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Show l-"-"ronicle. March S 1971 , Editor: heSoS llatTo Sc0KuS?1PSOn 7 3 "mpais"- Bm ,ho mT school year I think L J I con,crcn a"? anything Hke his plans lo. he equality in I e sul bodv K UMt- " SCems "U" Mr" T1,"P" mat ASUU can devo e a SUpcnori,'or '"' lor blacks). To quo.e. tlnnk Why not an , ! of li& and monev to .he minorities." disc's seb. as ad ti;:. off mrc? A'S hc fm to Polices of BYU - Bill Wilder Editor: news for discn mi It ? becausc of "1C (I h od in .he tud nfs on , LDS ChUrCh' T1,CrC ar- howwr- a nnmber of 1 OS at BYU 1 mPUS' Snle f Wh0m 3rC CtlUally as '--'-'al or theological as ,hose ti e ll 7 JU r W.im'lg and 3S ab,C t0 answor lcsli0s ah -h. Since would nrn w r-(by GTer ThomPso "'Volvos .he church and no. BYU i.sell'. it forum J ? r 35 ef'eCtiVC lhU PSsiblc a llUle less g''H.rouS , have ,he torum with students from our own University. Joe Perry Editor: itptTu that RickSorenscn has chatted with Andre Kole. and can thus toll us thai . , PAC"8 rePresenative in the regionals. The rest of us were waning for the March 13 USC-UCLA contest. Thanks for eliminating the suspense. Rick. Larry l-'lchaner Editor: Not wanting to seem too critical of our beautiful library, but Friday morning there were over 1 ,200 books and magazines on the fifth floor that hadn't been reshelvcd. These were just lying around. Think of that the next time you want to do some reseaieli woik. Imagine what the rest of the building is like. A.D. Robertson Editor: Before Mr. Thompson tries to solve the racial problem at the BYU, why don't we solve the problem here at the University? How many blacks arc involved in the fraternity and soroity program? Scon Blackburn Editor: If anyone survived Saturday afternoon's "herding" of students into the Ulah-BYU game, they would probably attest to the fact that it was something thai could only happen at this University. Upon arriving at the "special" students' door around noon, one ran smack into three i thousand screaming Utes trying to jam their way into a single door. But an activity card was not enough to make an entrance. You had lo have a number (printed in felt ink on a piece of scratch paper). The numbers had been handed out previous to noon. So everyone without a number made up his own (if hc had a fell pen and a piece of scratch paper) and he walked in with the crowd. But those who didn't (have a fell pen and a piece of scratch paper) had to wait and wail... When those without finally were let in, there were still about 400 vacant seals left in the arena and they remained vacant throughout the game... And the game wasn't too exciting cither (especially since Utah got clobbered)... And the University forces me to pay five bucks a quarter for this? 1 want my money back. Dan Slcggcll |