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Show I The Mail Box ROTC Killers Editor: Does the ROTC train killers? They certainly don't train pacifists, but the big issue now is whether a school teaching the "art" of war and destruction destruc-tion has any place on a cam- pus of higher learning. I don't know. I do know that the biggest disgrace to the human race is that we have to run around annihilating an-nihilating one another. It is a sad statement on mankind that he must organize himself into murdering armies pitted against each other. I find the purposes of t h e military disgusting (I don't particularly want to kill anyone any-one and on the other side of the coin, I don't want any little lit-tle lumps of lead flying at my head either), and I also find the military, as an organization, organiza-tion, repulsive. To be confined, con-fined, controlled, and fed like a herd of animals is against the human spirit. But I can be optimistic at times I hope for the day when the word war will belong to history. Being somewhat realistic, though, I don't foresee fore-see this as happening in the near future, thus we are going to be stuck with armies for some time. Since this is t h e case, I think we are better off with officers who at least have had the benefit of a college col-lege education. I submit therefore there-fore that the ROTC is a necessary neces-sary evil, but being a part of a detestable (but for now, also necessary) organization, the military, it is a fair target for those who would protest murder. I guess someone has to belong be-long to ROTC what a shame. So, for those of you who are majoring in English, history,, engineering, etc. and who feel a compelling urge, why not minor in murder. E. W. Kinsey Poll Cut Editor: Yesterday's Chronicle, April 11, 1967, carried a report of the results of the first survey conducted by the newly formed ASUU Opinion Research Council. Coun-cil. In the name of "editorializing", "editorial-izing", or "cutting" the article arti-cle to size, one fourth of the total poll results for the Student Stu-dent Body President Survey were left out of the article printed. Four concurrent surveys were conducted in the interest of getting as broad a sample as possible. Among the general student body (survey conducted by telephone through a random selection se-lection from the student directory) direc-tory) a total of 206 seniors were questioned among whom 148 said they were intending to vote. Among the fraternities and sororities a total of 264 people were questioned of whom 2 4 7 intend to vote. Among the resident hall students stu-dents a total of 103 students were questioned of whom 77 intended to vote. These numbers should give some meaning to the percentages percent-ages published yesterday for these three areas (Greeks; Kesler 60, Rogers 22, Jack-man Jack-man 9, Patel 4, Undecided 5: Dorms: Patel 32, Rogers Rog-ers 23, Kesler 19, Jackman 13, Undecided, 19, General survey (148 students polled): Kesler 22, Jackman 17, Rogers 7, Patel 5, Undecided Undecid-ed 49). Completely left out of the article ar-ticle printed in the Chronicle was the result of the poll among 4 of 5 Pi Beta Chapters and 7 of 8 Lambda Delta Sigma chapters. chap-ters. These groups were polled during the same week as the other general areas represented represent-ed in the poll and represent the opinions of 136 students of whom 130 are intending to vote. Percentages showed Jackman with 62, Kesler with 23, Patel with 2, and Rogers with 8. Ten per cent were undecided. Steve Stoker Who Pays? Editor: Although measures like the forthcoming April 15th teach-in teach-in are an effort in the right direction (left) , it seems a gross perversion of values for militarism mili-tarism to be officially recognized recog-nized and subsidized on campus cam-pus while the alternatives, such as conscientious objection, etc., if they are not rigorously suppressed, sup-pressed, are certainly not encouraged. en-couraged. Is the University a monument monu-ment to reason or the site of a pre-m o r t e m indoctrination? There is no reason in war, especially es-pecially this war, and there is no reasonable excuse for the presence of warriors on a n y campus in an official capacity. Attend the teach-in and ask why the information you receive there has to be promulgated prom-ulgated at private expense. Harold Noakes Hot Spot Editor: I hope the hottest place in hell in reserved for briefcase thieves! ! ! ! Dick Hemingway |