Show f 14 1 D S U Th MAY DANCE I Affair Given n nt at hall Hr r The ra dance danco given nt at the tho Odeon 11 by 1 the L I D S U ti was In over overy mL way waya II a Bucce s n a largo large number being pros prell all combining to make mako It on t or of thu prettiest and most do or tile the spring interest t In the tho May queen bliss Vera who had I been US sov or of the tho oc by II a yoto reaching Into the tho lEer Her first appearance wn waa i In the grand march In which she led lel ledwith i with the tho president or of the tho university Ir r Willard YounG TIer IIer Own was WaH an exquisite creation of oC wl white to Liberty BIc with wilh trimmings or of real lace and she he carried II a bo boquet luet or of rol I while on en her head WILl I a crown or of nets She Sho was waR attended b by two little r maids or of honor hOllor Eloise No and andI and Margetta both In dainty white I and wreaths ot of for tor I After Arter the tIlO march the tho queen wa led to her hor throne at the tho further end ond or of the tho hail ball with her little maids he sat in III state while the Ma Maypole pole dance WI given I a bevy bovy pr of about a dozen young girls gowned In white participating In the pretty rho rhe pole stood In the tho Dr the and Uld with Its bright ribbons and gIL gay dancers made mado a 11 charming channing feature The Tho ball WM wits thronged with the tho students and faculty ot of the tho eni with many others and the tho nr af affair fair allo altogether ther was a 0 genuinelY do de ono one |