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Show V PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW i j 5 ! :- J :- I, M.ni 1 1 i iiin ' 1 1 11 1 1 111 m m """"""" r fil Beauty Talks By MARJORIE DUNCAN Famous Beauty Expert SUPREME IN THEIR OWN ENVIRONMENT Australian Native Master of Woodcraft. Pirk Haiti the Northward March of Architectural Giants. pumps, with an elaborate system or alarms and extinguisning apparatus. Beneath one building are turntables turn-tables for busses from railway terminals. ter-minals. Tunnels lead from It in many directions. Through them thou sands of Its tenants arrive eacn morning after many mUes of underground un-derground travel, and through them nn mav wander, as In the streets of a subterranean city. In this hu man prairie dog town are more tnan 60 places to eat, and stores selling sell-ing everything from office supplies and lingerie to thermos Domes, sun-ray sun-ray lamps, cigars, books and haber dashery. From these commercial catacombs one may ride all the way out to Long Island without ever coming into the open air. hi ....ttonlGr&I,1"c t its yontn am w--IILa with London, ferecent flow of gold British capital, i Its position - as "'c y city or uiJ ..n'i incomparable Utile, almost, as that hive buUt the am. . . . -A-i nAf nftpr fc UgD BOiei i"" r ..i .i Mv come to aicu me Uie moons. rainDOWs, Uyoa see Manhattan i Into gorgeous tneai- skyltne :ebbs and m tempo and color, as melts Into new lights L .11 the architectural frii of the ages, United earth's ancient scars, hi In fancy you see ;ty, a kaleidoscopic riot aimdoIIs: Ming tombs, nil Pyramids; Gibral- mmL Tower of Babel. canyon and Yangtze, Mii street caverns far logne cathedral, Pikes St. Peter's, a Chinese It i Sahara- desert of towers and turrets, laarets, domes, steeples md penthouses all rewding-and-seemlng4 poke moves In electric from the same high lealn realistic, noisy, powded with traffic New rests. Higher and ever the skyscrapers. Their bulk; their grace of ge- their dizzy height p beauty at first they It that - man's monsters m with him. Stare up building and it fairly tne' mind and body, i upper stories you see sotting by. Miles to the tstong Island; to the Statue of Liberty, and p; to the west spreads mo to the north that h dty beyond Cejtfrai wrely pigmy structures TOt stories. Here and w among them, other rise In this Rwmi-n Nob of Mid-Manhattan. "i ii immense. i iralldinzs. that vii rnre Ff the world stare at awaisnment, make New It ! the Nem world. WTipp tho PPer," of 0Dly"l3 stor- On lowor 1" "lunuHlLJ, pit Those in adjacent N out In alarm. Now, they go-50, W, 70, & many there are, and I ' verucai f lork actually vi,vvUiJ - w nUIU8t FI nor passengers than Stretch to Health and Beauty 11 EALTH and beauty are Just up BDove and yours If you will Stretch for them. Strotphlnt la ntn of the old, old reliables as true to day as !t was back In old Noah's Umewhen the animals practiced this splendid exercise. 'Tis the most natural way in the world of limber-ling limber-ling op the muscles, awakening the jBiem, sending tne blood coursing through the veins. Animals stretch. .Babies stretch long before they know It Is eood for them. And lust as soon as the thinking mechanism does function the natural inclination inclina-tion to stretch seems to die down. Perhaps It Is the stubbornness In our nature that does It. Perhaps It Is the dominance of laziness In us. Or perhaps, again, It Is a human revolt against doing anything that Is "good for your health." A womnn -imtlrtnz n sudden bunching and bulging at the hips Is quick to do something about trimming trim-ming the unwanted pounds away. She may exercise. Or If she Is not wise she may rush to adopt every quack scheme for quick reducing. But certain it Is that the discovery of a bit of fat sends ber Into sua den action Among the wonders of empire are living men of the Stone ' age whose forefathers saw the rise and decay f all bygone civilizations. - Ignorant as they seem to us," the aborigines of Australia In their own environment are as much In advance Of Our moBt hrtllinnt Rolpntlct. . eur scientists are in advance of the verage man. uur cleverest men would starve to death If dropped down without food, clothlne. nr weapons In the heart of Australia, hut the Stone age men thrive and flourish In snph rnnrllHn'na They live solely by hunting, their knowledge of the habit , of wild things being uncanny. If they were Tint ihm u-nrM'i mnof mQ rral rtim trackers they would have died put age ago. They can reaa every scratch and mark on the ground as easllv as vou read this naner. nnd can tell whether th crentur thp are chasing Is young or old, what it is aping, and where it is going. Thev eat anvtlilnp. even snnkmi and lizards, and once they get on Its i track a creature Is doomed, for they never give up" until they get It Nor do they make the mistake, commpn to the whites, of trying to dig out of its burrow an animal that Is not at home.v Their crude form of writing by burning or carving dots and lines sticks stick messages enables ....... . . . on BUCKS Sill bui. leu uer 10 eueitu i . . . , . . ,iuem 10 sena any mioruianun uy to keep the muscles limber, to tn dIstant members of thelr serve the svelte, slender, uowing . .K , , ,n nf, r -ce cars, elevated nasses, and subways JPer 21 . elevators JT11 run of ork tn nhu. . .. L ?1 e occupants of Ml .0Dt. time. i ouu cron vn Mam ,7 c luun0 Peo- iT eleTators, It wilding .T, .. 1 from- th, . " uie t congested - WT TT u. k.""0 citv. v 1 .floor ca nw 'arm. Tn I 01 an. t .i 'Xtw . '.vt tngm. re. Wr.twart- :aWJT CTw of h-Tnts "esm B "Mot iter a Speed in New Construction. But New York's greatness Is not in structure alone. It lies aiso in the speed at which life moves trad new-buildings displace the old. ihis swift transition stuns even the blase New Yorker, Troy was wrecked and rebuilt nine times. Here history repeats. Compare the skyline now with pfc tnres of the same region made only ten years ago. You will see that palatial homes have been demolished demol-ished and whole residence districts swept away to clear sites for higher high-er buildings:" You see buildings iik 'the famous Waldorf-Astoria tunr-to-Junkr-and hard f the-heels of its wreck come giants use me amazing Empire State building. To widen streets, houses are sliced off in front as with giant shears. Four hundred buildings wrprkprf to extend a subway spur; frainloads of dirt hauled to the river front and dumped In to make a park below Riverside drive. In cyclonic devastation, whole neigh borhoods are razed for new bridge approaches. Swiftly the old landmarks fade, rinw firant'a tomb and similar ob jects) of sentiment seem safe. If even the Sphinx stood on x inn avenue, ave-nue, somebody would probably want tA Temp it to build a skyscraper! Lllere Is no space for static things. P . l 1. oot By many cuts ana runmut, ". imagine this picture shown in, say, two or three days. You would see old buildings crumbling down and new skyscrapers hastening heavenward, heaven-ward, pushing np like gUnt mushroom?. mush-room?. It would he unendurable. cwnnred with medieval cities, think hnw fast New York grows. To day, in New York, bricklayers may 1 ..m. tmn crfnripa in a day. A lull wttiia uy in " building of 5G floor is begun and finished in about the same urns n uaofl intake a Sioux to kill a buf falo and tan his hide fof a wigwam. Between crowds and skyscrapers I reciprocal affinity. Each 1 the cause of the other, into mai pan nf - Manhattan below Firty-nmin otropt there comes to work every morning an army of people equal to fh nnnnlntlnn of Pari 0T CblcagO. No other spot on earth Is so crowd ed wlthdnen and houses. On. Under and Over Manhattan. Thnrf mpn crowd Manhattan rock. Not nw that They bore toles in It, dig tunnei under rivers, auu push bridges over It, so tnat snu mnri mpn maT reach it hastily, ine .' transDort lines each year outnumber all the people In the world. Those passing inrousu Time Square subway station alone last Tear eaualed In number half the inhabitants of the western hemi sphere. So Jammed Is Fifth avenue now that in busy hours a man walking goes faster than a bus, m") streets motors average less than four mile an hour. x'o-ar Ynrtr fleht to keen men and things In motion know no lulL It .... . L, M .ntFOBQ hni nnnr a rreai eievieu ci- highway, a novel thoroughfare many feet above the street It runs along the Hudson river water front from Canal street north to Seventy-second. T Think what this mean to crowd ed New Yorki A broad, tree path of two-30-foot roadway, with ...no grade crossings, able to carry from 5,000 to 9,000 motor car an hour, at a speed of S5 mile rigit over all crwtsrpstlon. Thpn there's the new tunnel, to run under tidewater from Brooklyn out to Staten island. It will take two to four year to bore this bold submariae highway. svelte, slender, flowing i ' m V u "re their smoke messages. They any extra ounces and see how very , rnnvprSB ,n RmokP as easllv slowlyehe does your bidding. The. slowness is certainly near enougn to the "not at all." i c,n tv hhimr nno There's no pudglness known to fl.fllnst flnothe. they animals chiefly because they nave materialsJn- the- most not lieen -clvUizedabove natural . . Fnmmnr with-the inclinations that are "good for the -' - ff . m..er.t health." They stretch to health and , t. . m. cm. .,.,!, dent Inhabitant wer la th habit Of dltrfflnor tvA IttPffA nlfa .n. A which was for washing, the other for cooKing. stones heated red-hot were thrown In, and upon these were laid the meat bound In green bulrushes; upon this aguln was placed another heap of hot stones, and so on, until me required quantity was disposed of. Montreal Family Herald. Sees Napoleon as One of Nature's Supermen NAnnlpnn hpllavpri tn no rpUclnr. ; he advoratprt rnmnnnlnnnte mnrrlnce: ne sutTered terribly from defeat, but never from remorse; he regarded friends, fariilly and women without anv affpctlon fhrrlnr hl: parlv ln- fntuation for Josephine) In short, he was a superman. He had enough en ergy for 100 men. How difficult It Is even now to es-capeufrom es-capeufrom -the glampr of his namel Although I know he was one of the most coldblooded scoundrels that ever lived, and all Europe had to choose between peace and him, that no country, no people and no community com-munity were safe while he was at la'rge although I am aware of all this, If he should appear on earth now and say "It Is the emperor!" I mleht leave all and follow him. William Lyon Phelps In Scribner's. i -, . Lightning'. Freak .Dick Blankenshln " was sitting on the front porch 6f his home In Rich-binds, Rich-binds, Va., when lightning struck n tree In the yard and killed a cow ana sir nles standing beneath it. Blank- enshlp was unharmed, but the pipe he held In his hand was burned to a criKD. and" the soles of both his shoes were neatly ripped away. V Xl u Thkks is something vibrant and magnetic about the truly healthy man or woman; who is satisfied and contented wita i me. That "omethlng" attracU people. Win confidence. Arouses and hold.affection. This vitality and enthusiasm of youtli are priceless. Guard them with Fellows Syrup, the fine old tonic which doctors recommend. It restores and strengthens. Improves appetite. You sleep better ana feel better. Your vigor and endurance return. re-turn. For just one week, tryfmm Fellows byrup, wnicn you can gci jv. druggist's. The results will amaxe and delight you. FELLOWS' SYRUP they stretch to beautiful sleek lines. too, woods, they make smoke of various densities and colors, thick clouds, ' . j .' ihrht sniralsj or flurries In brown, For the woman who wisely wouia , , fc and suy healthy, for the woman wno;- and form h erv change of color and form has Its meaning In their age-old code. values her beauty and 'for the wom an who Is too lazy to do a-complete routine of exercise, stretching is a veritable boon. - The hest time to do the stretcn- lng Is In. the morning upon. awak ening. And if you haven't already started, the best time to begin is tomorrow morning. Begin tne K,nsalei Ireiand Balllnto- stretching the very second your rjoolcorrln, Mellinfontstown, eyes are open. Or if you wisn lane Ballinvredie, Tigsaxon, one wee second to blink the eyes R( h sdlly Glen an( ciashmore. some twenty-times.-Then-streth- ah-p-in-hir-SWs'flcarBur- luxuriously. Give your lungs plenty i . County Cork mentions of fresh air. Wash out every corner Jn thQt part of IreIand heaps and crevice. New vitality will be , found ln Ancient "Cooking Pits" Unearthed in Ireland It Is reported that nine "falachtda" Ifcnnklnir nitsi have recently been a discovered ln Hie-following places yours. Your sKin win into clearer tone, your eyes a new glow, vonr steD a new spring. sr , It is as important to stretcn the lungs and chest cavity as it is to Umber up the muscles. Even before you start the stretching take a fuU mnute to breathe in-very deeply-to the count of ten, then slowly exhale, imagine a definite object Just a bit beyond your reach. When stand-tog stand-tog stretch up head and neck, reach ing for it. wnen bhuuB, , tho wnistline up, up. In bed, frpt,.h toes down, head up, arms Ipvel-out There s hpnntv lust beyond your neaiu. worth nnger stretphlng for. v-,mc and Looking Cool comfortable ...I - . .mmrr monttlS x during -e. ---- - u n accompllshmenL iv look as "cool as a cucumber is au . HkP maalc yet a great many women have learned te gicui " . , . ... feOTnnmptpr elve the lie to ui """'r " a1"" . ns ir. tho shade. whea It registers 1U True that to every who look ail -do. . -u only about one nunuiCa . frpshlngly cooi auu ww SSHre few simple things to remember to go. deodoranis, nprflo-dlea nprflo-dlea and the removal of supernu-oies, supernu-oies, o"" 1 inrtont sum? ous hair are mosi lu mNow0tS us see what else we can d0 to keep Personal loveliness . .h summer, mere i .TelK odylnoww a aeufeui , ,.. because she day- e.wu'." m niunee. but "TS naintte after-Son! after-Son! of a hot summer day. Relax-noon' Relax-noon' ?. . K,n to beauty. Tbave know" a great many men 1 n tn take a cooling and re-and re-and women to " freshing pmnr -.:;- nIng about again wising .rt or toe uvw- v" .m shower or RrATrrfrtahingef- voot- nnmhprs. which are said tn hBv hppn used by the In habitants in ancient times for ivinir thpir victuals. Keating ln m. 'Htatnrv of Ireland" refer to the wnda of cooking. He say the an- Sit in Your Chair at Home . . . and Shop! The things you want to huy ... at the time you want to buy them . . at the price you want to pay. You can find these right in the paper. Your newspaper advertisements make it possible to do your 'looking around right at home . . . and then go downtown to do your buying . . . saving you time and energy. 'iLww switsws'"l"',",w,,"" WISHH1 Perpetuating Language Languages, like our bodies, are in a perpetual flux, and stand in need of recruits to supply those words that are continually falling, through dis use. Felton. Takln Him Literally Mrs. Catte Do you know, doctor 1 believe that my husband' trouble, arises from his nose. Doctor I guess you've, hit it, Mrs. Vattle Ob, ye, many time. , r - BUT tee how much easier U U with theNew Oxydol m . rln dUhes nse the New Oxydol that makes 50 more suds-rich, long lasting suds that cut grease ,., n i j i it .l..n lraivln n uam. so dishes are UKO m nana buu nun v s - clean In a jiffy. And so easy on he hands! Procter & Gamble (D&tf am Unhonorsd and Unsung "in August, 1918, an English soldier raided single-handed a German headquarters head-quarters and captured some documents docu-ments which he could not read. The other day he accidentally learned that they were the Hlndenburg ue- fense plan which enabled the allies quickly to win the war. He' now wondering who took the credit he should have gotten. Collier' Maga-. sine. Nothing age like laslness. Early Use of Carpet . Carpets, In the earliest day oj their Importation from Turkey InU England, were considered far too precious pre-cious for use on the floor, and, belnr small in'slse, were used for tabfo covers. . - Tbli lDOOthdsngnterpMri.W.ekal - i PrMPsct SC. Nsw aohdlS,N.Vwss',sBiaU Ipi thin when born. nd no formnU woaU if St Essls Brsnd,"lir inothsr wrltss, "shs h gunedfCcsdih; sad is now tht picmrs oihtslthtf Ttd hsifcr Uff-T-.H biult, sad tdtoa R, T.mblm, Jr, HO Uoloe U Wdf wood. N. J. Hs is sa Esl Brsnd btby-iMt two tmm old and sops ths scslss U Jlponnos. . ? Mi outer and un- Itesn . fre- cer garmenis cuTret rf nuenUy VrlMnu are mer dalnuness. t l8 imttU e1"8 v m he light la weight, presses should be le and 6imple enough to be con, light in c?lor'',:is the simple. nd7red ensemble that has ccZ as.cooU crisp- looklng mervoe gerTiet Look at them-three of the hundreds of thousands of babies that ar raised, mothers lent their pictures to. The R,rdenCompany-as coundess mothers moth-ers do each year-because they are proud of the look of these babies-eager babies-eager to have us show other mothers what Eagle Brand does in building a fine physique, a happy disposidon, a good foundation for health through the years. Look at the way ineir wu every modern check on growth, these Eagle Brand babies proved themselves ideally nourished. FREE helpful baby bookStndt If yoa cannot nurse your baby, try p.oIp RranJ-Seefeedinedirectionson labeL Send for -Baby's Welfare," con- judging hh jl ell-shapfed head; sound teh Jr.. ia weU-fotmed jw. Smbck. wFinaaesh. Mraigni jejp. LOOK ai UW way iau- v.- j - .haoine-strons and sturdy. See how taining feeding instructions, general snapipg J. . m, . w. will their neaitny, norma giv" uuoiuauuu vu - . ' iflgthemfine-looking.-weU-favored: gdly send your physician a report And then consider this : In the 75 cf the above scientific feeding test Tears since Gail Borden put Eaghj v, j .t. mirVet. three genera XJiauLi vu txii. f - - t- tions-millioas-have been raised on this wonderfully digesble food. No other food, except mother's mdk, has such long-continued, practical evidence ev-idence of its success in baby building. Recendy, in a famous baby clinic, this practical evidence was sdentifi-caUy sdentifi-caUy verified-ia t.feeding test with 50 at erage infants. Judged by X-ray pictures of bon structure, blood counts, weight and height records, FREE! BABY BOOKLET Tub Boun Company 1M Uidisoa Avenue. New Yak. : Plesse sena sot nrw ioiuu 7S"jf'jr HUflwoan. "ir r Km (Flesjc phat aunt aodsidtc plunlr) |