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Show QWhaf s happening VW ACTING UP? TOO SICK TO RUN? 8fc) FlMV CARS .nc. 823 So. Main Street V-W's bought & sold BajaBugs& Minor tune-up Major Tune-up Dune Buggies Front end repair Brakes Motors rebuilt CAMPUS GIRL SCOUTS: Meeting to plan details of the Christmas party. Union Ballroom, Nov. 29, 7 p.m. UTE ALPINE CLUB: Meeting Nov. 29, 6 p.m., Union 312. Election of officers and plans for Christmas and next quarter. ED. MAJORS:State Winter Conference for all ACEF members and interested students, Dec. 2, Mark Green Hall. Sandy Dolowitz will speak on laws and their effects on children. ENGLISH DEPT. COLLOOUIM: Nov. 30, Business Lecture 202, 3:30 p.m. Bruce Haley will speak on Victorians and the concept of a healthy mind. EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT DRUGS: Plus how to become a volunteer at the Drug Crisis Center. New sessions start Nov. 30 at 868 McClelland St. For more info, call 355-2846. ALL NIGHT RECREATION: Students are invited to an all-night party at the YMCA, 2nd S. and 7th East, Friday beginning at 10 p.m. Sponsored by the Lutheran Campus Ministry and Zion our Saviors and St. Paul's Lutheran Churches. For more info, call 582-4358. 582-4358. CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP: Table talk with goodies, Sunday, 10:30 a.m. at Bimbos. Sponsored by All Saints Lutherans. Everyone welcome. HISTORY MAJORS: Student Advisory Committee meeting today, 1:10, Union 312. Faculty evaluations will be discussed. PERONISM: The Latin American Student Assoc. will sponsor a talk by Dr. Roger Haigh on Peronism in Argentina, Nov. 30, 7 p.m., Union parlor A. Everyone welcome. ARBORETUM GUILD: Meeting Nov. 28, 7:30 at the Utah Garden Center, 1650 E. 2100 South. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Scolari will give demonstrations and illustrations of Bonsai planting and culture. Everyone welcome. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION : Meets every Thursday, Campus Christian Center, 6:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. COFFEE AND POLITICS : Benjamin Zook, chief adviser Soviet Union Foreign Affairs of the State Dept., will discuss "The Soviet Union and China Perspectives for the Future," Wed., OSH 255, 9:55 a.m. CAMPUS YOUNG LIFE: Bible study and V7 Christian Fellowship Wednesday Union parlor A. Everyone inw.M 30 P'm' BAHA'I PARTY: Saturday, 7 m . "" Mark will sing aVp&vV and guitar. Public Invited, no eta n! members-there will not be ."fi EiInRlwL,fGa'cyETuS'l? aabT' MEB' iS"i ENGLISH STUDENT ADVISORY rnu MITTEE: Meeting Tuesday a, "LCm Center Street, apt. Please shPowVS PICK UP SOME GOOD MOVES: Chess Club meeting Thursday night at 7:30 p. Tin 7& Union, room 279 v nme LEGJS.L.ATIYE- RE-ATIONS: Find out more about the legislative issues facing the Unl versify and work with your state senator representative. Applications no being ac cepted in the Student Activities Center Union North Wing. B?!STtS?H0?L AND CHRISTMAS ART SALE: Art maiors interested In December art sale should contact the Union Galleryfor information. ' HELPING WET STUDENTS: Arnold Air Society and Angel Flight are sponsoring book drive for Wilkes College In Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre, Penn., which suffered extensive damage to Its library during the flood. Leave texts on any subject, hardback books, fiction or journals and periodicals at the Air Force ROTC off Ice on the 3rd floor In the west wing of the Annex. SCIENCE MAJORS: Applications being ac-cepted ac-cepted for the Math Student Advisory Committee in Math 205. LET US BOYCOTT: Lettuce Boycott Committee Com-mittee meeting Wednesday, Nov. 29, at 7:30 p.m.. Union 322. All Welcome. COMMUNICATION SAC MEETING: November 30 at 7:15 p.m., Union 312. All division members please come and bring sample student evaluation forms. LIBRARY SERIES: Dr. Aziz S. Atlya will discuss the contents of the Middle East vault in the Marriott LibraryNovember 29 at 3 p.m. in the Auditorium. All Interested persons per-sons are welcome. F ,.. . j , i i ....:...:,., ., ... iii ....,. im.HwlMwi:iuiiuan UU miJMIUM..l..llll.UWMl t m ! J i3 HDbGuCb in r- -rri - nrnii .Via ,frr , illMnMm&UiilAltatmiit&Mi Wi1 MBkWAtMiA ' 4 I LAYAWAY j FOR X-MAS SKIS i. T-L I French Dynamic VR17 V J V jX New From Dynamic 337 '' TyPT ! KNEISSL-AII models in stock & . J fi k'- - 4; ' - ROSSIGNOL-AII models in stock " ;Jf KASTLE SKIS National Team- TlWif l 1 "' Cobra-Grand Luxe B iff "Sfj, I ' t BOOTS BY Nordica-Strolz-San Marco-Henke-Trappeur-Technus ill t(U Sy I 2100 So. 2300 East !rft 2313 Parleys Way 486-19" SILICONE , ,0om ...sv""""L 1 Hours: Mon. thro Sol. 8 cm. 10 p m . |