Show How flow Denver VV Her Singers J Denver Republican of or Oct Oot 5 j tells of or the tho royal ro al welcome the tho thel l ans and from the tho account tho th following extracts are taken With Uio J that th wont come C off of tho members of the Denver Danvel competitive etl tive tIo chorus stepped from the Union Pacific special train in Union dopol at 7 yesterday morning winners ers of or orthe the t musical festival of oC tho west Only the fact that tas tho cold grey rcy dawn pJ of tho morning after and anel that no ono one was Vas around to seo them prevented a IL repetition of nf the midnight parade In jn 1 Friday l Denver had won the th prize It Is not fall fair to t tell out but of oC school sch ol but what happened l d to Prof Henry H ill Hou HOll cloy loy nil tho those o 1 girls too Is too good to keep The scene was one that wIn will novel never fade fn from fro n tho memory I ry of the participants pants pa Eight thousand people In at attendance in iI tho Eisteddfod in 11 tho big cheered Denver to the echo tho Immense throng joined In singing the national the tho big organ thundered thun tho Denver crowd guvo tho salute anil aud then cume awarding of l the tho 1000 prize After this that ID Denber nb L bunch paraded down Main 1 street str ot in the tho middle of tho car cr track In evening ec dress It is doubtful If Denver people yet et realize tha tho importance of the event This year if ever eer Is to bo be a crucial ono on In tho musical history of tho Tho rho demand for grand opera Is growing stronger each year and the tho s reputation tation as a 11 musical center is IH growing It was very er opportune therefore for forthe forthe the Denver chorus to best the choruses os In Utah Denver Denvel not hot havo wh called cl a It walkover Salt gait Lako La was WJ a n second as to male make tho th contest doubtful but ut tho credit to Prof Hous lc and Ud his splendid organization Is nil tho grater t Salt Lalo sang tho expression the tho laceS faces 0 the Denver Del chorus ch changed The was ren rendered dered with a delicacy of tonal shading and interpretation l that thai equalled the Denver chorus SOIl Som of Us as pianissimo work worle was wn oven bolter l than Denver There was very littleto I e to choose e between b twe n nIn In tha tho two choruses In this song Tho selection one ot or tho most difficult cult ellit that co ild bo be given a u chorus for fora forIt a It test proved of the tho Denver chorus A mistake lw which need not bo explained here helo was made In tho this selection by till ull the tho first choruses cholus s The Interpretation was waB not so good 1 as us lii tho Denver Donver work worl |