Show SESSION Of THE TUE CITY COUNCIL Amendments to Rapid Transit Franchise Under tion Waterworks AFFAIRS OF WEBER COUNTY IUd J to oc 0 oca G a It eItH open March HAt lut It night Ioa of oC the cSt city council aft a ane a to u the I la Transit Street Rail Railway com coin pinY from to oJ on Wall came earne up tu In the form of an to the Oyer th this In January 1107 It provide care carll bt be o Mila line Une nt 12 dill It provides that Ih branch h hI Jl he be lii III operation with within In x month and that the co II an within 15 11 day pr of elate dale of Th amendment 1 read the lint and second oDd ume It Ad I Ihn It wa voted that the council j 1 Ito final consideration in ID commit t I of the next nest Friday night Bre r en In the appoint nt oC O Frank U all as member 1 t the board of park commissioner to Ill I tiu hI vacancy by the removal fl tha city of Xela eia Kadish who baa 1 IH the city and J V F Volker to HI the vacancy by the re reIn ln In ot of John S Lewis Lewla The Tb two th Ith T It H will constitute UM the 1 rd of park for lor Ute th year The request u t from on oa Taylor for the tho o of the district was repol repented ted upon la b by the committee for Ihl h ratIOn that the ol of oC so III luau shall haU districts warn put putting ting the city to too great areat expense espen e from residents nn n Orant between and and on Thirty from Wahington to olf r back to the committee for the sanle aane on The Tho council take the Iho that be sidewalk be larger Th matter or of works at Beven I th Ih to prevent tho Ogden river from fromI property from overflow WM waa I by the tho council And It was Wall I to complete the work t th the d to III wiro 1 th the tot tor thy Ih iitti 1 o w 11 0 a A lIIM h by favoring tb Ih ot of Ih the main in th Ih linn annex to 10 the city Ity w waa adopted The committee reported In of a on street and tit the councIl the construction of tIM the main Th The me comMittee betided that the Water tr and anel pl pipe be tUrned over to the department and be put In I rood good and this wu ws adopted The Th same me committee recommended the put pur pure e chase of a hot for this Ihl department or the thu n of one from the lire de department department Treasurer Farr rr reported on hand In all department ShorteD reported nine case of eI diseases COUTY The county met me yH ye In regular and nd transect eel 4 routine business The report port on county fund ch cash on hand 1 1911 to Dec Deoc 1 and b S t 1 maid incIting a total ot of 11 warrant redeemed In that time 09 on haM MM March I 1 luaus warrants lag County Clerk S 8 O 0 Dye De reported that UIt the there wall wa In the county fund of which sum belongs to Oden City and bIon to nty school John C Child w was appointed road supervisor u for the Roy 4 district to flu all the vacancy caused by the resignation of John P H W Marriott was appointed road for the War Warren run ren district t tH H C Hansen superintendent u tot tor th tb county Infirmary re ort cited 34 14 Inma inmate In that Commissioner Moore WI S i riven ven pow power or er to act In making a survey for the grade arade for the railroad to be conStruct conStructed ed through Farr Wet and Plain City under the franchise granted b by th the to Lyman A Taylor and d J M Child ALlEGED HELD John Martin and O ora Jeorge ald two or of the Ix burglars who er ar E rested bout about a week ago by the police pollee have hae been bound oer mer to the d court upon the charge charae of It la lathe n the third doire dearee The men mea were ar before Iud Judge Murphy Jt day lid and waived J ed their b bIn hear hearIng In Ing and were held to the higher co bonds of SIlO NO each In do de default fault of bond they were ere demand d rod ad to the or of the sheriff j i h he hemen men were charged with ug the Upp Up Jewelry tore store In this city ut at uta a week ago 0 CANTALOUPE A number of the farmers of fo b county have bave taken steps tep to ell fl a athe the growing of cantaloupe for th tA ea estert tem market In competition with the growers of Payette valley Idaho Idalia and Rocky Ford Colorado Thus tar car 1 Jt Ito acre Cree are being prepared for the planting with melon seeds and It I Ivry is very vry probable that before th the tI time for tor plantIng Strive there will be more sores acre added to this number VISIT OF the wife of oC Chart Charles Fisher thE popular Rapid Transit motorman a girt to the wife or of Jask lk I of nr MAI Must I I ii I IIrI IrI n lAT ATH oV 01 I 1 I A It Et S itt II a 1 i t It H t 1 1111 h hA hRS hn i lill III Ihl II 11 deI i th n hl ii ol I A n II III I I I ight I 1 r f I r 11 Ill IFo li 1 rap 10 II I t I 11 II ohi hI It II 11 I I j for Or Ore e hl tant nl I th Ih r III iI I pi II piP I Il P l t I 11 i I 1 N 1 VoId Wold sled II 1 end real 1 dent of Pt Peterson Moia 0 county Ui Ie nt AI tI t n 1 b taI III after fter an operation Uon for fop an a al alC C The was a tit to about a week ago rot treatment bUnI night the Uon W was per r form 1 but her weakened was uh Suh that she lIbe could coul not ot d he houk hk The body was WAIl d to 10 tM mo Larkin undertaking and vt Vol sent nt to tn Milton Mol n county w ero the funeral will be held dl diy DEAD I aged ed 50 10 nd a netI of hillY Sn an itinerant II prinder at t the Chapman rooming house In this city Ity yesterday morn In L at of Y He W we en roUl roat to lO Where h he hoped ton to r a 1 for Or t treatment I It I ceo it e admittance to a It Lak hll h e T The I body dy w was removed to th ahro h It will be for tunal and lid an n ne e ort made to find the man INUI relatives |