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Show PAGE TWO PRO.VO (UTAH) EVENING HERALD, TUESDAY, A U.G U S T 6, 19 3 5 o Ethel D. Rambeau, Society Editor rr ' U Lb Phone 194 I II' I IV-, - i r i ', V VI Young Couple Honored At Reception Complimentary to their daughter daugh-ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs H. B. Bray Maudio Halladayi who were recently married, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Halladay gave a reception at their home Monday evening. The delightful affair was attended at-tended by 100 relatives and friends, and was held on the lawn. Vari-colored lights proved attractive, as did the beautiful garden flowers and ferns Gladioli, sweet peas and hyacinths were employed both inside the house and on the lawn The bride wore a lovely gown of purple taffeta A splendid program of musical musi-cal numbers and readings was furnished, and games were enjoyed. en-joyed. Tasty refreshments were served. Carl Knuasen was master of ceremonies. The young couple j were presented with many beauti j ful gift s They will reside in ; Provo. f t Le Tesee Club At Reception Le Tesee club girls motored to Fountain Green Monday evening, where, at the Fountain Green amusement hair, they attendtd a reception given in compliment to Mr. and Mrs J. Fred Scholes (Laurel Aagardt The young couple were married Tuesday. July .''0. in the Logan temple and will make their home in Pleasant Grv- The bride is a daughter f Mr and Mrs John E. Aagard of Fountain Green, formerly of Provo. and Mr. Sch(1es is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Scholes of Logan. Three hundred guests were in attendance at the reception A" program was followed by refreshments refresh-ments and dancing. The Le Tesee members present were: Miss Ruby Street. Miss Rowena Christensen. Muss Donna McCoard, Miss Virginia Yick, Miss Helen Sterling. Miss Loraine Sandgren, Miss LeVaun Dix. Miss Mary Dahlquist. Mrs K H Hansen Han-sen and Mrs. .1 M Yiek The bride is a member of Le Tesee. Attended Wedding Held In Lehi Hall ' Mr. and Mrs Karl Ferguson. Mr. ami Mrs. O S Olsen and Mr and Mrs. Jack Mavberrv, Provo Schilling PU REZviV I IX A Its exquisite fhnvmeirr reezes out o FROZEN DESSHRTS Mid-Week Savings at SewelFs Banquet. Mild Ful! Cream. Lb Cut St mgless No ' ( 'a ns ... BEANS Ogden Valley Sweet ami Tend, r ORANGES i no si Aga r POTATOES VINEGAR Dark Bring TUNA FISH PICKLING MATCHES 4 COCOA SALAD DRESSING..""1 CLEANSER OLEOMARGARINE - - WHEAT FLAKES ST i9c QUALITY MEATS GUARANTEED v T-TV-h rr-y i . Lean, Well SALT BACON Cur.d. Pound VEAL STEAK All Ashore, Decked Out in OUTFITS WORN TO BEACH BY S1V1ART WOMEN ARE SELECTED TO 4 iiar :, -r:--.,-.r-tfi".--: ' i ' ' j if- I j ISA lti BY M AH IAN YOl"N(; NFA Service Staff ("orreMmlent NKW YORK- Beach outfits that obviously were assembled as-sembled as carefully as those for the street aie taking first place m the race for smartness at fashionable ocean and lakeside resorts these days. The girl who wears pajamas, slacks or robe that have a del mite relation to her swim suit, and accessories that h.ii n.i T.ize with both. loks a good deal more chic than ( tie who appears in hit-or-miss costume which shows clearly that she had no color scheme in fact, nothing definite m mind, when she visited various beach shops. Let this he a timely hint to all who are planning to take advantage of r,i;o sum.-.ier sales in the bathing suit depa-tments Remember that your swimming suit is the nucelus ar-'und which v.u ought ti build an attractive members of the La Bonna Amies club, motored to Lehi Monday evening, where they attended a wedding reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Hansen, club members, for their daughter'. Yalene. and Reed Iavis. who were recently wed. The young couple were married Friday in the Ixigan temple. One hundred and fifty guests attended attend-ed the reception, which was held the L hi Second ward hall A i'f'i'rt'ui; was followed bv danc-oij; danc-oij; and refreshments. 15c 20c 3 3 For ( 'ans Sweet ():ies I o. n . . . . 9c 7c lOc 10 Pounds Fresh Solid He,ids 6 Lbs. Malt. Gal. Your Container W hit.- st it- 9c 5c 15c 20C 29 c 4c 19c i an ' 1 Ali Pk, P.. x. Rock woods m Large Lb. Can & T" Fancy Beef 19c 23c 15c Meaty Shoulders Pound (From City Briefs Miss Alta Burmingharn left Saturday for California, where she will visit m San Francisco and Sacramento. She will be away indefinitely.' Mrs. Jennie Wilkins n turned' home Monday from Charleston, where she has been spending the past lour weeks with her sister. Mrs John C. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F-ggertsn and daughter and son, IXlores and Lamar of Pocatello. Idaho, and Mr. Eggertsen's mother, Mrs. ! Artie KggerLsen of Salt Lake City, were visitors in Provo Sunday, Sun-day, the guests of relatives and ! friends. Misss I A ra Dunn, Rhea Taylor ; and Barbara Paxman spent a delightful week end at Fish lake. Miss Virginia Booth has return- -d from a lengthy stay in Seattle, Wash., where she ruus been at- tending the University of Wash- I ington. : : : Mi ss's Mildred Farley, Maur - ! ine and Myrle Bigelow, Reva Cord-! Cord-! ner and Lucile Farley, spent the week end at the Barrett ranch in South Fork, Provo canyon, i They report an enjoyable time. Mrs. Frank DuMberry of Paris, Idaho, spent Sunday in Provo visiting friends and relatives. Uoyd N. Johnson of Logan, was a business visitor in Provo today. .1. M. Twitchell of Delta, spent today in Provo. O. L. eJessey of Montrose, Colo., was among the visitors in Provo today Donald Tatton, son of Mrs. Eve IOglassesX L 72UDciJGcas! OF COOUMG3 f-Y FROZf N refreshmimtY suckers I B. Altman, New York) ensemble for sunny hours in the sand or week-ends on a boat. If it is whitei you'll have little trouble, of course, because white blends Well with any other shade. You might top the suit with a flowing cape, bright red on one side and blue on the other, and complete the picture with red sandals and a blue, red and white printed beach hat. With printer, pajamas and robes, accessories in white or a solid shade are best. In an effort to look exotic, don't combine three or four colors that: have no relation to one another. Let your good taste be your guide and strive for a smooth, interesting effect rather than a bizzare one. This same rule applies when you pick bathing items for your small sons and daughters. As you know, beach togs for tots are patterned after grown-up designs. If you shop carefully, there's no reason why your little - . a-, rv. laiion, unaerwenc an opera- tion for appendicitis at the Clark clinic Monday. He was removed to the family home and is re- , ported to be getting along splen- I didlv. i B. Cilen Kenney of Boulder City, New. spent today in Provo with business friends. Mr. and Mrs. (i. II. Heindselman and daughters. Mrs. Erma Dee Robley and Joan Heindselman left Monday mgnt ror a nnying trip in the east In Chicago, they will attend the gift and jewelry shows, and from there they will go to Washington, IV C, and to New York, where Mrs Robley will purchase pur-chase yarns and get new ideas for the Heindselman Yarn shop. Her sister, Mrs. Flo H. Redden will be in charge of the school while she is awav. I.' A. Sorly of ML Pleasant, underwent an operation for appendicitis ap-pendicitis at the Ajrd hospital Saturday. Miss Lucile Skinner left the Aird hospital todav. where she under- went an operation for appendicitis 1 jq days ago. .... . . i Francis Holden of Las Vegas, ' Nev.. is a visitor in Provo this ; week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank James have returned from an enjoyable two weeks' vacation in California. They Visited the fair in San Diego, and were the guests of relatives in San Diego and Venice. They also spent a few days in Los Angeles. En route home, they stopped at Boulder dam, and Zion's canyon. Miss Norma Taylor has left for I Miss Kathryn Snyder, Mrs. Mar-Sonora, Mar-Sonora, Cal.. to visit relatives and j garetta F. Nielson and Miss friends for an indefinite period. ' Dorothy Jones. "SWIM FOR HEALTH" 1000 Gallons Fresh Mineral Water Per Minute Fastest Filters in Utah Finest Chlorinator Obtainable Band Concert and Water Carnival Sunday Dancing: Every Saturday Plunpes Open Till 12 Mld-Nite Gay Ensembles K A . ii t s9 X Jr. lf J! -m ' k- 'B girl can't be a smart replica of yourself. The children's suits, shown here, include, left to right: a yellow knitted, suspender top model, trimmed with natuical looking brown stars; red woolen trunks with sailor boy lacings; an orange knit with woven belt and straps in brown; and a white bathing suit trimmed with navy, topped with a navy, double-breasted jersey to slip on after the swim. The grown-up bathing suit of a distinctive knubbly knit comes in a flattering-with-suntan shade of coral Belt and suspender straps from shoulders to waistline at the back are in contrasting tones. The standing figure wears one-piece pajamas of white shantung with navy polk dotted strapsnd a beach hat witn unusual pagoda crown. The tailored robe matches the polka dotted trimming. This harmonizes handsomely handsome-ly with the coral suit. . A , - v ,t r c- - rLAPPER rANNi D Al S: ta. u. s. pat. orr If onlookers aren't to wrinkle their noses at your clothes, they must be well-pressed. Sewing, Luncheon At Lambda Tau Meet A pleasant evening was spent Monday by members of the Lambda Lamb-da Tau club at the hon: of M'fs Naomi Startup. Sewing was followed by a dainty luncheon, served to Mrs. lone T. Hales, Miss LaRue Startup, Miss Belle Webb, Miss Mae Banks, HARMONIZE V 11 C .1 r I r Orsyth KeUniOIl Sunday At Geneva The annual reunion of the descendants of John E. and Sarah Barker Forsyth will be held Sunday Sun-day at Geneva. Each family is to provide its own luncheon, which is to be served serv-ed at noon. A program and sports will follow. How to Make French Fried Effg Plant Now that egg plant is plentiful plenti-ful in the market, try french-fried french-fried eggplant on your family. Pee! the eggplant and slice it as thin as possible. Pile the slices on a plate, put a plate on top of the pile and a weight on top of that. Let stand for an hour, pouring pour-ing off the water that drains out. Then dip each slice in egg, roll in cracker crumbs and fry in deep fat. Each slice should be brown and crisp. T . . - ) TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CONLON washing machine, like new. Cost $60, will sell for $25. Singer treadle sewing machine $12.50. Call 021R2. a8 DILL for sale, cheap. 808 West 2nd Nortti. a7 3 ' PC. mohair living room suite. New, bargain. 168 W. 4 No. al2 FOR SALE COW GUERNSEY cow. Will freshen soon. Verl Francis. R. F. D. No. 2, Spanish Fork al2 FOR RENT FURNISHED OR LEASE, 4 rm. moc home. Call after 1 p. m. 467 So. 2 E. a8 a- f " v V 1 " , V N ORPHEUM LAST TIMES TONITE "MISSISSIPPI" "WEST OF THE DIVIDE" Tomorrow and Thursday "NORTHERN FRONTIER" "Discarded Lovers" Jacobsons At Reunion spvpntv-thrpp descendants of Kathryn and Ingman William ; Jacobson participated in the third annual family reunion held at j Riverside tourist park Sunday ! afternoon and evening. Sports, including a baseball j game between the married and single men, were played in the afternoon, and there were races j for the children. Tables were laid ; for supper in the early evening. A j program of music and dances was ; gifierf later around a bonfire. , Jacob I. Jacobson, oldest de- I scendant, .remarked upon the fam-j ily experiences while coming to j America. Mrs. Ray Peterson ; read a brief history of her mother ! Mrs. Augusta SV.vard, second child j of Kathryn and Ingman William Jacobson. Moving pictures showing show-ing family group activities of the last five years were shown by E. LaVon Menlove. New officers of the family organization or-ganization were elected as follows: fol-lows: Robert Sward, president; Rufus I. Jacobson, vice president. and Rilla Jacobson, secretary and treasurer. Out of town family members present were Mrs. Ray Peterson, Lo? Angeles, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs Ted Whiting and son. Reta Jac--b-pon and Ken Jacobson, all of E!sinore; Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and children, Grantsville; Mr and Mrs. Albert McKennon, Mary and Lee McKennon, Sparks, Nevada. (0NGRATULATIONS YtttfOL Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hall of Pleasant View, have a son, born at their home Monday. Children's Party Enjoyable Affair Mrs. Ernest Reynolds entertain- ed at a birthday party Monday j afternoon at hci home, for her ! eight-year-old daughter La Rae. I Golden "gTdwand baby breath j prettily decorated the entertaining j rooms. Gimes were played, and' a delicious luncheon was served to the following youngsters: Margaret Mar-garet and Barbara Clark. Mollie Cox, Lois Jackson. Norma and ' ' nai ie oya'H 'ain i ""1 ?ar,en Charlene Lloyd. Elaine Hoover e Hartzell and Betty Jo Smith Thursday - Friday - Saturday H. RIDER HAGGARD'S SHE" ljr LAST DAY! X ICaSCCTI f GINGER TODAY and WEDNESDAY I starring j 1 your JANE withers " HEART V """W , , j L .Jackie Sear! M U loop! Lif: 0 YOUR ifft " starts 1 NERVES TOMORROW l will J KijfMy when f S 1 " Vs M, s- K sxv w Lm nf ,,... 1 : V-K. " i fi h,n,i y-H'-t iloT' u7 P-iV v?::; f jt ti ' i' ns i' in S,. Hfr f f s M.iimIiiiw ilnuna '. I. ' i MAUREENO'SULUVAN l i 5falLXlP LOUIS H AYWARO 'WWf Kii added 'Sr c? TT1 Musical Comedy ; i , !SflPmMr ftitJ j llpl Paramount Pictoriaj;::: Starts Sundav DICK POWELL JOAN BLONDELL in "BROADWAY GONDOLIER" Calendar ALPHA Members of the Alpha club will meet Thursday at 4 o'clock at Pioneer park. JOLLYETTE The Jollyette Bridge club will be entertained by Mrs. Alene Wil-kins Wil-kins Thursday afternoon at her home. Al'KOKA Aurora club members will enjoy en-joy swimming and a melon bust at Park Ro-Shr Thursday evening. even-ing. They are to meet at the city and county building at 8 o'cl'H k CAMP NO. 7 Daughters of Utah Pioneers ot Camp No. 7 will meet at the home, of Mrs Wilmirth Brown Thursday Thurs-day at 2:30 o'clock. The affair is to be in the form of a social for the outgoing officers. A fine program has been arranged and a full attendance is urged. . REYNOLDS CHAPTER A meeting of the Alice Louise Reynolds club. Chapter No. 3. will be held Thursday at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Flora D. Fisher. Members are asked to telephone Mrs. Elizabeth Gillespie, president, 537nj. Bride-Elect Honored By Club Sisters Miss Alice Taylor, bride-elect of the month, was honored by Mrs. Lois B. Christensen ajid Miss Elizabeth Gessford at the Christensen Christ-ensen residence Monday evening. The following members of the O. S. Alumnae were guests: Mrs. Monta W. Anderson, Mrs. Alta H. Taylor. Mrs. Anna P. Ashworth, Mrs. Edith J. Johnson. Miss May Bennett, Miss Cecil Clark, Miss Beth Ashworth, and Miss Beth Wright, of Provo and Mrs. Mercedes Mer-cedes P. Anderson and Mrs. Inez S. Bird of Springville. Miss Taylor was presented with a handsome chromium pitcher from the alumnae girls. A tasty lucheon was served during the evening. coming soon: 2 Great Stars in the year's most amazing picture! LOR ETTA YOUNG CHARLES BOYER in "SHANGHAI", . . .-. j j lypl Universal News Jf |