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Show Where There's Smoke: Knotted Sheet Not a Fire Escape By NEA Service I NEW YORK, June 20 (NEA) The man in the 13th floor room j of a Kansas city hotel sniffed. He went to the window and sniffed snif-fed again, and what he sniffed still pmelled like smoke. In pan ic, he scrambled down an outside! fire escape. When he got to the sidewalk, he sniffed once more and looked around. And there was the fire pile of tar paper scraps burning burn-ing in the street. To similar fire-jittery hotel patrons, pa-trons, the National Board of Fire Underwriters offers this bit of advice: In case of fire in a hotel, close the door to your bedroom, bed-room, then lean out the window win-dow to get sufficient fresh air to sustain you until the fire department extinguishes the flames or rescues you. The Underwriters, alarmed over ov-er the death toll in hotel fires recently in Chicago and Dubuque. Du-buque. Ia.. would like to stress the fact that panic is one of the biggest death causes in such tragedies. trag-edies. The Underwriters are not the only ones alarmed. The nation's na-tion's traveling salesmen, whose national council points out that some of its members spend as much as 200 nights a year in ho-i tcls. is strongly urging uniform national safety laws governing i hotels. Flames Reach Few j Few people actually burn to death in fires, the Board of Un-; dcrwriters points out. Investiga-' lion has proven conclusively, they say. that in most cases fire deaths result from inhaling heated heat-ed toxic gasses. Some people are rWSZS&p-. ESS firf f - n Him iHHfv i Flimsy fire escapes made from knotted sheets dangle from empty windows after a Richmond. Va.. hotel fire. Experts say the bed-sheet bed-sheet escape is "invitation to suicide." killed when they let panic get the fpom R fjrr jn ,owpr 0). the basement will be prevented." The danger of unprotected floor openings exists even nt otherwise oth-erwise fireproof buildings, it is best of them and jump from win flow. The flames reach very frw. And a rope ladder made of bed sheets, which many persons trap-. trap-. i t t . . . . , . .. n u Mlt "s " pointed out of escape, is nothing more than ' .. an "invitation to suicide," the Underwriters insist. They say only on-ly a trained athlete could lower himself successfully from a burning hotel by the knotted T"' F'"""-- catcd olltSir0 OOS. The Underwriters blame careless care-less smoking and combustible decorations for most hotel fires. The best way to prevent cigarettes cigar-ettes from starting a fire, the Underwriters say. is to provide picniv 01 asnirays wnerc cikhi s'H-t hotels that feel the great-Many great-Many of these. 'been built Hut it is in re. the Underwriters est danger exists, they say. have burn." "These hotels are frequently lo- of municipal pro tection and arc then almost solely sole-ly dependent upon 'heir own resources re-sources in rase of (ire oi' other emergency. Very few are sprink-lcrcd. sprink-lcrcd. PrivMe water supplies are only such as will extinguish a in its initial stage and reli- New Clues Found In Kidnap-Death Modern Kids Like Exciting Books NEW YORK (U.R) The modern reader nursery story age or more likes to picture Peter Rabbit as a two-gun hero charging after the villainous Reddy Fox. "Red meat, I call it" says Mrs. Louis Kirby. head of a children's bookshop in Richmond, Va. 'Tetcr Rabbit holding forth at a tea party or gamboling on a well-kept green bores the kids stiff." Mrs. Kirby holds. "They want him to be riding a fas' horse in pursuit of a particularly villainous-looking Reddy Fox " Mrs. Kirby, here for a convention conven-tion of booksellers, believes children chil-dren today want excitement in their reading. ! "The children I run into would not give the Rover Boys the lime of the day. Too well-behaved. Mrs. Kirby, who disapproves of the books of torture and horror for children, calls parents and authors the stumbling-block in children's reading. "They lean too much on what the so-called authorities say.'' said. "Parents should be guided by their children in selecting children's books not, by educators. educa-tors. If a book is not fun to read, the child is not going to get anything any-thing out of it and as he mature.' he'll read only the books he luu to read to get by in school. "Too many books are heiny written because somebody Hunks Ihcy are the kind of books children chil-dren should read. Why don't thev try them out on the kids first and write the kind of books children chil-dren will want to read '" A competition for the stm of horror and tortures Mi'. Kir-b Kir-b suggests books about people who hav led lives of excilvieir:. such as Daniel Boone, Davy CrnckrM and Gen. George S ration, rat-ion, Jr. An American Experience DAILY HERALD PHOVO. UTAH COtJNTY. UTAH THURSDAY. JUfTE 20. 1949 PAGE 5 EI! 1 1 E - i i n fit- i , ' f 'P4 Telrphoto) Ft'll rarrvmtr the scar.-; or Jap torture.-; from the infamous Bndgehou.-e rn.son, SSi :itc;li;M. Mrs. Marie Sommerr.. with son, Michael. 4, turn their attention to wondemiio concoctions of ire cream and milk after their ttr-rival ttr-rival in yan Fr3nei.serj aboard USS Grneral Breckcnridgr. Mrs. Som-niri... Som-niri... a White Russian, is on her way to San Diego Naval Hospital to join her husband, a Marine, First Sergeant James Sommers. I KR.MNK. BARD MEMORIAL FAIRBANKS FORMS NEW BRITAIN. Conn. (UP) A.NEW COMPANY festival honoring the Ukrainian HOLLYWOOD. June 20 UR bird T;.ra.s Shocchenko is held lglas Fairbanks Jr. today au-. au-. ,, nounced formation of the Doug- nere arinuallv. , r, , . , . . B las Fairbanks Motion Picture Snevchci-ko liel f fm 1814 t. ron,pynv wjth a schedule of three I fit! I His pla; are presented at $'J.000.000 pictures during the thf h -tival ;un music for which Inext two years. be wrote the lyrics also is per-1 He will appear in two of the formed. three pictures himself, he said. Improved Sale Of Surplus Favored Leon B. Coyle, representing the San Diego, Cal., chapter of the American Veterans of World War II, said WAA should set up central warehouses in each city to dispose of surplus. He said the "delay, red tape and confusion" con-fusion" in WAA was "showing improvement." DAI LEY BROS. BIG 3 RING RAILROAD COMPLETE RAILROAD CAPS World's FUNNIEST CLOWNS SI 00,000 BORSE FAIR: HERD OF ELEflUTl A etc and Enlarged A Ictwgcrie 6LAMORO0S 6IRLS; GORGEODS COSTiMES . teres of Tented Wonders! SC0IESWF CtOrH$,CROBT$, JIGGLE R J Litftick. S:.M Palomino Stallion! RIVAUNFTHETRABANiGhTS " PROVO One Day Only SAT.JUNE22 OLD AIRPORT WASHINGTON. June 20 (U.R) J BH P.n Thnmac r romnhall ; j millionaire Montana wheat grow-j 'cr and SDecial armv liaison of-! ficer. said today that surplus war goods could be sold "overnight" ; if offered to the public at 50 cents on the dollar. Campbell also urged the senate small business surplus subcommittee subcom-mittee to support strong penalties for violation of the surplus property prop-erty act. 1 "Otherwise." he said, "We'll have racketeering and scandals which will make the racketeering iof prohibition days look like a Christian Endeavor meeting." Campbell said he believed too much emphasis has been placed on getting jobs for veterans and not enough on helping them start their own business through distribution dis-tribution of surpluses. He said the war assets administration admin-istration should sell the goods di rectly to veterans from storage depots and spend more money on advertising. If the agency can t ,get trained personnel, he said, it ishould establish a fair selling! commission and turn the job over! to private firms. Campbell, now army liaison officer of-ficer with the agriculture depart-iment depart-iment and UNRRA. said he visited all theaters of war at the request of the late President Roosevelt to survey postwar plans of servicemen. service-men. He said he found that 35 percent per-cent wanted to go into business I for themselves, with 9 per1 cent jof them favored mechanized agri culture. i A contains Umm IlllllhJ AND INSECT SPRAi (Adv.) ettcs can be extinguished before firp de rtnicilt or a 1)rivatc brl. thev start trouble. Decorations all should be fireproofed whether wheth-er they arc of wood, fabric or composition materials that used in acoustical of walls and celings. Take a tip from the separate hotel sections CHICAGO. June 20 tU.R The Chicago Daily News said in a to copyrighted story today that a meml.ei of the newspaper's staff had found hidden writing on the ransom note left behind by the kidnaper of six-year-old Suzann:-Degnan Suzann:-Degnan last Jan. 7. The Daily News said the di -' ovcrv was. made b Frank S-'o Hamel. a staff artist. The newspaper news-paper said the revelation gav-police gav-police a clue to the source of the ransom note. As n result of the information supplied by San gade made up of employees who scarc)) for thp kidn . has nar. rowed to certain definite suspects. The Degnan child was taken bedrom and butchered such as co erings . partment is us , ' enough equipped nor manned are largelv untrained Even when under public pro tection, because of the seasonal frnrn ur. nature ot the town, me me oe- hv ., mania,. h i,;h ihr -vnH ually neither well n'n,., .... r ,u. n,- i,- mth '" basins near her home. He left a combat fires in seasonal hotels ,ai1some note demanding S20.000. because of their poor construe- According to the Daily News, tion . . '. the hidden writing consisted of An occasional fire drill and the impressions left on the ransome ni-r3r.i7n) inn nf vs HrJ"l rninlnxTP not a - rmn.n i - -i f""1 of safety all floor openings . . riri. ..... hfl . ,c , 4t Ac 0 nlnvilnr 3nH - - ..v...- . . r. . . . v. ... . . - tel. resort or otherwise, the Un- suit of the discovery, the Daily dcrwriters believe Such a fire-News said, police deduced that proof compartments, the Underwriters Under-writers suggest. Chutes and Shafts "lu order to attain a proper de licti as stairs, elevator and dumbwaiter shafts. laundry '.,UI brigade can aid in orderly evac- 'V' '''. , ' 'V J , uation in case of fire, fight closed m all , stones by fireproof fjrc bpfore thp rcgu,ar frc wans or panuions mpm "u partment arrive lire aoors insiai.ca a.. ' " the profr55jonal fl!rfl2hte, -loure openings. In this way the r passage of smoke, heat or flames; and later aid The handle of the " Big Dipper' points toward the star Arcturus. Mor Comfort WcarinR FALSE TEETH BY U News - - - Summer School Recesses July 4 Rrigham Voujik u n ivcrsity Ttrrr iv h ploasant way to ovrrrom" . summer school will recess on lonvc plate discomfort. KASTEETH. .luly 4. aceordn'g tn Dr. A. C an improved powder, sprinkled on T amKr.rt rlan if thn summer nnnrr ann lower nlalrs ho os Incm Oi--i.or thai Ihpv fpl morn rftni. I SCSSlOn. f.irtablr No Bumniy. gooey, pastyl Regular el as.-, work u ill be helil playing the ransome note was written on the a sheet from a pad of writing parte- por. The Daily News said that by lining a magnifying glass and a strong light San Hamel discovered discover-ed the cleat lv-printed letters "I.EMMO.N." Another set of markings were traced to read DON. " The da'lv news said that other imp.vssmns on the note were tracer! to read ' Bather. Kire. the Fighter, and 7,ev." These were identified as the name of race horses. Police confirmed the Dail News' discovery, but would not comment on what part it was in their search for the tat or feeling. It's alkaline and' Dors not sour. Checks odor idrnlure hrcathi. Get v 1 LM l( today at any drug store - I We Can Help You To Keep Your Car Running Until You Can (ict a New One. Complete Automobile Service non-i however, on h rirlay. July o. j FAS-' Summer school students at! -adv. ' Brigham Young unn ersity will enjoy a change from assignment Thursday evening when they, the faculty, and their friends get-together for another '"stag" dance in the Joseph Smith building ballroom. j I.IBK.I. Sl'IT DISMISSi;i IN (DI RT SAN FRANCISCO. .Mine 2" U.r Federal Judge Louis K. Goodman, Good-man, describing the plaintiff as "evasive, arrogant and brazen." today dismissed a consolidated $1,500.0(10 libel damage suit filed by Miss Vivien Kellcms Connecticut Con-necticut industrialist. againM the CIO Labor Herald and three California labor leafier?. BUTTER CACHE FOIM) RICHFORD, VI (UP: This town recently had butter to spare bul unfortunately H wasn't for sale. A cache of 2.250 pounds was found in a field, and U. S. customs cus-toms officials said it had been smuggled in from Canada. Insect Pests kidnaper. FUNUTfttUNBS duewWDDLEAGE' This siirat medicine Is amout to rfllrvr hot. flushes, weak, tired, ir-rltahln. ir-rltahln. nrrous frrlins wpn duf, tr. t hr t 'inrtional ' middle-as1' period pr.'iillar to women. All drugstores, VfDlA PIMKHAUS WSM i Ad v I r.r tnoj- piints a I)-1 h? ip jo'i Ann. rnai'ties. h QUltoejl arr.jn.1 the h.t-j nir rat r.r rtr.C I K " poult r y- B1 H CH will keep free nf thm RIMAtll known fr.r repels th"i pfstf--.. pr home planla and prts ufe ndnrl-f way. a Ha4r Ift"" 25r up lrn; rery. Sr Stre aarf IVI hm i;ojcrsi i ill " LiYd " l 7 0 A,Ta - -lite t ' 1 J " thin oapy riONOVNCCD iWHACK lArtvl Metal Cosh & Bond Boxes All Sizes With Lock $1.65 to $3.30 STANDARD SUPPLY CO. 83 No. Univ. Ave. Phone 14 Home Mortgage ff INTEREST At Only . . . NOT tr., . . . NOT 5 . . but only ! . . Kut that's not all The Kquitable Society's Assured As-sured Home Ownership Plan offers! Listen lo The Equitable radio program "This is Your KB1" for more information ibout such advantages as: Cancellation of the Mortgage, Mort-gage, if owner dies. A cash reserve fund to meet financial emergencies (hat threaten home ownership. owner-ship. TUNE IN STATION K I T A AT 6 IK) ON FRIDAY NIGHT For complete details, consult: The EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society Albert Kirkpalrick, Agent 125 East 6th North St. Phone 1257 - Provo, Utah m Prescriptions Where You Are Assured the Accurate Com poundinir from the Highest Quality Pharmaceuticals as J Telephone 144 129 West Center St Provo SAUE TOILETRIES SPECIALS 1 Ex CcI Cis V , NIGHT L CREME P. fio on Special I $1.60 Ex-Cel-Cis piu, : I Clay Pack i-To n Veto (ream I )(Mdoi ant 25c Harbasol ;iant flevr. K- 39c jj Shampoo Deal I. -JO Valuo 47V ASPIRIN loo.", Cram AiJfV 20 Injector liLVDKS Kcjr. 7 ".. 69c To I and Teen Bubble Hath Teen SC 69c LOTIONS CHAMBERLAINS Lg. Size I J rowers Yeast 35c Trt'lll'tK 89c COLD CREAM ARMANI) 1.00 Size 79c Vitamins - M ulti-Gam A -HI) Kok. I. I'.t 98c PINE BATH OIL I)Afi(iETT-RAMSUELL. I)Afi(iETT-RAMSUELL. .. 1.50 vSACHET Parfait Creation Reg. 2.50 2.29 V-5 Vitamins A FrC-D-C I X f i0 Ier. '.)i-. 79c Cod Liver Oil SI'EARN'S 89c POWDER PUFFS Large and Small Both for 8c TIE SET MEN'S Reg. 2.20 1.69 Sani. Napkins I.OTIS Box f IX. . 9c Leg Make-up Daggi'tt-Itamsdcll l.oo 79c SHELF Ml It KO It For What Nuts . . . 1.79 Leg Make-up Applicator No Fuss No Muss. 15c THE NEW VOGUE PERMANENT Aft Plus Tax tlU Powder Time Bath Pow- Q-dor. Q-dor. Reg. (Wcif JfV ELECTRIC Hot Plates Onp Burner $3.39 NEW Just Arrived Baby SetscuTure Food - Hath - Room Thermometer $1.79 HRISK Shave Set S ' r,,ion 59c Mill f I I ROUND BATHROOM Mirror!.... $1.19 WRISLEY Bath Crystal 4 lb. 39c WINDSOR HOUSE Men's S8tiKN.S1.29 (;lassbakeio pie( e 1 Casserole - H Custard Cups Gift Set l Measure C $1.35 THRIFTY .16 Sheets 12-in. x 13-in. rKor Lunches, Fruit, Meat Wax Paper! 9c DISH WASHING BrUSh Nylon each 69c nv'K!srif:iiT A. in -i ?-:!" SuitCase vie $1.79 RUBBER Door Mats! ;; 98c BABY TRAIN-EEZE Training Chair $3.98 KLEENCUT STEEL Scissors 49c HEAV Y METAL Mail Box $198 DOAN'S Kiflnev Pills 45c 25c Lysol Disin- IQc fectant. . . . JLV Noxzema Skin Cream . . . 23c $1.25 Absorbine, Jr. Liniment . . . 79c 10c WHITE Vaseline 10c Jar. 7c Unguentine 39c Ointment for Burns. 60c ALKA SELTZER Tablets. . . 49c 75c Listerinc Antiseptic. Anti-septic. . . 59c $1.00 Zonilc septic. . 59c 39c Rubbing ALCOHOL fj-Compound. fj-Compound. . mJ 39c Bay Rum LOTION 39c FLIT Fly Spray Qt 29c 49c Krank Shave Lotion . . . 29c Woodbury Shave Lotion g 1-oz. Bottle. . . OV PHOTO FINI8I1NG by Expert Photographer Fast Service STOP - LOOK AND BUY NOW SUMMER TOYS THESE ITEMS ARE REDUCED 25 SLED WAGONS WITH RUBBER TIRES SCOOTERS METAL with RUBBER TIRES Baby Exercisers PUSH TOYS LIFE SIZE DOLLS ARMY TRUCKS DOLL CHAIRS l Baa'do It. la. la 9 tm 3 hanra a bonr. Kvervthing you nrcd for a gloriout wive! A ral trrmt cnld vivf Prrrar-tmns Prrrar-tmns are like thoe uerl in hrairfy wlon-type perminenfs. IKoratory-teted. IKoratory-teted. Wonderful for hildren's hby-fine hby-fine hair too. Money back guintee- E- giving JfM myself o f"1 . HOME PERMANENT PORTRAIT With 50 Curlers Ar Plus Tax 7" NATURALLY LUSTROUS ell (rtometf bah-! DosMves Daaomff. HAIR Olt k 89c MP r ri- BR0M0-SELTZER FIGHTS HEADACHE i 3 WAYS! I 120 COSTS ONLY jyj 95c SZL, cunLifiGinons l) each 210 i" t . ii |