Show GOVERNOR CUTLER IS A CANDIDATE In Signed Statement nt He fin An Announces flounces the Policy Upon Which He Stands FAVORS GREAT GREAT UNIVERSITY t Urges I of Wil In n 1 ti Great College loi 0 Cu Cutlers tor or the tho gub el nomination lon menton mention of at which lado made In Iii Int night News Is formally 11 ii n a lOtter over the Site governors nante l u d yesterday Upon a Platform II brief as GO Cuter Cutler goes before the Site people for tor I 3 A great 2 A great school ot of mIle mines 3 A great col gc 4 To ro lice juvenile court ss ter tern so 0 ns asia to Preserve the tho youth of oC the state anti eliminate the expense of at crim minded 6 5 To establish a a th feeble feebleminded le 6 fo It a state capItol capItoli i 4 To fa for tor to tho construction ot of grout reservoirs with state stale aid so that so Ito long 18 as land romaine In Utah It wi not be necessary for y the thc men meto of at the tho state to go to foUnd hore ho meo 8 To encourage dr dIr farming by tie water for culInary purposes hear tim tho great areas of lands In tho state TIlE n LETTER n The Tho governor gave out the following letar yesterday A ot of l 1113 have urged Jl hule to pl ee the people of the state ni as a for Cor tutu reelectIon 01 us governor I had thought that I had hai ben been lion hon ored by the people of 11 fitS much nl as asI I 1 deserved antI that I 1 would not there therefore tore fore bell be a enn for n a second term torm But Dut I have reconsidered and because ot of tho tact that fuch ouch violent to the Policies of at Site tho present ho has been made b by car taiti onA some Mme of whom I 1 nm am 1110 havo not the thc helt best ot of the stale nt at heart I 1 have concluded to tob tob b I a candidate rr It I nm am nd nd I C Intend to to work for Cor 11 tiso b best lt interest of the tho whole Inte and ni alt Is its nH as 1 S see It I It I can have havo m my wa way wo we shul have hlo the tho best In America turning out professional ho will 11 bl be In everywhere Our of wi wIll furnish men mento to develop to the fullest pOI possible extent the thc mineraI wealth of Utah and the In region and help to bring the tho tnt to C the tho position I it Is In Q to occupy its the tho greatest or of orthe the precious u metals Our will 1 be buIlt up still further llon along the l s of I Its establish moot mont making Of oC tind by Its work II In the develop ment of oC the tho d of tile state The Thc industrial anti domestic work o of gent school wi will prepo prepare AU Increasing bomber of competent mo me to do lb the skilled work of the various And ot of skilful housekeepers to In iii mn making king pros ull Situ hOles homes I It Is m to In nI ad the juvenile system to crime UI preserve the Iho youth of the state for saving much of the tho vast sum Hum 10 lieu used to re reform torm form or criminals The ot a school for Cor the feeble feeblemInded mInded Is I object 1 have In tot 1 lit hOSt best Alother Another Is Istl tl the erection of at 1 ii state capitol are oIlier stahl matters In which I nm ala greatly interested hut which I hIve have not yot tt hud bud to 10 living brinK iii n fully successful Issue One On of oC these I 1 wil melton lt at length The legislature ot of 1905 total 1907 on the recommendation lt of I thu ho governor pass passed et ed I a measure providing fO for the huld build lug Ing ot of reserVoirs and the thc loal bait of the tho land grant fund to corpora or 01 within the tho state tor or the tho construction of oC reservoirs whether public 0 or prIvate mid to en I the construction or Or agricultural purposes II is 1 a good goI Now the tho legIslature houll hermit tho entIre nth reservoIr fUld fund which 1 he be about three fourths of at I a millIon dollars when 11 alt the 1111 land II Its Roll oid to ho hc for buld build lug Ing reservoirs Ild and fa for locus t to llon eln tot tor buIlding rl voIr 10 itt oun men ns as they grow mw up wi lil not h lit under the tue lEceA beecH sly idly of goIng to or or 11 to iii oIlier othor states to tn Ilk mocks homes while we hl have land In Utah rel requirIng oily the tue capital now In the tho If of the tho state to establish tot COl or rol Cot many man ou The Tue ot of 10 per er ol of Slits mon euch year nl makes It tl to keep klep the fund In pet pc use for the purposes HII forth Corth lii In Ihl tilt lithe The fhe pl p rl o of the state on iK iSis t 1 no lotte 1 ne oil on any a tog A lid It I t Is suicidal while WI we Lre are lt of dollars yearly to bril bring immigrants Into th tile MIlte title to ailo 10 so many man ot of lur our buys bos to thu tho they thoy cannot get tt til tot tito tho bond tile Luclo of at dr dry farning the stub wherever It boles for the buoying ot of for fOl or on or near tl the great tracts of at Irl arid lall land being tinder ti ni tell tellof ot of which wih farming wi will rond crops I 1 pledge myself to tiit ot of these other objects Julio 22 1105 JOhN C |