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Show :v. PRO VP (UTAH) DAILY HERALD, -WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1939 PAGE FIVE interesting Features For JVomen; Club and Ethel D. Rambeau Society Editor Lodge News. 7 XX;-' Phone 494 . r. S-ji rj r" I y ; i V " i If I- f . x :MOfi? x V To Wed S. L. Girl . . Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Peters vof 160 First Avenue, Salt Lake City, announce , the betrothal of their .J daughter, Beth, to A. Pevoe Brim- hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. '" Brimhall of Provo-. X -Xx ' ' " ' The marriage Is to be an event of August 23, in the Salt Lake-terrmle. Lake-terrmle. and following a short honeymoon trip, the young couple' will settle in Focateuo, iaano, where Mr. Brimhall will teach in : the high school commercial de- partment. x", X' N1' The . bride-to-be ' is a graduate of the U. S. A. C. of Logan, and 'a member of Phi Kappa Phi- Mr. -BrimLail wasj graduated from B. 'Yj and was affiliated with v the Alpha Kappa PsI fraternity and Tausig social , unit. . 1 ' v v V Wedding; Date Is Announced X Provoan .' ; X SPANISH FORK Mr. and A Mrs. Loren A, Anderson of "lhis city ancnmce the engagement oi X theirdaughter. Miss VivianX I. - AndersOTVtd Max B; Gardner, son of Mr. ancf-Mrs. Henry A. Gard-1 Gard-1 rier. also of Spanish Fork, V The - marirage isjplanned for . August 30 in the Salt Lake temple. .A reception honoring the -youngcouple-sfll' be held in"" the . Salem ward chapel. August 31. X Both Miss Anderson -and Mr. Gardner are'students of the Brig- - ham Young university in v Provo . where the bride-elect, is affiliated i with the Val Norn social unit and - Mr. Gardner with the -" Vikings. They will make their home at Spanish Fork. - , ;- X Family Dinner Given Sunday Mrs.-" Mlarriet Francom enter tained at aN family s dinner Sunday Sun-day at the home of her .daughter,' Mrs. Lyman L. - Woods.- . GuestV were Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Ly-man L. Woodi and family; Mr, - '- r nd Mrs. Kenneth E.' Francom l?.nd children of American Fork; -rrin L. Francom Sot Santa -ruz. Calif.: Mrs. D. Wood and Children of Cedar City; Robert L. Francom, U. S. N station" at Brcmprtonand Mis3' Helen 'Bus-tcr 'Bus-tcr of Payson. 1 Mi Tm 2Si Ttd .UJTJSSk frntn these dreaded -.fflirfirma r-nort rre titix. SI-N'OZE tootli. ing oi -pIliUTe action irJ in this wy; t HeTp dtmim'th icoj-inalated icoj-inalated difcharfrr. 2 Aidi in draining f the ilauf. 3 Lii pnttilrg, ml-f ml-f ng. klmir.g. A Aiait in sootbiaf in-' (Ijiw) iti. 5 Haria more norm it hipsr. SI-NOZc. ceottiti no narcotic nor habit-fortnin drora. Get a 25e bottln . imitr cn oar Hraty-iicX Oaaraotec. f or CITV IJRIO CO. :o Wti Center , ..A TOASTED tS Provo o6 West .Center - 63 East -J ' . . , : ' - - i. ( f V ;,.' T- ;. . ... ,, SAHDWICH c V: pr;. THICK ; m ulALTED mi Qhmfu) Calendar AURORA Members of the Aurora club will meet at the home of Mrs. Lester Davis, 270 North; Second ; West street, Springville. Thursday eve- ning. 1 - ' ' LES AMIES - O-' " The Les Amies club , will meet Thursday "evening at the home of Mrs. Helen Knight, " 235 . West Fourth South, street Steak Supper Given, Riends Entertaining at a delicioui steak supper ' at' "Canyon .31en Tuesday evening,' Mr: and Mrs. J Joseph H. Taylor were hosts to a group' of friends. : :S -x . They included Mr. and MrsjMil-' ton Holdaway and son LeRoy, Mrs Elizabeth Tuckf ield. of Salt . Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harding, Mr and Mrs. I George Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Verner Powell. Pow-ell. Bishop and 1 Mrs. August ' p. Johnson and daughter Alene apd Norma Taylor. V. " ' . Sisters Vih1 I Double Geremony A double ceremony was" hefd' at Heber City Tuesday, uniting in marriage; Maurine Brickey; Park and Irving Richard. Anderson" of Oreni . andThelma ; Jane Brickley and Aff el Lamar Monk of Provo. The brides are daughters of Mr.1 and Mrs: F. M. Brickey of Provo. Manwill KeuniQn Held in Payson PAYSON Descandants v of John W. Man will met at thePay- son Memorial park-sunaay, in a family reunion, with, one hunarea in attendance. Registration and introductions started at 1 p. m., followed with games . for , all,v a program and business -meeting, and a picnic lunch, ' - ; A permanent organization was. formed, with jVea'rl J. Manwill'of Salt Lake, chairman; .Sadie Man-vill Man-vill Sorensen of Koosharem, vice chairman r Cecil B:- Cahoorr of Pay- son, tsecretary-treasurer; Eleen M. Calderwood of Salt . Lake, gene-ologis; gene-ologis; Melissa M. Lewis of Provo, historian. .. ' The Moroni Manwill family, with Mrs. Nellie Manwill Hancock as chairman, will have charge of the program ; and games next year,.at the reunion to be held at Pioneer park in Provo, at a date to be announced an-nounced later. t --' . V - Mr,' and Mrs. Dell .White of iGreen River,' Wyoming, and Mrs. Etta Cowan of San Francisco,, were out-of-statejjnembers in. at? tendance.' A :--i-y'' According to an ; old law, : mar keters of , Portland. Ore., are forbidden for-bidden to . carry - theirv piirchascB home, in "baskets, hung on a pole across the Bhoulders." . ; ; :-af-;vH Special! Stores Center 83 East Center' Daily r -l ' XX5 " X-X --";.XV" XX'. ' ' , v '' . sk f X XX-;XX 'A 7 ' '' D.U.P. Delights A pleasant afternoon; scoial was enjoyed by members of Camp No. 3, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, at Haase cafe, Tuesday. ( , , Mrs: , Rose Goates was chairman,' chair-man,' assisted by Mesdames Mamie Ma-mie Clark, Maude Evans, Florence Flor-ence Myers, Mary Dahlquist, Florence Brown, Hattie Scott and Felinda Huf v Mrs. Melissa .'Lewis, president presided ! and : the delightful program pro-gram included: community singing, sing-ing, led. by Mrs. Emma Jones; humorous' readings, . Mrs. Frank Earl;- musical selections, Mr. and- Mrs. Frank Goold; comic reading, Miss -Jrene Meiling,,-The Meiling,,-The women engaged in a var-ietyof var-ietyof gajnes conducted by Mrs. Hattie Scott and Mrs. Florence Myers,- andprlzes were won-.by Mrs. Emma Jones; and Miss Irene Meiling. Remarkswere made by Mrs. Lewis; . - Covers were laid forN50 women at a tasty . hot dinner, a. color scheme of orange and yellow-. being' be-ing' used to decorate the long table. Bowles . of marigolds were employed, and the candy cups were in the- form-' of green baskets, bas-kets, to, which sunflowers ,w?ere attached. J ; - Mrs.. R.- H.. Cowan . of ;Los Angeles,; An-geles,; was a guest. , - ' ' ; , - I I PLEAS AHT Gli 01 E BOSS VIOLA WEST . Oorrespondent Phone 2S-W i I I "-. ': Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gardner have returned tfrom an outing spent at Fish lake. , ' ' Mrs. Thomas Jacobs and two daughters Betty ? and Gwen of Orem, and Mrs-y Hugh Jacobs of Heber.' visited I here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker J and L;Miss . Thelma Walker . left Monday f for. a " trip v east.VThey will return with a new. carU Mrs. ' Inez Olpin, Mrs. ' Donna Ash, Mrs. " Maud ' Richards, ' - and Estelie .Fenton - motored , to Eph-riam Eph-riam Friday to -visit-, with Mrs. Belle Hansen and "Mrs. May Mor-tensen. Mor-tensen. . x Mr. and Mrs. Eugene West of Salt Lake spant the week end with relatives" here. v-l Goast Co'UpleS Feted By Group - Mr;-and; Mrs.. J.' E Smith; (Ven ice .Tuft) of Oakland, 1 Calif ornia. who have been vacationing in Salt i Lake City, and Provo, for the past week,: were entertained at Canyon Glen Tuesday evening. . The following were present: Mr and Mrs. Max; Williams, - Delene Pack, 'Dorothy McGuire, James McGuire, Byrniece Vincent, Dick Jassey, Marie , ElliotLxTom Bo- shard,; Genevieve Prows. Cornell Peters, Lydia .Allred ' and.-Af ton Anderson." , -fs, - ' f - . - Campfire lunch and horseshoe games w-Eien joyed by the -group. Mr. and Mrs. Smithy will leave Thursday for their home. Jks.tx'.vm (U4KWK.-fc- vtt - ,(vxu ),.'A'vr . .. . ""' . v ' t . . - ,. . v m 7 i I r w X t. 4trHn '.:: lever..- SHE; . SENT HER TO-: THE X Party Many X T 2SE X7 S . i h . . ji , m n . - "m-. And I hat's what all smart women do these humid summer vdays ... it's so silly to waste- so much time and'slavinff effort when Troy can do your laundry so v cheaply. Send for us on your next ' "washday! X X " - X 4 SER VICES - PHONE 164 FLUFFY AND FAIRYLIKE 37 i K . r ..".' s . --5-. - Judith Barrett's summer dancf i frock with ruffled camisole top i; white mousseleineXwithsilvei sequins on the bolero -and wid waistline band. White' horsehair $tiero the hemline of the circu4 - .,r lar skirts-.- , Attorneys Plan Fish Lake Confab One of a serJes of institutes ;held assist attorneys ;. In ' keeping abreast' with latest developments in their field will beheld 'at ; Fish lake Saturday and Sunday, with they Southern-Central Utah Bar association as sponsor,; according to A. Sherman Christenson,x president presi-dent of- the' Utah County ; BarvaSf' sociation. ' ' Ali members of the .bar ; in Utah are'- invited. Lectures on the new. probate code and r recent develop- mentsin the water law will- be among the matters discussed. Attorneys wishing f urther formation should contract Christcnson or Henry E... Beal, attorney1 at-torney1 at Richfield. I ' . mJfji j que :: TROY2 S x ' iiiiiiaiii r, J V - t - ' J , -XX ! X; V S SSSZ . -y Val Norn Garden Party The beautiful garden at the I. E. Brockbank home, was the scene of an informal garden party tendered tend-ered by the B. Y. U. Val Norns Tuesday afternoon, , the theme of which was "Wishing." -Fitfy -young ladies, attended,, including in-cluding 16 guests. During the early hour,' music was furnished indoors by av trio composed , of Sarah Mabey, Nan Chipman and Helen " Bennett. ' Also, the unit girls sang, group songs. - - , Aa the , guests went into the garden they were - presented with dainty wrist corsages.. The garden, gar-den, was .lovely with its' quaint wishing well, and profusion 'of colorful col-orful flowers. tv '-' ) A tasty repast was served at small tables, which were .centered with tiny wishing wells holding wishes for the girls. Later, wishing wish-ing games were, played. Helen, Bennett, Shirley Brock-bank Brock-bank and Phyllis Smart were in charge of arrangements, and were assisted by Nan chipman, Nadine Taylor and Helen Brockbank. La-Vina La-Vina Hooverj: Betty Stevens-and Marjorie Sumner Served. -"x Alumni members' present uv eluded Mrs. Phyllis Van Wagen-en'Mrs;, Wagen-en'Mrs;, Lucile Soulier Mrsf Mary Firmage, Miss Nadine Taylor and Miss Theresa Hansen. The following ' active girls' were in attendance: Betty Stewart, "of Ogden, , Venice ' Cottam. Helen Brockbank, Helen Bennett, ' Beth AndersonSAfton BigelowLeah D. Harris,, Jeanette, Clark, JSarah Mabeyv . Kay Pace, Emma e Bownr' Gerievieve-Hansen, Marjorie Paulson Velma Olson, Shirley and Elaine Brockbank, Venice Whit ing, Phyllis Smart, an Chipman, and iuisie Adams. M. L A. Notio - The Second ward M. I. A. cers and teachers and their . parfc nersxwill hold a' melon; bust at Canyon Glen this, evening. - They are to meet at. the clrcrch at t:3U ociock. Miisic JRractice" Mrs. May Y. .Young requests all Singing Mothers, to retort for practice at'the Manavu ward church Thursday morning at 40 O'CIOCIC. - . . v V. Lord Rvrn'n firmlv hielipvri' in lucky, and unlucky-days. He" disliked dis-liked undertaking anything on Fri-dayK Fri-dayK avoided being' helped to salt at table, and knew something tter riDie was going .to nappen u ne spilled salt or- oil; rlet. breadfall, xr broke a mirror "offi- 'S' - TALKING OVER1 SPOOKS! . x ' - . "X-- v " x i Tr ' .x! ' vV K " XvV i ! .,7 ' ' i ' !' . jX - . .' Robert Young, Frank : Craven and Florence Rice are talking over some of the cnilling thingsvthat happen in their picture at the" Paramount today, ''Miracles for Sale.". This ghostly hit was pro duced by Tod Browning, who has produced such thrillers as "Un- h'olV 3" "nrnrnla " 'anrl "riovil-Thrill ' v ' 1 , -i x. vx APPLIANCE CO. 51 North; University Avenue COTES VGO X- x Factory Demonstration by MISS BETTY HEREON A Utah Pover EVERY DAY MIND YOUR MANNERS . Test your knowledge of correct social usage by answering the following questions, then checking check-ing against the authoritative answers an-swers below; . -' 1. Which is correct, "Miss Jones, Mr. .Smith" or, "Mri Smith, Miss Jones"? ' 'v A ! " ' " - 2. Would'' it be-correct, for a woman introducing her son- inlaw in-law to an old friend to say, "This is Dick, Mary's husband" ' ,3. Should a girl ofv20 rise wnen she is . introduced to va woman of 60? j . , ' Y - . ' 4. If . you are introducting a young woman and , a middleaged man, whose name is spoken first? 5. When ' you are introduced, should you say,: "I'm delighted to know you" or "How do you Mo" ? What would jyou do if ' - , v .You are introduced to a. person f orxthe , third time. Would you V (a Acknowledge the- introduction, introduc-tion, if .the other person does ? (b) Say believe we have met' before'? -" "": "!-' c) Say "How many times am X going to nave to be introduced to :- ANSVEHS 1. Miss Jones, Mr Smith.- : 2;xYes. ; ys v3.-YeSv . i ne young woman s A. 5. "How doxyoU do" is the one response that x is always correct. .Bdst'What Would You - DoV solution either; (a ) or ( b ) , de pending v on your feelings, Killpack Family Reunion Enjoyed The N entire' family of Mr. And Mrsv.EXA. Killpack met in Bow iette park " Tuesday evening for their first reunion in nineyears.' . Thirty-three , members were in attendance, including Mri and Mrs. L. E. Killpack and daughters Lo- Jene and, Janet Lee of Phoenix Ariz., Mr. and Mrs. ii. E. -Peters and daughters, Nadihe, Joyi andMarlene of .Ogden, Mrr and Mrs. P. L. Killpack ansT family, EdwardKLloydjLorenxVayne, and Lois Jean, r, ana Mrs L. A. Killpack and family, .Lovell, Jr., Garth.-jKennethyMarilyn and Weston, Wes-ton, MrVahdMr. W. F.' Killpack andxplaughjters, Frankie Fae, Marjorie Mar-jorie )Ou and . Ruth Allen, -Val Killpnjelc. Mr. . and Mrs. Merlin Kilipac'k ahd son Leon, all of T s X s XJtVVU. N X V Games wereen joyed btbe chil dren while the older groupvisited and. reminiscedx Adelicious lunch eon was served. X VCGCiX Provo; Utah TO. at cL Light Co; THIS VEEK! X V Marry Today In e : SPANISH FORK Announcementis Announce-mentis made by Dr. and Mrs. Wells -T. Brockbank of the marriage mar-riage of their daughter,. Miss Af- ton Brockbank, and Bert D. Isaac, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Isaac,, also of Spanish Fork. . The ceremony e was .performed today ' in the Salt Lake temple. A reception honoring the couple will be held at the high , school auditorium August Zli : (; X. , ".-I ":-',-: ; vXyXXXK Lewis Family Holds Reunion Descendants of the late John A; Lewis of Spanish Fork; are requested re-quested to attend the annual reunion re-union planned for Sunday att La goon. h - N The '"committee has arranged a fine program, and a family dinner will, be served,; according to Mrs. Agnes Durrant of Provo,' an i of - ncer m the family organization Picnic For House Guests t Honoring DrXand Mrs. A. I Johnson, - daugnter Beverly, - Rex and sonRex, Jf., who are visiting from Washington, D. C, Mr. and Mrs. sXjJones gave a family picnic atxPark. Ro-She, Tuesday evening ' - ; Swimming? was followed by a tasty7 luncheon, served toX the honbr guested i host 7 and hostess and Mr. and'Mrs.yS. T. Jonea and family ,of Heber City, Mr. and Mrs. Pat -Jones and family, Mr. and Mrs. "Arch Jones and baby daughter, .,, Marian and : Helen- Jones Dimmick Reiiniori y Descendants ,f Thomas Jeffer son Dimmick will hold k reunion Sunday at 2 p'. 1 m. at Vivitn park, announces A. u. Dimmick; of 440 West Fourth North etreet.7VX It is planned to effect , a permanent per-manent organization at that time. Each family should bring its own lunch; Sports and a' program will ' comprise the entertainment. .All Dimmicks and relatives are in-j vited. x Tempi X PuriSuaces: J - . XN Assured Qimlity VHI DEPARXVENT Readyto V- rar x ' 'M V ' x: x ' xv . nr X . : NX ' v X :-:'X 7AX I " v A CVX X X-1 rnLf x y ' X . The home tHat vc help you plan and; build will nive you pride and com fort, at Ies cost nn i Low Ratco , ''Eazii 7a?m 105 West third souto rno:;n c Young Group At Breakfast - A. prettily arranged breakfast was a delightful event of , thia morning, when Marion Jones feted Beverly Johnson of Washington, D. C, at the S. J. Jones home. " Garden flowers were in dainty centerpieces, and novel . favors were given. After breakfast, table games were plyaed, Ruth 'Bigelow winning the high honors and Deane Merrill, consolation favor. Beverly was presented xwith a guest award. Accordian music rwaa furnished during the affair by Rex Johnson, Jr. v-- -. . ..X.VX ' . ; In attendance were Juriice Hed-quist, Hed-quist, Ruth Bigclow, Deanne Merrill Mer-rill Rambna Killpack, Mary Lou Dixon, Nola de Jong, Mary Durv kee, Claire Swenson, , Margaret HalesCarma Jean Culllmore, Vir- glijla Dbnnett and Ann Slick. -.;-. XX, Provo Visitor At Luhclieon Mrs., R.- E. Booth i of American Fork, who has been,vi3iting, here with : hef daughtef-in-law, , Mrs, Lillian ' BoothXas i tendered a luncheon by Mrs. A. L. Booth Tuesdayattefnoon at her home. Guests included Mrs, : Lillian Booth, Mrs. S. C. Adams, Mrs Alma. Al-ma. , Hunter, Mrs. Harvey Booth , and MrsL Edwiri Booth, both 'of' Edgemont. ' ' , ,' ' ; A centerpiece of , gladioli graced the luncheon table'. ' BirthSays THURSDAY, AUG. 2i REED BOSIIARD, H.A. TANGREN. WILFORD S. GILLESPIE. DEIV. r no or cccn tics: t - rrrrcarro 50.75 " x .. . v ' -i ustlcs'l are . backhere to stay! Sleek" 'bodiced, tiny, walsted frocks: with bustle bows, peplums, shirrings- lew back fullness! New crepes. Black, colors, Others $1.95 to $21.50 js Economical XI OF PROVO - Wear Dep. X X X X nr" ' Wm 0 |