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Show PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW 1 j . , r-T - I News Review of Current Events the World Over President Confers With Roosevelt and Congress Leaders Lead-ers on War Debts Hitler Offered German Rule Under Conditions. By EDWARD PICKARD Dr. Raymond Moley IJRKSIDKNT HOOVEH and Pre ident Elect Roosevelt held their scheduled conversation on the war debts In the White House Tuesday and exchanged views as to the wisest wis-est course for the United States government gov-ernment to pursue. The conference may have been of value to the two gentlemen but Its national or International Inter-national Importance Impor-tance Is questionable. question-able. Mr. Roose velt had no Inten tion of committing himself concerning the debt question or of assuming any responsibility In advance of his inauguration. Mr. Hoover can do nothing more than make a recommendation recom-mendation to congress in the matter mat-ter of reopening the debt settlements, settle-ments, and It Is practically certain that congress Is overwhelmingly opposed op-posed to reducing the debts or suspending sus-pending the payments. Besides Mr. Hoover and Mr. Roosevelt, there were but two persons per-sons admitted to the conference. These were Secretary of the Treasury Treas-ury Ogden Mills, who with Secretary Secre-tary pf State Stlmson had prepared i the data for the President ; and Dr. "Raymond Moley, professor of government gov-ernment and law In Columbia university, uni-versity, who attended as Governor Roosevelt's adviser. Doctor Moley. an authority on sociology and crime, was oneof the so-called "brain trust" that traveled with Roosevelt during the campaign, and It was he who assembled much of the material for the governor's speeches. There are those who policies and that Generul Kurt von Schleicher must be retained as minister of defense and Huron Kon-stantin Kon-stantin von Neurath as foreign minister. At this writing the outcome of the conference Is In doubt Hitler was still trying to get assurance of a majority In the roiehstag, but this seemed a feat almost Impossible, as Hugenburg's Nationalists and varl ous other relatively smal parties were holding out. R1 EDUCTIONS in the budget of pnroxlmately $rOO,0O().K)O, re quested of the cabinet by President Hoover have been met. The cuts in appropriations for the fiscal year beginning June 1 next were settled by the cabinet at about $7X).000,000. but It was explained that this would be . offset "by certain In creases In uncontrollable items. such. as Interest and amortization on the public debt and tax refunds to the extent of about $150,000.000. " - The White House statement said "the administration Is determined to present a balanced budget," and leaders of congress appear equally determined to keep down the regu lar appropriations at the short ses sion. congress Its rights to prescribe diversion di-version from Lake Michigan for navigation nav-igation purposes. The Mississippi Valley association has In the past Indorsed the St. Lawrence project, and It still does but It opposes the treaty In Its present form. think the professor will be the Colonel Colo-nel House of the Roosevelt administration. admin-istration. The President, as Is well known, favors action looking to revision of the war debt settlements, but knows congress would not sustain him In this position; so It was thought probable he would merely tell the-l debtor nations that the United States declines to suspend the December De-cember 15 payments and that there Is no Immediate prospect of reduction reduc-tion of the terms. However, It was believed In Washington that he would recommend to congress the re-creation of the war debt funding fund-ing commission for the purpose of making new settlements with the nations that might otherwise default de-fault This he tried to, have done in 1931 but congress declined, and It probably, will decline Again, which would mean the entire debt problem prob-lem would be passed on to the Incoming In-coming Democratic administration. WHAT did the President say to Fred Britten?' That was the question that was agitating the proponents pro-ponents of a bill legalizing beer. The wet congressman from Chicago admittedly ad-mittedly went to the White House In the hope of finding out what Mr. Hoover would do to such a bill if It were passed In the short session, and as he came forth he announced he was convinced that the President would not veto It. Rejoicings among the beer hoys 1 Then came swiftly Theodore Jos-llu, Jos-llu, one of the White House secre taries. with the fiat assertion to the newspaper men that "the President had declined to discuss beer with Mr. Britten.1' Cheers from the rirys ? Notified of this action on the part of the White House. Mr. Britten stuck by his guns, asserting that Mr Joslln knew nothing about what had been said during his conference with the.Presldent rind reiterated his pre diction that Mr. Hoover would approve ap-prove beer legislation. YOSUKE MATSUOKA.thesmooth, smiling representative of Japan In Geneva, appeared before the council coun-cil of the League of Nations and set forth his country's position In relation re-lation to Manchuria and China. In effect he defied the league and ridiculed ridi-culed the findings of the Lytton commission whose recommendation of the Internationalization of Man churia he declared unthinkable. "Establishment of the state of Manchukuo seems to be the only so lution possible," said Matsnoka In fluent English. "We have violated neither the covenant of the league. the nine-power treaty nor the pact of Paris. We acted In self-defense and spontaneously, and when we acted the Independence movement developed spontaneously." Matsuoka assured the council that China was a dismembered nation which was a prey to rival war lords and was menaced by communism. Had China or even Manchuria been properly governed, the present situ atlon would not have arisen, he said Wellngton Koo replied with elo quence and spirit for China. He charged that Japan had kept China In turmoil as part of a plan to con quer Asia and the world In success ive stages. Matsuoka bad com plained that Chinese boycotts were hurtful to friendly relations. Koo Inquired whether friendly relations still existed. He explained that the boycott was a self-imposed sacrifice and the most humane method of resistance re-sistance to aggression yet devised. Then he whipped forth a clear threat In behalf of the Chinese gov ernmeht to legalize, extend and pro tect the boycott The league council was helpless, for there was no chance for concili ation, so the whole affair was re ferred to the assembly of the league. Whatever the assemblys may do, the statements of Foreign Minister Uchlda and the war office In Tokyo make It plain that Japan Intends to maintain the status quo In Man churia. Intermountain News -Briefly Told for Busy Readers INDIANS HAVE FOOD. NEW TANK ORDERED. COYOTE WAR BEGINS. REPORT COLD STRIKE. FIGHT CATTLE PLAGUE. Scenes and Persons in the Current New s we 'resident and Secretary Mills " went overhe"wholematter again with 13 leaders of congress, Includ Ing SpeakerTlarner, the Vlce-Pres-ldedt-Elect, and these: Senators Smoot, Watson and Reed, Republicans, Repub-licans, and Harrison, King and George. Democrats; Representatives Collier, Ralney and Doughton, Democrats, Dem-ocrats, and Hnwley. Tread way and Baehararh. Republicans. With theiu he sought to formulate a united policy on the debts for presentation presenta-tion to congress; and this waa the conference of greater Importance, for these leaders really will determine de-termine the attitude of the government govern-ment tln the matter., Czechoslovakia joined Great Britain, Brit-ain, Prance and Belgium In the petition peti-tion for suspension of payments and revision.. Italian ministers decided de-cided that Italy would pay Its debts punctually and Premier 5Ius-sollnl 5Ius-sollnl approved. GVKR In Berlin there were conferences con-ferences during the week that were vital to the future of the relch and or Intense Interest to the rest of the world. After talking with leaders of various parties. President Von Hlndenhurg summoned Adolf Hitler, chief of the National Socialists, who had demanded control of the government gov-ernment " for hla party and the post of chancellor . for himself. ' The Nazi leader vet forth the alma of hla movement, and Id-return the president gave him a mandate man-date to form a cabinet nnder certain cer-tain evtfditloni which Hitler temporarily tem-porarily at least rejected. The president demanded that Hitler agree to respect the majority of Von Papen's emergency decrees and that his cabinet would have to be barked "by a majority- or almost a taajtrily" of the reichstng. Von Illndenbtirg also demanded Hitler's pledge to govern according to par Jliansentary rule. He further etln-n etln-n la ted that Hitler mast maintain the present' military and foreign Adolf Hitler nAYMOND ROBINS, the long missing social worker and prohibition pro-hibition advocate, was found In mountains moun-tains of North Carolina masquer ading as "Reynolds Rogers," a mining engineer and prospector. pros-pector. Identified by his nephew and then by his wife, he Insisted for several sev-eral days he did not knov ihem and was In reality "Rog era." In other respects re-spects hi- mind was clear, and after a rest In a sanitarium and medical care he recognized Mrs. Robins and his own Identity and was declared to be on the. Way to normal health. The psychiatrist In charge saldMr. Robins had been suffering suf-fering from amnesia or a similar mental malady." IV 2 'J Raymond Robins I ATEST advices" from Manchu ' kuo say that th5 Japanese There have Just launched a great mlltary drive against the 33,000 Chinese who have been threatening threaten-ing from the north. In China it Is declared de-clared these forces are under the command com-mand of Gen. Ma Chan-shau, whom the Japanese claim to have killed In battle some months ago. General Ma made a name for himself as the gal- la n t defender of Tsltslhar, against the Japanese a year ago. Later he served with the Japanese army, but only, as he later revealed, to obtain Japanese secrots. The Chinese forces are concentrated concen-trated in the northwestern part of Hellung-klang province, - According to a Chinese report, the Initial plan of the "loyalists" calls for an attempt to surround and besiege be-siege the Japanese garrison at Tsltslhar Tslt-slhar by cutting the Chinese Eastern railway between -Harbin and Tsltslhar. General Ma. WESLEY I. JONES, veteran Re publican senator from Wash Ington, who was defeated on November No-vember .8 for re-election died In the Mount,, Baker sanitarium In Seattle 1 J had served In congress for S3 years, was one of. the must nnconi promising of the dry a. and at the time of. his death was chairman of the powerful appropriates com mittee. Governor Hartley of Washington apiMilnted E. S G rammer, a Seattle lumberman' and a Republican, to fill out Jones' unexpired term, thus assuring as-suring the Repiiblirans ef a major Ity Jn the short session. SUPPORTERS f the St Lawrence waterway treaty bow fear that It win not receive consideration at the short session of congress, be cause the opposition has come for' ward In such strength. One of thean Senator Walsh of Montana, thinks It will reach a vote before March but will not predict the outcome Should the ratification or rejection of the pact go over to the new ein-gresa. ein-gresa. Its fate would depend large-ly large-ly on the attitude of the new Presl dent This. It was hoped, would he revealed by the testimony of Frank P. Walsh, chairman of the New Tork power authority, who was scheduled to appear before the sen ate foreign relations niihoommlrree after the Thanksgiving holiday. Powerful opimsition to the treaty develnfied at the fourteenth annual convention of the Mississippi Valley association In St. Louis. on' the ground that one article wonld dry np the Illinois waterway, now nearly near-ly ready for opening, and the lakes- tM he-gulf water route. The article In question. It was said, takes from FORMULATING a new agricul tural policy for the nation will be the tasktodVrtaken by the Amer ican farm Bupeir It mets In annual convention In Chi cago December 5. President Ed ward A. O'Neal In his call for the meeting said : As -dld-thflse-flglillng ,farmersbt 178'7 crystalize the hope of a new people Into the: Constitution upon which this nation is founded, so will the organized farmers of to ilfry, "meeting at Chicago In the fourteenth four-teenth annual convention of the American Farm Bureau federation, build a new policy seeking through the rehabilitation of agriculture the salvation of this nation." The federation's drive for legisla Jlon that will place the Industry on m,TmnwAnAii WYO. A re- port of a gold strike near here has aroused the citizens to a nigu po.u LOGAN, TJT.-Over 600 marriage licenses have been issued this year tn rwh mnntv. breaking all re cords, in volume. BOISE, IDA.-Waho was selected as the 1933 convention state of the National Grange at the sixty-sixth annual convention held recently at Winston-Salmon, N C. DUCHESNE, UT.-Indians on the TJlntah-Ouray aRvney have had a good agricultural year, with cellars full of vegetables and other foods as a bulwark against the famine which stalked many of the tribes In years gone by. SALT LAKE CITY, U.T. Three-hundred, Three-hundred, representatives of the Central Cen-tral Western Shippers' Advisory board will be in Salt Lake December Decem-ber 13 to attend the annual meeting meet-ing of that association at the Hotel Utah. BEAVER, UT. Preparations nre under way for the erection of a new water settling tank for Beaver Beav-er City. It will hi located on the hill north of the Murdock academy where the old tank now stands. The old tank has served for more than 20 years and is about out of commission. com-mission. NEOLA, L'T. Presence of cow-pox cow-pox In. one. .district around Neola and Hayden, the past several months has led to the dairy cattle being Infected with a surface form of tuberculosis, it was found by inspectors in-spectors for the state and federal animal husbandry offices, making tuberculin tests. BOISE, IDA. Serum to combat any possible outbreak of spinal meningitis will be taken in the near futHreby technicians of, the state bacteriological latoratory from alleged al-leged victims ' of the disease who have recovered, L. Williams, state commissioner of public, welfare has announced. BOISE, .IDA. Slaughter of 5,000 coyotes in southern- Idaho is the program of the biological survex this winter, working in cooperatior with the state predatory animal board and the game department. BEAVER, UT. This city is allowing al-lowing men whose light and wat er bills are delinquent, to work al cleaning up the city streets. The streets are leing raked and all the rubbish hauled away. Credit for the labor is given on the water and light bills. PROVO, UT. Seed loans total ling $24,547 and feed loans ofjus.- Ann ui . . . nw nrr neiiig repain to uiefeder- al government by 337 farmers ir Utah county . who borrowed' th money this spring. TWIN FALLS, IDA. Allowinr of federal loans throug.li the region al agricultural credit recently is having the effect o' causing farmers to withhold the!-connnerrial the!-connnerrial crops from the markel in anticipation of better prices lat er in the season, officials here re port. Livestock loans, In particular have been made. ELY, 'NEV. Reports that trnv cling salesmen are bringing- Mr cans of gnsollno with -4r J " . . , .1. - ntflnAn CnMnm Untianltnt In RmA mnHa fit Po WO M makUI- . I I View OI IUB UIUBUIUUCUI cuiuu luunvimi u iuv i. vjunma uiaLUlV, UIHX WES (Jefll cently. 2 Old Seventh Regiment of New Tork giving a full dress review for benefit of emergen! ployment relief fund, admission being charged for the first time In half a century. 3 The America Niagara after tne nrsi neavy suowiau wi umj neaawi, Japan Gives Military Training to Girls district and that tourists are taking tak-ing other-highways or are being re routed around this state, becauw of gasoline prices in this district have led the Ely Lions club to in augurate a campaign to have1 distributors dis-tributors cut wholesale nri . ing stations so that thev in' turn may lower their SALT LAKE CITY, UT.Utah and sontJiern Idaho farmers have Japanese school girls nre not Ignored In the military training features of Japan's schools, as til picture proves, it shows the flower of . Japan's womanhood, shouldering rifles, inarching during i period at the Third regiment headquarters In Tokyo. NICARAGUA'S CHIEF rr i payjng basia. wiU. be vigorously t'pT,TO-'ftrly..?.3W).Q00-tWs-.yeftr prosecuted, according to the precon ventlon announcement Steps to cor rect the tariff on those commodities produced in surplus must be taken by the coming congress. It Is said that millions of bushels of American' Ameri-can' corn would find a market In home Industries If It were not for the competition In products produced pro-duced by. cheap tropical labor and Imported In this country free. "If America Is to cntlnoe as a protected nation agriculture must i be given protection." said Mr. O'Neal "Either we must have tariff tar-iff for all or tariff for none." CENATOR F. BYRNES. Democrat L' or South Carolina, has announced an-nounced that he will ask the first Especially posed photograph of Dr. Juan B. Sacasa, who was elected elect-ed President of Nicaragua. He headed the Liberal ticket Conductor Elected to High Plal :fe:!--::::t: fflmm M iiii 7? Y it turkeys. The commercial ,cr(r of turkey for the two stats, in-chuliiig in-chuliiig the fowls consumed locally, aggregated OTer a million pound's' with 750.000 pounds,or 37 carload heing eximrted. t KOVO. UT. Projects simnsoredl Hllri,i. mon i . , ..... '" oy inejiLintan .Nation al For.t In cooperation with conn ties, towns and Tarious local Inter est.s have provided employment for 79 nit'n. representing nearly 7 a many families, according to the Cintah-forcst supervisor. The wotl includtil canyon roads In Utah, Sanp ie, Wasatch and Duchesne conntiw. : LEWLSTO.V. IDA.-Mai. O. n TT,- ... InMK-ratic senate caucus at We De-' iuur olD" leaerai en cember session to agree not to con- : n,'crs have made a tour of the Brmany of President Hoover's recess1' er ,nd Kport tnat theJ" appointments, these Including sev- iar8 mwb impressed. The engi era! ippointmenta to the home loan N iieT that navigation and lnk board, the tariff commission T ue w:u develop the Snake to .and other odi. 'hteh pia, 'in western econemic "President-Elect RoosevHt should nl"1' f have the privilege of appointing per- i 0IE. UT. A conference of s.ns to serve In his administration ft,I' rnl f. rct fuperrLsors was held and on whom he win depend for 'r rrtly nfd plans for the dv . .. v. uunuisiraum, , -w '' "sir oj- tjje loresis we yrne sail. .-Uv.r Wasters Vnp!m Cata. I J1AY HEAD PRINCETON ,-. Dean re Ii Clarence Tale college.- now 0D sabbatical te Rwe' ,ta'y. " is re-; re-; Prte d. has been offered the presl '.eOfr,rr!nW0B r,itV to i ancceed. Dr. John Grier Hibbeo. Wisconsin's lieutenant governor-elect Is Thomas J. ductor for years on the Chicago ft North Western railroad. here as he arrived in Chicago on his regular run. Exterminating Peat The hydra Is an animal hard to see that kills young fishes. It to unknowingly Introduced Into aquariums aqua-riums with plants obtained In outdoor out-door waters, a method of destroying destroy-ing It has been successfully tried In Germany. By this procedure a hy dra Is electrocuted, leaving the fish snd plants as they are. The flsh did not suffer, thoagh a few snails passed Into oblivion. ' WroEg Kind of Lover Other people don't have much le for the lover who loves him self. PnltW' ABCic V... tat. Poitiers, is one town, of France monuments-tbe Tweira St Pierre churches-of Ste. Radegonde an- - Grand. Repayif . . rt . saio o "Rudeness, . fftl "f aa D tB- i of Chinatown, r. $ to.newh; tesies In early u . utei quired fortune f""- . Waahlagtoa Star- |