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Show Kavachevich-Jungquist Rites Performed Saturday Evening Finalists Named For Queen Of Homecoming Two 'lovely . brunettes and , regal blonde today- were named finalist in . the 1947 Brigharo Young ' university homecoming queen contest race. liie unausia are voueen nuivir . ins of Arcadia, California; Myr-lene Myr-lene Roiriney of Salt Lake City; and Jean Romney of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Okla-homa. - y Campaigning will continue this Exercise. Doesn't Stoa'dt 40 iNow, enroute to San Francisco on their honeymoon are Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kavachevich, who were married I in impressive rites Saturday evening at Provo First ward IchaneL Bishon Earl Lewis solemnized the rites in the pres- ence of friends after the wedding march was played , by jweek witn balloting sched-Byron sched-Byron Jensen. Mrs. J. Edwin Stein sang appropriate num-!uled ior Thursday at booths on Ders. The lovely bride, who is the former Marion Jungqttist, sof Milwaukee, Wis. was given in marriage by Earl Oss, who performed per-formed , the duties of John, A. Jungquist, the bride's father, who was unable to be present. v i Little Misses -Patsy. Oss and Arda Joan Peterson, f rocked in dainty yellow ballerina dresses ,and wearing. wreathes of pink carnations, attended as flower iris: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oss stood, with the bride, Mrs. Oss wearing a chic gray dress with corsage of gladiolus,- which complemented the smart gray outfit worn by the bride, who wore a small hat with gray and pink plumes, accented with pink satin ribbon. She carried car-ried a white orchid on a white Bible. . , x Leo 'N. Kavachevich attended his. brother as best man. Special Siesta of the wedding party were r. and Mrs. Stanley Persson, friends of the bride from Milwaukee Milwau-kee '. The rotunda, where the newly -weds greeted their guests, was .prettily decorated with cathedral tapers, white chrysanthemums and -gladiolus. Donald Kavachevich Kavache-vich greeted the wedding guests at the door and was in charge of the guest book. Ushers were Law rente Jones, C. E. Jones, ClydeH James, Bill Wilson and Bob Wol- aey. The many gifts were displayed under the direction of Mrs. Ray Klauck and Mrs. Grant Thome. Refreshments were served from an attractive lace covered table centered with a blue and white wedding cake, topped with tiny . i ii iweaauiE oeus. Later in the evening the euests 'gathered in the amusement hall wnere string music piayea D.v Nila Stubbs, Carol Stubbs and Marial Perkins was enjoyed. Other Oth-er numbers on the program included: in-cluded: toasts, Grant Thorne. Earl Oss, Bob Webster and Leo Kavachevich; Kava-chevich; reading. Mrs. Sherman Christenson; vocal numbers, Kenny Ken-ny Martin, accompanied by Byron By-ron Jensen. Clyde James was master of ceremonies. The youpg couple left the church amid a shower of rice and after their honeymoon will return to Provo to make their home. Sharon PTA Starts Drive OREM Sharon school PTA launched its annual magazine drive today for the National Parent-Teacher, official magazine for the country's largest lay organization organiza-tion devoted to the welfare and education of 'children, the National Na-tional Congress of Parents and Teachers. Committee members met at the school Friday to complete plans to contact every family with children enrolled at the school personally with each member "of the committee being assigned to his particular neighborhood. All PTA units are urged to use the magazine in promoting the national four-point program of which the specific objectives are school education, health, world Understanding and parent and family life education. Mrs. Rulon Subb heads the magazine committee at the Shkron school. Other committee members are Mrs. Roy Dunn. MrsJ Mvin Rowley, Mrs. Samuel Hudson, Mrs. Richard Park. Mrs. Nelson Snow, Mrs. W. G. Yergensen, Mrs. D. W. Perkins. Mrs. Clay Dunn, Mrs. C. Donald Clayton and Mrs. Orville K. Harris. puses at BYU. The girls were selected from a field of 16 candidates including LaRae Gourley and Nancy Tay-lar, Tay-lar, of Provo; Janice Tibbetts of St. Anthony, Idaho; Corrinne Hawkley of Idaho Falls, Idaho; Valley Circle met at the home j0inV Collett nf Ttnisr . Idaho- m i i W I ' Mr.rH. F.LMr, fredl" Haycock of Pueblo, Colo- Ray and Mrs. Joseph Halber- ; onmey xuver; amriey sleben as assisting hostesses. Lamereaux of Salt Lake City; Joy Our Post War Schools" was, Meyers of Las Vegas, Nevada; UK Arthur 2 t Valley "Circle In Session the timely topic discussed by Mrs. Harry T. Walker. The business meeting was followed fol-lowed by a social hour and luncheon. ' Mrs. Harry - Walker and Mrs. John Riley of Payson were guests of the circle and Mrs. William J. Williamson and Mrs. Ralph F. Stalker became members. Present were Mrs. Aria Beebe, Mrs. R. C. Borden, Mrs. L. A. Culmsee, Mrs.- F. H. Deck, Mrs. Bessie R. Grimm. Mrs. W. Bt Jones, Mrs. Kirk Leander. Mrs. R. K. Nelson, Mrs. Joseph Roach. Mrs, Karl Scherrer, Miss Augusta Scherrer. Mrs. Fred D. Smith, Mrs. John M. yick, Mrs. William E. Zobell and the hostesses. . Club Notes XI BETA CHAPTER Mrs. David Beesley will be hostess to Xi Beta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi fet her home 761 East D Street, Tuesday evening. eve-ning. BON HEUR Mrs. Dean A. Anderson, 244 West First South, will entertain for Bon Heur club. Mrs. A. K. Williams will be the guest speaker. NINETEENTH CENTURY Mrs. H. W. Gease will entertain enter-tain Nineteenth Century club at her hdme Friday at 2:30 p. m. WRITERS' SECTION The Writers' . Section of Women's Wo-men's Council will meet at Women's Wo-men's club house Tuesday evening eve-ning at 8 p. m. instead of 3 p. m. as reported. Glamour 'At Home' TT? 1 t '4. "z If-?, . y i WV 1 r ,r 1 r Darlene Openshaw of Flushing, New . York; Mildred "Mickey" Teslich of Rock Springs, Wyo ming; Evelyn Sutton: and Mary Beth Geary of Morgan." Couple Wed Fifty Years LEHI Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Holmstead are being honored at their home today on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. anniver-sary. They were married Oct 20, 1897 in Lehi. Mr. Holmstead has been known as one of the best fishermen in the state and has been associated with the sheep industry. He' was born in Lehi Nov. 28, 1875 of pioneer pio-neer parents, Olaf and Mary Ek-strom Ek-strom Holmstead, emigrants from Sweden. Mrs. Holmstead is also a native of Lehi, born Nov. 2, 1877. Her mother came across the plains as a child after coming here from Sweden. Five sons,- Clarence, Boyd, Mack, Rex and Ira are expected to join in the festivities. Pamela Gease Party Hostess Friends of Pamela Gease were bidden to a gala Hallowe'en-birthday Hallowe'en-birthday party given in her honor hon-or by her mother, Mrs. Marvin Gease, Saturday at her home. Pamela was celebrating her eighth birthday. Witches, cats, pumpkins, skeletons skele-tons and all the other motifs that -make for a gay Hallowe'en party, were used in decoration of the rumpus-room, where the chil dren, all in costume, played musical games and gained prizes for their skill. Bill Shriver was there to take pictures of the guests, who were attired as' other fabled characters. When the children gathered for luncheon, which was featured by a large birthday cake, they sang 'Happy Birthday" to the guest of honor. Gifts were presented from the following friends: Janice Nelson, Nel-son, Karen Smith, Mary Anne Keeler, Anine Andrus, Carol Hal-laday. Hal-laday. May Allen, Judith Bryner, Linda Mae Nelson, Joan Clark, Dolly Law, Shirley Van Cott, Hannah Oldroyd, John Snow, Brent Brockbank, Philip Keller, Jack Millet, Jerald Hayward, David Jacobsen, Frank Sumner, Bobby Kirby, Lanny Britsch and Bill Zabriskie. Looking for a home? Sometimes Some-times it is pretty discouraging individually in-dividually But encouraging is the amount of over-all G. I. housing being financed. The life insurance companies alone have advanced almost half a billion dollars so far this year to veterans under the G. I. Bill of Rights. In addition, ad-dition, of course, many veterans are financing homes through other channels and on their own. - J I I ' I rv, .4 -r;,. I - w''d ' -I ' I i hi f - ' I ' " : ; .: I Moderate Tril halfta I ... - 1 1 laaiaaaatirr-T-Tit.i'8f J5ATT-Y HERALD Monday, Octboer 20, 1947 9 Joyce Larsen Dinner Guest . ' Dr. and Mrs. -Albert R. Taylor entertained at a well appointed Ideas For, i . , Saving Fuel NEW YORK. Oct. ' 20 Recog nizing that living coss have risen; birthday dinner at their home sharply and that many consumers' Sunday in compliment to their need advice on the best ways to niece, Joyce B. Larsen, who fs stretch fuel ' budgets. Anthracite (here from Taft, Calif, to attend Institute heating engineers today 'Brigham Young university, laid 'down a winter program of,. The dining table was centered heat-saving methods which, they; with a bouquet of verbenas and said, .could cut fuel costs as muchjroses and covers were laid for as 30 per cent. jthe host and hostess, the guest, of Dr. Raymond C. Johnson, di-Jhonor, Sam, Gordon, Roger and rector of the Institute's research Peter Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. laboratory at Wilkes-Barre, Pajs. H. Buckley. t rwil hi cfaff nf nainorc fori 'opinions on the most-needed ad- householder. They agreed on thei following pointers. 1. Maintain a deep fuel bed, with fresh coal Diled to the level of the firing door, whether the Announcement is made by Mrf. weather is mild or bitter cold. In I- "oberts ol tne marriage of Moderate exercise helm the woman over 40 keep muscies toned, circulation active. Golftnr or a lei- i.urely bike ride are ( . recommended for general conditioning. Exercise -(lower right) trims hips; for this, van mat mmu 1:1'- floor In sitting position by I!" - rolling from aid to side, ."-"' 9 I - 'J Mrs. Carter Club Hostess Mrs. Ray Carter entertained j Varieties club members at herj home Friday evening with Mrs.i Leola Sackett as co-hostess. Plans j were completed for a Hallowe'en costume ball at the Women's clubhouse club-house on October 24 when members mem-bers will entertain their husbands and guests. Mrs. Ray Carter ' entertained during the evening with guitar selections. Sewing and social chat were also enjoyed. A dainty lunch was served to Mrs. Shirley Park, Mrs. Melpha HealyJ Mrs. La Veil Peterson, Mrs. Mildred Jacobsen, Mrs. Joan Newell, Mrs. Francis Brown, Mrs. Hi yourself! Drop in on me any weekday morning. Name: ARTHUR GODFREY; address is listed below. What's doing? Lots of laughs and wonderful music by Archie Bleyer and his orchestra, the lilting songs of Jcanette Davis and the irrepressible irrepres-sible rhythms of The Mariners. It's open house Monday through Friday. Come on over. KSL -110 on your dial Mon. thru Fri., 9;09 AM. CBS Have Your Rugs Cleaned By ROMNEY RUG AND FURNITURE CLEANERS Phone 056-R1 Provo RFD. 1, Box 569 Frances Gifford, considered one of Hollywood's most beautiful women, selects a number of host ess -gowns for home entertaining during the' holiday season. This : fireside fashion of black crepe j combined with moire is .right in the holiday spirit. PROMPTLY relieves surface COHGESTIOHof CE3EEST COLDS la Uppar Branchial Tractl RUB ON 15 1. MODESS REGULAR in the blue box. Ideal for average needs. The size most women use. 2. MODESS JUNIOR in the green box. Slightly narrower for these who find a smaller napkin more comfortable. 3. MODESS SUPER in the orchid box. For women who need above-average protection. ALL SIZES NOW ON SALE AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE Stake Plans Gleaner-Gala A Gleaner-Gala is planned for all Gleaners of West Utah stake and their mothers, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Pioneer ward hall. All Gleaners are invited to attend at-tend with their mothers, or they are welcome to come without guests. -a Leatha B u r g n e r, Mrs. Fern Twitchell, Mrs. Ray Carter, Mrs. Leola Sackett, Mrs. Ida Carter and Mrs. S. A. Gardner, a guest Airplane Taxi Fast - Comfortable - Safe Single-Multi-Engined Aircraft Merrill Christopherson, Mgr. Phone 555 Provo Airport Nevada Rites J For Couple mild Weather, leave more ash on the grates. Coal burns too quickly on a shallow fuel bed. 2. Operate dampers properly to give correct draft. Heat should be controlled entirely by damp-1 ers not by the amount of coal! put on the fire. This is best done automatically with an inexpensive thermostat. But hand control can be efficient if it is remembered that Quick starts and sudden stops waste coal, lust as they waste gasoline in an automobile engine. An even, steady fire is economical. 3. Shake grates gently, with long full strokes. In cold weather shake only until the first red glow appears in the ashpit. In mild weather and in banking, shake only . enough to make room for needed coal. Ashes on the grates slow draft and help maintain moderate, even temperatures. her daughter, Barbara Roberts, te Ned Shurtleff, son of Mr. anc Mrs. Guy Shurtleff of this city. The young couple recited vows, in Elko, Nev. and returned Friday to make their home lh Provo. Acts At ONCE to Relieve and 'Loosen9 BAD COUGHS (CAUSED BY COLDS) ratTDss gently stimulates ntU. ural secretions in the respiratory tract to soothe dry Irritated mem-branes. mem-branes. It acts at once to relieve bad coughs caused by colds helps loosen phlegm and makes It easier If there's an ODOR Gee, but I'm glad metyou SellyORM SemmyYA for flavor mnd for body-bulHIiig YfflTtflkS ff ft tV ""If I ife -.. '"17 V PH0NE5 - ? w "j 'V-.: sAoiCSE-. v.-'v-.f . - ' - '. )' ,1 r . ' f . , I , , r- ' , " if i -t - - - xo v ' .., JF sv" '"i f ( " -v. f wot mxm K 1 p e s r t s r l ' , 1 1 ' "Ar VZ ' I JOAN TUT1LE IS SHOWN WEARING A PAIR OF BLACK 1 I SUEDE PLATFORM SANDALS BY PENNANT. 9.98 1 I Suit frnm Tavlnr's Poor! - Woo r- Tlotf 1 -?:?'. fc .1111! I IIMI.IlJ I . It Is o happy mating Corn and Soya in a delicious blending blend-ing of tastmeti arid nourish mant. It brings your family proteins, vitamins, and mineral . they need for good health. Get some today. - . . . it isn't Quality Cleaned r Mm Mi , r. S 7m IF there's n after-cleaning odor i...H h't m Odor comes from dirty solvents depositing others'' soil on yor clothes. Tht first important difference in Quality Cleaning is the generous use of many, many gallons of fresh, crystal-clear solvents the only way clothes can be thoroughly cleansed, color dear and odorless. MADSEN CLEANING (i , |