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Show A ? I 't t-f I '.t I : -r, i mi i ru -i r ...-! ' ' !! r. M . ,;,! Hi'-. M 1 1 ' ! i:-:n r i! ne n i;-.-. -Oil !,,;!, re. t Will I 1 I M i I II Ii.trii. -- it ! 1' I i i: ii . rni t! t llrr . t A i! i fl Y 1 1 i 1. It-! i- airi 'irif--cl iofie I i in -.- -I (I S. W-.r, 1 M.T ,:..' - '.- 1 ret i I 1..! . :. I - I- Mi ll i:-r al lr. J P r - n , i '-t !.l -!r..-. ! l' i.ili. l -in W:; M . I; 1 a .ill i j i "j r . v I i : i 1 I.-' ;.: . , . Tin- i . ":i b-n: -1 . Ii i- J K Kiiin.; h. ,- . ! ! - - r - ! .-. '1, ' . I . i -' i -it. Professional Cards. DR. F- DUNN, -in.-, .i i: 'V i: I. i J. ii I i . V ( i : i i - , T. ! 1,1...:,.- .- . ! I). ( JnliN'soX, ltcorncy-t-Licii ulid Hctciry Public. Si'iriM. vii. .!:, I'taii. I JAMES CAFiBLY, ! NOTARY FTjP.LJG. si'i;iMi ii.i.;: I'.: II. !'. I'TAII. K i : i , : :! ; i ( 'i n and ' i .1 iital i 'I'll l I Hi I il MT. j c ! .j.-.iji.i - . T" ' !.:'! 1 1 u. I 'l l l - l: w-'.U. a':d- ;o; v. . i k ii- i i m ;i !!' : 1'i-r.i i: at i:k i. il. I !;r (. !!. i.K i A II. Societio. Ii. I . ."i. S; .1 i i.lT i i i- T.iii " H i'M'.'ts i'i re gii'.ar i f i" w . iy Sa ' ti : !:: i : ! at t Vi-ii'ifg Sit ICiii-bt-- t.i Wi-ii'i tile MfNT ; ! 1 ;. ( i N'. C'ntU. Ki.i.iol N. .limn N I!. K. Tiie Well Dressed Man W .. l: I l.i I.m v. it r. r I. : , I.:.u;-.ii 1 (i..!n-. Th;it'- ... . 1 1, . ! I, v.. ;' : I I.. ", :i w PRCVO STEAJI l'.AUKDEY .1 M. '.I'Mi k'. 1', p'r. PROVO. UTAH. Some people live to eat at d i tin i- . ,it in live. li; cii!i(-.r cas.' bnuli M K I , ri i , v. W. f - ' - ii : ' t i i i vi i i h i :t' in tin :. ' :iii- W.' IV the l.i.r st in ! j r i. . f. r ".-.i! aitl 'Tii'-k.'tis Erclman & Sons, riXj'T'ciiiari.r;, SI'i: I N ; VI I. I.K I'TAII. 1 I : i ; IH -:- -J- - .; ..j s .3. Be Mepdent f -m--m : : -i -i-f n--! r-j f-ii!-: . j ; j I - t h.' 1 1 rc-t weekly iu-wp;i-I r j.ti'.i ;h -d in li:ii em? nt v. ' ft , , i . : I l iM i t v'H vH I ..'l take it? H ii... bct- lercme in ::efj sf.bsetib". 1 1 '1 v. - lil t '.1 ' I -a! a a 1 S: .1! c ii'-w-i in a br i t la.tiit or. 1-:- : : ! h-.- -t-j-i-: l! . '.! t'.writy c ,! u .1, f rr;d!i-g ir illiT e v. rv wei k. M I- --1- m- -; -t- i- ...... . It n-ai-ht alaiost overy h i il ia tin- X'.i'i.'v. cv,-ry F. i lay. f t- h tm -i 1 : m- : : ;mm : ;..;-. It t- the lea-luig weekly ;. i..;r nl t bi Comity. I t lM ! I ; -I .; j : ..- .; - in. I 1 c iiie it is the id est .11.(1 i est. "' a's 1 i 1 iM I'rj; ::!;;ag in 111" latest ' !e of the an, we The MepEdeei t; INDEPENDENT. E-'itor a-2 Hauler. It 'i":'i ( tig. feUJ C GUISCSIPTION. year. r.-i''i-. l-M ."' i ! j i ':!! i- hit )!'- j ",r:t in , ,,jft i I-.- if r - , .11 t'p- ' I M i I I t 1 1 ' ! i ' I tip. IV .V !.! !( 1' i ! ! a ll' W--i i'. . in i.e !i- i,.is in -l ' f'.i- .i J. III t . I V !f;l'l, I . ni.-i'ic i; ;. i warm !. u- .! . -I !. 1 r : . ::. s I . II" - r.-,k- li I ' I a i I c:i 1 1 1 1 . It!- ''! I. ' 1. 1 A.. .:! i ! '!:;: veil I' ' s - i . r ; : i V(--i 1 1 7 ' ' I 1 in r r ; ! ; i i, i 1 1 e 1 1 l 1 1 :e -1 ..,t !.!!.; i - n-i (t .- c. . ! i '-ii ' ;i in i ! i li'U.U ft I. !l ,i- ti-1 f f r it lt , i ' il c f mill' mi-ll' :i . . i t Tin- 'i I t J . hen- ; niiwi Vf- ;t. I ltd 111-: wilr Iv StiiVitl ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 'I"a!k aln.ul : i: 1 l:t!ni! CJ (.!- :ria !i. I !- ' ! r c..r,; i , : !, ..... , . - ' ... ' ' i b V t 1 i 1 I ' t ' I nj.iwic.! C7; i!i;-it slills tlni.' ; 1 1 r ' 1 1 x 1 1 W.i- ,:. (ii-t Year. '-i it "flil 1 1 t : ;s ' , hill (iinvcr Ck-W-iiii I ill ii"t :i'U-ml. The cap:-loi cap:-loi ina a in i! a kc in li.tvinor ;.;.-!iivt i-;. t v fall in tin' (luck il I I . ! I ! ' .- t- : ; 1 . I'i-.V! I. 1,1 II,. V!' ii! i I't-inir " . i I . '- ' . ' c ; i i . 1 " i us on t In-T:.vy. In-T:.vy. A ). Ihc-c s.-inic i i-. i . i 1 1 1 j ( n i i- n i 'i - . n i ! y ii. I v'f-ii' i.r !.'( :, ' I ; 11 V.,.e ( ::-'' i : ..' 't ii t c ! i i i i ; . i - . n . i . ! ; '.v Y n 1- I :, : 1 1 ( . 1 '.Villi t ii :; in Li ! mail 1 s si i i kij. I i il , i I'l'iuf-i i i !i.' pe. ml, i Ik re, in- (!.i')'n;r niir (. i ...-inf il ic r.;-.-i- ' 1 1 Wl i ! sr.nn Ii ! I'll uiml. 1 1 1 si- 1 1 1: n lie t r;. ' 1 v i. i-a : i s:. Tlie ) i t-siik-n! i n .j- iit to !mve s I. ;;4 j n : : in y ., i.o tlri.-k? !i( TI V S ' 1 ' ".' ,'! t ilc I" ilili J - nine tr ,!, b.s ,,,,.. jiuui) ,ui no ; f ' i ' ' : ' t inci f use -f i! r ..-t- i In' ,; i :i) v Iiy 50,000 !t!;-n is iln.t has heen given to 1:0 rcsioi'iii since ilie country coun-try v;t--, : p. i sImhi!.! not ho given to ( I i 1 1 1 1 ( w TI:;' hull -e h is c: t t mX( hi. ()('(!, (100. tint e-f.oii Ihs from n'l.er things ami one-fourth M in 1m or. This pleases (lie hi v.vt s hut fi ii'hlf n.s .oeiotai'v (;:', v. ho i-iys that so large a niltii'iitn hiiu-s the country h; n 1 . .11 s v c!ose to a deficit. When the South African war heo-.ui it .',:. s B il'er w ho was 4"Ii:l; hi ii there wi'h plenarv 1 u i h'; l :y to h 1 nr c vt r v ho;ly, in !ii"iin the Tra nsvallers ami Mee Staters, as Iehels. Now it is Ki:(lu-nr who is exercising hat sain..' ;;u: hority. Me-an-vhile, (Jreat 15.-; toin !i;is a death oil of s. m;- .0,000 ui'l told and ;he fi I j t is not over yet. The Indopen lent is in receipt f the Christinas number of The Descrct X'.hs receive 1 list Saturday. Sat-urday. It is ne of ihe finest I'Hres of lithograph walk ever gottto out in Zion, and contains :',S p."g. s, j;n l a hiiel histi ry of he pi ( :n 1 0 1 11 1 men of Our state. Il is a v.iiu tlde piece of nevvs-reit nevvs-reit er in km in-hip and one of oieh Sail Lake people may feel justly proud. Oklahoma is a-kin; 'or ad-oiisS ad-oiisS iMi to tt itehood. This ler-n'o:v ler-n'o:v In? h population of nearly near-ly -lOO.Oi'O iiicludii.g ah. tit 0,-'X'O 0,-'X'O Indi.-.iis. If the number of inhabitants count for anything he liiiinerieal qua! i Heal ion is not I. -eking its regaids the present pres-ent applicant. Hut Senator F;i 1 b.i n ks, of Indiana, in his hill for admission, proposes the onsoiidalion of Oklahoma with j he Indian Tt 1 n'orv. and the1 1 combined population i f the twoj exclusive of Indian, would be! ..boM, sococo. UNLUCKY CiilH3 EDITORS. The Tyrannical ItnpresK !-Preed !-Preed All ?.ewp ln th? Empire. ' ! Emprc-is Tze Hsi has suppressed all Kfw.-papers in CLhta. There were 56, ' though of thes those in foreign hands - j cannol he itcpped. The imperial de-I de-I cret t f October U was as tallows: "As newspapers only serve to excite the j mart's to subvert the present order of I thii gs. and the editors concerned cu.nc fictn th.- dugs of the literary classes. t.o tr;jcd can be -served by the cortmua- ti:,n of such dangerous instruments, and we hereby connuand the entVe suppression and sealing up of all news- papers published wllhin the empire, .hi:e the editors connected with them ' rc to be arrt&ud and punished with li.e inir.csi severity ot tne law. Now. wi;h four or five exceptions, 1ln.-e paiiev.-i hive lii-fn very well eon-iluc-.r-d. ai.d certainly in OJiie cases Chiiie.-r editors may take rank ainonj,' p:ile th.. best peop.le in China." One. v. l.o a- merely thiJ editcr of a local japcr till then had been tutor to the t hii.iresi i f ( hanp Chili Tung, the one iiicurruptible viceroy. Vet these men, ai.d for n-J i.ther offense than that of 1 :i j newspaper editors, are to be pun-i; pun-i; h (i with tii.' utmost severity of the law, and this by the arbitrary will of u v. ciii.i:!. haled tliroujrhout China, w ho ; I v deposed her adopted son :.i d i:,at!e ' herself ruler in his place. K'-.uu-. the n.ntlern snp;e. who has only i : p, d bt heading through the pro-t-. cti-ji! of an English man-of-war. begs the Ei.pli.-h people 1o take steps for the p-i oteetion of the relatives of one of these editors, Liang, the editor of Chn:tse Progress, in- miiiseif es-capul es-capul ii:ti) hiding somewhere or other, but by Chinese usage ah the relations ot a criminal are reckoned criminals, even to the ninth degrte; and Mr. Liang's fosUr mother, aunt, uncle, brother and nephew have been seized by the otiicials. Mr. Kang's own whole familv !hd in the nleht from their h.-.-me across the 1',-arl river, at Canton, -en. re oi'Icial arrived to seu'.e thein; lhou;:h Imw a v. hole clan can succeed I ia rt !',:::!. i:,lt hK.dtii it is t'lfhcult to in U isiiiiid. unless under the protec- I l r.f the r.ritish flag at Hong-Kong, j ll!s broil: r. of course, was among the i iliM six b-aders beheaded at l'ekintr. St. Janus.' (.a.ette. A Vn,; .:tii Ulnliwr.y Itnbber. According to a recent report from Iti:s.Ma. t here is :i prr.iessio:.'-'. highway woiuan in that country, whose name is g'ven ;is llarbara Damietia. She ii said to be. dashing and Ivautifif. and rid.- like a c. p.taur. In describing her :n:ir ':sii.a lis hip 1liL- statement is mad.' that she can scallop the edge of a tiny Ibis iun coin with ritle bullets at any i:i!:g'.1 within sight. She is also dis- i i i' n'ohi'd for her cfiurt'y manners, lit- e faiiiuiis hitrliwavnier.. sin robs only i !k' rich, giving liberally to the p:or. She avcids all possibility of the slie.iili:: r of blood, and, although she wear men's clothes, her voice and beauty declare her to be a woman. The-people The-people in the neighborhoc d in which sIk' carrits on her trade are enthusiastic enthus-iastic in their praise of this woman footpad. X. Y. Tribune. GettinK 111:1 of Friction. A novel invention has been exhibited before a large number of persons by J. M. A'ves. a Kus-sian civil engineer in St. Peteisburg. With this invention he proposes to revolutionize wheel locomotion. loco-motion. By attaching it to the wheels of any vehicle friction is reduced to its lowest possible limit. Totheamaze-meni Totheamaze-meni of t h e spectator, an ordinary horss-:l-i!y drew a wagon loaded with 2 tons of goods. Thi mechanism cf this devic? was kej)t secret, th.e wheels being be-ing covered with a wo( den framework. This precaution n the part of the inventor, in-ventor, it was txplain.d, was because he h id just applied for a ,.itent and did rot wish h is i u ven t ion made public until un-til it had bem protected by the patent. Chicago Chronicle. Erorytliiiifi in lleady-lo-dleaF Garments for One Feature of our Stock for Fall to which we wish to call Particular Attention is our Complete Line of These floods. Our stock includes All the New Things in Suits, Dress Skirts, Under Skirts, Jackets, Waists. Wrappers, Capes and Muslin (Judtr- wear. Buvs A Jm NICE SUIT- And We Have Them Cheaper if You Wish. Our $10-Jacket Is the Talk of The Town AND OUR 30 Inch Plush Gaps At 84.00 IS A- iiARE BARGAIN Call and See Us We can Save You Money. Ir.vine & Sons, . 14 Center St., PROVO .... UTAH. Do Not Trifle i with danger and remember I every cough or cold means danger. jShlloh's Consumption I On.! will cure your cough or cold at once. It will heal and strengthen your lungs. It is a safeguard for you always. Take it at the first indication of a cough or cold. ; "A severe cold settled in throat and bronchial tubes -elds ula las-cd several months. 1 tried Shi'oii and it cured me at once. Am glad to add my testimony. ! PIEKRE USHING I Rcctcr St. Mark"s Church, LeKoy, N. Y. SIill ih'H Ooufiiliupllon Cure la 6old ly all iluttKs at Sr, SOc. SI.OO bottle. A i. iiii-.l euurxiicen goes with every bottle, f you r nut .iti.li..l go to your drugsrUt tul get your money back. ! Write for illustrated book on consumption. Sent without cost 10 you. S. C. Wells Co., LeKoy, N.V. Over the Fslln. A Wisconsin paper reports an Indian's remarkable escape from death. He was one of a driving crew that broke a big jam above St tirgeon Falls. He at tempted tempt-ed to cross the river on a log, and to the horror of the spectr.rO-rs, was carried car-ried over the falls. The fallv are 40 feet high, and consist of two, pitches and the rapids. (A Courserhe Ajsm-wdo given up for dead, and the drivinfc crew thought it useless to search the river for his body, as the logs were pilitjgovet the falls at a rapid rate. The) nevt morning, however, the Indian 'walked into camp for breakfast. He had been swept down the river and up against the bank, where he managed to crawl out. Finding only a few scratches and bruises, but being, as he remarked, "rather tired," he lay down and slept until daylight, and was none the worse for bis adventure. Vast WeaKh of lllndiiimlnn. In India there is more weabh than in any other country in the world. Gold, fabrics, jew elsand spices foragesthese have been produced and found in this land. One of the Iudian princes owns jewels valued at $15,000,000. Food Changed to Poison. - Putrefying food in the intestines produces effects like those of arsenic, hut Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, liently. easily but surely, curing constipation, con-stipation, billiousness, sick headache, fe vers, all liver, kidney and iiowel troubles. Only 2fc, at C. J. Peterson's. Peter-son's. Wanted Active man of pood character to deliver and collect in I'taii for old est ab-li-lied manufacturing wholesale house. if'.KKI a year, sure pay. Honesty more than ex )'- l ience required. Our reference, any hank in any city. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. Manufacturers, Third Floor, ii;s4 Dearborn St.. Chicago. The Best Plaster. A piece of tlannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain cer-tain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affonr . Pain Balm also cures rhetpwviii-'jtrT. One In C. J. Peterson. XOTICE TU ('lvKf)IT 3KS. Estate of Edward I'eniiinirton. deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouch, eis to the undersigned at Spriiisivile City, I'tah count v. tate f f 'tah. on or before the 7th day of April, A. 1).. ll)ol. John Hopkins. .1a mes Caffhkv, Executors of the estate of Edward Pennington, Pen-nington, deceased. It 17 SOTICE. United States Land Office, ice. ) 11 Salt Lake City. Utah Nov. 1). i'.lOO To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby Riven that the State of Utah, lias filed in this oiliee a list. .No. M. of lands selected by the .said State for the establishment and maintenance of a I.eform School, under Sec:iou 12. of the Act of Consrrcss approved Jnly 1C, 1S94. The following fol-lowing tracts embraced in said list are in a townshiu containing claims of record viz: The se ne ht 11 'i se ?-4 ne sw sec. 4, t p. 7. s. r. :t e.. S. L. Mer. A copy of said list, so far as it relates to said tracts by description sub divisions, has been conspicuously posted in this office for I inspection by any person interested, and by the public generally. Within Ihe next sixty days following the date of this notice, under departmental instructions of Nov. 27. lXiXi (2I1 L l.. 4."!i, protests pro-tests or contests against the claim of the State to any of the tracts or subdivisions herein described, on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for atrricultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to the general land ofllce at Washing! Ion. f. C Failu-e 80 to protest or contest within the time specified will be con sidered sufficient evidence of thenoniininera character of said tracts, and the Rejection thereof, being otherwise free from ojjction will be recommended for approval. Frank D. Hobbs. Geo. A. Smith. Uekister. Receiver. First pub. Nov. 2. l'.X)0 Last pub. Jan. 24, 1901. i Recreation Pointers i An illustrated monthly magazine w hich will interest any reader of good literature; fl per year. Send Send for free sample and let it talk for Reporter Publishing Co.. Kansas Oity - - - :. DESIGNS 1 TBinc.Hiox I AND COPYRIGHTS UBIAINED ADVICE AS TO P4TFNT Rll ITY Notice in " Inventive Age " Book "How to obtain Patents" ' Charge moderate. No fee till patent is secured. Ij.t.tlraBtwtl.M,nlufanli.l . .1 V r-.a'."r':'.5' ra,8n -yer, Washington i. D. C.1 - - - Dr. Williams' Indian Pn Ointnient will cure Blind Bleeding and Iithinc Piles. It absorbs the tumors. ailays the itching at oace, acts lus a Doultice. eives iiiKtmn re lief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment Oint-ment is n re Dared for Piiennrl Itr-h- ing of the private parts. Every box is warranter!. Bv drilLTicts. hv mnil nn re ceipt of price. AO cents and $1.(M. Ufll 1 lMS MANUFACTURING CO.. Props.. CleveiaSduohia For sale at Ir. C. J. Peterson's Drug Store. 3 tUKtS WHttit ALL LS f AILS. Bast Couch Syrup. Tmstes Good. Use 9 In time. 8.!1 by dmeiHs. SH i IRIS I ES IP" H& LOCAL IJKIEFS. The people testify that Hood's Sar-saparilla Sar-saparilla cures scrofula, eruptions, catarrh, rheumatism, dyspepsia, nervous ner-vous troubles, and you ioav take it with confidence that it will do for you what it has done for others. The non-irritating cathartic is Hood's Tills. "Finnltran's Fortune" will be put on at Maplettn tomorrow night. Are you goi ng? Hot taruales and an excellent cup of coffee to be had at Mrs. E. Covert's for 10c. Will Tipton is home from Eureka for the holidays. Humor has it that he is soon to take unto himself a wife. Miss Dora Curtis will make a special spec-ial sale ff ribbons of all kinds for the holiday trade. The ladies of the. Presbyterian church will have a sale of plain and fancy articles at the Presbyterian chapel next Friday afternoon and evening. Refreshments 10c. Everybody Every-body invited. M. E. White's is the place to get your underwear; either piece or Union suits cheap. We are in receipt of the annual circular cir-cular of the Hutigerfonl academy, located lo-cated at Springville, Utah, and which is-ftow in its fourteenth year. Haddington Had-dington G. Hrown is principal, Miss Lou R. Pad en assistant principal, and Mrs. Haddington G. Brown matron. ma-tron. The institution is conducted under the auspicts of the Woman's Board of Home M ission of the Presbyterian Pres-byterian church, and bears a good name. Iron County Record. If you would have an appetite like a bear and relNh for your meals take Chamberlain's .Stomach arid Liver Tablets. Thej correct disordeis of the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. Price, 2.3c. Samples free, at C. J. Peterson's drug store. The weather bids fair to continue tine during the coining week fr our people to ceiebrrte Christmas. Great is Utah for climate and kids. No one can reasonably hope for good health unless his bowels move once each day. When this is not attended at-tended to. disorders of the stomach arise, biliousness, headache, dyspepsia dyspep-sia and piles soon follow. If you w ish to avoid these ailments keep your bowels regular by taking; Chamberlain's Chamber-lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when required. They tire easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. For sale by C. J. Peterson. A Woman's Awful Peril. "There is only one chance to save your life and that is through an operation" oper-ation" were the startling words heard by Mrs. I. P. Hunt of Lime Ridge, Wis , from her doctor after he had vainly trieC. to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall stones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she began to use Electric Bitters which wholly cured her. It's a wonderful won-derful stomach, liver and kidney remedy. Cures dyspepsia, loss of ap-pclite. ap-pclite. Try ;t. Only 50c. Guaranteed. Guaran-teed. For stile by C. J. Peterson. Says He Was Tortured. ' I suffered such pains from '"urns I could hardly walk." writes II. Robinson: Robin-son: Hillsborough, Ills., "but Buck-len's Buck-len's Arnica Salve cured them," Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, buns, boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by C J. Peterson Peter-son 25c. Holiday Books I have in a nice line of B oks and Stationery suitable for Holiday presents at prices that are right. Pa-Med editions of the poets and the latest copyrighted books in stock. Call in and you will likely find just what you ordering books on special order. E. N. JORDA Slickest Thing The Surprise Revolver, ready to sh oot any time. Send one dime and we mail you the Revolver, also see circulars latest novelties for Christmas gifts. W kite Quick. NOVELTY SUPPLY HOUSE, 340 West First South $ for Boys and Children. Every suit ia made from the choicest woolens, steam shrunk .-.n i "-it,t color; sewed with finest silk and linen thread through, out. rants have double seas and double knees. Our EAIVTWEiBOrT hanper Is found on Coo Inside of collar of every garment. They cost no more than the ordinary kind. DAU3E, COHN & CO., Manufacturers, CHICAGO. 'JtAM EAliOL'i" is Sold in Springtillc by H. T. 1JEV011S & CO EXCLiUSIVELiY From the Hickory Ridge Missoitrian. ; Floored; J Swat ted on the gob! j Knocked out in the second round! McKinley and the dinner bail got there! Gosh! Didn't they paste it to us everlastingly! 'Twasn't our fault, though, Hickory Hick-ory Ridge done noble. Hryan said he was bound to win. and we bet on bis judgment. And it cost us the best squirrel dug in the whole state, by jock-! As we go to press the news is that everj tiling has gone republican except ex-cept h 11 and Texas. For President in 1904, Andrew Jackson of Tennessee. We've got to get back to the old landmarks or we're wiped out. We acknowledge a serenade by the Republican Marching club with a brass band last night. It was darned pour music, but we suppose it was the best they could do. Thanks. We are in favor of reorganizing the democratic party or abolishing the whole sh toting match. When its got so that we haven't any principles of our own, and have to take them second sec-ond hand from a lot of Kansas and Nebraska crank and grand. iddy lung-legs lung-legs wit h yeller hair and iheir pants in their boots, who don't know anything any-thing but clamity hooting, it's time, oy jingo. io call a new deal: Were tired of holding the sack for the republican re-publican snipe hunters. It's going to be a blamed long, cold winter for us this year. Wood, coal and corncobs wanted on subscript ion, and wanted right now! A mong the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Rem-edy for colds and la grippe during the past few ears, to our knowledge, not a single case has n suited in pneumonia. pneumo-nia. Thos. Whittt. Id & Co.. -240 Wabash Wa-bash avenue. Chicago, one of the most prominent retail druggists in that city, in speaking f this, says: 'We recommend Chamberlain's Cough remedy for la grippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counteracts counter-acts any tendency of la grippe to result re-sult in pneumonia.'' For sale by C. J. Peterson. Miss Ida Bover was joined to Mr. Andrew L. Porter by the ancient attd honorable older of marriage in the Salt Lake Temple today. Their wedding wed-ding reception will be held at the residence of Judge John S. Uoyer tomorrow to-morrow evening at 7 :30 p. m. Here's hoping that they may have a long life of wedded bliss. Marriage license has been granted to Ralph E. Wood 2fi, of Springville, and Miss Ett,:i M. Shortridge, 19, of Sheridan, Ore, They were married by Justice M. A. Preedon. How to Cure Croup. Mr. R. Gray, who lives n 3 l r Arne-nia, Arne-nia, Duchess county, X. Y , s.ii: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best medicine 1 have ever used. It is a line children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure." When given as soon tis the child becomes h arse, or even after the croup cough has developed, de-veloped, it will prevent the attack This should be borne in mind and a bol tie of t he cough remedy k pt at hand ready for instant use as soon as these sy in (. toms appear. For sale by C, J. IVterson. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Hroino QiiiniiH' Talili-ts. All clriiiriiistsi refund the money if it f:iiis to cure. K. W. Grove's .siiiatuie is on each !)). 2Tir. and Stationery! want. I make a specialty of N Book Dealer. you ever Saw Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. X BUY THE Ara Aff nnJsfsof arm rn t,J i i s Z3a s 4g ' My home is i.i S:-l::cy. Ohio. 1 than cny other living p- r.i-ti :.i can tcil others. I too!; r. ic., -,o: time, ana j-.t the end of two years I h -1 run into co isumption I co ghed erribly. lost (k-sh, could ot sleep, and became- so r adfidly ve;:k t'ta: I : d 'o take to b.d. In ill 3 foil wing eglit cn x -months 1 grud .a 'y V. . - rc ehed th--; lasl states IT. ' fe numption. No less ,f f. has seven physicians V- ' ,aud ir.e r.nd a 1 ;,avo' x u , io i p s;'v;m; I was in- U . abl.-. Iw..uubs..!uMy X "T J .;' es . Tre whole 1. in- vo;e themse ves o-.:t !V ' j v c-i:';.r f .r mc. One day I 1 j - i . her a- d sis'.er canio -- my b.dsi.lc, r.a-.l M-id " ' I 1 bat a i'av or i-vi tnorc to 1 ': 1 the i.e.vs. 'Hi. doei ;-. 1 ! :.. . l : ian b.-irr c.vild :-"i e vc. 1 v.. ; t; l, ; ; t: . ny, : - 1 w :n:c I 1 5 go o t an ! s-.v m .-.it; 1 . ; -v to' 1 in 3 s-'.oh a t'lia sv:o t -i-H-wij -a .r ; .';. 1-Vtt 1 in-iu d. .-'.-. 1 t ) ; . ,, y . y d. -.: . i a a b .1 o ' pi .o .v , v, ii , o -, s I w i ; ca ;-: . .i ,. i i .1 e S j j'l c I ; r, '.. . : -. . - i'..- i : . , a T .-. .! -:i.o, so :i o o !) a !;-'.,! !. . o :.i 'I c: - . n - i a giacd i'o a l : . . -. . c: it. v.-a ; .- li Xr: :. f' a ' j is :i' a raw, s i tr c i i ' ,i , i n : i ;-i o. 1 .' so-' .M h.T e.ot ;no v- ;h. in.- :i --r.w an i 1 to ' r . i .' ; r a n as wc'l a; aa y r.-.i !. of i!m j..;o r, a d x .. ;-x Acker'.? V. lioned v for Cousu.i.oiAia. 1 '-. ck-.. eve - y word her.' pr ntcd is true." Th's r.' ntirlt-iiiK' tcs: ii'i iiiisl, or. in t'ic pronr i-:or in.' Dr. Ac:; r's lli'br:tt-a !ii:;i-s i r.-r - i! : .;. . . V Ae';p a !Si;!,-li K .in.- Iy s-ii-i bv U! .is- Sundtrd in c..-t" .s ' i hi . -'".-'.; : !. I n : i i r roi" Ssile DOMESTIC LAUNBR1 PROVO, UTAH First class wink in-all lines. Family Fam-ily washings a specialty. Lauinlry taken Tuesdays and returned Thurs days. Spriiigvill ". agency tit Jordan's Hook Store. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE -3 t--' '-W-Zll Anvr.ne seii1tn n sliPlrh nn1 Sis rni'O ui m y .jiliokly asi'frtHin r.r oi'iiui.n freo v.-i (Our :.n iiiveiitiim H pmtniMv . iie"t!il.! 'hiihiiimiv iii.iis Rtrii'-tly ..niliMeiiiiiil. 1 1;;nc0. i -Is e;i I'ntelUs Bent free. OHi'st mrpiii'V fi.i' si'( uri!i4.' iiaii'Tits. 1'iitpiita mkcu tliroin.'li Stiain t: Co. ruceive tljcriiil mitten, vriitinut c-linruro, in Uie Scientific Emmm A hardsonioly illustrated wcokly. I.nruwf rir-rulatii.Ti rir-rulatii.Ti of any sf'iontitii! io'irnnt. 't'crni:. n venr: four nioiit lid. i 1. Sold Hynll ii?wi'P:ilT'. SUNN & Co.3618-8' New Yiirft Branch Oilicc, C25 V St., Wabbii.ttua 2). C. W t: - s -ts. . - ..it - 'V .'. ' s Er.'i- ; ' ;i''i-i'?'.?.' --,-'? r-p- f,v"Ti C'?Ui3 .If LAO i . Stops the Cou'jh tut 1 Works elf the Cold. Laxative ltromo t.'uinine Tsiiihis run ;i cold in one day. No Cure, no I'n v. 1'ii -e L'." eeiit s. Have It Hone Hight. Take your watch to F. X. West and have it cleaned and tlxed. Work guaranteed This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bro;r:oQiiinine Tablet the remedy that oitr-s a coitl in one ilaj Agents Wanted. (lermaii Electric Hazar Hone. Guaranteed equal to t he Lest 1 lone made. Can use water, oil or l it her. Will last a lil'e time. Each Hone packed in a neat cardhoaid ease. Everyone perfect Just the thing for private use. Fiiee, Toe. We want an agent in each township town-ship to whom exclusive stile will he given. Write for sample and agent's outfit. Sent hy mail. A Money Coiner. Address. MARSH M FG, , CO., No. 542 West Lake St., Chicago. f553CK5l awn 1 1 S J E . 9 F 35 per cent imnmmmn of the passengers on the thro' train take their meals in the dining cars. The proportion on most railroads is less than 52 per cent. The extraordinary showing made hy Burlington diners is due to two causes: J. The service is unusually good. 2. The prices are unusually reasonable. Trains for Omaha. Kansas City, St. iouii, and Chicago, leave Denver at 4 p. ni. and 10 p. m. Thro' sleeper, Salt Lake to Omaha and Chicago daily. Train for Dlack Hills leaves Denver 11:30 p. in. Tickets at Offices of Connecting Lines. Ticket Office. - - 79 West Second South St. K. F. TMESLEX, General I-?" I TsTfe HIT-' kJ-s t. 0- -v- Ktf h 'X :'!, sif I Uii-d I. cl v H ' 1 - f s T-r ' d'-nvn their chocks a. t!i-v s a L.st: a :a t. n; ! !; ; io l e e s 1 ; : i a ot ?,..!. v i r . .-. I s a eiy i. e b. !..- ! t i ar i .i s v,-s tit d i;; .! avv i oe.it.i t. .. : t a e s .-. ; ; K ion i: i ". . - .id i p." ; ..n , -. i' 1:' n: g t v, c!i.i s. rllie Cane. 'I' d..y I t.;at cined me- - as e.e liod a'.ul ia.i.i that " "ii r. ' M .rs V H. Hoater Co., New York, u,. v. , v. si .or t-v i hem, as well as by u:i-- -i i i- ,- i '-invit !h:.t y.mr inon-y will lie r - i i . . i I . iaii hiii.i -jvl.. ij. o.i., and ft ."v' li. O. J. Ioterson. TH. PETERSON. "Wheelwriftlit and Blacksmith i 9 j ii - .y- r-- -, . , Scientific Enrse ttttm a spteially. silol' Three Plucks Fist M."tiug II i:te. PAKED M. HUUTZ Li.-ce of-- THE SPRINGVILLE ROLLER MILLS, i mam f actc t:i:i:s OK - I FLOUR and FEED Ou-tom (irinditig a S;k ci iily. t'.isJt j paid for Wheat. A. Pv. BKOVVX, ToHGorial ; Artist I I'm an easy Shave and an Artistic Hair C'.n , cal I on htm. Z-iSLclies' - o-iicl - Oli.ilclr'Oi-i'3 H:iii't-i:ts a sjn-cialt jr. ApciH'y fir Troy Suam Iiu uli y . S.tit Luke. ratio!' 1 door north of Ue rioid's store SPril N; V li.L 10 m- T, I'V ')! 'v TIMH3 a. El X Q1 KOli SI'lilNi; VI LLF, tTAll. chum; wr-:sT To Salt Lake. Oirden and tlie Coast. No. ". I'aciiii. limited Lv H:l0a m No. T, from Tint ie to Salt Lake ity Lv. K:15 i. m No 1. I'lli'ifie mail Lv. 11 :()S a. m No. 0. from Sanpete to Salt Lake Lv. 4:.'f. . ni No. 3. I'acitic express Lv p. ra No. S. I'assensrer. from S"lt Lake to Tintic .1. :'M p. in No. 2. Springville to Tintie, Mixifl. daily except Sunday Lv. 5:53 a. m GOING EAST. No. !. Mail and I'vprosa Lv (1:35 a. in No. 10. I'as.sfenner and mail, from Salt Lake to Sanpete valley Lv. SC'.ti a. m. No. 2. Scenic special Lv. 4:25 p.m. No. 4, ( liicago iimited Lv. 9:45 p. m. I). C. DODGE. General Manager, . S. IL BABl.-OCK. GEO. W. HEINTZ. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. s feaEJE.'iSi'- 'yt g V J . 6 r. -3 Agent. Salt Lake City. H i.e5.:- !' oc.-.-.'i v-!u oi ' st-vl it, i grew y.''-iv -r -.C-Jf- .i r W if CSALY LAKE J |