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Show Springville Bariher Gets Jaycee 'Man Of Year' Award SPRINGVILLE Th Springville Spring-ville Junior Chamber of Commerce Com-merce Thursday night awarded their annual community service trophy to George Bird assistant cashier, ' Springville Banking company. The award was made for his outstanding service to the community in 1948. A veteran of World War II, Mr. Bird is a member of the board of directors of Springville Kiwanis club, and is serving on the city council. He is active In Spring ville LDS First ward. He was selected for the honor by a committee comppsed of Sterling Price, mayor; William Phillips and Ed Johnson. Jaycees who received key awards, were Robert Haslam, president; Lee Miner and Willard Ostlund. Pleasant Grove Woman Dies At 66 PLEASANT GROVE Funeral services for Mrs. Sena R; Christiansen, Chris-tiansen, 66, who died in an American Ameri-can Fork hospital Thurday at noon following a lingering illness, will be conducted Monday at 1 p. m. in the Pleasant Grove Third LDS ward chapel by Niel Y, Fugal, bishop. Friends may call at the Olpin mortuary Sunday evening and at the family home Monday until time of services. Burial will be in Pleasant Grove cemetery. Mrs. Christiansen was born in Denmark Aug. 5, 1882. a daughter of Hans and Sena Peterson Ras-mussen. Ras-mussen. She came to America with her parents, converts to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Latter-day Saints, when she was six months Old. The family settled in Pleasant Grove, and Mrs. Christiansen Chris-tiansen had lived here all her life. She was married to one cnns- tiansen in 1900. sh wo a teacher in the Pleas ant Grove Third LDS ward Relief society for 20 years. Surviving are her husband; two Tariv ami Errol Christian sen, ' Pleasant Grove; a daughter, Mrs. Norma R.ann, ieariieiu nuii cniintv? five erandchildren Miru wrent-oranrirhildren: three sisters, Mrs. Anna Miller, Los Angeles, Cal.; Mr. eva waiwr, Pleasant Grove, and Mrs. Jennie Ewell, Provo. Orem Farmer Dies At Home of Son OREM Funeral services for Joseph S. Bird, 68, former Salina stock raiser and farmer who died Wednesday morning at the nome of his son, Byard K. Bird, Orem, will be conducted Tuesday at 9:30 a. m. in the Claudin funeral home at Provo. , Services will be directed by A. Twin Rnilrnpr hiiihon of Grand- Avau v v - i view LDS ward. Additional serv ices will be held in Sauna Tuesday Tues-day at 2 p. m. in the Salina Sec ond LDS ward, uunai wm db at 4Kb Salina eemeterv. 4 Friends may call Monday from T 6 to 8 p. m. and Tuesday morning until time of services at Claudin funeral home. He was born Feb. 32, 1880, at Salina, Sevier county, a son of Tanna Mulr Bird ana is.eisey nira, who came to Utah from Scotland, i He was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He spent most of nis me tlm In Salina movinff to SDring ville in 1940 and to Orem in 1946. Survivors include his widow, T.vrilo Kins' Bird: four sons. Joseph Edwin Bird, Orem; Parley Duane Bird, Salt Lake City; waiter u. Bird, Provo, and eyara iv. mra, n.m- nn riauahter Mm. Vern (Merby) Beardall, Springville; four brothers ana tnree sisters: Brigham A. Bird. Clearfield; Clear-field; John H. Bird and Leroy Bird, Salina; Mrs. D. N. Anderson, Salina; Mrs. Rose Gardner. Idaho Falls. Ida., and Mrs. Agnes Farns-worth, Farns-worth, Long Beach, Cal. He is also survived by 33 grandchildren grand-children and 18 great-grandchil-, dren. Elmo Jensen Wan of Year' For Mapleton MAPLETON Jaycee members mem-bers chose Elmo Jensen as the outstanding man of the year in Mapleton . for his community service Thursday night at the annual Jaycee yearly award banquet - Mr. Jensen has distinguished himself throughout 1948 by his work as conductor of the Singing Sing-ing Mothers, his committee work and his connection and work with the state agriculture office and tax commission. He is president of the Mapleton Jaycee club. Judges for the selection of the award winner were Wllby War ren, LDS church official; Free man Bird, state Boy -Scout of ficial; and Lor an Nielsori, local businessman. Two key awards were made to outstanding Jaycee members who are not officers. The key awards went to Preston Hooper and Nino Antinino for their ex hausting work as Jaycee mem bers. '. Navy aircraft carriers always sail into the wind when planes are taking off, to give them additional addi-tional lift. James Damico Gets American Fork Jaycee '48 Award AMERICAN FORK James Damico, operator of a shoe re pair business, Thursday night re ceived the American Fork Junior Chamber of Commerce award for outstanding civic endeavor dur ing 1948. Highlight of his record for the year was his work as Santa Claus in the local Christmas program. The award was received by Mr. Damico at the annual Jaycee Jay-cee baqquet. He was active in committee work for the 1948 Steel day celebration and was chairman of the 1948 polio fund campaign, in American Fork. An award for outstanding chairmanship was presented to Marvin Teuscher, who headed the organization's Christmas activities activ-ities committee. The panel of judges which make the service award selection was comprised of Dave Taylor, Lions club president; George Jones, president of the Rotary club and Delbert Chipman, local LDS church leader. Lena Barren Gets Payson Jaycee W2ri0fYer'Key f'f-0&i SfKt "sf-; f I - ' ',-; v ,v Va-"' . V " ? V v - ' !- ?' It's No Fun Being President; Harry Changes Duds 4 Times Br HAINAN W. NICHOLS WASHINGTON. Jan. 21(U.B I don't want to grow up to be president. pres-ident. I dogged the steps of the fast-stepping fast-stepping Mr. Truman from dawn yesterday to the wee hours of tali morning and I'm ' sure t couldnt keep up the pace. Tor one thing, the little man from Missouri on inauguration day changed duds four times. That's bad enough even if you have four changes and time for four shower baths. He started out in a conservative conserva-tive business suit for a bre&kfast meeting with his chums from Battery D of World War I days. Capt. Truman and the lads chewed chew-ed over bacon and eggs and old times. Right before noon, the presi dent shucked this ensemble. Me pulled on his striped pants, swallow-tailed coat and top hat and drove from Blair House, his temporary tem-porary living quarters, to the capitoL He took the solemn oath of office of-fice and outlined a bold program for world peace. Then bis driver hauled him back to the reviewing stand in front of the White House. He and his sparring partner, Vice President Alben Barkley of Kentucky, Ken-tucky, put on a couple of smiles that carried them through the rest of a long afternoon. I will say that the chief executive execu-tive looked the part In his silk skimmer and gray gloves. Much better than did Melvin D. Hil-dreth, Hil-dreth, the dignified chairman of the inaugural committee. My spy glasses may have been out of LANE M. BARRON PAYSdN Award of the dis tlnguished service key and cer tficate wus made Thursday at Payson Second LDS ward recreational recrea-tional hall to Lane M. Barron, lo cal rancher, for the service he has given his community during 1948. Presentation was made at the annual Jaycee D.S.A. banquet by Almon Harmer, chairman of the five man judging committee who made the selection on a basis of outstanding service and personal contribution to the community. Jack Loveless, president of the junior chamber of commerce, in troduced guests who included State Jaycee President Al Hart and State Vice President Gordon Mendenhall; Fire Chief and Mrs. Waldo Wilson and Payson city council members and wives. Guest speaker was Clifford L. Ashtn, popular attorney of Salt Lake City. Allen Hodgson was master of ceremonies. Highlighting the affair was the presentation of the certilicate of merit to the local volunteer fire department by the Payson Jaycees and the national affiliate The banjo has been described as America's only national musical musi-cal instrument, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. Confesses Torso Mutilation Murder f ' X ': ; -V $ . " . ' 1NEA tmUphni Vlctoriano Corrales (center) snows Sheriff Don Oox deft) and Deputy Harry Knoll (right) the spot where he confessed throwing the mutilated muti-lated body of Marie Pulldo, a Mexican national whom he brought mto the D. 8. This point on the American River near Sacramento. Cal.. Is near his cabin where he at different times lived with two girls, both now missing and supposed to be his victims. 1KB EAJ PRICES ARE LOlVEn AT CARSON'S On Top AA and A Grade Meats BEEF ROASTS Choice No. 7 Cut. lb. 49c Cut From Swift's Cudahy's AA and A Beef Some people cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever when-ever they go. My .heart lights up every time I see little Bobbie, for even at his advanced age of 14 months there's still a trace of heaven about him. Mary and I were discussing how well he's been so far this winter. And I'm sure that the extra vitamins vita-mins A and D in Special Morning ati ik go a long way in promoting ood Health during the days when e gets so little sunshine. 1. I . i . M . k your aocior aooui special Morning Milk for your special baby? . , PORK ROASTS Extra Fat and Bone Removed Boston Butts. , lb. 45c Ground Beef c lb. 42c PORK CHOPS lb. 49c STEAKS s lb. 69c Cut From Swift's Cudahy's AA A Beef BACON sr... lb. 53c HAMS lb. 39c Shop and Save At focua, but H looked Jrom where J aat across the street as though Mel's bonnet was about half size too big. i Hat Doffing Next Then the president began what muat have been quite a trial. The business of hat-tlpplng and glove-taking off. Between cups of coffee, served up in paper cups like us common folks were drinking drink-ing In the cold out there, Mr. Truman began a monotonous session ses-sion of doffing his topper. Mr. Barkley did the same. First, he bared his head in honor of the Missouri mules. Mules just like he had followed across the furrows of his dad's farm back in the Show-Me state when he was a barefoot kid. My score sheet shows 36 other hat tips. The gloves came olf 30 umM, au ioi. lie was pome as could be to bunchi of cowboys from Kansas City. One of 'em tried to show off with a rope trick in front of the stand but couldn't get a decent spin out of his hemp until after he ha passed. Mr. T. didn't let the man down, though. He followed him with his eyes until after he had passed. Mr. T. peeled off his gloves and clapped as loud as the next one. Outdoes Barkley He even outdid the vice president presi-dent in the cheering section when the gaudy float from Paducah, Ky., "Dear Alben's" home town, swept past. The president sensed he had outdone his running mate and Barkley, being a good sport, gave DAILY HERALD f. Friday, January 21, 194 f- RECLAMATION BUREAW ; ENGINEER DIES NEEDLES. Cal.. -Ton 51 tim Lee Howard Dana, 63. well knowa engineer of the federal bureau oi reclamation, died at hi hum Thursday of a heart attack follow mg inimenza. in. They touched coffee cups and drank deeply. After the parade had nessed. the chief changed again to a business busi-ness suit and rushed off to another an-other reception. Last night, he put on the white tie and tails foe the big inaugural ball. The little man had a busy dear: all right. But he looked fresh as a daisy when it was all over about 2 a. m. Me, I'm tired. 11 1 i . . . ii .... I,, t " " ' " 11 Yf I Your Sugcesticas are Appreciated ( Ys4MHmt At Aliens Anything that helps you helps ua! When we can help you with meal-planning problems lower prices a little make your shopping easier in any way that's helpinr ns with our Job, too! So if you have any suggestions that will help you In your food. buying be sure to pass them on to us! Allen's Appreciate Your Suggestions! Enter Lever Bross $50,000 Vacation of a Lifetime con test! A cruise around the World for Two, or $10,000 Cash! Get Entry Blank a4 ALLEN'S At Allen's Nucoa round Half Half Cream Whipping Cream San Maid Raisins Pkg. 15c Jolly Time I UUV.UM1 10 or. Ca Pint Pint 39c 28c 36c 18c Get a free handy can opener with the purehaae It earn f Morning Milk at Allen's Saturday. SOUP Campbell's Cream of Mushroom. 2 Cans . CI ODD Pillsbury's -VWI 5 Pound Bag mis with just oni sdjTro aSILVIR-PLATID m a se. a a & a lAlfUUHl COMS IN AND Ml SUU OCTAIll TODAY Lb. Pkg. Lge. Pkg. . 17c NBC Shredded Wheat Quaker Oats 3 Pound Box . . 35c Cream of Wheat Lg Pkg. .. 30c Rice KrispiesLg. Pkg. 15c At. Allen's CherriosLg. Pkg 15c .. 33c 47c JELL-0 W'-r 7c MUSTARD '15127 : 9c AT ALLEN'S SPRY $1.10 S Pound Can Alien's Dig Sis - As Advertised on ECSU Sat 10:30 a.m. S T7T7T7-TT- Old Manse Makes Hot Cakes Delicious 12 oz. Bottle Spring Kist. A Quality Utah Product. Whole Kernel- At Allen's, No. 2 Can ... Segro. Children love it! A Utah Product 4 Cans Miracle Whip Smooth, mild, deliciou Pint Jar Del Monte. A delicious Sauce,' just reduced in price 14 oz. Bottle Swift's Delicious Luncheon5 Meat. At Allen's Can .... 95ECDQGD 23' la wee BOTTLE SWI FTN I NG 3A,pS S $1 .07 DOG FOODSr- .14c II 1111 Shaver's Grape- i JUILL fruit. 46 oz. Can Z.IC JUICE l6oroc.1Mon,e- 25c PUMPKIN JffiiVJSi 25c POTATOES SXn" N,w7 10c PORK & BEANS rr.. . 23c COCKTAIL 2F,n.e'.Mo.".". 37c SOUP 2:y3 32c CfMID Campbell's IJ. JWUr Vegetable. Can I3C PRUNES STr'r ...19c 'J (CM(D)DCE TTpriced. T 7Ouam, Meats; GW-f' " " Urea are - " plse.onyo turea ax - - uk firit W know 11 nrade. Shoulder Cut, Pound Picnic Siyie;.tv Choice Quality pound " ctewers. Fresh Dressed Pound Sugar Cured, At Allen's Pure, U. S. Inspected 2 Pounds . IT AtfHTft - I T CAGE Al"""' 49c FREE! FREE!! Handy Can Opener with purchase of It cans Morning Morn-ing Milk! 18 " $1.65 RINSO 31c x I,arge Package GiantNpkg. S4 ALLEN'S VALUE! I X LUX FLAKES 31c Large Package x x LUX SOAP 17c t BARS Bath Bar, 2 for ALLEN'S VALUES LIFEBUOY 17c X BARS SWAN SOAP 19c 2 Regular Bare Large Bar le WIN ij til I 3:1 Mil T-sasnHsa-w - - VEGETABLES Selected Carefully by Allen's Expert Produce Buyers ... to insure you the Choicest Produce at Lowest Possible Price. CAIBIBAGE IPAIKlSNniPS YAMS No. 1, New Green Pound No. 1, Fancy Crunchy, Pound No. 1, to bake with roast-Pound roast-Pound No. 1. A healthful treat Pound No. 1, Crisp, ......... Mealy and good, No. 1 Pound Cc 6c as E2c No. 1 Texas White GRAPEFRUIT Pound No. 1, Med. Rise ORANGES Pound 10c Tender, LARGE franks BEANS NoC02CanrtCUtr. ...1...... 15C PFA ' Spring Kist, Fancy ff-. r tMJ 4 sieve, No. 2 Can IDC TOMATOES 1 14c CORN fop3r c:eT. .s!yIt;. 1 5c V - - - -j bVDGIlE TOE DBGT COSTS LESQ q .-"iMir n Sausage rn a to c5?vr579i 49c exu -- - II . 45c Pound 4 MORNING MILK 171 North First East A iAAAAAAAAAAA' |