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Show The Q"Dt.TMrf"Atr Uuiv of UtaU 'D1 . 3 A .1 I t 1 i V ., ; ! ; if J- VOLUME .13 NUMBER. 10. Railroad Construction A brief resume of the railway work done during the year 1902 will show that Springville contractors con-tractors lead all others in our state in feveling the rough places for the track of the the "Iron horse." Our boj's have been at work in four slates during dur-ing the year just past and have done all kinds of construction from plowing and scraping t-heavy t-heavy cuts and stupendous rock work, requiring many thousand ton3 of powder and much skill in handling. First on the list comes Deal Bros. ifcMendenhall Construction Construc-tion Go. They have had at work o5 teams of their own on the grade, and have employed 125 men, and' have built 50 miles of road bed. The following follow-ing men were sub-contractors under them: Bird A Bird, 17 teams and 25 men. They did considerable work in New Mexico in the first months of th year. Den.Palfreyman & Condie, 14 teams and 25' men. Burt and Hall, 6 teams and 12 men. Mark Boyer, 5 teams, 20 men, mostly heavy rock work. Coffmau & Friel, 4 teams and i 15 men. Packard & Gemmell, 8 teams 26 men. McKeuzie & Thorn, 12 teams and 20 mm; they did some work in Nev., in the spring. L. M. Crandall & Harry Boyer 12 teams, 30 men. They did some work in NVw Mexico. James Clark, 5 teams and 10 Mtn. Barnett & McUurdy, teams 8 m-en 15. Crandall & Duncan, learns 12 men 25. C. L &Net Craudall, tea mi 11 men 25. John Mayeock, & II. T. Reynolds, Rey-nolds, teams 9 menSO. Brown, Smith fe Brown, team C men 10. The following men wero on jobs of their own and the labor consisted of original track, &ide tr.i and widening grade. i$lra- & ? o rs. U-an-.s 100 men 125. They built no-grado 20 miles, and track widening from Bingham junct. to l'r'ov. John Averelt 8 teams 15 nu n and hasdoneimprovemeni work. Roylance Bros, teams 22 men 19; miles 6. T. & II. Roylance, teams 15 men 20; improvement work. John & Newt. Crandall, teams ten, men 25; miles 5. Sumsion Bros., teams. 30, men 30; miles 20. Scraping, mostly. "" Harwood Bros , teams 20 men 50; miles 3; heavy rock work. M. & M. Crandall, teams 22 men 30; miles 8; heavy. D. &J. Sumsion, teams 30 men 40; heavy rock and cut. Boyer & Crandall, teams 20 men 30; miles 4; heavy cut, cement ce-ment and rock. Richard Palfrevmati. teams 25, men 35, miles 6. The men all seem well satisfied satis-fied with their earnings and look forward to a prosperous season next year. HowVrhis? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case uf catarrh that 'cannot i be cured by Hall's Cat arrh Cure. F.J. Cheney & Co.t Props., Toledo -O. We the undcr&igued, have known sF.J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, ; and believe him iperfectly honorable Id all bis business transactions, and : financially able to carry-out any obligation obli-gation made byi their firm. West &Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O. Walding, Kinnan & Margin. Mar-gin. Wholesale Druggists, -Toledo O. "Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-nally, inter-nally, acting directly upon the blood . and mucous surfaces of the system Pri ce, 75c. per bottle. iSold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's family pills are the best. A Maryelons Invention Wonders nefer cease. A machine bas been invented that will cut, paste and hang wall paper. The field of inventions in-ventions and discoveries seems to be unlimited. Notable-among great dis coveries is Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. It has done a world of good for weak lungs and saved many a life. Thousands have used it and conquered grip, bronchitis, pneu-nomia pneu-nomia and consumption. Their general gen-eral verdict is: "It's the best and most reliable medicine for throat and lune troubles. Every 50c and $1.00 bottle is guaranteed by the Spring ville Drug Co. Trial bcttles free. A Weekly Newspaper, Devoted to tine Interests of the Leading Agrcultural and Horticultural Conkey's Horns Journal. Begins iis Januar' issue with a series of practical lessons in lace-making. These are designed design-ed to leach women and girls the art of luce-making-for pleasure and profit. The Fashion anrl Pattern departments have been very materially strengthened by the addition of a page of origi nal designs for waists. Preparing Prepar-ing and serving a New Years Dinner is a beautifully illustra-traled illustra-traled article. Among the may splendid articles is "People we do not like" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. An excellent piece of music fur the pinno is worth the price of the number. A special article- entitled "The greatest Electric Railroad in the World" tells of the progress of electrical inventions as exemplified in the new surface railway between Chicago and Aurora, 111. Conkey.'s Home Journl, Chicago Cronp The pecular cough which indicates croup, is tusually well known to the mothers of croupy children. No time shouid he lost in the treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine has recerved more universal approval than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Do not waste your valuable time in experimenting with UDtried remedies no matter how highly they may be recommended, but iv; this me licine as directed and ail symptoms of croup will quickly disappear. For sale by the Springville Drug Co. Boys Bright Attention! The U. S. Civil Service Commission Com-mission reports that for the year ending June 30th, 1902, there' were 14,1)33 persons appointed from its registers. There was 4 692 more than ever before appointed ap-pointed in a single year. Anyone Any-one wishing informal ion about these positions can secure it free by writing for the Civil Service announcement of the Columbian Columbi-an Correspondence College, Wash ington, D. C. The Commission will hold examinations to se ure young men and women for these places during M irch and April, at Salt Lake City. M my peop'e do not know that these appointments are madr without political " influence and that a large share of them art-filled art-filled by thoso having only a common school 'educatioin, but such is the case. TircJ to ConfPiil It It's the old story of mut-fler will out" only in this case there's no crime. A woman feels run down, has backache back-ache or dyspepsia and thinks it's nothing and tries to hide it until she finally breaks down. . Don't deceive yourself. Take . Eiectric Bitters at once. It has a reputation for curing stomach, liver and kidney troubles and will revivify your whole system. The worst forms of those maladies will quickly yield to the curative power of Electric Hitters. Only 50c and gurauteed by the Sprinyvslle Drug Co-New Co-New Year'sHerald. All readers of tbe Herald will be delighted with the New Year's edition issued Sunday morning. It gives a beautifully illustrated write up of all the most important matters of our state; mining, farming, stock raising, etc; and specially of i i the mammoth sugar industry. Much space is devoted to Ida ho and Wyoming, which should make it ofunusual interest to our sister states, ine many other interesting articles in the large edition makes it a very desirable number and one that it3 patrons should purchase and send to some friends abroad as a reminder of "Utah. Queen of the West." Dislocated Her Shoulder Mrs. Johanna Soderholm, of Fergus Minn., fell and dislocated her should er. She had a surgeon get it back in place as soon as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had seen Chambe rlaiu's pain balm advertised for sprains and soreness and she asked him to buy her a bottle of it, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep which she had not done for several days The son was so much pi eased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recommended itto many others ir sale by the Springville Drug Co To Care A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Broiuo Qulntne Tablets, All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signatuie is on each box 25c c2- Bast Couuh Syrup. .Tastes Good. Ues LiintS WHtKt ALL ELSE r AILS. tn time. tokl by arugirists. A New Years Compromise. "John Henry, "said Mrs. Bug-gins, Bug-gins, a few days before New Year's, have you made your good resolutions yet for the coming com-ing year?" '"No, have you?" responded her husband, bearing down with considerable emphasis on the final word. "Have I! Why, no; I thought it was only men who needed to make good resolutions. "And the women are perfect to begin with eh? Well Mr3. Buggins, that may he your view of the matter, but you will find when you come to discuss the question witli au intelligent male citizen, that there is a radical rad-ical difference of opinion on the subject. Speaking for myself, I think there is just as much, or even more need of the women making good resolutions at this time of the year than there i- or the men to do so. Now, for a change, suppose we each draw up a set of say, seven good reso- utions for the other to sign or the coming year, and &ee low they look. Isit a bargain?" "Agreed;", said Mrs. Buggins, and they set to work. At the end of half an hour they exchanged ex-changed papers, and these are the "Good Resolutions" that Mrs. Buggins saw. "1. Resolved that I will keep my temper on all occasions and not talk back to my husband.no matter what the provocation may be. 'The least said the soonest mended. 2. That I will refrain from finding fault or showing him that I am annoyed when he is late to dinner or is away from home evenings oftener or later than seems uecessarv. 3. That I will not attend every bargain sale 1 hear of, nor ouy a new dress or hat every ime I see some other woman wearing one that you like. 4. That I will look after my msband's clothing more care-ully, care-ully, and see that in the future ie does not go with half the but tons either hanging by one thread or off entirely. " " ' Thrt I will give up running around the neighborhood and gossiping, and attend strictly to my own aflairs and home duties. 6. That I will remember that $20 bills are like angels visits, somewhat scarce, and that I will not pout and sulk for half a day every time I ask my husband for one and fail to get it. 7. That my husband, being wiser than I, I will defer to his judgement and allow him to have his own way in all things, as a good wife should do."" The resolutions which Mrs Buggins had drawn up for Mr. Buggins guidance were much briefer, but right to the point. ' 1. Resolved; that I will give up smoking. i 2. That I will resign from the club and stay at home evenings with my family. I 3. That I will keep out of politics and spend no more mon ey trying to get into office or to keep on the right side of the boys 4. That I will Cheerfully fur nish such sums of money as my wife in her judgement may deem necessary for household and personal expenses. 5. That I will not growl be- j cause my wife spends more time , than I really think she ought to in calling or in entertaining com-.; pany. j 6. That I will receive my ; wife's mother with open arms and a glad smile, no matter how , often she may visit us nor how long she stays. - 7. That I will be guided whol ly -by' ray., wife's sound judge- ment in all questions affecting my personal habits or home life. ! "Well," said Mrs. Buggins,1 enquiringly, after they had finished fin-ished reading the resolutions. "I'll never sign 'em!" , I'd rather be a mummy in a guided guid-ed sarcophagus than attach my signature to such a set of resolutions!" reso-lutions!" declared Mr. Buggins. "And I'll never sign the horrid hor-rid set.you drew up; never!" exclaimed ex-claimed Mrs. Buggins stoutly. "Tell you what we'd better do" said Buggins, more mildly. "Let's work the problem out by cancellation. J'll. cancel niv SPRINGVILLE, UTAH, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 190 seven resolutions against year seven, and we'll let things sfiuTe along as before, though we will probably be the better in soule respects for having drawn oat each other's side on the subjeet. What do you say Amanda?" "I'm willing if you are,"Jsai3 the good, sensible wife, softly, and in this wise fashion tlrn threatening war. cloud rolled by?. Cow Boy Dances. 7 v Miss Ward, in the January Piersou's, gives the following amusing description of her first; Western cowboy dance: "It was with many misgivings, misgiv-ings, in spite of my partners as- tnrougn, that l iook my place ins. tne set. "Honor yer pardners. - Rights 1, the same." So far I bowed as lid the rest. 1 "Balance you nil." With a plunge like a maddened steer, my partner ca,ine toward me. 1 smpthered . a scream as I was seized and swung around like a bag of meal. Before I could get my breath I was pushed out in answer to; "First lady out to the right; swing the man that stole the sheep; now the one thai hauled it home; new the one that et the meat; and now tbe one that gnawed the bones." Not being acquainted with the private histories of the men in the set, was a little disadvantage disadvan-tage . to me, but I wu3 seized, swung and passed on to the next until I finally arrived breathless breath-less at the starting point.. "First gent swing yer opposite pardner; then yer turtle dove, again yer opposite pardner, and now yer own true love." I blushed in spite of myself as so publicly posing as my partners "turtle dove" and "own true love," while his sweetheart over in the corner, transfixed j me with a jealous glare, saw no humor whatever in the situation,, " Again came the command. d. 'ii nd, ') First couple outio the ns cage the bird : three hands roi T f. ... A in .- .liJ (in .4 It a .Wrrt is'v T' "t circle formed by my partner and the second couple, and then ex changed places with my partner! at the call; "tiinHe Imp out and crow, hop in; three hands rcund and go it agrtin. AUemane left; bacK to yer pardner and grand right and left; come to yer pardner pard-ner once and a half; yellow hammer ham-mer light jay bird lefC; meet yer pardner and all chaw hay; you know where and I don't oare seat yer pardner in the old arm chair." Whosoever has suffered from piles knows how painful and troublesome they are. Tablet's Buckeye Pile Ointment Oint-ment is guaranteed to cure pile?. Price 50c in buttles. Tubes, 75 tents. Springville Drug Co. TfvePxr i" '"'3 DIAMOHB- fittS0P THE SATISPACTIOSTTHAT COMES FROM LESS WORK; i.ESS WORRY. SMOOTHER HANDS A 5U CLEANER CLOTHES. ...... A compieta Catalogue Ehowing over 800 premiama that may b secured by. caving the wrappers, furnished fre4 upon request. Send your nams on a'poetal card tind we will mail you the catalogue. Address? , PREMIUM DEPT. SOUTH OMAHA. NEQ. r i SI I J)iamond C Grocers, e?s. jka a B. J. mmB, DEALER IN , . -s-Bain wagons, Enterprise buggies. Farm Machinery. . STEWART STOVES AND RANGES Excell all Others . . . You Gaa't Afford You do yourself you. buy tieforc our fall display Suits, Overcoats, Shoes, Hats Underwear etc. which is the most complete, largest and lowest price named on similar merchandise. Knight's Block; - - 3 tH C ome Holiday Goods V 'As the Holiday season approaches ap-proaches all thoughts turn to gifts for relatives and friends- Nothing is more useful and acceptable to man or maid alike than the variety va-riety of articles found in our showing of Holiday Goods. Drop in and inspect our line. All prices the lowest consistent con-sistent with quality. W. 0. OoopfT, Prop. 1 : t A .-j n J., Peoples' Drag Store O $ Xjisa.3a.s:sj,. 23C2aica.les, Etc. Ami all kinds of Undertakers' Goods. Special attention given to orders for home made Casket3 and Coffins of all kinds. Also have a Full Line of Wall Paper Sample. Walter Vlieeler, Four Blocks East kBJp The History by Miss Ida M. Tarbell which begun in Nov. McClure's is the Great Story of Standard Oil Miss Tarhell's woi k is of unequalled imp(rtance as a 'document' 'docu-ment' of the day. Her story has live men inxju they suffer and work and win and lose their battles with the serisituilitu.ie that removes the tale from the drv Statement and clothes it wiih the color of human interest and the vivid rainbow garment of human sympathy. The results of her work are likely to be far reaching; she is writing unfinished history." Boston Globe. "An absorbing and illuminating contribution to the trust question." Chicago Inter-Ocean. 44The most important announcement made by any magazine." " N. Y. Jaurnal For other great features of 1903 send for our prospectus -3c01lxx's 10 cents a copy, $1.00 a year. Send us the dollar, at 145 East 25th Street, New York, or subscribe through your dealer. J KJ Section of Utah-'Th Drs :SkorBs & S&ores LTOX HLOCK. 56 West, 2nd South St. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Specialists in all chronic, nervous and private deseases. Consultation free. to Overlook Us an injustice if lookiug over of - Froyo City Utah otMef t Springville. of Packard's Store. f no Pi piIMtIiIg Every Style And' " Description E e Garden of tlio West, DEALER, I1T Monuments, . Tombstones, Tablets; in "allHkindSToxE executed in an artistic and up-to-date manner. All work done promptly, and SATISFACTION GUAKASTEED See.hira before "ordering ehewhere. fi 1 .Kain Street Sprig ville, Utah. TO! CHICAGO-, . INEXPENSIVELY All travelers do not ride in the Pullman: many patronize the reclining chair car from choice or notions of economy. Such persons have about as pleasant a journey as those in the sleep- ers The Santa Fe runs com fortable chair cars on its three Chicago trains, with a competent compe-tent porter in charge. Complete Com-plete toilet accessories are provided. pro-vided. C. F. Warren, Gen'l Agent, 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City. AN UP-TO-DATE RAILWAY Is a road with all the modern improvements and conveniences. The - ICA09. MILWAUKEE Is an nHo-aate Railway CLAUD S. WILLIAMS COMMERCIAL AGENT Salt Lake City, Utah A Gi-ood One COLORADO MIDLAND train No. 6, leaviug Oden at 7:45 a.m., Salt Lake at 8:30 a.m., arriving at Colorado Springs at 5:45 a m., or jjenver at :io a.m , is a good train, and the fastest train between be-tween Utah points and Denver. The Favorite One is COLORADO MIDLAND Train No. 4, leaving Ogden at 7:15 p.m., bait Liake 8:10 p. iu., arriving at (jrana Junction at Ba m., giving pass-eneers the entire day to. view the suDerb scenery in Colorado, arriving at tiieuwood Springiat 8:30 a.m. Lead ville 1 p.m. Man Ito 5:50 p.m. Colorado Springs - 0:10 p.m., and Denver at 8:40 p.m. in time to make connections with all lines for the North, East, or South.' Both these trains carry Pullman sleepers through without change. Ordinary sleepers for Denver, Omaha and St. Paul leave Ogden on train No. 6 each Wednesday morning. For Denver, Omaha and Chicago tne ordinary sleeper leaves on train No. 4 each Wednesday evening. . H. DOSKEIL, U. S. EEYOR, Gen'l Agent. Tra?. Pass. Agent. 206 South West Temple EGOly Ml, SALT LAKE CUT SAVlNGr BANK FREE gEND YOUR ADDRESS TO THE I'aeiflc Newspaper Union, 927 Market Mar-ket St., San i rancisco, and secure free a beautiful Nickel Saving's Bank, also full particulars regarding the new Three Volume 1902 Intornation-Encylopaelic Intornation-Encylopaelic Dictionary which is now beinp; furnished to readers of this paper for only lire cents a day R-A.DEAL, President. H. T. REYNOLDS, Vica-President. Springville Banking Co. SPRINGVILLE. UTAH Oz,TZt&kJL Stocls. OOO. Transacts a general hanking business. Exchange bought and sold and depot its received subject to check. , Four per cent interest paid on time deposits, compounding semi-annually , Money always on band for short time loans. Fii)e FliFi)ltope Latest -'Stoles ss .If our fine Bed Room Suites,. Center -, Tables and Carpets will not please you for Spring, Furnishing you will be truly hard lo satisfy. Prices and terms unequalled. PRICE, $1.25 PER ANNUM, j ackets apes Up-to-dale in style, First class in quality and Perfect in fit and workmanship. Ours are all this year's goods No old, out of style stuff That are stickers. Our Prices - "as Usual are the m Lowest Don't buy elsewhere Till you see our stock Or you will surely regret it. Eemember we are in our New Store White front mm & m 35-3? . Academy Are. Prcvo CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Designs Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a sketch and description m.iy quickly ascertain our opinion free whether va Invention is probtably patentable. Communi":t-tions Communi":t-tions strictly confldentlal. Handbook on Pateuta tent free. OMest apency for securing patents. Patents taken throneh Munn & Co. rectlvB tpccuil notice, without charge, lu tha Scientific Hntencait A bardaomely illustrated weekly. Tjireest circulation cir-culation of any scientiUc Journal. Terms. $5 year; four months, tL Sold by all newsde;;l: rs. BONN 4 Co.8818-Hew York Branch Office. 625 F Washington. D. C. aJSflrfBlO GRANDE a KiH in uinrnisnr VJ HIUUKAHU CTJHBENT TIME TABLE LEAVE SrRINGVILLE No. 6 For Grand Junction, Denver and all points East 9:55 a m No 2 For Grand Junction and all points East 4:25 pm So. 4 For Grand Junction and all 'points East 9:45 p m No. 10 For Manti, Marys vale and intermediate points 9:30 a m No. 'For P.-ilt Lake City 8:15 a m No. 8 For Eureka. Pay'son; and all intermediate points 11:33 p m No. 5 For Ojrden and the West 8:10 a in No. 3 For Ogden and the.West 9:25 p in No. 1 For Oden and the West 11:00 a in No. 28 Mixed For Eureka and intermediate in-termediate points. 5:55 a in ARRIVE AT SPRINGVILLE No. 5 From Grand Junction and the Fast 8:10 a m No. 1 From Grand Junction and the East ll:C0a m No. 3 From Grand Junction and the East 9:5 p la No. 9 From Marysvale, Manti and intermediate points: 4:5s p m No. (i From Ogden and the West 9:5!) a ii No. 2 From Ogden and the West.... 4:25 p u No. 4 From Ogden and the West 9:45 p m No. 7 From Eureka. I'ayson and all intermediate points 8:13 a m No. 8 From Salt Lake City 6:30 p ra No. 29 (Mixed)From Eureka and all intermediate points 3:55 p in Perfect Dining Car Service Only line running through Pullman Falace Sleeping cars from Springville to San Francisco Fran-cisco and Portland ; Springville to Denver, Kansas City and Chicago. Through ordinary or family sleepers without with-out change to Kansas City, Chicago at5 Boston. t Free relining chair cars gpringrille t-o Denver, no change; clsso connections; safety, speed and comfor. G. P. THOMPSON. Local Agent- I. A. BENTON.Gen'l Pass. Agent. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. H. L. OUJLiriXGB. Catiie 5 .1 Co -4 Vi mil ".iiTf " sssa if |