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Show ACTIVITY FUND DRIVE STARTS NEXTTUESDAY The Bingham District Activity Fund's annual fund raising campaign cam-paign is slated to start next Tuesday, Tues-day, October 26 under the chairmanship chair-manship of Joe Diapenza. It's goal is $5,000. The area has been organized with captains and workers ome of who will visit your home with in the next few days. When they come, please receive them and be generous with your donation. Payroll deductions may be arranged ar-ranged if desired. This year's goal is set at $5,000, To reach that ioal $5.00 per family is asked. Let's remember that it is your children and your community that receive all the benefit. Area captains have been ap- pointed and are as follows: Copperton, Cop-perton, Floyd Cox; lower Bingham, Bing-ham, Shirl Scroggin; upper Bingham, Bing-ham, Harold Chesler and Ear) T. James; Highland Boy, Miss Ada Duhigg; Copperfield, Mrs. Juan-ita Juan-ita Gibson; drive on Kennecott, John Niemi and Maurice (Corky) Colyar, and canvas of business houses by Bingham Business Men's club under direction of Dean Malan. In conjunction with the drive a television set or $200 in groceries groc-eries and ten turkeys will be given away on November 20, according ac-cording to Mr. Dispenza. Activities receiving support or supported by the Activity Fund are: Boy Scouts, American essay ' prizes, American Legion Junior baseball, Xmas lighting, Highland High-land Boy Community House, July Ju-ly 4th celebration, Girl Scouts, cancer control, Xmas and Halloween Hallo-ween programs in Copperfield, Bingham and Copperton, girls nursing scholarship and mobile X-ray costs. |