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Show Number 130 Shull And Bones Brings Eleven Men Into Ranks MR. PRICE, newlv elected student body president, has been ASUU 2nd Vice Pre.-- dent. ; Elections Committee chairman and ( ha-'-nge Week Chairman. He has also been a m-i.-.U-r of the debate team. MR. SIMONS has been a member ..f i. n".i Board, Publications Council, ASUU Sen..:.- and the debate team. MR. SMITH has been Chronicle Ed:' or Apeiron Editor, NSA Representative Bureau Director of the Collegiate Press Service .'n a member of the Pen staff and U.S. Press as.a-tion. as.a-tion. I MR. YACHT MAN has served on the St udent I Behavior committee, U Days, Public R-!a '..:is j and Men's Chorus. He has been on the Jl ror.y and Utechnic staffs. Skull and Bones, junior mens honorary "raXloM1 UtStanding iuni0r men its ranks for the coming year anrpN;amed n the basis f three years performance perform-ance ,n academic pursuits and service in University Uni-versity activities, the 11 include Dave Allen Roger Boyer, Merrill Brinton, Rich Cannon, Bili Larllsle Sherm Harmer, Ralph Neilsen. Giff Price, Matt Simons, Dave Smith and Don Yacht-man. Yacht-man. n. JM?" ALLEN- 3 history major, has served on the debate team, state director of CCUN Chronicle Chron-icle business manager, ASUU accountant, Tau Kappa Alpha, forensics fraternity and Phi Alpha lheta, history honorary. MR. BOYER has worked on many committees commit-tees such as Bookstore Advisory Board Student Curriculum Committee, Student Orientation Committee, U Days and Snow Carnival. He has also been a member of the ASUU Senate. MR. BRINTON has been AMS President and a member of the varsity football team. He was the freshman orientation speaker at the American Ameri-can Pharmaceutical Association convention. MR. CANNON, junior class vice president, has served as an adviser to the Freshman Cabinet Cab-inet and chairman of the special leadership workshop work-shop for freshmen. He has served on the Elections Elec-tions and Beehive Selection committees. MR. CARLISLE has worked on the Challenge Chal-lenge Steering Committee and has been a member mem-ber of the debate squad, Chronicle Editorial Board and the forensics honorary Tau Kappa lpha. He has also been a Student Court Justice. MR. HARMER, recently elected Senior Class President, has served as Utonian business manager, man-ager, ASUU Public Relations chairman, Freshmen Cabinet Advisor, editor of "Student Government and You" and president of Delta Sigma Pi, j national business fraternity. He has served on j the Junior Prom, Homecoming, Snow Carnival I and Challenge committees. He was also Chronicle i sports editor. ' MR. NEILSEN, ASUU Senate Vice Presido.il. j has been regional chairman of NSA, a member of CCUN, MUN, Ute Charity Drive, the debate ; team, the Jr. Prom committee and the traffic : committee. |