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Show aylo'r-Madsen Reception Attended By Large Crowd Mr,' and Mrs. Karl Taylor of Lake View were nosts 'to: several hundred guests Thursday evening- in. Lake "View hall, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon A. Madsen, (Dorothy J. ay tv y Tl 11V TT CI C - S. - -t vv,y v v pie. with Pres. J. Will Knight officiating. Peonies and roses were used abundantly about the hall ; .the mantel back of the bridal party being banked with the gay blossoms. A table was attractively decorated with a long mirror and huge bowl of red roses. . Mr. and Mrs. Milo Madsen and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor greeted the guests- upon their arrival Y'The parents of the newly weds headed the' bridal party, with Mrs, Taylor wearing a black lace gown and red rose corsage; Mrs. Spencer . Madsen, in tourquoise blue .crepe with red rose cor- sase. Wayne. Gammon .was best man and the groom and his lovely love-ly bride, who choose a beautiful wedding gown of lace and net with 'long flowing veil-' of net trimmed with lacet caught -up by a cornet, headdress of pearls. She carried a bouquet of red roses and white sweetpeas. Mrs. Bertha Ber-tha Jackson, sister of the groom was matron of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Arlene Taylor, sister of the bride, Nelda Johnson and Mignon Reese. In the bridal march the long veil was held by tiny Janet Taylor Tayl-or and Larry Madsen, dressed as bride: and groom. The small couple cou-ple joined the dancers in the waltz. Glen Taylor of American Fork, uncle of the bride, acted as master mas-ter of ceremonies for the delightful delight-ful program. Mrs. Maxine Bleak of Salt Lake City played a violin solo; toast to the bride and groom, Mrs. Scott Taylor; solo, Miss Iris Taylor. Dancing completed com-pleted the evening. Mrs. Rudolph Reese was in charge of refreshments and Mrs. Thomas Reese and Mr.' and Mrs. Wayne Blair presided in the gift room. The popular young couple will Enjoy a Variety of FINE FOODS at Reasonable Prices in cool, clean surroundings At The 44 CLUB Upstairs 44 West Center No Cover Charge Open Every Evening Except Sunday 6:00 p.m. 'till 2:00 a.m. a Honeymoon tf tp. Pictures Shown At Miller HomeA: Dean Hbnters Complimented Members of the "Amity" club were entertained Thursday ev ening at the home of Mrs. JuanitaJ Miller. A tasty luncheon was served and games played, follow ed by motion pictures shown by Harmon Hatch of Springville. Those enjoying the evening were Mrs. Donna Clark. Mrs. Af ton Edwards. Mrs. Blanche Pal mer.- Mrs. Mildred Jones, Mrs. June Gale. - Mrs. Donna Hatch ings, Mrs. Lula Crandall, Mrs. Margaret Soderlund. the last four named from Springville, and Miss Rteen Beestey, a guest. . Lasson-Hurst Engagement Told SPANISH FORK Mr. and Mrs Oscar Lasson of Birdseye are announcing an-nouncing the engagement and ap proaching marriage of their daughter, O'Leah to Rex L. Hurst son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Hurst of Payson. Miss Lasson is a graduate of the Spanish Fork high school where she was active in student affairs. She is now attending the U S A C at Logan where she is majoring in secretarial science She is a member of the Lambda Delta Sigma. Mr. Hurst was a member of the armed forces where he served as first lieutenant in the air corps He spent thirteen months in the European theater where he served with the air transport command He returned to the United States in November 1943. He is a grad uate of the Payson high school and is now studying at the Utah A. C. to complete his major in soils. He is an active member of the Lambda Delta Sigma, being president of the Gamma chapter at the present time. The couple plan to be married in the Manti temple, the date, to be announced later. leave about June 15. for Long Island, New York, where they 'will make their home, and Mr. Madsen will attend school. LOOK AND FEEL YEARS YOUNGER! Investigate Our Treu Method Today! Phone 2218 Treu Method of Reducing KOVO Building Room 8 At Home-Ri tes : SPANISH FpRK-r-Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Maland announce the mar riage of their daughter,' Joyce, to Richard L. Beagley, -son 1 of . Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Beagley, In a pretty, home ceremony Wednesday night at the home of the bride, with J.' Austin Cope, bishop of ficiating. The bride is a graduate of the' Spanish Fork high school where she took a leading part In drama and speech. . The bride groom also graduated from the Spanish Fork high school and has completed four years in the armed forces. Following the ceremony, a reception was held for the im mediate members of the two families and the young couple left on A family dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hunter Thursday Thurs-day evening honoring their son and bis bride, Mr. and. Mrs. Al- den Dean Hunter (Hazel Mae Shirley) who were married Wednesday Wed-nesday in the Salt Lake temple by Elder Stephen. L. Richards. Lovely summer flowers were used to decorate the table, where covers were laid for the newly- weds, and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hunter and son, Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D. (Ina Hunter) Jar-vis Jar-vis and six children of Mesa, Arizona; Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Thurston (Ethel Hunter) and daughters of Burley, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. A. Royal Hunter, Mrs. Leo Pulley (La Rue Hunter) and sons and an aunt, Mrs. Jessie H. Olson. On Tuesday evening a group of forty relatives and friends were entertained at a shower for the young couple at the Hunter home. Bunco was the diversion, Mrs. Olive Swan and Mrs. Ellen Conder receiving the favors. The beautiful and useful gifts were opened by the bride and groom. Models Revive Buffing in, Quest Fp(lpmor.Qf,BedUtifLi! Nails.. ' ... 4 ) . f '..Vf'i ' - : - i (Photo from LaCross) DOLLY BRILL: Buffer beau-tifies beau-tifies enameled nails. Springville Don Bird and his English bride. the former Marbara McKenzie of Essex, arrived from New York the past week to visit his mother, Mrs. Myrtle Bird and other relatives rela-tives and friends in Springville. Don has been in New York sev eral months waiting for his wife. whom he married while stationed with the air corps in England. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jolley have returned to Springville to reside after spending several months in Butte. Mont. Mrs. L. M. AUrcd of Belle. Calff .. has spent the past few days with her sister, Mrs. Art Case and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Snelson of Los Angeles, Calif., visited his sister, Mrs. G. W. Friel a.nd husband hus-band here the past week and also spent some time with relatives and friends in Provo. Miss Lela Bird of Beverly Hills, Calif., has been visiting several j days with relatives and friends in j Springville and Mapleton. I Members of the Junior Fireside : are to meet at the home of Pauline Kelly Sunday at 8:30 p. m., when Rliealee Milinery for Ladies ow On ALE! 100 LADIES HATS Reg. 5.98 and 6.50 A-ifl !SSul...'.,1.00 ANOTHER GROUP LADIES HATS PRICED TO lfltl CLEAR AT .... OL No Exchanges No Refunds .RJiealee 127 WEST CENTER & if c Double and Single SNAKE CHOKERS Regular $3.00 Single Chokers Reg. 2.00 10 Plus Tax Edgemont DUP At Birthday Party The home of Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson in Edgemont was the scene of a social honoring the birthday anniversary of Brigham Young, Thursday afternoon, by Edgemont Camp, Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Mrs. Lydia Johnson was in charge and clever games were played under the direction of Captain Sarah M. Marriotti, with prizes being awarded all the ladies. Sentiments were passed out by Mrs. Ferguson and read by the ladies in the group. A lot of merriment was created in the 'white elephant' auction sale conducted by Mrs. Johnson. A pot luck luncheon was enjoyed en-joyed by Mrs. Elsie Whipple, of Logandale. Nevada, Mrs. Ellare Reber of Mesa, Arizona, guests, and neices of Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Dora B. Cluff, Mrs. Annie E. Gillespie, Mrs. Ossa B. Ferguson. Mrs. Eva G. Gillespie, Mrs. Florence Flor-ence B. Glazier, Mrs. Margaret Ferguson and the ladies named above. Ted Miller will take up a study of the Book of Mormon. Organization of a new club to be known as the Amity club was organized the past week with members including Springville and Provo friends. The first regular meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Blanch Palmer in Provo. and the time was spent sewing and with luncheon. Present Pre-sent were: Mrs. Donna Clark and Mrs. Mildred Jones of Provo, Mrs. June Gale, Mrs. Marge Suderlund, Mrs. Dona Hutchings, Mrs. Jaunita Miller. Mrs. Lula Crandall and Mrs. Edna Giles of Springville. Mr. and Mrs. George Simkins have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White, who accompanied accom-panied them from Beaver to spend a few days here. BY ALICIA HART s NEA Staff Writer Buffing 'nails to make 'em healthy is ' fine beauty routine which bowed but with powder Well, buffing' has been revived and guess by whom? By models whose long glamorous .nails are their stock in trade.- ' But the new procedure, says Conover model Dolly Brill, is to buff over enameled nails, and for best results over a film of nail oil, which lubricates the cuticle. The buffing in case you don't re member how healthily pink nails used to glow under powder pol ish brings blood circulation to the base of your nails from which long, glamorous tips grow. "The up-from-the-tip motion,,, Dolly reminds you, "encourages your cuticle to grow back and m m m Sea Scouts Enjoy Gay Lawn Function Charles Huish Earl was host to the SSS Hanno Sea Scouts and their partners at the Frank Earl home Thursday evening. The affair was held in the lovely gardens at the Earl home and a buffet supper was served, sea scout flags and pennants add ing to the natural beauty of the setting. Games were played and songs sang before the lighted fireplace. Officers present included Past Skipper Delbert Tregeagle, pres ,ent Skipper Delos Brown, Wal lace Brown and Stanley Cox Miss Mary Ellen Christensen of New Jersey and Tony Snow were guests. Fifty were in attendance at the gay affair. 4-H CCClub Give Demonstrations Miss Paula Borget entertained the 4-H CC club Thursday after noon at her home. Demonstrations were given on courtesy by Myrna Giraud and Helen Scott. Paula Borget gave a demonstration on posture. The girls were divided into groups to make milk drinks. Refreshments were served to Vemita and Colleen Durrant, Helen Scott, Myrna Giraud, Norma Nor-ma Peay. JoAnn Gay, Alice and Edith Kellogg, Paula Borget, Reva Baxter, Colleen Col lard. Carina Cox, Joyce Hoover and their teacher, Mrs. Evelyn Durrant. Dur-rant. Club Notes K S LITERARY CLUB Mrs. Karl Johnson will be hostess to K S Literary club Friday Fri-day evening at 8 p.m. at her home. Mrs. Elmer Madsen will give the book review. HAPPY HOUR BRIDGE Mrs. Howard Thomas will entertain en-tertain members of the Happy Hour Bridge club Friday at 7:30 p.m. at her home, 672 North Eighth West street. Harmer-Smith Wedding Held At Springville SPRINGVILLE. Miss ' Nadine Harmer, daughter of Mrs. Esther Harmer of this city became the bride of Norman Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith of Springville in a ceremony at the home' of the bride's mother on June I. Witnessing the marriage were close friends and relatives, of the couple. The bride chose for her wedding gown, a white taffetta entrain with lace edge veil. fashioned fash-ioned to her head with a princess cap and arrangement xt orange blossoms. She carried a beautiful bouquet of pink rose-buds and tiny gladiolas with ribbon streamers. stream-ers. The couple left immediately after their marriage on a wedding wed-ding trip to the canyons in Southern South-ern Utah. They wilL. make their home in Springville. On Wednesday evening the bride was honored with a shower given by her mother in the Second Sec-ond ward hall to which approximately approxi-mately 100 relatives and friends were bidden. The entertainment featured a program and lunch with many lovely gifts presented the guest of honor. - Memory-Brown Marriage Told SPRINGVILLE, Frank George Memory, son of F. G. Memory, Sr.. and the late Arlene Miner Memory, Mem-ory, and a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Miner of this city married Miss Eileen Brown of Woodruff in the Salt Lake temple on Thursday. A reception was given that evening at Woodruff for the young couple who left shortly after the wedding for a honeymoon honey-moon trip to California. The bridegroom has been mak ing his home in Springville with his grandparents the past few months and the couple plan to make their home here. Dancing Now llth No. Univ. Ave. RAINBOW GARDENS TO THE MUSIC of DOB ORTON And His Orchestra Dancing Every Wednesday and Saturday Gents - - - - 75c Ladies 25c In Case of Rain Dance at Utahna DANCE at Beautiful LAKE SIDE GARDENS Where the Sea Breezes Blow Delightful - Cool - Refreshing! Refresh-ing! Most picturesque and one of the best Open Air Dance Halls in the State, with an exceptionally good floor. It has a capacity of 600 couples. GRAND MUSIC BY Gentlemen of Swing Under Direction of REED ROWLEY Every SATURDAY NTTE! Watch for MID-WEEK SPECIALS We' Cater to Church and Club Parties Located 2 Miles South of ray son on Highway 91 Under New Management ART and PHIL Popular Prices ii ;4 ST 1 1 z a i c k IKIflMIIOMl frtsMts DAPHNE DU MAURiER'S Cililratil Miftl REBECCA itirriif ItUtCNCI tN OLIVIER FONTAINE rius DISNEY CARTOON NOVELTY and NEWS NOW PLAYING! Open 1:15 Last Show 9:15 DAILY HERALD Htovo. tttah comerr. tjtak FRIDAY, JUKE T. 19M PAGE 5 Cozette Club At Elliott Home.- Mrs. Maxine Elliott was hostess to Cozette club members Thurs day evening at her home. Mrs. Virginia McAfee was welcomed as a new member. Card games were the diversion, the first award going to Mrs. Lois Curtis, second, Mrs. Nelda Jensen and consolation to Mrs. Erma Evans. A great deal of fun was enjoyed en-joyed in the 'white elephant' exchange. ex-change. A delicious desert luncheon was served those named and Mrs. Dovne Clark. Mrs. Marinrie Breinholt and Mrs. Evelyn Faden. Quiet Wedding At Davis Home The marriage of Anna Jean Davies and Elmo Mechara was an event of Thursday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Davies, 288 North Fourth West. The ceremony was performed by Patriarch Alfred Eves, with the bridal party standing before a background of roses and white tapers. The bride was attired in a cream wool suit with brown accessories, ac-cessories, and wore an orchid corsage. Harold Johnson was best man and Mrs. Harold Johnson was matron of honor, in a light blue frock, with corsage of gladi- ola. The bride's mother wore a black and white gown, with white gladiola corsage, and Mrs. George E. Mecham, mother of the groom wore a yellow and black gown with pink gladiola corsage. Following the ceremony, the entire party went to Alpine Villa, where a wedding dinner was served. A lovely wedding eakr centered the table, with yellow roses on either side arranged in attractive manner. Other guests present at the dinner din-ner besides the bride and groom, the parents of both. Patriarch New Officers i By Lady Lions Mrs. John Cobb was elected president of the Lady Lions Thursday evening at their session at the ladies clubhouse; Mrs. Lee Tuttle was named vice president. president; Mrs. William Roderick, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Claude Holmes, reporter and Mrs. Don Fotheringham, tailtwister. The present president, Mrs. Thomas Gessford was in charge of the gay affair, which was dinner meeting. The tables were attractive with painted daisies and allyseum, and red and white tapers. Mrs. Ervin Stevens led in community singing. The delightful program was presented by Misses Maree Roh-bock. Roh-bock. Kathryn Christensen, Carol Stubbs, with. Miss Sheree Terry as accompanist. Mrs. Vern Bullock Bul-lock was program chairman, assisted by Mrs. Claude Holmes, Mrs. A. M. King. Mrs. Paul Hen-richsen, Hen-richsen, Mrs. Eric Reinholt, Mrs. Dale Peterson, Mrs. Thomas Woolsey, Mrs.' J. W. Bell. Mrs. Lee Carson and Mrs. Jack Smeath. Thirty-one members were present pre-sent at the delightful affair, with Mrs. John Hansen, Mrs. Reed Webster and Mrs. Lester Allen as guests. Eves and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vic-tor Davies, Miss Nadine Davies and Horace Gammell. The. young couple left for a honeymon trip to Zions and Bryce Canyon. SEE IT NOWI TONIGHT and SATURDAY Shows - 1:30 and 9:45 Sfiotv vAtusicat Mirth- Cast Includes: BING CROSBY BETTY HUTTON PAULETTE GODDARD ALAN LADD DOROTHY LAMOUR EDDIE BRACKEN BRIAN DQNLEVY SONNY TUFTS' VERONICA LAKE ARTURO deCORDOVA BARRY FITZGERALD DIANA LYNN VICTOR MOORE MARJORIE REYNOLDS BARRY. SULIVAN "It's a Feast of Song, a Musical Mirlhquake, the Laugh Smash of the Year I" Box Office Report. NOW SHOWING Siebrand Bros. CIRCUS And CARNIVAL NINTH SOUTH Just East of the Golf Course Saturday Last Day Plenty of FREE Parking Service BUS SERVICE from City Hall STARTS TODAY! i I V 1 BUT SCTUt v MIRY MVCHFffT ? i IIS? - - . . M.M la fat middle f m kiss... Murder! UIGHT v. CO-HIT! "HOW DO YOU DO" with Blot Gordon - Cheryl Walker I IgF- WITH $ONGGAJETY4r"r Cp AND ROMANCE XI ''( i W weaving W:fy ym h V N v.-v. . . -i : ..: ? j?vn 7v, VCR riSJiM-i? - PLUS Bmbjr- Color Cartoon Late News TT L D) rrs rr Reginald gardwer S3 1 1 'TecfatctUt liclarl GAIMES StJlltf FIAGEI i. s. raiiT . nCAR THESE 1IITS: . - -Do To Lore Me?" "I Didnt Meina Word I Said", loonlight-PropogaiidV MAs If I Didat Have Enojh Ob My-Mind" . SUrU TODAY Opea I2: |