Show delicious oil B gil and emulsions i s lung troubles Try it on puS i EI A Mrs E arren wishes tb announce I io the ladles of Salt Cak and on business shy will a larger store 45 K doors west of Tha stori being remodeled arid ready to moye into early part of October T will have pretty of very reasonably prices public single article in tha line All tire Invited at old until R 1st of fiill i Why get out your last I years suit or dross pi yet ic ohly cleaned and pressed Costs very little for wagon Ol QUALITY p ORIGINALITY IE s i ie e Cr ain Class Toilet l haQ a very and up date Odors in und alms the Elov our Tha Homo eft Tha Wall floral coin ij tiis Send it tp the REGAL and j suro will bo cleaned right We are careful anything to see that tie cost la down ity up Your interests are guarded for the risks and bur burand and work in explicit terms i j S W |