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Show Result of a Prompt Reply. Two Letters from Mrs. Watson, Published Pub-lished by Special Permission. For Women's Eyes Only. March 15, 1899. To MRS. PINKIIAir, Ly.vx, Mass. : " Pear Madam: I am suffering from inflammation of tho ovaries and womb, and liave been for eighteen months. I have a tortiiiual pain and soreness in my back and side. I am only free from p.-iiii when lying down, or sitting in an easy chair. When I stand I suffer with severe pain in my side and back. I believe be-lieve my troubles were caused by over work and lifting some years ago. " Life is a drag to me, and I sometimes feel like giving up ever be in.g a well woman ; have become careless and unconcerned about v r;. ihing. I am in bed now. I have had several doctors, but they did i.n.' but little good. " Lydia E. l'ink ham's Vegetable Compound has been recommended to mj by a friend, and I have made up my mind to give it a fair trial. " I write this letter with the hope of hearing from you in regard to my case." Mrs. S. J. Watson, Hampton, Va. SSMMJS ' F 8 November 27, 1899. " Bhar Mrs. Pivkiiam : I feel it my duty to acknowledge to you tin bcneiit that your advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have done for me. 1 had bern suffering with female troubles for some time, could walk but a short distance, had terrible bearing down pains in lower part of my bowels, backache, and pain in ovary. I used your medicine for four months and was so much better that I could walk three times the instance thaf I could before. " I am to-day in better health than I have been for more than two years, and I know it is all due to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I recommend your advice and medicine to all women who suffer." Mus. i. J. Watson, Hampton, Va, This is positive proof that Mrs. Pinkham i3 more competent to advise sick women than any other person. Write her. It costs you nothing. ( IS EWA Kit. We have deposited I r f w hu b will be paid to any person 8 5 Kr n,,t genuine, ir were published before obtaining the writer's Fpecial peril per-il mission. JLYltlA E. PINKHAM M1ICLN CO. 3 H lEE" .mi EGURTY. Genuine arters Little Liver Pills. fust Boar Signature of See Pac-SimUs Wrapper Below. Very small and as ettj to take as angaxw FC3 HEAD ACHE FCS CilZIKESS. fCR E1L1CUSMESS. F03 TORPID LIVER. rCS COWSTIPATIQM. fch sallow skix. f0s the complex! os CURE SICK HEADACHE. Faivlnr Werli tiff V' ' A H win cptur j?'V" iZ-y -t r3; t la 1W; T9 wry wit a it a and 4 tms of h&j, to Oet thep-enufn,byof S&tur, the introduoer. CombinatlcB Com tn od. of the prreateci tiling of th4 Moturjr. " It i early and an .nor- mmAT. fm!l7i!y bl j liti.r, a aort bound to ravoiUUoaij. com crowing. Stlisr's Vss:etib!i Seeds. Tti boi-ty aboct Salirr'i Tetble rl-S thc they i r r!4H. Th. iiwt, fniw aid firt.Iu.-.. l h.r are vt much lA'a. r itaUtv tb.y izli at dr.- isbts, ruin, an-1 the eleinenta. tmutng 1st priijv?rrwi;erf. w. warrant tbla. For 14 Csnt3 and This Kotlca mrm 7 pm-V.- of rare, rholos. One. pli-di't pli-di't reetahl. onflr'n and S package of brtllljnllT bwiHful Bower e!s. ailwonhtl. our bt,r c.M. g for oalr I lc lad tkl. ol Ire, In ord,r to (rain .() nrw customer, la lal, or l.r lOe, 1J rsr. farm aed aampiea, vr,7Z ful'.v -worth tl'iJ to rvt a Mart r.fr..- v- --n-ix ftu a Ma. m i i SEED CO. Xl IN 3 OR 4 YEARS AH INDEPENDENCE ASSURED If you tke up tout homes in Western Canada, Can-ada, the land of plenty, iliu'rated pamphlets, k-iT Djr experiences of farmers ho hare here he-re me weaithy in trrow-Init trrow-Init wheat, reports of delef-ttes, et&. and full luiULiauou u to reviucel railway rates can be ha.! on apptiratton to the ftuperiateiidQt of ImmisTraiiuu. tteparlmfnt or inwnpr. uttawa, Canada, or to W. V. Bennett, U01 N. Y. Lif l-i J.. Oa-ilm, Neb. iWIhUla;! LCkrS rintrtt Ail I Si fAiLS. Beat Cone-h 6f rup. I'a.aGaod. Utm in tlma. told Br fln irt-tiwa. ' -.-.1.1 .-a -a- a, a.. N. U.. Salt Lk No. r IdOl. OARTEitS SPITTLE IfftVER SJ FILLS. '..Hjwr,F-'j mjtam& Wm with the National City Bank of I.vnn. SSOOO. who can find that theibore testimonial letters Plantation Hands In Demand. There Is a great demand for hands by the planters in Hawaii. No lesa than 30.000 men are needed there in the cultivation of sugar and efforts ara making to secure them in this country. coun-try. SlOO Reward SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stapes, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the. medical fraternity. Catarrh beiir a constitutional constitu-tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. treat-ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces sur-faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors pro-prietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonial's. Address K. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold bv druggists 75c. Hall's Family I'tlls are tha best The compilers of the Tacoma directory direc-tory for 1001 place the population of the city at4.",000, as against 37,714 returned by the census bureau. I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago. Mrs. Thos. Robbiss, Maple Street, Norwich. N. Y., Feb. 17, 1900. The I?ank of Norway has lowered its rate of discount from 6 to 6 per cent., indicating that normal business conditions con-ditions prevail again. Many rausrs Induce gray hair, but Pabkkb's IIaib Balaam brings ta -k the youthful color. Hihdkrcorn, toe bet cure for Coras. 15cts. Reports of the wanton destruction of walrus in Alaskan watershave reached the treasury department at Washington. Washing-ton. If yon want "yood digestion to watt upon yotrr DDetiie" vou should always chew a bar of j Adams' Peiin Tutti Frutti. The president has nominated Frank lin Moss of Alaska to be Register of the land ofllce at St. Michaels, Alaska. The best is the cheapest. Carter's Ink Is the best, yet it costs no more than the poorest, The eight-hour movement ia in force in about 200 cities in America. Acker's English Remedy ivill positively euro Consumption, Consump-tion, Asthma, and Bronchitis, It will cure a cough or cold in a day. It will prevent Pneumonia. Pneu-monia. We guarantee it, because be-cause we know what it will do. Always insist on having Ackers. Ack-ers. In many instances after I had tried my utmost to give eren relief. I prescribed pre-scribed Acker's Enousk Rxmxdy and it permanently cured "ery ona of the patient. It is a valuable addition to the practice of medicine." C F. Smith. M. D., Olean. N. Y. Write to us for testimonials and free illustrated book on Consumption Sold at So, BOo mm t.O0 a feortla. If yon are not satisfied retara tae botUa t yoac dra(gUa and gat oar inoaey bk. tr.JL Koekor C Froyra-. UmmioM. T, MAX A PARADOX. From the Detroit Free Press: Being a man who does more thinking than talking and who is generally regarded aa taciturn, his family were rather Bur-priaed Bur-priaed when he laid down a standard magazine of the day and proceeded with a talk that suggested the propriety pro-priety of his being on a platform. "I'm no rose-water sentimentalist. I never allow my heart to run away with my head. I have an individual entity as clearly defined as that of any man. I know how to reason and I'm not afraid of my conclusions. I'm dead set against anarchy, socialism, communism com-munism and the whole nest of kindred vipers." That was his exordium. "But I've been reading an article here that just meets my views. I have what they call the money-making faculty aad have always prospered. But I believe with this writer that we should be more liberal with the men and women who are not thus favored. Give them a good, generous show. Live and let live those are my sentiments." senti-ments." "I feel the same way," ventured his wife. "This very afternoon I raised the girl's was 75 cents a week." "You did? Well, that's a pretty how-dydo. how-dydo. Funny you wouldn't make it a couple of dollars more. You must think that I find money or have it sent to me by the government. I've been telling for years how thrifty and economical you were. Guess you must have lost your grip. You've got to get even with that girl by charging her up with all time lost, everything wasted, broken dishes and the use of the sewing machine. I'm no national bank." Then he was called to the kitchen by the man who put up the storm door. There was a war of words because be-cause the man wanted a dollar and the head of the house stuck at 60 cents. After they had split the difference dif-ference and jawed as long as they could hear each other the husband and father seized the book he had been reading, flung it into the corner and went to bed three hours before his usual time. TIE PAID THE FREIGHT. "Boss," said an old negro, looking in through the post office stamp window win-dow yesterday, "how much does hit tek ter sen' fo' letters?" "EigM cents," said the gentleman within., "Hitsh!" "Frict!" Tie old man studied a while, got out his leather book, vintage of 1S55, and worried eight coppers out of the (l'.n'.ng. Laying these on the counter, Be drew a long breath and said: "Well, you c'n let 'em go 'long," "But where are the letters?" "Whar is dey? Why, I done drapt 'em in de hole 'roun' yonder!" The letters were fished out, stamped and allowed to "go 'long." Macon Telegraph. LATEST QUOTATIONS. Colonel Kentuck Uncle, what's the price of yoh turkey? Uncle Reuben Well, sah! das dog he got my trousers and some of aiah leg; but don't grudge dah price-no, sah! STORY OF UNCLE PHIN1SA8. From Puck: "Why, yes, Horac-3; your Uncle Phineas will tell you a Christmas story. "Once upon a time a certain man of bibulous tendencies, having spent the greater part of the night in hilarious communion with sundry genial companions com-panions and numerous cups of sack, returned to his abode at about 3 o'clock on Christmas morning with a wabbly walk and a woefully distorted vision and beheld, ranged in a neat row along the south wall of his room, 38 consecutive pairs of slippers all exactly alike in appearance and all seemingly of the same size. " 'Great Geeear's Shost I mean great Caesar's ghost!' ejaculated the man, for he was considerably astonished. 'Something is radically wrong in this immediate vicinity! Either I am mightily and monumentally ' intoxi cated and seeing slippers by the score where only one pair exists or else I m the popular young pastor of a fashionable church and have forgotten forgot-ten all about it. In either event I must confess that it is exceedingly un-pretty un-pretty of me, to say the least about it. Now, let me pause and cogitate for a moment. Ah, yes. I have it! I know what I will do; I will wrap all these superfluous slippers in bundles, each pair by itself, and send them with my compliments to the signers of such patent medicine testimonials as I may chance to find in the first newspaper I pick up. Of course I am pretty sure that those are imaginary slippers, but, then, the only people who are ever cured by patent nostrums are Imaginary Imag-inary beings, so they will not be likely like-ly io discover the imposition.' "He did so. And there, now, Horace, Hor-ace, it is time that all good little boys eho jld be in bed. So run along, and ah, wait a moment! I forgot to say that during his remarks the gentleman gentle-man in question uttered at appropriate intervals the regulation number oJ hic-coughs. Here they are: 'Hie! hie! hie! hie! hie! hie! hie!' and so oo. You may take them along to bed with you and pepper them into the story as you may see fit while you are thinking it over. That is all. Good night, Horace!" Holiday Gloom. "There are saddening features about Chriatmas shopping." "I think so; going around and seeing see-ing all the $2 presents you brought last year marked down to 49 cents." Detroit Free Press. . Not to Bo Denied. Cora So you think the mistletoe is the most appropriate decoration for the Jiolidays? Merritt Yes, my dear. It undoubtedly undoubt-edly smacks of Christmas. Puck. WAS DISCRIMINATED AGAINST. From Leslie's Weekly: "I was always al-ways discriminated against ia our family," said impetuous Annie Fos-dick Fos-dick in a burst of confidence to the handsome and eligible Arthur Barrow-cliff. Barrow-cliff. "How so, Miss Fosdick?" "Why, my elder sister had any quantity of money lavished on her accomplishments, ac-complishments, but when it came to poor me I was left out in the cold. I wanted very much to learn to sing. I thought I had a good voice, but papa said no. Then I thought I'd like to take piano lessons and become a famous fa-mous player, but papa put his foot on that. Then I suggested that I be allowed al-lowed to take china painting lessons like all other girls. He wouldn't have it. The 6ame way with everything else. Papa said he was determined that one of his girls should learn to be a housekeeper and not be filled up with useless accomplishments. That's what he called them. And the consequence con-sequence is that not a girl I know ia a better housekeeper than I am. 1 can cook things that papa says ara better than he gets in any restaurant in the oJty, but I don't know how to play a fingle tune on the " "My flear Annie er beg pardon. Miss Fosdick!" cried Mr. Barrowcliff, interrupting her. "I can control ajf self n longer. I love you to detraction, de-traction, Will you marry me?" "Yes. Arthur," replied Annie, coyly, as she estled her curly yellow head on the young man's white vest. GENEALOGICAL. He descended from an old cavalier. CURRENT JOKELETS. Age of Indifference Fortunately when the little folks discover that there is no Santa Claus they also discover dis-cover that they can get along without one. Puck. The Real Thing "Do you think her hair is all real?" "Why, of courc. A girl with her means would never buy aay other kind." Philadelphia Evening Eve-ning Bulletin. One Token Barred "Dearie, what do ynu want me to give you for Christmas?" Christ-mas?" "Well, precious, I've got eleven frajned photographs of you nUw." Detroit Free Press. As to Stockings Bacheller What are you going to put in your children's stockings this Christmas? Phamllan Huh! It takes all my money to keep' tile children in them. Philadelphia Press. Her View "It Isn't always what a Christmas present costs," said her friend, "that makes it appreciated." "Oh, no!" replied Mrs. Bargain Hunter; Hunt-er; "very often it is what people think it cost." Puck. Success Varies "Dar is all kinds an' degrees o' success," said Uncle Eben, "Wif some folks it in amassin' fortunes for-tunes an rulin' countries an' wif yuthuhs, it's jes' keepin' out o' Jail." Washington Star. Joys That We've Tasted "Does youi husband worry you about the mince pies his mother used to make?" "No, he's always and everlastingly bragging abo it his grandmother's baked hash." Indianapolis Journal. Quite Fit Trainer Now, this horfti is as fit as chemicals can make hlmj You've got a galvanic saddle, an electric elec-tric whip, hypodermic spurs, and If you can only shin a bit farther up his necR you ought just to lick anything with 'air on it! Punch. Died of Dlver'a Paralysis. A rather peculiar fatality occurred the other day at Lamlash in the island of Arran, where the reserve squadroa was stationed for a week. A torpedo1 was lost from the battleship Howe in about twenty fathoms of water, and a diver was sent down to search for IV On his return to the surface he was apparently ap-parently well, but he suddenly becamo: ill and died within an hour. A post mortem examination disclosed the fact' that death had been dueiis very rara' ailment known in the metllcal fproTei? sion as caisson disease or diver's par-' alys's, which only occurs when th pressure under which a diver works 18' more than three atmospheres and gen-, erally follows a rapid rise to the surface. sur-face. There were bubbles of gas In the blood vessels, heart, and train tissue. tis-sue. Robert Maclntyre in Chicago' Record. Individual Liberty In France. (' M. Henri Geulon, the distinguished' Paris lawyer, has been writing In the Figaro a series of articles on individual individ-ual liberty in France, or rather, the lack of it. He closes his last article with these words: "I am surprised to find that the laws of almost every country are more favorable to individual individ-ual liberty than those of France, that all or most all protect more carefully that social and civil liberty to which we, more than any other people, have a right under a Democratic government" govern-ment" Theodore Stanton in Chicago Record. Conductor's Rig-ht to Eject. The court of appeals at Albany, N4 Y., holds that a street car conductor! has the right to eject a passenger who; insists on standing on the platformj Elwood W. Montgomery, suffering1 from a violent headache, came outside hoping for relief in the fresh air. Thej conductor put him off after some ar-! gument. Montgomery sued and ob-f tained a verdict for $60 damages, but this decision was reversed on appeal td the higher court PM.a..a..mMBaa.ai In tDe Public pe Honor for Mr. Fo.irbanK.-t. Among the candidates for the presidency presi-dency of the D. A. R. at the coming session in W'ashington is Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks, wife of the senator from Indiana. In her own jcity IndianapolisMrs. Indianapo-lisMrs. Fairbanks fs accounted an all-around club woman. She wa3 the founder of the Fortnightly Literary club, an organization of several hundred hun-dred women. As the vice president general of the Daughters of the American Ameri-can Revolution In Indiana she is conspicuous con-spicuous among the patriotic women of the country. As a member of the Contemporary Con-temporary club, the leading mixed club In Indianapolis, and a worker in the Art association, she is also well known in her state. When in Washington Wash-ington with her husband she affiliated with the women's clubs in the national na-tional capital. In appearance Mr.. MRS. C. V. FAIRBANKS. Fairbanks is unusually prepossessing, having that Indefinable stamp of a gracious and refined woman. S'tjcly-S'tje Million Cents Qoined There were coined last year at the United States mints 66,833,700 bronze cents. The number was almost large enough to supply every inhabitant with one of these useful coins. The mints turned out more cents last year than ever before, but they have not 'been inactive in preceding years. Their output in 1S95 was thirty-eight millions, mil-lions, in 1S96 thirty-nine millions, in 1897 fifty millions, and in 189S forty-nine forty-nine millions. The cents which are in circulation seldom are much worn. They disappear some how before they have had time to get rubbed snooth as nickels and silver coins do. What becomes of the cents is as much a mystery mys-tery as what becomes of the pins. Millions Mil-lions of these small coins are minted yearly, and yet there is a steady demand de-mand for more. Nobody hoards cents. Nobody melts them down a. fata which befalls gold coins often. Thea what becomes of all the bronze cents? Compatriot o f Famous Men. The late Senator Bradbury of Maine, whose death was announced last week, was the oldest statesman in tha United States, and a colleague and personal per-sonal friend of Webster, Clay, Benton and Calhoun. He was tfce only survivor sur-vivor of the 100 men who sat in the senate during his senatorial term from 1847 to 1853. The departed ex-sfnattr was the only living member of ths THE LATE SENATOR BRADBURY, Bowdoin class of 1825, which included Longfellow, Hawthorne apJ John S. C. Abbott. The career of the venerable statesman covered a period of Arnri cgin.history unexampled in the expert- .hat pof any other man. He was one nain iady Jackson's warm supporters. He e " 98 years, six months and 23 days ld when he died. He never chewed chew-ed nor smoked tobacco, nor drank in-toxic? in-toxic? ling liquor. t5he Late "Bishop fftnde. The late Bishop William X. Ninde, came of a long line of Methodist preachers, and was himself a survival of the circuit riding days of the Methodist Meth-odist ministry. His work in and for the church was in many and different fields. He was first a teacher, then a minister, winning wide fame as one of the most powerful pulpit orators oi the church, a missionary to India, d professor in Garrett Biblical Institution, Insti-tution, and finally for the last sixteen years a bishop. Dr. A. Donaldson Smith, the famous Philadelphia explorer, who has recently recent-ly returned from Africa, has been awarded the Elisha Kent Kane medal by the Geographical society of Pennsylvania. Penn-sylvania. This is the first medal the society has awarded. Sir Wilfred Laurier, the Canadian premier, is noted for the unstinted manner in which he dispenses private charity. He has been known to go out on cold nights to carry food to some poor person in whom he took an interest inter-est Colonel Campbei;, ex-congre s s m a n from Illinois, who left his seat to go to the war, has been promot e d from lieutenant colonel of the Thirtieth Thir-tieth volunteer regiment reg-iment to be briga dier general. He , will not have long Qen to serve if the pres Campbell. ent army bill is passed, but he will come home to his country with the title of general. He has for many years been a leader in Illinois politics. Senator Thomas' R. Bard ot California, Califor-nia, Dr. C. L. Bard of Ventura, Cal., are to erect a hospital in that city as a memorial to their mother. The hoepl tal will be presented to the city eventually. event-ually. James Whitcomb Riley, the poet, now rarely wears the buttonhole bouquet bou-quet which he used never to be without. with-out. He dresses simply and wears Ui flowers but seldom. mmiim Iloixsas Scare in Berlin. Berlin, like other great cities, is snf-ferln snf-ferln from overcrowding, due to the absence of dwellings suitable for the constantly Increasing population. Ths municipal refuge for homeless people now shelters a thousand more than the average number of inmates. The distress dis-tress of these people is so great that the authorities propose to build premises prem-ises for the exclusive purpose of storing stor-ing the furniture of the crowded out, for these unfortunate people, though unable to find a roof, earn money and are without household goods. The crux of the matter Is the lack of small houses. The building trade prefers to erect huge and rather expensive edifices, edi-fices, and the rents of these are such as persons of small means can not afford to pay, and yet the Berlin municipality spends every year about four millions sterling for the benefit of the poor and homeless. Meanwhile, the hous!n problem is becoming more critical, and in reality constitutes a much more important im-portant subject than even the Chinese Situation. In other German towns the misery of the crowded out is not so acute but the growing seriousness of the situation demands immediate attention. at-tention. Thus the municipality of pusseldorf, one of the richest towns in jihe empire, has just decided to raise five millions sterling for building pmall and cheap houses for the working work-ing classes. Indianapolis New3. Abstracts from Sermons. Worry kills more people than work. !We expet to be happy in heaven because be-cause the Christian ; jligion made ui jiiappy on earth. Rev. Mr. Sanford, Baptist, Hackessack, N. J. Man is, by nature, divine, and if h would employ his divine forces h would find a greater degree of pr-j-jity and harmony in life. Rev. F. E Mason, Spiritualist. Brooklyn, N. Y. Christ's message to the world is th message of love. It has two divisions that with reference to God and that with reference to man. Rufus H, Jones, Quaker, Haverford, Pa. The press is educative to a greeitei degree than we sometimes realise; il is a great formative influence, It spreads intelligence and thus create character Rev W. C. Madison, Methodist, Meth-odist, Denver, Col. Unwise haste is a wasto. Hurry to get rich, hurry to get on, kills the aTer age man. The disease today is "hur-ritonitis," "hur-ritonitis," fruitful mother of all ill health. Hustle is well enough. Ret. H. Vanderwart. Reformed Church, Hackensack, N. J. A Transcendent Iue. Some day and the day is not far distant the enlightened conscience oi American voters will perceive that there is in our country one issua transcending every other and more important im-portant than them all. Then the liquoi auestion will be given precedence over the money question, the tariff Question, the expansion question, the trust question, and every other question. ques-tion. That day will mark a victory for noble manliness, for the home, for patriotism, pa-triotism, and for righteousness. Well- f ppring, Gold! Uold! Gold! The lfltfst Kl Dorado is reported to be Dn Nome City Beach, Alaska. Thou-tands Thou-tands of people are hastening there, many of whom return broken in health. Of what avail is gold when health is cone? j Guard your health with the best of all niedicines. Ifostetter s Stomach Bitters. It will regulate the bowels, stir up the liver, invigorate the kidneys, and absolutely ab-solutely cure indigestion, constipation, malaria, chills and fever. It's a good medicine to keep on hand. Robert Phillip, Treasurer of Queensland, Queens-land, asserts that the colony is prepared pre-pared to contribute its proportion of 10,000 additional troops to South Afri" ca. TO CURE A COLD IN ONK DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drupgists refund the money if it fails to cure. K. W. Grove's signature is on the box. 25c. At Stanford university the vacancies of Professors Howard and Spencer have been filled by the appointment of Professors Lapsley and Warren of Harvard. Har-vard. We pay 9 1 8 a Week and expenses to men with rifes to lntrodnce our Pon-TKY CoMporso. Javklli Mrs. Co., Dept. D, Pabsoxs, Kansas. It seems certain that a railway commission com-mission to control railroad rates will be created by the present Washington legislature. How Are Your Bowels? Now what you want is Cascarets. Go and get them today-Cascareb-in metal box-cost box-cost 10c. Take one I Eat it like candy, and it will work gently-while you sleep, it cures, that means it strengthens the muscular walls of the bowels, gives them new life. Then they act regularly and naturally. That's what you want It's guaranteed to be found in J0c 25c 50c. ALL DRUGGISTS. CUBE : all bowel troubles. onaneesu bad breath on the stomach, bloate-d UUlllks month, headartte. Indigestion, pimples, f.u.flr vsnMugajiv iroasie, ssuow complexion and dizziness. Waeo your bowels don't mo-re rego larly yen ara getting sick. Constipation kails more people than all other diseases together. It Is a stat-ier for the chronic ailments and Ions years ot snCeriB?. I'lat come sftrrn'srit. No matter what aiin yoi , is rt taking CASCABET8 to-day, for yon v. KI neei' c'ftt well and be well all the time until you put fnrfcnwtls right. Talce onr advise: start ri iui VA " liiilf (e-daf. nnder ail absolute guar atUee to cure or hi sue y reiuatd. u6 V ; , 0 MISS FRANCES M. ANDERSON, daughter of HON. JUDGE ANDERSON, of Virginia, is at present in Washington, D. C, as Corresponding Secretary of the Higher Educational League, of that city. Cured of la grippe by Peruna. IS3 FRANCES M. ANDERSON, Corresponding Secretary of the Higher Educational League, writes frtm the" Astoria, "Washington, "Wash-ington, D. C, the following: "About ttvo months ago I was taken very ill with ia grippe and was obliged to go to bed. I took three bottles of Peruna with very beneficial results, and was able to leave my bed In a week and regained my usual strength very soon. "I have nothing but praise for Peruna, Peru-na, and recommend it to those similarly simi-larly afflicted whenever I can." Frances M. Anderson. La grippe is, strictly speaking, epidemic epi-demic catarrh that is to say, a variety of acute catarrh which is so contagious contagi-ous and runs a course more or lesa definite, tho 6ame as scarlet fever, whooping cough, etc. During the acute stages of la grippe it is not a very fatal disease, but the condition in which it leaves the system sys-tem has caused the death of a countless count-less number. Indeed nearly every person who has had la grippe within the laat three years finds himself more or less deranged de-ranged by the pernicious effects of this disease. The majority of those who have escaped death find life scarcely worth living. If this vast multitude of people could only know with what certainty and promptness Peruna would relieve them of all the bad effects which la grippe has brought upon them, what an untold amount of suffering would be averted! Thousands have already heard how quickly this remedy will cure In these cases and have been saved; but tens of thousands have not yet heard, and con Books Statloncru Periodicals. Obtain your standard, juvenile, school and fil fcooks. bible, office, typewriter and school mrpHea, plain and engraved bulne and socletr eardi ana Stationery by return mall from A. B. IJerya Jt Co SaJt Lak. Pri ad satisfaction suaranMed. jr SrKZAmj.?s pension I F BlCKroitU, Washington. D. C. tbey II will receive 'juick replies. B. fth X.H.Vols Staff 20th Corps. Prosecuting Claims since 1 8 7 8 M About the first thing the doctor says-Then, says-Then, "Let's see your tongue." Because bad tongue and bad bowels go together. Regulate the bowels, clean up the tongue. We all know that this is the way to keep and look well. You can't keep the bowels healthy and regular with purges or bird-shot pills. They move you with awful gripes, then you're worse than ever. THE TONIC LAXATIVE appendicitis, bil- GUARANTEED , bad blood. wind boi els, foal similar saedlnlne la la mm ft merit, sis mmr will Mil CASCARETS absolutely tssrsntwd to ears op money refnneed. o bey today, rwo aVOe boxes, ale m fair, benest trial, aa ser simple elreetteas, and I? yon are o isiiasea, siisrstisf eae ftO. sex. rstsrstne " box mm the 'empty box to us by ma.Il, or the driwfffst rroia whom yen purchased It, aad eetyoar moaey ssch 'or. boxes. Take ear adrlee bo matter whet ells yon start so-dey. so-dey. Health will qnt.klT follow ma Toa will bles. the dar I oe flJrststsrted the ps oItasoaK ETN. Beokfre by mail. ddrtMl fcIJt.iiU.Aa eXDX CO.. Saw i0h.iL or tiULaoO. tinue to suffer on, dropping into tha grave on by one. Peruna cures catarrh in all etagea and varieties, whether acute or chronic, and is therefore the most effective remedy ever devised for removing all the derangements which follows la grippe. Samuel M. York writes from Union" Grove, Ala., the following letter: Dear Sir "Last week I was taken with la grippe and catarrhal deafness. I wrote you for advice and followed your directions. After taking two bottles bot-tles of Peruna I found myself well oi la grippe, and my hearing was fully restored. re-stored. My health i3 better than 1( has been In five years. "My wife improved in health rery much after taking Peruna." Samuel M. York. Miss Caroline J. Kahl, Otisoo, Ind.( writes as follows: "Three years I bad la grippe and pulmonary trouble. 1 was very sick. I had hemorrhages of the lungs nearly every day for a year and three bottles of your Peruna cured me. The doctoi said 1 bad consumption. I am now In better health than I have been for many years. "I highly recommend Peruna to all my neighbors and friends. Peruna is my favorite medicine. I shall always have Peruna in the house." Miss Caro line J. Kahl. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory sat-isfactory results from the use of Peruna, Pe-runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. ATENTi WITHOUT FEB nnlcaa eurcpsnful Send description ( u n H fcrAt frAA mm inn . DiT. S17-Uth Street, WASHINGTON. I. V, Braneb offices; t'lili airo, Clevelnnd and Detroit. FiPnD Ci'V NEW DISCOVERY; frtvos LIWI 9 I quick relief and cures wont cases. Book of testimonials and io DAYS' treatment mil Da. U. U. SKtiS'S 8U53. Bu U. AUaats, Ua. NEVER , SOLD IN BULK. TO CTTREi Five Term sra ttle Unt box of CAHCAJ .se K'I'S was .old. Sow It over six million boxes at the world. Tuts Is aJtmlnte proof of the worl ,,.,. tvmt' heat testtmoalal. We save raita |