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Show 8 115 n ii r Bill 3 a if s a Are you real certain your !iver is in I yoi working condition ? If it isn' tj know it, the symptoms 'ore to'i pxitlve to zHow ou to be fieceiveJ. That coated tongue, yeiiow ski;-!, headacho, etc., c.-.n be relieved ty PS It acts prompt! and effectually bu' gently, WITHG'J? A (EIPB OR PAIN: TEY IT. pi A -P:.j T;ro': if ?,,if.:s a.-fl '.-. Aactfutes of Att..h:.n !.!:.,:r.fli tree V;v-t'. wl-hevuyesM'.p-c'..',-. ff Do you intend buying a rifle or pistol? U so, get the best which ?s 'j STEVENS " Rifles r:i)e i;i prie from $1.00 to $75.00. 1-V,f largo rani small jettne, also for target piaotice. Pistols from $2.00 to f-HUO. , Solid stamp fn-l:r-.;e t'atnloj;ir i;.:us- i tntinKcnmpleMlme. Viniiui "I valuable-1' information t D-itl.-iicn. . J. STEVENS l."JiS i3 1".L C3. I ' CHICOPCE FILLS, I T &iA3s , U S A c i J ' , ' , i I ' K S 5 t TERSE TALES Of THE TOOJH. Ward conferences will be held in Spritufville and Mapleton next Sunday. Sun-day. I have .tor sale a quantity of pure spring iikI artesian water ice, Davis Clahk. Chris Jensen has a full line of samples sam-ples of Spring and Summer Pterns. You need a suit; take a look at them. James ii. Whitehead was over from Eureka, Sunday, and put in the first of the eek at Provo. They do say that Jim may reside at the county capital, v The least in quantily and most in quality describes DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous pills for constipation, and liver complaints. -C. E Tranchell, City Drug Storo. De Witt's Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of the bowels and remove the impurities speedily with no discomfort. They are famous for their efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe.-C. K. Tranchell, City Drug Store. At the Elders Conference at l'rovo Saturday fur Utah Stane the Spring-ville Spring-ville and Mapleton wards were ordered numbered as follows: Spring-ville Spring-ville First ward. No. 5; Second ward, No, G; Third ward, Xo. 7; Fourth ward, Xo. 8; Mapleton wardNo. 11. A carriage peddlsr was in town withjiis wares, this week. There are "six regular vehicle dealers in town, but the Springvillesi patronized patron-ized the stranger considerable. People who are trying to build up homo industries ought to be glad they arc living. The first of the week Judge Dougall took one of his periodical "rests" at the ranch up the canyon. The Judge goes up there on a vacation, and to kind of wear off the fatigue of his arduous labors at the postotnee builds a few miles of fence or prepares another 40 acres for cultivation. The Judge is easy! Miss Florence Xewman, who has been a great suffer from musculo rheumatism, says unamuenain s ijrm Balm )s NJy remedy tnat nJQfords wman isa much r tillage of stately state-ly -o R b. Stevenson is down from Salt Xicc rresh Cherries at Young's Confectionery store. Horn, this morning, to Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Packard, a son. Huyyour Cigars at the. City Drug Store. Choicest brands, best smokes. What the world really needs is an eleventh commandment. Thou shalt not gossip. Take your Buggies to Th. Peterson for repairs. Peifect .satisfaction guaranteed. . . Chris Jensen has secured the agency for a first class eastern tailoring house. Suits for $12 and up. Jas. Whitmore, who had variloid for a couple of weeks, has recovered. There is another case at Mapleton. We are making a Big Reduction in Ladies Neckwear. Can give you a bargain. Dkal Bkoh. & Mehdkn- II ALL. The street sprinkler got' down to business in earnest, Monday, and the streets will be dampened daily now uutil the City's money runs out or its credit gets shaky. Manager Milan Packard of the StiWtf Consolidated was in town yesterday for a few hours, lie says no one has yet been given an option on his hold ings in that property, though several different parties arc still seeking one. Suit Luke Herald. Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Brook, X. C. says he suffered with' piles for tlfteen years. He tried' many remedies with-no results until h& used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and that quickly cured him. C. E. Tranchell, City Drug Store. Aaron Johnson was down from Mapleton the other day and related a harrowing tale of how he presided at the obsequies of 202 sheep at a new necropolis between San ford's farm and Day's canyon. Some of the deceased were cremated, while others hadtoputip wVJ just a common One of the physiciansrinjfvill has discovered a most wonderful and valuable liniment. The other day he used It on the leg of a politician who had scarcely been able to walk for several years. Now the politician is running fofofflce. Another trial was ..friends arm. The friend wk him for ten. scions lden 1 Lakfc f,,r a v icat Ion. 1, Johiitum's i.ew building is tieagy ready for occupancy. P jth Kelly's and Tranchcll's drug stores have their soda fountains flowing. flow-ing. Must be summer sure enough. Tc merry-go-round, accompanied by Several quarts of small change, mod away to greener pastures, Sunday night. There is an aching voi in many a juvenile heart. You are much more liable to disease whon your liver and bowels do tpot act properly. DeWitt's Little Early Risers remove the cause of difloase.-C. H. Tranchell, City Drug Store. Last week a little diughter of Mr. and Mrs Dolus Oakley died suddenly, after an illness of a few days of what is variously pronounced scarletina and German measles. The child was about live years old. fT people only knew what we know about Kodol Dyspepsia Core, it would be used in nearly every household, as there an few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fullnes after eating, belching, flatulence, sour stomach or watei -brush, caused by indigesiion or dyspepsia, A preparation prepara-tion such as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, wmch, with no aid from I lie stomach, will digest .uluH'ifod, certainly can't help bin do you good.--C. E, Tranchell, City Drug Store. Tli have since L ' Licenses. gal permits to wed LIBRARY PAY, Ma ma follow i ng been is.-u.-d by the county cleik ' last report : ! II. Holbvoo!: aged 23. and Sina Br-iniliall, 24, both of Provo; frank Carter, 28, and Nora dinger, 17. both Of l'rov.i: Harry A. Sharp. :i-, of Provo, and Li.ie Bowman, in, of Heber. Stops the VA' tti Din-23 Din-23 rents. Ctm'h and Works off (lie (dtl. Id'onio Quinine T;illcls rtire u iliiy. No t'ui-v, no I'uy. I'rleo Wotuaiis Club Anniversary. ri'he eighth anniveistiv of -t! iringvillc Woman's chili was reie- bral.cd last Friday, in a very pr-tty manner at the home of Mrs. : ixter, jUho gave a banquet in honor ot Uic day. The tallies were heautjiLilly decorated with ribbons and H'oTr5 in pink and green, the chili colors, i-tatty favors adorned each jiito, and were carried home as souvenirs of a Public Schools Held Interesting Exercises, Monday Niiht The Public schools lasfc Monday evening held the celebration of their long anticipated Library Day at the Central. It was a notable event in the history of the school year. Space this week will only permit a short report of the event. Donations of' books by citizens, liupils and teachers for t he occasion reached 405 volumes, representing probably a value of 100 or This brings the number of books in the library up to about hkio. it aroused a great deal of enthusiasm am-ing the pupils, and was productive of a great deal of good. Dr. J. M. Tanu T (if Logan was a guest of the evening, and made a splendid address. A musical program, pro-gram, with presentation speeches occupied'the time iu the assembly hall, after which a banquet was spread in the library room for the guests of the evening. Songs, music and toasts lillcd the intervals of t lie courses. Principal Eggertsen directed direct-ed a Hairs below stairs, while Trustee Southwick took charge in the library. Teachers :ind pupils were a very pioud and happy class that evening, and their friends ivjoiced wii h ,ilieiu. Shudders At His Past. ''I recall now vviiii hoiror," says Mail Carrier Burnett Mann, of Lcvanna, ' () , "my ihrec years of suffering from Kidney trouble. I was hardly ever fiee from dull aches or acute pains iu my back. To stoop or lift mail sacks made me groan. felt tired, worn out,, about ready to give up, when I .began to use Electric Bitters, Put, six bottles completely cured me and made me feel like a rittw man." They're unrivaled tp regulate Stomach, Liver, Kidneys anp 1 towels. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by Springville Drug Co. Only no cents. STATE BANK EXAMINER'S REPORT . Mnde to Hip SeeriMiiry of St life of the Htntc of I.' lull, of the i.-ondlt ion of '! lie Sprmicvillu H;,iiLiii; 'mii;oiv," locittrd at Spiiiixvilli', III Uie County of ( l:ih. State of Cttil-.. at, IIib elosi! of tusioe'ss on tin; L'lth day of April. JUKI. KESOriU'E. . ; l.iiiin-i iiml liis.'oiuits !r.'I.M IT tnft-.i-:ills r !!:iiMilnn Hiiiok IU.7IK Ml l-'uriiittnv ami l-'ivtorcs S.lita 5 1'lU' ffom Mult'. I:lii Us itlld lOlllkera. Vi.Wi "if. t t'iisli m lennl H,4'l9 :'A i i uri-i'iii Kxhmim mid Tuxe.s t'uld., :B !tt i 74 j Tot ii I ... ! j.utiii.i ni:s j 1 H pital Stork linid in I 1'ih1i a. Itu t'r.iiiis . i I ii v idi'inU inuiaiu i I ndividtml I c(mmIi . .. . : Savings Hep. hit lit... HM.W4 ti? ..M,lHK) (It 5sV ( l If! .. ,V.Uiil IK .. tS.HI)ll 01 ii 4 per c Total la4.()4 T Slate of t'tali, i t 'ouiil y ot I' I all, ! ' " ' I II. I. Ciiiniiiliis liriii); first, duly hwoim .e'rordiiiir tn law duposrs and says that lie In ru dilri' of t he hIhivo naiurd liank; thai the alun r itHil foii''oliiK repoi t riintaliis it full, I i-tl r and eiit-i'crt stalrnieiit of t he oumiilioti ol thrsatd hiiiik at the i'Iomi of Inisluess on tin' '.'4tli day of April, I'.ml. 11. I-. l l'MMINGS. Sulisei Hied and sivoi n to hrfuro hid- this l ltli day of .May, l!Jl. .1 auks I 'AFFHtv. (Slai.J Notary I'ulilic. State of t'tuli, ) 1)111, a- of the - ss. Seeri'taiy uf Siaic I I . .1 ami's 'I'. llaiiitKiind. secrrlai'V of State of tlir SiatKof I tah. do hnvlty certify that t lie foi-rarolin; is u full, t rue and correct copy ol the slatrineiit of die ahove uanii'd I'oinpanv, now on tile in my olllen tliln I41U d;ij uT May, UHd. J. T. II tUMOXD, Secielaiy o( Stale. The Watche's Alma Mater We never lose interest iu the watch that goes out (if thisstore whet her purchased pur-chased or only repaired. Its (iaiiy de poi t nicnt, is of as much concern to us aft or t he s lie a- bef are You buy a guarantee with the watch, and the Heck's guarantee is good. It's the same with our diamond rings Garnets, Emeralds, Pearls find Opals; ii. ..:.. t t-i' ximins. iiiit'titf! Tina, Silve Cut Glass, HE' fr SyPUp, Ion earth, .taken in Tel us. THE IIOMi: (iOLI) CL'KK. most U'li'tl from mllEi or iiill "i Also Turkish. Russian. fud Electric Baths for Ladies and (Jcntlcmeii Ol'lCX DAY AND NIGHT 52 ILL Third South SALT LAKE CIT7, UTAH. WA.NTEn-Trust worthy Men and Women lo travel and advertise for old estahlished liou.se of solid linanrUI s'.aiulliis. Sr.lurv, fTs.ia vear. and ri.nsi. all payable In cash No raiiva .sin-.' ieiiiireil. idve irfer-uires irfer-uires uiul eiU'liisr self :i il'l ! t- !'1 si a m iol envelope. Address Manarr. .-ii" I'aMmi HI I., I hlraxo. AVantkii Arthe man of eo id character to U'l.ver nail .'odr.-l in 1'lah for old established estab-lished tiiaaufnrt iirln r wholesale house. (!KI a year, lire eav I'onesiy more than experience iviitiiicl. Our refpi-enre. any bank in any ciiv. Knrlosr h- If-aildre.ssed. damped e'avelope. Miinnfacliiiris. Third Floor, a:i4 Ileai'horn St. liie tvo. MJfrk tell WtNTEStlST if Stint dl-.plf d In the N ,. ... .i :. mn laQXttcd niuicit in mrfecaisi'- rinci. n k H ci ihre hill 1-1 tie lhin S')U Kmim f ii-t i hoi;k to Itric mi tint the mill bored cn not nlwnyi he depended on for. Marllti Model 1805 kciicsti-n hnv Special Smukt!ei Steel" btrrsli. For tin to di liilormioon e our ctioi. '3 Mailed lur 3 stamps. The Marun Fire Arms-Co. NEW HAVCN, CONN. j An Inireiiioiis Treatment by whicir Druiikartls are iMng Cured Daily in Spite of Themselves. ' '(xiiuis Ihises. 'o Wonkeiiin? of the .Verves. A Pleasant Positive Cure for the Liquor llahit. It is now generally known and understood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness, A body tilled with poison, and nerves completely com-pletely shattered b periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable ot neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving tor intoxicants. .Sufferers may now curt! themselves at home without lubliiityor loss of time from busi ness iiv tins woii(ier,iui "iiu.ic, GOLD Cl'KK" which has been perfected per-fected al ter many yeats of close study and treatment of inebriates. The taithl'ul use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively posi-tively guaranteed to cure the most ( bstinaic case, no matter how bard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands thou-sands of Drunkards into sober, in-dusl in-dusl i ions and upright men. w i v1cs cl'kk your 11us bandm:: children cure your I'ATHEKS:! This remedy is iu no sense a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only, and is so skillfully devised and prepared that It Is ihoiotiglily soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a :up of tea or coffee without the knowledge ot the person taking it Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the "CURE" administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in Coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT W AIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading ''improvement ''improve-ment " Drive out the disease at once and for all .time. The "HOME GOLD CURE ' is sold at the extremely ex-tremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than ot tiers costing 2" to .")U. Full directions accompany ii-'li package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested re-quested ilhout extra churgj. Sent prepaid to any part of lho world on receipt of Otm Dollar., Address Dept. I. EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY, COM-PANY, 2.'l.'fu and 2X12 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strlctlv eon-f'LntLHi, eon-f'LntLHi, r '"' I II I V O dt.,1 roiiy recovered ' So vnntesA. 1j. ."spauoru, (Jliester, Mich.-C. . Tranchell, City Ding Store. On MmirKiy afternoon Sheriff Storrs arrested Miss Adelaide Dibble, on charge of assault, which was committed com-mitted on her mother. She was ' alien before Justice Anderson at Vovo, where she pleaded guilty and wasTseiiUnafd to seventy-five days in the county jail. She was turned over to the matron of the iuflrmaiy for safe keeping. Miss Dibble is about 2.j years of age. and not accounted of sound mind. Biliousness is a condition characterized character-ized by a disturbance of the digestive organ's. The stomach is debilitated, the liver torpid, the bowels constipated. con-stipated. There is a loathing of food,' pains in the bowels, dizziness, coated tongue and vomiting, tlrstof the undigested or partly digested food and then of bile. Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets allay the disturbances of the stomach and create a healthy appetite. They also tone up the liver to a healthy action and regulate the bowels. Try them and you arc certain to be. much pleased with the result. For sale by Springville Drug Co. Ii. A. Deal is home from the scene of war down at Uvada. His men are still at work for the Clark people, but not on the disputed grade. Yiigil Kelly of Millard and A. C. West, prominent lieutenants of Senator Clark, were here yesterday conferring with local contractors. It is rumored that some heavy contracts are to be let by the Clark interests. Deal Bros. & Mendenhall are shipping more outfits out-fits to that region. "It is with a gpod deal of pleasure and satisfaction that I recommend Chamherla'n's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," says Druggist A. W. Sawtelle, of Hartford, Conn, "A lad.y customer, seeing the remedy e.xH)sed for sale on my show case, said to me: 'I really believe thtrtr medicine saved my life the past summer while at the shore,' and she became so enthusiastic over Us merits that I at once made up my mind to' recommend It in the future Recently a gentleman came Into my, store so overcome with colic pains' that he sank at once to the floor. I gave him a doso of this remedy which. helped him. I repeaU-dahc done and f In tlfteen minutes he left my store smilingly informlno; me that he felt as well us ever." Sola by Springville Drui CV. Mrs. D, I lard nun rlitnpton and Mrs. West. took up Russian history for tbe-yenr'a yyoik, which will soon be. finished, Thcwoiklor tin; next year lias not yet been chosen. TEACHERS EXCURSION June 11th' and 12th, via ' UK) GRANDE WESTERN U'V; and Hid Colorado Midland Railw'y On the above dates agents of the Uio Oraiidc Western will sell ticket via the Colorado Midland U'y as follows: Denver and return S'.'li.ofl . Omaha. M. Joseph. Kansas City and return :c.W) Sioux Ciiy and return 32.0a Ht. Louis and return atl .Vl St., Paul or Minneapolis and return., as..". Chicago but return 44..VI Look at the LIMIT and STOP OVER Privileges. These tickets arc II lulled for return pas-sago pas-sago to September lith, and have a frolng transit, limit of 10 days, welch allows holders to stop at, any point, and as often hh they ilrsiie. within this limit. Trains leave OKden :2 a. m. and p. m. tt uchitiK Denver at h:10 a. m. and S;4,'i p. m No chaiin of cars. Til E "MIDLAND'' has the kcei.lc attractions, us well as many ot her advantages. For further informal Ion. address W.' H. DOKNELL, U. 5. BE, OH, OtB'l kml Tra?. h:i Aaeai. 206 South West Templo First-Class .Horses and K" done to all local and o? for rigs for .... f.tJf V; rr-'-': T1 Repeating Rifles If A f -few, icriTE3 rcn HywriNO. 1 I ," ' x ' ' i-l i'lS. . riif cililx-r. wct-'ht 8 M pounitii. , , -,j Mi Jsl 1 i. 1 ('. J caHbcr, "Tiko Down," V --4 i;",",,i' caliber," Taliu Down," weight Dooly. BUI. SALT LAKE CITY iff ( lll si WWW f mm P if-: ,'Jf n 1 tr' r v J'-M udtl j "0 cil'btr, "Extra U&U," wetyht Scoot Winchester Amntxiili-oa. b&fe for aU Kinds of Guns. Ff?IE. SwdHameaiiJAtldfwion Pcstil futlK-paj lllimtrated Ciblogm. WIHCKESTH REPEMiKS im CD., HEW KHVES, C8SX. mmm I II ol i cl of it. You don't go east EVKUY day. When yon do go. go coinfortabl)' via Denver nnd (lie Burlinglon Uotite. Tlio tiino is ALMOST ns fast na the fastest and the services and scenery urn better than the host. Thro' tourist cars from Salt Lmko City 8:30 a. in. Thursdays; 8:20 p. in. Fridays Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St, Louis. Thro' palace sleepers daily al 8:30 a. m. Write we'll gladly tell you all about them. Ticket Office, - - 79 West Second South St It. V. NKSLEN, General Auent, Salt Lake City. |