years old and lives on his father's farm. using six slices of pineapple, one grapefruit and two oranges. Fill the cavity In the center with a pitted pit-ted date that has been stuffed with cream cheese, which has been softened soft-ened to a paste with the juices of the fruits. Porto Ricart Sandwiches. Cut slices of pineapple Into halves, making them half their original DONERS rt Jobs popping up each 'A ftlAtt A v . vi uur men toi won- nave to offer to keep from ''r one." 11 BU Syndicate. WNn Sarviea. Prince Louis Sells Monaco to France : 1 3 1 y ' : V 1 mmm. jo ft HE birthday of the Prince of Good-Will was at hand. On the frosted windows I hung my bolly-wreaths, looking out upon a world glittering In the first snow mantfe of the yea!. Ice-coated trees gleamed with Drlsmatic colors as tlie breeze stirred the branches; It waa aero weather. Dan had drooped In with the sea son's greeting, and we sat together before the open fire. Dan was a bachelor, and If he didn't speak soon thev'd be calling me an old maid! 1 vdb Hph and he was Door. If I'd been sure that that wa the reason for hla silence, I'd have spoken my self. But I wasn't and our mena hin wna too beautiful a thing to molL If bis love was not mine. Annette came In and arranged the te table at my side, "Certain peo- VIEW of the beautiful city ot Monte Carlo; capital and principal part ol the principality of Monaco, and at the right Prince Louis of Monaco, whose family has ruled the small country for many years. It has just been an nounced that the republic of France has purchased the entire principality for the sum of $520,000 and $150,000 yearly forever to Prince Louis' family. Monte Carlo Is the location of one of the most famous gambling casinos in the world. have his storehouse filled before the coming of : Rough Brother t North Wind and Jack Frost It was this that Johnny had on his mind as he sat on his door step that bright cool autumn afternoon. There was still plenty of food. He could eat more If he really needed It To be sure he was tired of eating. For a long time he tad been eating, not because he was hungry, but to store food away In the form of fat His neighbors dldn't-understand this. They watched him eat and grow fatter fat-ter and they called him piggish. Of thi vim verv unfair. He was no more piggish than watt Striped Chipmunk filling his storehouse. store-house. .The only difference was that Johnny Chuck's storehouse was under his skin. ?I wish I could know 'J the winter" win-ter" Is going to be hard and long," said Johnny as he waddled over to a patch of clover. He was already so fat that he was roly-poly and waddled 'when he walked. Tm sleepy enough to go to Dea ngni nowrtuTrWBtrtote'ifHrea-. am fat enough." e. 13J. by T. W. Burs W1TO Servici tional fare. It Is not strange, as our foods, drinks, condiments and fruits come from all parts of the globe. By association with foreign people, peo-ple, travel and reading, we are becoming be-coming International In our recipes as we have been with our frocks. At our breakfast tables we use tea from China or India, coffee from South America and fruit from the West Indies. With the Increasing transportation transporta-tion facilities, we will be able to enjoy many of the perishable fruits that have never before been shipped to northern points In America. . Panama Salad. Place a slice of pineapple on a bed of lettuce, cover with alternate segments of grapefruit and orange, It's an III Wind- To Manage Red ' J Georgia was settled by thieves and animals taken from the English Jails. BONERS are actual humorous tidbits found tn examination pa persessays, etc, by teachers. The Whig party gets Its name be muse most of Its members wore powdered whlgs. WUch at ia thU tiring, 'naath th iky, Waetk whllil 'tta BitaUk to Im, A kalpln IuuhJ to htlp frUaa. , Hala mr (tlano ar PATSONIZI HOME INDU8TET. A grand jury Is a picked out of a hat group of men Describe the circulation of the It flows down one leg and up the other. a Newspapers are useful for report tng calamities such as deaths, mar rlages, and the like. The blood vessels are the veins, arteries and artilleries. Sediment Is what you feel for somebody" you love. . thickness. r Split canned plmentoes into halves and drain between ab sorbent paper. Spread thin slices of bread cut Into rounds of the snftenid butter. Cover one round with a layer of mayonnaise, on a second place a slice of pineapple and a round of pimento. Mesopotamian Date Pudding. Take one cupful of flour, one-half teasponful of salt one-half tea-spoonful tea-spoonful of soda, one-half cupful of nnt meats, one cupruj or pitted Aatea one cupful of milk, one-fourth cupful of honey, and one-fourth cup ful of orange juice, hirt hour, salt and soda together. Add the aates to the milk, then the milk to the flnnr. add nuts and honey, stir in the orange Juice. Pour Into a greased baking dish and place over not water wa-ter to steam for two hours. Serve with hard or foamy sauce. This recipe serves ten. ft MM. Western Newapapar Union. What is porkt .. Pork is meat that you get from a porcupine. ft 1131. Bell Syndicate. WNTJ Serrioe. . . ' ..aak 1 ; 3) hlClTTY-McKAY- ;. --fa ) i- Jf By Nina Wilcox Putnam . j i kjLzi-ii w ai . . r ; v OwenJpseph Bush, known to baseball fans as "Donle," has been engaged as manager of the Clncln-nttl Clncln-nttl Reds of the Natiiaal league. He succeeds his old Friend, Dan Howley. Bush, is forty-four years old and has been employed la bae-bafl bae-bafl stace he was sixteen. 11 pie," he had mused, before Annette entered, "diffuse a charm as real and as hard to define as the per frntiB of a rose." This was poet leal conversation for the practical Dan: there was something on his mind. I hurried Annette into the kitchen for more cake, before his mood should vanish, but The door-bell rang. It was too cold to keep anyone waiting; I an Bwered it myself. A prim and tiny old lady stood there. Tm mnkincr a little extra ror Christmas." she announced, cheerily, "Would you like to look at apronsr Just what I'm in need of, I said. Tnma. In " , "Taking her bag, I led her to the sitting room, and Dan placed a chair for her before the fire. "Good-day and thamk you," she greeted Dan. "How pleasant here by the fire!" ' ' ,., ' .4. Annette came in with the cake. Another teacup." I whispered. Her face registered, "You certainly are eccentric." but I Ignored this, in warranted self-respect my little vis itor had come to the front door, and I guw no reason why she should not have tea. With blrd-Uke movements. glancing now at me, now at Dan, she untied the satin strings or ner neat but prehistoric bonnet "Oh. Haviland." she exclaimed ap preciatively, handling her cup daintily. dain-tily. Now I was sure that she had seen better days. "Yon have courage to be out to day, little mother," said Dan. That's what my daughter thinks," twinkled the old dear. "She says at eighty-two one should be through wanting to run around. - It's not so much the money," she fibbed prond ly, "but I like to get out and Bee life and people. One is always running into such lovely, experiences like you and tea. One can just see that you two are made tor eacn other." . "Alas!" confessed Dan, frankly. smiling, "I have not the honor to be the lady's husband." Let us look at aprons," I suggest ed, and the naughty romancer spread them out - Dan fingered the change in bis Famous Chestnut Tree Near Bath, in Northampton county, Pennsylvania, Is tree traced directly to Washington. It is considered the largest horse chestnut tree In the state, and is said to have been sent from Mount Vernon by Washington to General Brown, one of his aides. - ASK YOUB DRUGGIST FOB AN INTEBMOUNTAIN PRODUCT . .. Historic Sharon . Sharon is derived from m Hebrew He-brew word meaning "the tplain", Sharon extends from Jaffa or a little south of it to Mount Carmel on the north. It is, however, in many places undulating land and has upon it forests of oak trees. EE UKaJiHiHiaMMBH THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY Let'a make It aa Interauontala Christ Biaa thie year! We all feel the nee4 ef ecenejny, anl IntemonnUin product, will aije, ,f realeet values or our money. Al4?w lew enea will appreciate the qaality afctworth-whileneaa afctworth-whileneaa ef auch alfte. Aboye all, we will help stimulate home industry ana make) this Christmas prospereaa anl- happy fat ear entire community. EDNA. BALI " - Prere, Utah. That Never-Never and Utopia will always remain the ideal because we shall, never get there. It adds to our happiness to have something that is beyond reach. The unattainable saves us from disillusionment. Toledo Blade. "Pod. what Is Invisibler "The other man's side of an argu mant." ft Hit BeU Syndicate. WNU Senriee. Black and White mmpm The t-1tw4 says that money certainly talks, especially when it's the wife who has It. ft 1111. Bell Syndicate. WKU Sarrtc. Ole! Southern Staple) Cotton cultivation la the began about 1621. South tm. Worth creation U an fter- MS-n in black and white print- a M-tnn Th sleeve has aa el bow puff, a long tight cuff aBd a delicate open work of black passe menterie set Into thetarmnoie. pocket. "I'll take two of those white ones fer my wife," he announcea. The words were-slmple, but they fell upon my-eartifcen death sea tence. "You never told roe," easped reproachfully, as our guest turned to fold her supplies. 'WelL 1 must go bow," she said. "Tm staying too long. I've got to empty this bag before nightfall." "Isn't she a - wonder r we ex claimed simultaneously, at which we locked little fingers and pressed thumbs, lauehinely. while we wished. I drew mr hand away, as soon- as wa decent So more familiarities now. "Think," said C "from Havl- land to peddling, and still the world Is wonderful. It makes one ashamed to have been discontented." "Exactly." agreed Dan. "1 guess all eivpn our dailv Dortlon of Joy, It our hearts are tuned to receive" IL A case of adjusting the wave lemrth to our capacity." . And now. about your wlrer I challeneed bravely. 'I must see If her aprons fit,' he said, putting one about me and drawing up the strings till we stood under the mistletoe. "Yon darling, darling Idiot," I obhed when I got my breath. -Some Christmas," exulted Dan, "and blessed be aprons." ft by McClun Nrw.pepr Syndicate. JOSEPH WM. TAYLOR, Inc. Btai i luiiif MirticaB - Funerals on Time Payment Plan Hnliskii : bit Uki CUT, Itafe i TttM Wu. 321 Writing on Photographs Rofnra writinir on a cloRSV-finish photograph with ink, sprinkle tal cum powder on the picture ana shake it off. The ink will tend to adhere and will not have the tendency ten-dency to draw up in spots. Popular Popu-lar Mechanics Magazine. GASOLINE Packed With Poer Glass Stoppers r.lio atnnnpra in bottles will al most always reak off if forced when they are stuck, wrap cloth wrung out of- hot water around the neck of the bottle and continue these applications until the stopper is released. S OF GOLD" THE WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL ''Makes Cream Taste Better" Western Made For Western Trade Ask Toar Grocer Them Were the Happy Days life was a heap less wearing when lanes were what the live stock usd to get from the pasture pas-ture to the barn - in instead of something fool motorists won't stay in. Cincinnati Enquirer. Reduced to Nothing Absolute sero. in temperature fa reached when molecules of matter have no motion. - - Old Southern Staple Cotton cultivation in the South began about 1621. ' $5 r f per week will ee paM I II I ler tne best S word mJJ .l. uk, raa at 'InteraManUia snsde aiila, t akan. "Sard year story in pro, or rerse la l- larmea.laia Prodart. tol.ma. r n. Box liii. Bait Lake Ciiy. U year . atery appnra raiama cciTa check 9SH liMMm .J. u $5.00 WJ.C&alt Lake Oty Week NoJXie |