Show I I Not only the ma the girls the cou purchasers ot this popular i k f BOX I j I j I c l ble blee e d grease gre a e spots in jn instantly without injury to the most delicate if fabric bric or or colors rea her res ma materials mat t ri Is carpets c jal J le cloths or o anything g that needs peeds cleaning and a Bottle BoUle Kinds nr of ot At Our DRUG DRU STORE Te Pure P re pen nary ary So Mam Street To l Cure CIl n Cold lit J 1 Olio Day a Tuko BROMo refund money mone If It to 10 cure c JV GROVES signature in on cagli ca h box O a rhe p J w on o uncalled V lor i Daniels the Ie AV W 5 you buy a M lIA ANTEL TEL don dont ty select l et from a catalog i hat ou are bt ln sM M MC MCH H Famous Cure These o who aro afflicted with diseases es of or the tho kidneys diabetes poison polson poisonIng Ing IlIg ond Inflammation n of oC tho bladder should confer conC with T 1 A Williams SNit Scott building elty olty Agent for Tor th Co celebrated treat treal treatment ment Monuments heal tc nc Inscription li llon work Ellas Sons Co WA WAO O CD SS I ADVERTISING an to apply appy not lot i day Room m cs COmmerCIal latin latar than lI Building Banish I lorist it SlI St SI I H L specialty IS Phone PI o I The Secret Discovered t Slid has furnished her from Iho iti of and brushes til dainty stain 1 Bell 1820 I Union Dental Ho HoAre Are now p m nely I ct d iff in their th ir Ii w som ly eq ls MAIM IN STREET T Remember us WE Painless Pai Extraction h of Teeth or no no pay THE RIGHT RICHT RIGHTA A commission l ui m ot tho ih tt st English and Gorman 1 physician fh have that 1 tl In contract Cons Typhoid r Searla Fever Tho ln Datry Creamery Co just In their plant at t the tho All 11 their milk cream la I now pa heated d to ISO decrees d and to EO 50 making aU products absolutely pure Pure Milk Mille Is tho life Hiving food Why not buy the tha best Ask for ErGIN I What a i iC C I t ir irIt It was certainly lo to see se the throngs of mothers bringing in the folks last to Lo get t I E 0 for Boys antI Cir s sOur Our back of every pair j i I tlc the 9 aih r Price lice are q so o ori t 1 I W 1 ment of f H j FI I i ri BS l Sh e o ipa Y j f M lf S E L r sv t h wr JOn ont t let l t the he cleric ib by fl a sub Jb s t for Me s VI rny Slates and remember r r eai t t r gd rl Sh 1 L h C taste 1 jf f t tI J t tI I Ic I cocoa oeo ut breakfast t j y c t I Did you c |