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Show 2 Vernal Express Wednesday, July 4, 1990 By Jock Wollis Independence Day This year's Independence Day is more meaningful than ever before in light of the many changes being made in other countries. The swing towards democracy democra-cy in the Soviet Union and the united Germany giving more freedom to the people makes one thankful to live in a land where democracy is the way of life. But with freedom comes great responsibility. Freedom issues such as burning the U.S. flag, prayer, definition of pornography, abortion, right to discontinue discontin-ue life and drug control are all issues concerning democracy. To some, freedom means to do anything he wants to do. This can include jeopardizing self and others in pursuing any kind of so-called happiness. The freedom of choice in ones life can make a tremendous difference. differ-ence. When one uses his freedom to jeopardize the lives of others is when this freedom should end. Laws are necessary to protect individuals from the consequences of others who would abuse the privilege of living in a free democratic society. Sometimes the line seems to be drawn too far to one side to allow too much freedom at the expense of other basic principles. Other times laws may seem too strict in preventing harmful actions to take place and substances sub-stances to be used. The American Lung Association of Utah is celebrating celebrat-ing July 5 as "Non-Dependence Day", a day the citizens citi-zens of Utah will join millions of Americans across the nation in declaring their freedom from smoking. Just one day after our nation celebrates its independence, indepen-dence, the American Lung Association is scheduling special events throughout the country to inform nicotine nico-tine addicted smokers that there is help in the battle to be free of cigarettes. The U.S. Surgeon General has reported that nicotine is the drug in tobacco that causes addiction. The smoking smok-ing cessation program addresses the specific behavioral behav-ioral problems of breaking the bonds of nicotine addiction, addic-tion, enabling the smoker to overcome the many threatening obstacles that are encountered along the road to freedom from smoking. Independence, freedom, safety, equality, protection, are all words that have great meaning if they are used in the right context for the general welfare of the people. Hopefully, this Independence Day will signify a time when individuals will realize all the efforts and suffer ing that have gone on before to make this country free, not only from oppression, but also free to responsible citizens. PUBLIC FORUM Letters to the Editor What is your opinion? The Express welcomes letters from its readers concerning any subject pertinent to the Uintah Basin. There are no restrictions as to contents, if not libelous or vindictive. Letters will not be accepted over two (2) typed written double spaced pages. Letters must be submitted exclusively to the Express and bear the writer's full name, signature, phone number and address. The name or names of those submitting letters must appear on all published letters. All letters are subject to condensation. Letters to the Editor express the opinion of the writer and are not necessarily the opinion of the vernal Express or Its staff. Taxing workers Woodcutters Dear Editor: It has come to my attention that the workers who are in Uintah County with the pipeline have been required to pay county property taxes tax-es on their motor vehicles and register regis-ter those same vehicles with the state and license them. It is my understanding that the purpose of law is the collective organization or-ganization of individuals to protect their life, liberty and property. When this is so, justice is always the end of law. , It seems in this case the law has been twisted. It has become an end unto itself. Justice is not its motive, but the very law we look to for freedom free-dom has become the plunderer. It is using the threat of force to require the property of hard-working men, and women to provide services that they will not use. Wc should be grateful these workers work-ers arc voluntarily leaving our county as much of their hard-earned income as they arc in the short time they will be with us. Many has been the time in unenlightened unen-lightened lands that travelers have been required to pay tribute at the hands of robbers for the privilege of traversing the robber's corner of the world. Perhaps wc haven't come so far after all. I salute you pipeline workers for being willing to travel so far to provide pro-vide for your families. It is a sacrifice sacri-fice being so far from home. I cannot speak for all the people of this county or state because most must support such plunder or they would speak up ami slop it, but I abhor such activity. Many of the ancestors an-cestors of the people h ''vc n this valley were driven here because laws were twisted in like manner. uui .nt rivM'.ci' kicickickicic Vernal Express (ISSMCC9MC31) Ni t J i 9'4 l--5 pm M 0 '1 1--XI a ?4 vr 4 l:f t yot M w ?Mi U' N M W ( tpp p.- --.tw'ti a os t -e le vi hvm f i i-i ro !- ?. vc. ft v v ti r . f 4C J V-W. . r!. i' .. - .,. . .. . W -if Act gppo-1 VV m h Ave t Crs-iU" 1 ? . . Dear Editor, Due to the amount of calls that I have received, I feel that you need to be contacted about the firewood program on the Ashley National Forest What Dr. Oscarson and I thought had been agreed upon was not what came out in the firewood program. First the elderly and handicapped hand-icapped issue was not even addressed ad-dressed by the Forest Service. What we understood was that they would receive the free use and easy access wood. We feel they have done their part already. Second, the boundary that we understood was the road from East Park to Trout Creek Park everything south of this road would be open. Also Charley's Park was to be open, but not Alma Taylor Lake area. Everything from the south forest boundary up the mountain. Also, the Uintah Mountain Club has filed an appeal on the wood program, to try and stop us from cutting any firewood. Their representative. repre-sentative. Will Durrani, was at the meetings and voiced no opposition at the time this was being set up. Contact them and let them know how you feel. Wc have more areas open this year than last, but it is still not what wc agreed to. If you arc not satisfied with what has taken place, please do not call. I have the petition with your signature signa-ture on it: 1,158 of you. If you arc happy w ith it let mc know and I will remove your name from the list. As to the calls I have received, perhaps it is time fivr the quiet majority to become noisy and let the noisy minority know how wc feci. If there arc not many who want their name removed from the petition peti-tion then I will lake the petition k) both Senators and the Congressman. Perhaps it is time, as some tf you have said, for the majority to idl a few what will happen. Remember this is an election year for some . Our Senator and Congressman are aarc of our problems that hive h,h in i!c pa t. Dr. I d O'arvm and 1 have spent rmah Umc and effort to try to revive thi matter, but apparently c have not gotten what was wanted. S) 14 c I told you. let pii to i!e not step up. The AUdey National f otc-.t N !-rp tn the people, not a lew hi w.vfc I f it of special interr-l gtovp M tlnlaic M ou what you tan ?, 1 ft them know how you feci. I of iV t',n(h Maintain Clwb. t'r W,; Duunl, ML). Vf the Irrr-.t Senile, Nancy Ro-.i. b fcf. Ca'l them rv.-plc an.l if '4 ibem 1W j.m feel then t.ttiua the S.er.At, a-.. I Cnrntt-rruii a'4 vt wdl e r.h l')C pes This i a ftc jit p!-,n i;KINTMmtS I'R.I nOsCMON Teachers' salaries Dear Editor: Why are teachers and parents so upset about the low morale in our Uintah School District? Many good teachers are leaving Vernal for better bet-ter teacher recognition and leaving many parents really concerned about the education of their children. chil-dren. Why are negotiations for next years teacher's contract held behind closed doors in executive sessions? Don't parents need to know and help resolve the differences between be-tween the District and the teachers before the teachers arc forced to go on strike to gain recognition and a living wage, at least at the state's average teacher salary? The State Legislature in February gave recognition to teachers demands de-mands and gave teachers a S 1000 salary increase and the means to reduce re-duce classroom sizes. The Uintah District should let the parents vole on the issue of class size in November.. Uintah School District is one of the four richest rural school districts in Utah according to the Utah Foundation's Statistical Review of Government in Utah for 1990 and their rankings arc as follows: County Assessed Valuation Millard $2,802,699,000 Summit $1,931,017,000 Uintah $1,531,743,000 Emery $1,469,859,000 j j " J vv The number of registered voters signing the petition asking the Uintah County Commission to establish es-tablish a Recreation District to keep the Vernal Swimming pool open for public shows the massive support for using tax dollars to subsidize user us-er fees to keep the pool open for the public just as they do for the golf course. Parents are massing to support sup-port our teachers to ensure that every ev-ery child may learn well as promoted promot-ed by the Uintah School District's promoting the Oulcome-Drivcn-Devclopmcntal Model (ODDM) for the past five years or more. Uintah County Employees working work-ing over 20 hours per week will receive re-ceive prorated health and life benefits. bene-fits. They also receive retirement based on the amount of time worked. The next School Board is July 10, 1990 at 7 p.m. Parents and concerned citizens let's let the School board know how wc feel about our children's and grandchildren's grandchil-dren's educational the quality of life in Uintah County. HYRUM C.TOONE Beyond the call of duty By Steven Wallli Express Newt Editor Ranking 5 6 7 8 Starling sala7 $16,493 $18,765 $15,100 $17,480 Much of what Joe Espinosa and Monte Gates do is taken for granted, grant-ed, but last week they went beyond the call of duty. The two workers for Vernal City are responsible for watering the plants along Main Street and Vemal Avenue. They begin watering early in the morning and are usually done before most people get up. With a modified water truck, the two-man crew can spray the planters without getting out of the truck. Last Thursday as they were watering water-ing the planters at 3 a.m., a motorist told them there was a fire at a service ser-vice station just over a block away. When the two city employees arrived ar-rived at the scene they discovered a fire in a container near a gas pump that was beginning to burn the gas hoses. The two acted .quickly and doused the blaze with water from a two-inch hose on the truck. Little damage was done and the two went on their way watering the flowers. Thanks to the work of these two men, the planters on Main Street arc OUR TOWN On the street interview: Do Uintah teachers deserve raise? Do you think Uintah County school teachers deserve a raise? "Yes they should. It's not fair, all districts should be equal." -Rathara Allvron "Oh yes. I've pot kids in school and tochers deserve it," -Judy Slaugh "Oh yeah. Iking that they arc the lowest paid and 1 think they arc really re-ally good." -Carolyn Brcnnan "Of course." -Marklklco Everyone inurviccd was in fa vor of increased teacher wages in Uintah County except one person who did not give reasons why. One point from an individual who asked not to be identified was that Utah's base isn't broad enough to raise funds to pay for Utah's children. in bloom catching the compliments of tourists and residents. Thursday's action by the two men is commendable and is a prime example ex-ample of the pride that makes a community great. 8th annual Triathlon planned July 28 Teams and individuals need to begin be-gin training for the 8th Annual Vernal Dinosaur Triathlon July 28. The triathlon will begin at Red Fleet with a half a mile swim, 25-milc 25-milc bike ride and 10-K run to Ashley Elementary. Teams can have members participate partici-pate in only one event of the triathlon or one participants can do all three events. The deadline for signups is July 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the Vernal Athletic Club. That evening there will be an all-you can-cat spaghetti dinner. The event is sponsored by KVF.L - KUIN, Basin Sports, Pepsi, Parks and Rec. Dept., IGA, Vernal Athletic Club and Water Warriors. For more information call KVF.L -KUIN at 789 0920. g - J h 1 , S THE VOICE OF BUSINESS SI IPFRMARKHT RADICALS fj-' WASHINGTON The In other nt.!. when selecting a M fnrrrf fihef JjcUnd in ISSO hefi de- timient n4 wotry whether the bread tuutc fMTKti ttfJ ) cnnipanypwvi,5cdjycircfiJtthiMirn fr.ircirtir.yf-ni-ir.u of cmph?)Tcl, IrKfHw'.ingacanoipra, tnAtwcrninKtjChAitetC.DTC'Jttiinnl tumr;iy'i(;otnt-li(nui United Way, uh time ai be M re4ic their An4 henrj iipe 1:4 one btJtn,J of pea rrnu rothe;tr.!,n't('Uftcvcf(;i.). niil biiltcf Pef amnhrr, dr.teAtJ t!e tn trwtc fnoJcm bmci. b'yco;ti price and j.!j:c CtC fnanuf.t bv4 he nu J by a tancty of cnp in Bf-n hrjcr it v-kt nh S.nah Af- rff.-JU Irt influence crut.iic hcha, f a. I u Carc'n Dipr-.na'l ( : .. y.ualty nh rr;4 to tat union ac tiv;ir. krn N w.e vUt-m are a-.y mr-re jixff"-ftil t' n te f if -t c-, but thai d c:n'l iiuiri;?. 3eu-rminrJ fef tn'-eg n tlr,ccf,,:,hrppng fi.it A ttettef VVmU" J n4 taie if-fporationi ac j. i txg ui i!,f:t pr f .ut lUty. Hat i? yr,f.-4ir.a:e trvau-C faming profit is J he pn (t-i e : ' ; t. i 1 vf i f vf f-1 j . i n f : . A Tit tatj-4 tnuy in iht be-ycoU nnhrA tb.at H pmf;;a!e urate 1 : s fi-p:ut r s a fr i.-pt.a;f i-f Oi-n c4 rn f yr.it rnennfi 'i.n J- i.-r 5 n irr pr-sf l V fiOJiai'K t p-n -!,f p. 9 fry r-hi'in. Te CVxil b -.,Kuv-i a hft.'(H i et,'-.j."l.K''p. j-i- g Tit a X-'jvt Wi'M" H luir.fM ar s.:;-v-:fl J A t 'h lf.fn .-t? erpf rr-l ft. tH p'1"'-' r ' it- f -t al "1 C ' 5 i- h f f-r ' U t'1 ir.n r- i : pre s ,r-.'- '.f c i M(mr " 1-1 ,?- ;;'!), i1. f" .1 r-ai fi ' T. l; fVi r- .t 5 S f' " T l ! T ."" . i; ' - ' ' t 1 1 . n i; .- f- 'f --1i- t' '- ------2 t aah. pm e n ', ; an J vr k e an4 fester f h r;--p..ri.sr,itif s. hut if tfc a.i'.H. r ff '.ffj inj frf A tJcttf f W. rir rrr.j;c that fat, they tc - : 4 lii P-.--.1,. n i( A '4 ar.iK4 tf fvrlJ v la5i;t 4r"j it i!i oif't int.i 1 1M J i f Mn i -. Ht f,i",J ryr rn t--1 'mc -trrin I'ta' a-fn u rr. AfVra'ilihf rar, Vy !:.'', .' . r. I ;n V-r:ir4 t ff tfr y.- .? .-j-;ir1i.rij t; iSc (r,.-; .ff.. v?t ff '4. a-4 t-e me frn V..i 1) ai) (--.K.-t f.-i !( c-nVars fni)tt -i-.rj IK? mrii t k,ri a-v) r-'.:f:l r ,! f rf I i; y - i- : j ': t : - 5 i' - ; ; : T r-, i m ' , is ?; r. ' '. a f ij -f J5 jnj. tva ( y-j - ( j-f t' ' ' L'" jf'f r ; ! ; ; ' f S -'--li y. t ; L : rv t-t f i,( t Mf" 4 & 1 !e-o rrs-J'fl Af W V'frnal tiV IV'. P V . t - ' 7 t o f'fngf ar ! kkkkkkk 1 I |