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Show FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1932 PLEASANT GROVEREVIEW FRIDAY, NOYEMtott -y..f. i Mrs- Leon Whipple aniJ sma ' , .,,iMrl.,. ur F.lwood, are spending , Prices Lower Prices Lower use quality BLUE BLAZE COAL (contains more heat units) Lump $5.50 Stove $5.00 Nut $4.50 at yard -i i y i Mr- and Mrs. Bryant Stringham Am. rOrK JLOCaiS and family of Vernal, spent Thanks. giving day here with Mrs. Strlng- ! ham's mother, Mrs. James Chipman. Mrs. Alma Olsen and daughter, Ardeun, combined business with J Mr, ana Mrs. Ellis Parker and pleasure on a trip to Salt Lake City f.arnily enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner Tue3day. jin West Jordan, guests of Mr- and I Mrs- Lindsay Ovard". .Mr and Mrs; Hoss Hocking 'Ai " Bingham were dinner guests Mr. and Mr Joseph Searle had 'Thanksgiving day of Mr. and Mrs," I.enard 1'ett here. as Thanksgiving dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Searle,- Mr. and Mrs- Frank U- Shelley, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. (lien Gardner and , Mrs? 'Leslie Parker and their fami- .-..!!.. v.r T....... L.uit ThnnlfHciw- . lies. l.iuiliy ui ". t" irg day lure with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Pri.lay and family- Mrs. Jennie Tanner and Miss Faye Tanner spent Thaksgiving day in Provo with Mrs. Tanner's mother, Mrs- Peter Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shatter and ihree sons of Bingham, were guests here for dlnnor Thanksgiving day of Mr- and Mrs. Clarence Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor and family enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner din-ner with Mr. and Mrs- D. J. Reese, parents of Mrs. Taylor In Provo Thursday. Friends of Mrs. Llllle Wilde re glad to know jho Is able to be out again after a seige of lllneea whieh cmrf!md her hoher home for several sev-eral monthi-i. Week-end guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles B- Walker were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith and small son of Logan, and Mrs- Warren War-ren SinitlrW .Pocafollo- - Mr- and Mrs. Victor Ga:isford have a new son at their home, born Tues day of last week. All concerned are doing nicely. Mr- and Mrs- Lloyd B. Adamson and family enjoyed Thanksgiving day In Pleasant Grove. They were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford L. Wright- Mrs. Delbert Chipman and son Delbert Ray, joined Mr- Chipman at the sheep camp near Moslda Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon arid will remain until Monday.. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvls Aydelotte motored to the capltol city Thanksgiving Thanks-giving morning and remained for the day, guests of Mr- and Mrs. Joseph McGurl. Mr- and Mrs. Stanley Barratt .are Miss Ha Spencer has gone to Ploche. Nevada, where she Is en- Joying the Thanksgiving holidays. She will then go on to Los Angeles and visit there for several weeks. ' Mrs. J. F- Noyes is on the road to recovery after a serious seige of ln- rraii . n , , 1 1 n . ...... .... - u , r "Wtn.ifl chanced for the better vveaneaaay daughter, horn lust Friday In the which is good tews to her many American Fork hospital. Moth r menus- and baby are doing weli. : Mrs. Jed Morse met with a pain ' , , ful accident at her home Wednesday Mr- ana Airs. j. w. iwycrs , . ,,, ... ... 'afternoon- she was knockett to the . ground by a cow and sustained a Mr ""I ? r fy,r rokw, '. in the hip Joint, also a .airs. . t.iillur bone aml numerous Golden S. Baxter of Salt Ike City. . ,s restin(? 8 easy M Mr. and - Mrs. John Dickerson, Mr. Ann Da'vis of this city with Mr. and Mrs- IVIxm Dlckenvn of Frultland yif.tted; In Salt La'ie Tuesday with Mrs. Davis' sister, Mrs. Louis Tauffer. Mr- and Mrs. Glen Taylor were among those In attendance at a birthday party given In honor of Mr. Taylor's father, W. J. Taylor of Prove Wednesdny evening, Tb? party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. W. Taylor. Dinner guests Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benj.i-mln Benj.i-mln Moffett were Mrs. J. W. Preston, Pres-ton, Mr- and Mm. John Jacklin, Mr. and Mrsv Thomas Barratt nnd family, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Robin-ton and family, and Miss Myrtle Wilde. Mr and fiiv Kay Shelley had "s Thanksgiving dinner guests at their h me Mr. J. W." Jones. John. Mar-lin Mar-lin nnd Stanley Jijnes. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Greenwood and daughter. Mr.' and Mrs. O.rin Jones and dauKh-ter. can be expected- The Pi-lniary officers and teach ers of the Fourth ward held a prvparation meeting at the home of Mrs. LJUini P- Beck Monday night. The ward bishopric met with the offkOF and problems pertaining to the Association were dlcussed. A social hour followed the meeting during which dainty refreshments were served. All the members of the family of the late Mrs. Maacah Boley gathered gather-ed at the old home Thanksgiving da-v and .enjoyed dinner together. Those "present were Mr. and Mrs- N. A Wing and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. A- Ievey and family, Mr. and Mr Vern Uollndrakw and" family, Mr. and Mrs- E. H Boley and family fami-ly of this city: Mr. and Mrs- Wil liam Franeom. Mr. and Mrs- Jack Kosell, Mr. and Mrs- Fon Grcefie and their families, of Salt Iaike: Mr. and .Mrs M.yron Boley of lrice. Mr-.- and Mrs Bert IJouseholder and children of Ls Angeles, visited here lout weok at the home f Mr Mrs Clarence Grant entertained Monday evening, fifteen friends be ing present. Progressive "500" was played, the' high score prize being won bv Mrs. Harold Chipman and Mis Melvin . Grant- Iate In the evening a tasty lunch was served at .1,... -ruraii isiiU. Tlit tniesta were Householder's mother. Mm Agnes , jie9janle8 Harold Chipman, Emily Householder. Thursday evening foster. Jennie Tanner, Melvin Mrs. Householder entertained inj,rant vilson Cunningham, Samuel their honor, thirty- five relatives i- ,irknt. Rav Shellev. Kenneth- and friends being present- I Brown. Owen Humphries, LeRoy jMeacham, Mate Karl. Frank Brown Vanie Smith of Magna motonM ;Hj Misses Sadie Nelson and Lillle tQ American Fork Tuesday eye- jshaftcr oftbls cttyTand Mrs- Leon r'.ns: and visited his brother. Be t Smi'h who is " setlouoly 111' In the hospital here. Mr. and Mm Alvln Carlson and Mrs. James Bowlden of Whipple of Ogden. Mrs. Raymond Ad.im formerly . Mioa t rtrfi rvt firtlev vsa the com- Salt Lake visited their brother Fri-' plimented guests at a shower party day. given last Thursday evening at the home of her mother. Mrs- Warren Another election wager was col- t Boley with Mrs. Roy St-o! arr lected Saturday "r'ght when thejSlsting hostess. Progressive Monte twelve lorers of lie crowd tneott.oarlo Whist was piayea ai .si we say Republicans) at a deiicioti? 'ibles, tne prizes, n. mg won torkev supper given at the home. Mrs. Frink-Buh and Mrs. -T- A of Mr. end Mrs. Glen Adar-isoi'ef jc,rnwood. The gufsts comprised Lehi. Br:1e followed ih- supier The guests were Meesrs. and Mes-dames Mes-dames K- J Bird. C. T. Jones. G. Richards and Jof-ph F. Waitjn f this city. The entertainers were Mesnr- and Mesdames Glen Adam-OB Adam-OB and J3d lArsen of Lehi: Messrs. and Mesdames C'en Taylor. Earl Holmstead. Lloyd B- Adamfon and A. F. GaJsford Jr. of this city. the membership of the Sorosis and B. p. Ladies clubs with Mesdames Nell Proctor, John Adams. E- P Mc.Grew and Martha Buckwjlter in addition. A delicious lunch was served late in the evening. - Mis I tam. was presented with many handsome afid appropriate gtfts accompanied by hosts of good w'shes. UTAH SUGAR You may purchase 10 lbs, of best Utah Sugur at our store for only 49c. W boost Utah Products. COFFEE We are still selling that n P R finffeft nfl.r-.lt- 5"M W. . . ----- r U ed in 1 lb. tins for only I Schillings 1 lb. tin at only 33c. Get some of each. CANNED VEGETABLES Best Utah tomatoes large "tin 7c, Best Utah string beans 7c, Good Utah peas 10c, That fine pelMaiz corn 9c. May all be purchased pur-chased from. us. You will sure need some at these prices. CEREALS AND MILK We all enjoy a dish of fine hot cereal these cool mornings mor-nings and it is what we need. We are going to sell a large package of Quakers Crystal Wedding Oats for only 15c, and any I brand of tall Milk to serve with it at 2 for 9c. And we stil have some fine Walnut Meats we will sell for 25c, lb. bags. no food Sftm&LSjrxms Mra. Tmk Whinnle and of Ogden, are sp-n1'K lh" 'n'k , here with Mrs. Kmi!' i'otcr. President and Mrs. S. L. Chipman motored to Ogd-n Thanksgiving day and attended the fo-iball game twefen the B- Y. V and South l..k-ta l..k-ta U. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bradley and children of Sandy spent Thanksgiving Thanksgiv-ing day here with Mr- and Mrs. K J. Bird and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chipman and Paul Chipman were dinner guests on Thanksgiving of Mr and Mrs Marvin Miller of Provo. Dr. and Mrs- Allen O. Brockbank and son motored to Spanish Fork Thursday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. -Archie Brockbank- Mrs- Vern Chipman and two children enjoyed Thanksgiving day in Manila with Mrs. Chipman's par entsMr. and Mrs. R U. Wadley- Mr. and Mrs- C. F- Johnson of Lehi; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Beck,- and Floyd Beck of this., city and Sam Walker of Pleasant Grove were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Beck- A number of people from this city attended the funeral in Lehi cemetery Sunday afternoon held for La Re, 22 months old daughter of Thomas and Ida Holman- Colledge. The cliild died of scarlet fever. The O. S. Trovata social unit of the B- T. U. gave a delightful dancing danc-ing party In Firmage Hall here last Friday night. -M,iss La Priel Myers of this city was chairman of the committee of arrangements assisted by Mlss"kay Mangum of Provo. Thirty couples enjoyed the affair and among them were the president of the A- C. student body, Ray Lilly-white, Lilly-white, and partner, and Miss Ardlth Larson, vice-president, and her partneJP. Light refreshments were served- The Clothes Line A COLUMN OF FUN AND FACTS Kditgd by Ray Ellison from his private sanctum down at the Cleaning Clean-ing Plant " ' HOWDY FOLKS This has been a pleasant and restful week After the strain of being thankful you just resent and relax- When we started our turkey it looked like a. 1931 Rolls Royoe, When the last chair was backed away it looked like the chassis of a 1913 Ford. ' The Pilgrim fathers started the custom of eating turkey. Thank Heaven, they didn't decide on Chop Suey. Possibly the reason dentists call their offices dental "parlors" is because be-cause "drawing rooms" might sound too suggestive- BE. THAT AS IT MAY. WE WISH TO SUGGEST THAT YOU LET US DO YOUR CLEANING THIS COMING WEEK AT THESE REDUCED RE-DUCED PRICES: MEN'S SUITS & OVERCOATS LADIES'-DRESSES T.V MEN'S HATS 50c Merlin McGrew. "My dad is an Elk, an Eagle, a Moose and a Lion " Jim McAllister. "Gosh, how much tloes It cost to him.1- ELLISON . Cleaning Co. . PHONE 132 .-s Mrs Donald liunsaker and three children of Klwood, are spending the Thanksgiving holidays here Willi Mr and Mrs George Abel. Mr. and Mrs- George K- Abel returned re-turned Monday from a short visit in Hurley, Idaho, with her daughter, Mrs. llyrum Christensen and family-. Mr and Mrs- C. A. Pearson have gone to Los Angeles to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with their sons, Alan and Harrison and their families. Orin Ashton, Hudson and Orval Mercer made a trip up American Fork canyon Wednesday. The men inspected, the power line over the mountains to the Snake Creek Lillian C- Booth entertained at dinner Thanksgiving day. Covers were laid for Mr- and Mrs. Merrill D. Claysos of Salt Lake; Mr- and Mrs. R. E. Booth, Eli J- Clayson and family of this city- Mrs. Alfred Anderson of Cedar -,.,hn v,q hf-en vi.siting her daughter, Mrs- for the past three weeks, has gone to California to spend the winter with another daughter, Mrs NorveJ Johnson. Mr. and Mrs- B. J. Lott are the tanford Briggs here proua parens ui . - WeCK. iVirs- i-ii. -j Violet Adamson of Highland, the l:iby are doing nieeiy. Mrs- E. Ray Gardner' spent from Friday to Sunday in Sail I-ake with relatives Sunday 'afternoon. Mr Gardner and children joined her in the capitoLcity.and enroiite home they visited Mrs. Gardner's sister, Mrs." Ellis Mei kley in Murray- The Primary "Penny Pay'' social of the Second ward which was to have been' given last Friday was deferred de-ferred until this culling Tuesday. There will be a tree dance commencing com-mencing at 4:15. A fish pond and pop corn will be the attraction for those having pennies to spend. The M- I. A- music class of the Fourth -ward enjoyed a splendid lesson on music appreciation Tuesday Tues-day night in the w;ard chapel, K- J. Bird talked to the class and several high school students who were with him demonstrated in music the points he stressed- Mrs-' Mae: Blake' of Wilmington, California, arrived the first of the week- te spend -the winter --with- he sister, Mrs. W- R. Hansen and family. fami-ly. Mr and Mrs. S- Wilcox of Bishop, California, are here to spend two weeks with the Hansens. A number of changes have been made the past week in the interior of J- C. Penney store. Counters and show cases haw been so re-arrang ed as to give a better view-of the entire store. Several lines of goods were changed . to more ad vantage ous locations- All in all the store is much improved. . and Mrs. T A. Masters, Mrs. Clive Siddoway,. Miss Annie Masters and Mrs- Skinner of Bingham visited at the home of Mrs. June S. Wright Sunday afternoon, following the wrv ce lor Mrs. iuanon .raini which they came to attend- Mr- and Mrs. Wm- It. Hansen en tertained at dinner Thanksgiving day. Covers, were laid for Mrs. Mae Blake. Wilmington, California; Mr- and Mrs. S- Wilcox of Bishop, Cali fornia; Mrs. H. D- Wilcox, Mr- and Mrs. Fon Wilcox of Lehi; Mr- and Mrs- George Elsmore and son Nephi, of Salt Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Spafford and children of this city- Little Miss Betty Houston cele brated her tenth birthday Saturday by having twenty friends as guests at an afternoon party. The time was spent in playing Spoof, the prizes being won by Boyd Codding ton and Beth Ann Allen- The guests were seated to a luncheon table and the centerpiece consisted of a birth day cake with ten candles. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F- Grant, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Grant, Mr-and Mr-and Mrs- Clarence Grant, Mrs. Rosa Grant, Mr. and Mrs- Kenneth Brown and Miss Lillie Shatter attended the farewell social given in. Vineyard last Thursday, night "for Carl An-d An-d reason, brother of Mrs- Melvin Grant. Mr. Andreason leaves in the near future on a mission to "Den-mirk. The Senior class of the First. Second and Third ward Mutual Improvement Im-provement Associations met conjointly con-jointly Tuesday night with the Second Sec-ond ward and listened to a splendid lecture on "Crime", given by Attorney At-torney Isaac Brockbank of l'rovo. Afterwards a dance was held in Firmage hall' for 'annduT '- The Elders Quorum of the Fourth wgLtii conducted a Cottage meeting at the Niels Jensen home Monday- night. There was a good attendance. and all enjoyed, the talk given by Leo T. Shelley. Another Cottage meeting will be held at the home f (Oscar Robinson next Monday night Miss Mary Pulley will be the speaker. Mrs. James Chipman entertained at a bridge tea last Saturday in honor of-Mrs. C W- Stultz and daughter Charlotte, of -Seattle, wfro are on their way to Long Beach, California, to spend the winter, Mrs. Stultz and daughter are spending spend-ing a month in Salt Lake with Mrs-Arthur Mrs-Arthur Adams and Mrs- Atlantic Christensen, sisters of Mrs. Stultz who-was formerly Miss Amanda Chipman of this city. The high score pri:- s were won by Mrs. Len-ard Len-ard Cliipin.tn and Mrs- Byron Crook-ston- Tiie hostess was assisted ,in serving t her daughter, Mrs. Ray Rosebraucb of Salt Lake City. Bt-sides ihe guest of honor there were present Mesdames Arthur Adams and Atlantic Christensen of Salt Lake: Mesdames William Thornton. William Chipman, W. S-Chipman. S-Chipman. Lenard Chipman, Lee Halstrom, Joseph Walton, Byron Crookst,,n. Fred Houston, Benjamin Moffett. and Thomas A- Barratt and Miss Agneg. Firmage of this city. Sales Service & Parts Tkrry Draper 426 Fast State, Am. Fork, Utah Big Married Folks Dance Gome all Ye married folks to the DansArt, Lehi, Monday evening, Nov- 2S, and enjoy a real evening of dancing. The DansArt dancing club will be organized and all folks who like dancing ar'e urged to join The club. . Carter's orchestra will furnish the music. A series of dances during the season will be put over by the club and you can not afford to mls-s them. . Similar dancing clubs have been organized in surrounding communities com-munities and have proved to be exceedingly ex-ceedingly popular- They bring folks together, who would . not meet otherwise, and real sociable times are the results. . Married folks, let's all get together to-gether next Monday evening, bring our friends and enjoy some of those good old .genuine dances- adv. o IRRIGATION TAX PAST DUE Poultrymen .kini Milk and Butter Milk the Best Poultry Feed. Hither call, for qr have IV.ivefed. . - Carl Smith PHONE 0271-E4 AM. FORK Irrigation tax now past due, This tax does not run till December 20th-as 20th-as the Cotmty Tax does. Kven if you think you have labor credit sufficient suf-ficient to pay your tax, please call and check with the treasurer" Do not allow your tax to be advertised and thus incur additional expense-Bring expense-Bring your card with you when you come to settle. ELI J. CLAYSON, Tre;isurer Am. Fork Irrigation Co. ll-18-2t- Business Is Good Be One of Our Many Customers CRYSTAL WEDDING OATS .. 16c 10 LB- BAG OATS 23c 1 LARGE PKG. WHITE KING 31c PACKAGE JELL-WELL 5c 10 POUND SUGAR 49c BANNER MILK, TALL ...... 4c BolejInc; TELEPHONE WE DELIVER AM. FORK'" PRICES o:-SEH,DE Nation-Wide Sale Gives You Greatest Values Ever Offered Not in 18 years have we been able to offer you such great values in Wolverine Wol-verine Shell Horsehide work shoes ! Made exclusively of shell horsehide, Wolverines dry soft and pliable after soaking. They resist scuffs, barnyard acids and ripping at seams. ;And they outwear ordinary ordi-nary work shoe leather two pairs to one. Consid ering their lower u wi, neuter appex and, priceless corn! Wolverine Shell t hides give vou aJ work snoe for money ! Come in today and Mg outstanding values we i pared to offer yon at the prices in IS years. No WOtMRI WORK SHOES VOUCtt CHIPMAN MERC CG cetvljv 7 .Mr. and Mrs. F- M. Hill have this week moved into apartments in the home of Mrs- Martha Buck-waiter. Dr- and Mrs. V..F. Houston had as their guests for Thanksgiving- dinner, din-ner, Mr- and Mrs. F. M. Houston and family, Mr- and Mrs Darrel Proctor and family have moved into their new home in the First ward, which re- has been completed.;. MrTarid 'Mrs: R,. E. Wolf of Delta arnyed here Wednesday night and are spending several-days with Mr-and Mr-and Mrs- W. T. Smith, and family. Mis? Lenore Crooksto.-i is horns spending the Thanksgiving holidays holi-days from Kennilworth. Miss Crookston has as her guest here Miss May Burton -of that place. . Mrs. .Rulon Peterson of Lehi entertained en-tertained the H. B. Club of this city at her home there last Thursday afternoon- The prizes were won by Mrs. Frank Brown and Mrs; Kate Roberts. A delicious lunch was served, following bridge. . . Mr. and Mrs- LeGrande Gudmund-sen Gudmund-sen and daughter of Payson; Mr. and Mrs- Reed Stewart, Denver, Colorado; Mr. and Mrs. La Verl Stewart and children of Magna, LMr- and Mrs. Harold Chipman of this city were dinner guests Thanksgiving Thanks-giving day of Mr. and Mrs- W. D. Stewart. Mrs. Wm. R. Hansen and sister, Mrs; Mae Blake, with Mr. and Mrg. Jesse Spafford motored to Provo Tuesday and spent the afternoon on business and pleasure. They called on Donald Stubbs, son-in-law of Mrs. Hansen, who recently underwent under-went an- operation in Salt Lake- Mr. Stubbs is improving, although still confined to his bed. The Variety Clubmet Thursday afternoon last at the home of Mrr-Wilson Mrr-Wilson Cunningham. The party waa unique, in all details belnsr a "Depression party"-. The guests carne attired ' accordingly. Games of various kinds were played prizes being awarded to Mesdames Charles Peck, Ray Shelley and Melvin Mel-vin Grant. Mrs. Clarence Grant was awarded the prize for the best depression costume. Late in the afternoon a delicious luncheon was served- Special guests were Mesdames Mes-dames Reed Robinson. Le Roy Mecham, Sherman Robinson, Ralph Davis and Gam Carter. The assembly for both Junior and Senior high school students given Wednesday, November 16, tinder the direction of Principal Jesse M. Walker consisted of a very interesting inter-esting and telpf ul talk by Mr. N. C Hanks, the famous blind lecturer-Prayer lecturer-Prayer wa8 offered by Max Jones rer JK-hich. Merma Grant played - violin sole and Fern RobVson sang: a vocal solo- , HIGH SCHOOL NEWS i "Pepita", by Philip A- I and A'ugustus C. Knight, i of a Mexican maiden, hi selected as the high school be presented this year. '. were held at the high scho : nesday, November 16. The cast chosen is as ( ! Pepita, a Mexican maid . E( Carlos, an- outfaw ..... Pe Pedro, an innkeeper ..... Ea' Felipa, his daughter ... VI Henry Hepworth, an Amer : millionaire . .-. . . Glade J Jane Hepworth, his sistert . Mar. i Wilson, Hepworth's valet.-. Kalpl Judges fof the contest w( r Mildred Chipman, Miss All er, Mr- Edgar Bo6th and 5 Brimhailo Wednesday, November Thanksgiving program wis in the high school auditorii : the direction of tho Juni Prayer was offered by Hunter, following which school orchestra gave J tjooh Davis and Mildred thn sane a dueCacwmpf the orchestra. Other numb A reading by Fern Anaer. miiw slaved a saxaphef unni,5 -5lihv read a seW stunt dance was gien f Adamson, the Ladies Oleej two songs and Joseph Cla a reading- Fern Shelley, Bonaa Reporters: Value Received A farm owner about his telephone: write .. ,rtrenciea, fof ing Prdinary trip, 3 ordering pa - social calls J . Agenda, tne toucn wiui i :st i. i ml my teiepnuuo - - i slderation compared value to me- . , m ervw A leieyo""- ses. Onecaflmarj profitinabusm- adoctorauJ or renew "f"- Telephone "4 few-entsaoay-"" f for itself many Telephone Telegr |