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Show FRIDAY, MARCH j FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1932 PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW Mrs. Charles Kelly, has been visit lng In Bingham for the past ten o ia.u-.jra days with relatives. BUT AT HOME .2 FEED " Mr. and Mrs. Suel Bushman and REDWING . CHICKS family of Lehl, visited with relatives men in American Fork, Sunday. . BUT AT HOME Misseg Myrtle Wilde and Helen s Suits REQIIlflEEP with mi Moffett spent last week-end in the I h i f. 1 i - ll II ill ll ZL.J BABY CHICK MASH Sold Exclusively By Bloodtested and A c c r e dlted Chicks. Mammoth Hronze Turkeys. Redwing Hatchery, 2046 E. Florence Flor-ence Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Shirl Giles Local Representative TELEPHONE 102-J Grant Hotel American Pork, Utah Am. Fork Locals Miss i:va Adanii-ion of Provo, BUfiiL MHY'lii- day Imre-thi week with Mr. and .Mrs. Hyron Crooks- t- .11. - . - bi:t at home Ruben Cliipman, who has been nt the h'-rd near Iha Nevada line for the past several months, Is home for an uulefihile utay.; '' lift AT HOME Mr. ami Mi's. J. II. McCurl of Salt- Iwilse, npent the first of the week "visit Ing in American Fork' with Mr. and "Mrs. JarvisAydelott.e. BUT AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Brlggs, Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke were among the local fans who attended the B, Y, TJ.-U. of U. basketball game in Salt Lake Tursday night. BUT AT HOME Mr. and Mrs.' Mac Danzer , and family left Thursday for Ogden Mr. Danzer having been transferred from the local Mutual Creamery plant to' the company plant there. BUT AT HOME Sixteen friends of Murray Wilson, Wil-son, from Alpine, surprised him "Tire'af Tlie "home 'if "Mr.und Mrs. Willard . Cleghorn last Saturday night. Games and refreshments nre enjoyed by all. i- ' BUT AT HOME Mr, arid Mrs. Willard Cleghorn entertained at their home Monday evening. A hot chicken supper was served and the balance of the time was spent in playing "Bunco". Fourteen friends were present, all of them being from Alpine. - BUT AT HOME 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Gaisford, Jr. had as dinner guests Sunday, Mr. 3an(TjMrs. LeRoy DavisL Mr. and Airs. Noel G. Knight of Lent; . MrT and Mrs. Jloward Thorno and children, child-ren, Pleasant Grove; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Davis, Jr.r of Provo. SPECIALS l ib. Lard : 0c 4 lb.; Pail Lard - U 39c -White Star Cleaner '" ' 10c Milk. Tall Can - 6c- Butter. lb. ,...'..22e .6 Bars Hand Soap 23c 'Lemons, 3 for - 5c Salmon, Tall 1 10c Pork Roasts, lb. ..:......,,.....-....1213c Pot Roasts, Beef, lb. .... ......lie (rood Size Oranges doz 15c Mr. and Mrs. Jay Heck visited relatives of Mrs. Beck in Midvale Sunday. BUT AT HOME .Mr. and' Mrs. A. L. Christensen and family of Salt Lake, spent Sunday Sun-day here with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Christensen and family. . BUT AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hindley had as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr and Mrs. S. D. Iiuish and family of Magna, and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Dawes and family of Rock Springs, Wyoming. put AT BOMB Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dunkley. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dunkley of Salt Lake motored to American Fork and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs, Jos. L. Dunkley, the occasion being Mr. Dunkley's birthday. OT AT HOME , A few friends of Mrs. Douglas Hindley, pleasantly surprised her at her home Saturday evening, the the event being her birthday anniversary. anni-versary. . The evening was spent In playing "Bunko". A light lunch was served. BUT AT BOMB "Mrs7J6s.:X"TTunktey't6ftMoTida3r night by train for California, where she will visit in San Bernardino with her daughter, Mrs'. Mark Bur-rlston, Bur-rlston, formerly Miss Mildred Dunkley, Dunk-ley, and In Maywood, with tier son, I Craig Dunkley and family. Mrs, Dunkley expects to be away about three weeks. BUT AT HOME) The members of the Sorosls club met last Friday afternoon ante Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Preston of Salt Lake, spent Sunday visiting with Mrs. J. XV. Preston here. -BUT AT HOME - V Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carver, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burnett of Eden, Og-deri. Og-deri. Valley, were guests here last week of Mrs. Jennie Cunningham. BUT AT HOME Mrs. Laurence Morton and her two small daughters of Rock Springs, . Wyoming, are- here for short visit with friends and rela tlves. 1 BUT AT BOMB .Miss Edith Olson of Salt Lake, was the week-end guest here of Mr., and Mrs. Wilson Cunningham Miss Olsen returned to the capitol city Monday morning. BUT AT BOMB- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph - Anderson, AND MANY OTHER BARGAINS TSate Store home of Mrs. T.- A. Greenwood, Special features of the afternoon were two readings given by Mrs. E. Ray Gardner and two readings given by Mrs. Jarvis Aydelotte, Special guests were Mrs. David Greenwood and Mrs." John Robin son. La' dainty lunch completed the afternoon's entertainment. ' WT AT HOME I ' ' , ; "1 A district 'meeting of the Christ lan Endeavor Societies of American Fork, Provo, Payson and Spring' ville will convene here tomorrow evening. Miss Margaret v Blnns, president of the locaJ. society, will be in charge. Following tle meet ing, the young people :. will go to Lehl and roller skate after which they 'Will return to the local Com munity Church and lunch will be served. About fifty are expected to be in attendance. EOT AT HOME Mrs. Wm. J. Holdsworth and Mrs. Knord. Beck entertained Friday evening at the Beck home, the occasion oc-casion being : Mrs. Holdsworth's birthday. The rooms were gaily decorated in patriotic colors. Games were enjoyed, prizes' being won by Mrs Howard Timpaon -Mrs. Thomas Tho-mas Hansen and Mr. Maurice Logle for high score; Mrs. Laura Tlmpson and Mrs. Mae Hansen consolation favors. There, were twenty-four presents A dainty lunch, was served at midnight. CAMEO THEATRE WEEKLY PROGRAM THE BEST 13 NONE TOO GOOD FOR OUR PATRONS THURSDAY and FRIDAY, MAECH 3 and 4 Bringing a new Romance Thrill! GARY COOPER and CLAUDETTE COLBERT IN "IIIS WOMAN" Two mighty stars in a stirringly emotional story. Also Zaeu Pitts and Thelma Todd InSEAt SKINS'VAamIs8l6n0c and 25c. Bring your Merchant Tickets, good either night. Saturday, Sunday and Monday, March 5, 6 and 7 m m el. O'KRIEN LJ -t.itl'lfcisi-; i.J Gsorg Csxllla Porkr Koscos At Minna Gomb-efl t Q W lUrri flawf en ' - Sequel to "Riders of The Purple Sage". Filmed in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. Matinee Saturday 3:30 P. M. 10c and lie. Evenings 19e and ?5c, ; Z - who were recently married, are now established in 1 apartments in the James Varney home in the First ward. ' BUT AT HOBI Mr. and Mrs, John Nelson of DP vidend, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Jack son of Salt Lake, were Sunday visi tors here with Niels Nelson and Miss Sadie Nelsonr ' BUT AT HOME Airs, iiiiia Harrington anjj son, Bill Clays of Salt Lake, visited Mrs, w. A. Robinson and M(ss Bessie Robinson here Sunday. Mrs,Robin- son accompanied them back to Salt Lake and remained over Monday, BUT T HOME (JHICHESTERS PILLS -1 -.- TUB DIAMOND RBANU. i to I u Lm11I Ak Tout DraETErlut or i. iii-neA-ter uiamoEta Bmd PUitt in Rd aad Hold metallic borw, elef "with Blue Hi boon. Taken tfcen Bmr t rmmr Drimint. Ask for liKANI FlLLM,Cur40yearikaowa m.bWi oaicsvi MtiaiK. nn (law I SOU) BY PRUGG1STS EVWKWtttaS BUT AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Frank Humphries, Mrand. Mrs. Qwin Humphries at tended the annual banquet given Wednesday night by the Utah State Florists Association, held in Salt Lake City. , BUT AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moyle of La ramie, Wyoming; Miss Bertha Moyle and Bernard Moyle of Logan, spent last week here with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hutchings. Miss Moyle visited also with Miss Beth Hutch ings.in Cedar -.y alley. - , Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stewart cele brated their weddingr anniversary Tuesday night by having as guests at their home Messrs. and Mes- dames George Webb, William Chad- wlcK, Hans - Christensen, James Spratley, Harold Chlpman and Mrs. Joseph Okey. Games were enjoyed and a delicious luitsh served. ' eui at bob Monday, being the 84th birthday of B E. MeBriderf thut city, who is at the home of his son, Will Mc- Bride at View, Idaho, was celebrated celebrat-ed by relatives there,. Mr. McBride has not been enjoy ing;, good health for some time, being confined to his bed. He enjoyed the festivities however, and having come on Leap Year day, the occasion was all the merrier. EMI AT HOME Misses Grace Walker, Afton Beck, Lois Beach and Bemice Wilde, and Messrs; Sam VValkerT-Kenneth Searle, Leo Roberts and Will Wright enjoyed a party Saturday night at the Walker home. The young people danced for a while at the Apollo following which they went to Miss Walker's home, where games were played and supper was capitol city visiting with friends. BUT AT HOME Mrs. Lon Smith is Bpendirig this week in Salt Lake; visiting with her sister, Mrs. George Brunker and family. , BUT AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Lige Chipman and family have moved into the former Emily Paxman home on South Center street. BUT AT HOME Mrs. Lea T. .Shelley is spending this week in Magna, visiting with Mr. and - Ms. Dee Strong and family. , BUT AT BOMB ' Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Russon attended at-tended the Red and White stores convention and dinner given Mon day evening at the ladies club house in Provo. . j. BUT AT BOMB John Dickerson spent last Satur day and Sunday in Fruitland visiting visit-ing with Mr and Mrs. Delos Dick erson.. Mr. DK'frerson- accompanied his brother John back to American Fork to visit indefinitely here. BUT AT BOMB Robert Davis celebrated his "17th" birthday Monday, February 29th, Mr. Davis, thouph having reached the. 68th milestone, has ha'd but the seventeen birthdays and says he doesn't feel much older. Twenty friends and" relatives were at his home in the evening, when games were enjpyed and a tasty lunch was served. The center-piece of the dining ,table consisted of a birthday birth-day cake. . BUT AT BOMB The officers and teachers of .he Second Ward Primary Association held a preparation meeting yesterday yester-day afternoon at the home of the president Mrs. G- A. Anderson. I Mrs. Detta Taylor of the stake board was a special guest. The time was spent in planning the operetta to be presented by the organization in the spring, following.. follow-ing.. which-ociaLj:hat waa-.enjQyed and light, refreshments served. BUT AT BOMB Misses Bernice Chipman and Loraine Stewart arranged a pleas ant surprise party which was held last night at. the home of Miss Ida Wagstaff, the occasion being ner birthday. Games and a delicious lunch were the features. Those at tending besides the honor , truest and hostesses were Misses Susie Anderson, Mayrne Wing, Ardean Olsen, and Messrs. Glen Holdaway, Ran Holdaway, LaVar Holdaway and Ray Holdaway of Vineyard; Glen Timothy. Lehi: Mark Nichols Riverton. BTTT 'AT HOME OUT THEY GO REDUCED AT GREATLY PRICES A: i These are values that will make a man sit up arid take notice. Suits that s at $30, $35, $40 up to $50 assembled into two sales lots reduced respectively respec-tively to i These groups embrace all the wanted want-ed models, weaves and patterns (A broad variety to select from) SLEEPY FEELING AFTER MEALS DUE TO POISON A dopey, tired feeling is ALWAYS a sign that wast food matter stays too long In the bowels. It ferments and forms gas. It breeds' germs. It Is sure to poison heart, kidneys, brain. Adlerika washes out BOTH upper and lower bowel. It brings out poisons- which- cause gas, nervous- ness and a dopeyX sleepy feeling.llt contains no harmful drugs, .Get Adlerika today; by tomorrow you feel the wonderful cleansing effect of this German doctor's simple rwnedy. Wm. Thornton Drurgist. adv. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Ventilated, " reinforced front a n d back, triple stitched, made ?f durable strongly woven blue chambray. A good looking shirt. Regular 79c : Value 49c ONE LOT BOYS' BLUE CHAMBRAY SHIRTS To close out Sizes 9 to liy2 ' A VERY EXCEP- nr TIONAL VALUE 7 ' ZOC Ch spiBan MercCa Merit BOLEY'S Friday & Saturday SPECIALS 3 lbs. Soda Crackers l29c Large Can Milk c 2 lbs. Peanut Butter - 20c No. 3 Galvanized Tub 75c WE DELIVER Boley's Inc. TELEPHONE 4 served. NEW LOCATION We have taken over the American Fork Service Station and invite our- many friends and customers fn drop and giquaintd with ur better service. Gas Oil Firestone Tires 1 NAPHTHA GAS. FOR SPRING CLEANING CAR GREASING AND WASHING We call for and deliver cars. - GLEN SYKES Tel. 343 Am. Fork Just West of Orem Station Wilford Kofford stopped in American Am-erican Fork, Tuesday here, guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ashby. ' - " 1 v " " BUT AT HOME rr-and Mrs. Ray Andrea son visited in Salt Lake last Wednesday and Thursday with . Mr and Mrs. Henry Folken, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and their families. 1 BUT AT HOME t-i Mr- and Mrs. Samuel Gfrant'and son, Elliott Lee, motored to Ogdon, Tuesday, where they,, attended the funeral of Betty Miles, niece of Mrs. Grant- - BUT AT HOME Mr. and Mrs- Charles Gaisford are the happy parents of a .baby daughter, born Wednesday, Feb, 24th. Mother and child are doing nicely. BUT AT HOME Mrs- H. D. Wilcox, who has been here with her daughter; Mrs. Wm. R. Hansen since last 'fall, is visit ing indefinitely in Salt Lake with her daughterrMrs. Georger Elsmora. BUT AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. W. H- Devltt of Murray, visited with Mr: and. Mrs, Milton Adams here Sunday. Mrs, pevltt find Mrs- Kinley Taylor, also of Murray! were in American Fork Tuesday with friends. . in V.-' BAIN C nwnups:J JUAHIK""' CAMS omes THAT many people call indiges-W indiges-W tion very often means excss Kid in the stomach. The stomach ' nerves have been over-stimulated, and food sours. The corrective is an alkali, nhich neutralizes the acids instantly. And the best alkali known i to medical Science, is Phillips' Milk f Magnesia; One spoonful of this harmless, tasteless alkali in water neutralizes instantly many times that much acid, and the symptoms disappear at once. You. will never U5e crude methods' when once you- leafft-the efficiency of this. Got get aL small bottle to try. ' - -. , Be sure to get the genuine Phillies Milk of Magnesia prescribed hy ph-sicians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. 25c and 50c a bottle sny drug store. John. L. Flrmage left Tuesday evening accompanied by his mother-in-law, Mrs. Fon Chipman- for Beverly Hills, Calif ornia, Mr.: Firm-age Firm-age was here for several days on business. : T" BUT A HOME " The Bee -Orchis ladies were guests last Thursday' afternoon of Mrs- Elwiir Wride. Sewing and chat were enjoyed as was the tasty lunch served by the hostess.. Twenty were present, v . - . -- . J ,-, BUX AT JIOMB - ; . The Rasmuasen sisters, viz:: Mrs,.' Lynn Walker; Mrs. Lon Walker and j Mrs. Ole Christiansen of Pleasant Grove, and. Mrs. Elmer Chadwick of AiuN-iiain. norx, iurnisher som spicy harmonica music to the man- Ders oEne- Fourth Ward: M. I- A. last Tuesday night.. BOX AT HOME iiuie miss Rosemary Tuttle celebrated her 7th birthday Wednesday Wednes-day Wednesday afternoon hy hav-lnf. hav-lnf. six friends as her guests." Games were played and. refreshments ser-ved. ser-ved. The guests were:: Misses Mary Holmstead, Lucile Richards Lucile Booth. Jeaa Parker, Gwen Preston and Helen- Adamson. , . BUT AU- UtJUM - " L NOTICE Anyonerdesiring-to transfer American Amer-ican Fork Irrigation water from one jioiner mu?t do so before itiarcn zo, 1932. - American Pork Irrigation Co. . LEO T. SHELLEY, Sect. WANT ADS For Rent SUlla fimith'f M! apartment, furnish ad or unfurl a-jo Nerth 1st -WmU For Sale An equity of 2!i new Uhevrolet car. will sell for J. ti. Wright,. American, if Phone 178 . , 4.5 Pastor For Rent - Notice is hereby given-that bids will be- received at my office on or oeiore baturday. March 26, 1932 for the rental of the City Pasture,'-in-eludiruj the Old Robinson Mill site property and part of the Kelly farm. There is no water right for this land and the 'successful bidder must furnish all labor necessary to keep the fences in repair, the material to be furnished by the city. The council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the- City Council. THOMAS A. BARRATT, , ' City Recorder. First Publication March 4, 1932. - , Last Publication March 11, 1932. For Sale 17 acres 'land,. 2 if Am. Fork. Good water Cheap. Write Mr; Pools, 53J Cli land Avenue," Hy 43S9-J. 3-4: - For Rent 3 roomedmodern hi Also for sale, Singer Sewing chine and Great Western- wasl machine. E. W.. Winn, 450 No, c-ast, Am. Fork. 3.4. Xccredited Double AAGr CHICKS 8c No matter what competl say Uhlen flocks rightij te are out .doing them iK- R. L. ASK Used Trucks 1927 Chevrolet Closed Cab, Stake or Cattle- Body 1928 Chevrolet Closed Cab, Stake Body 1928 Chevrolet Closed Cab, Stake Body';-.. .' 193i Chevrolet Closed Cab, Stake, Dual Wheels .... 1931 Chevrolef016sed Cab, Stake, Long Wheel Base, Dual Wheels, New Tires.. -U 1930 Ford Cab, Stake Body, Long Wheel Base, Dual Wheels ... Auto Co. I Call And See The American Fork Nursery People for your spring planting. TVe hav romplpte " s mt o? T.- t t a y nri. i.v tock of f nut tretsrnasiental shrubs, and shade-trees. shade-trees. Olso over 100 latest varieties of. roses.. Our prices are very low this year, and we will be pleased to help you with your plans, as we hv : an expert landseaper. American Fork Nursery 4b IvAbT Second South ',. " PHONE v. |