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Show cL " yT BOB GARFF , , , Elections chairman ! Applications , For Office Due Today Applications are due at 5 p.m. today in the ASUU offices for ll ASUU, AftTS, AWS and class officers and NSA delegates and coordinator. Accoring to Bob Garff, elections chairman, there have beeo very few applications ubmltted to date. This is due, he felt, to the fact that many students do not realize that all elections will be held together for the first time ORIENTATION meetings for all candidates will be conducted it 2:45 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. Saturday in Union 203. The meetings are manditory, ud a test will be given on mat-erial mat-erial covered in the meeting t the Saturday morning session. Attendance and satisfactory wres on the test will be reentry for a position on the Mot Mr. Garff stated, "We would to encourage a little irritative irrit-ative in utilizing the slating system sys-tem and platforms so that these elections can be more than just popularity contest based on g ads in the paper." |