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Show cjygfIT "nr in Thursday , y ,L JUL) J IS YOUR PET STARVING TO DEATH? No matter how much you feed your pet, he may be starving to death right in front of your eyes. What can you do? Serve Sergeant's Ser-geant's Vitapet Tablets regularly. reg-ularly. Vitapet Tablets contain vitamins and minerals essential to good health and good looks. And they taste like treats! Get Sergeant's Vitapet Tablets for your dog or cat. If ' ' . ' 1 r f h h ! Lyn Bulloch is j Ao Serving j Beaver Counfy i FOR BRADSHAW I CHEVROLET CALL COLLECT J Bus. Phone 386-6595 ! ( Res. Phone 386-8489 i LUNT MOTOR CO. j: Selling i' ! DODGE CHRYSLER DODGE TRUCKS j! ! RANCHO TRAILERS and CAMPERS l !; DEPENDABLE USED CARS j !; SEE VEE WADSWORTH ! Phone 586-659 1 or 586-9636 WANT AD RATES 50 per word, min. $1.50. 3 insertions for the price of 2, if paid in advance. 25cl charge for billing. CARD OF THANKS, 5? word, minimum $2.50. it REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 bedroom home, distinctively different, dif-ferent, completely remodeled, re-modeled, steam and sauna bath, Franklin fireplace, completely carpeted, 16 x 32 garage. Ph. 387-2719. 387-2719. 12tfnc -fr WANTED WANTED Yard work (roto -tilling, fertilizing, clean-up, mowing, etc. Ph. 387-5580. 121 4p YOUR WANT AD in this space will bring you fast results. Phone 387-2881 Agonizing Pain From Ingrown Toenail? Get Outgro For Fast Relief Outgro gives you fast temporary relief from ingrown toenail pain. Outgro toughens tough-ens irritated skin, eases inflammation, reduces swelling without effecting the shape, growth, or position of the nail. Stop ingrown nail pain fast with Outgro. it BUS. OPPORT. REXAIR, INC. now expanding So. Utah area. Distributors Distribu-tors needed, small investment invest-ment required. For further fur-ther information call 225-0966 225-0966 collect. 1416c FOR SALE 4 bedroom home, 2 baths, total electric, elec-tric, double garage, fruit room , fenced back yard, no basement, lawn sprinkling sprink-ling system, $36,000.00. James Briggs, Ph. 387-2742. 387-2742. 1418c -MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1973 mobile home, 14 x 70 ft. New carpet. Ph. 386-2251 in Minersville. 69p-tfnc FOR SALE Mobile home, 14 x 70 2 -bedroom with' den, newly carpeted, includes in-cludes stove and refrigerator. refrig-erator. Ph. 387-2829 or 387-2884. 12tfnc Save 10-40 on fine furniture! Lucky you! Our new shipments "i: I ,'.J JKi3,.- fft are due, and we've more beautiful v JfiLjliJJ ' IliHlJU bedroom, living room and dining fl'S J J fS Jl'Mair room furniture than we've room for. fl fr' 74Cpff 1 We must sweep it out now. ..at sweeping savings to you! Come in for 1ljoS3iirn jYj jJtSlf great bargains on magnificent floor rL rZiij"' samples, special purchases and regu- N .- -3 . j naDC,; lar stock merchandise. You'll save on A cJ w I , 1 distinguished Pennsylvania House, iLJ jXS!!ScT' and other famous brands. You'll save r 1 Ji!-Lii2i,i j 3' by the group, you'll save by the single I LTQ!' 7fTPtry'1'Lj iitfm' piece if you get here now, while we're JS2Ulr1 ifv i sweeping clean! 1 '"t 1 s3y : ; S0M E OF OUR "CLEAN SWEEP" SPECIALS ARE: ' I Pau o( Wmg Back Chairs Reg. '343.00 Ea. - I Birch Bedroom group ol Queen Bed ' I SPrrui i9no nn DresserMirror. Chest on Chest. (2) Night Stands - rtC'H m 0 Reg '2028 00 - SPECIAL '1295.00 Cherry Occassional Tables forformal living " ' " Reduced 30 French Provincial Dining Group Ped. Table. 2 Arms. 4 Side Chairs, China Reg. '3046.00 - Carpet Remnants Reduced up to 50 oft. SPECIAL '1995. 00, complete. Floor Display Pieces, Discontinued items. Slightly Dining Room Groups in Oak. Pine, Birch. As low as Shop worn Reduced up to 50 - '395.00 (Table ( 4 Chairs) Reduced up to Limited selection. 40 oH Solid wood furniture. J ?$ZfOftet INTERIORS NORTH MAIN STREET PHONE 586-4464 CEDAR CITY, UTAH 84720 J . ! SERVICES B&k A- FIX-IT SERVICE UnivarMl Sawing MaeMnM telts tnc Srv Klrby Vacuum Clanrt Sit and Serve Small Appliance Repairs Toastt Etactr LMn Mow . Hand Irons Mi.srt - Many other tmalt appliances -SciUOr Snarptmng Furnace Service Service on all makes and models of sewing machines and vacuums f rM PK Up and Oonyary Bob Orion 43-S1f7 Qreenvllle, Utah S4731 BEAUTIFUL 3 -bedroom home, only 3 12 years old. Electric heat, evaporative evap-orative air-conditioner, 1-12 bath, full basement. Corner lot, fenced and landscaped. No. 100 East. Only $34,000. Shown by appointment only. Ph. 387-22 387-22 96. : 1416p : Dob's Auto Repair and Service m DUSKJESS Monday, April 5th In Keith's Welding old building ACROSS FROM LDS CHURCH WE'LL DO ALL YOUR MECHANICAL WORK On Cars, Trucks, Tractors and Farm Equipment ROBERT CRAW Minersville, Utah I I, - ... . COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICES J4-OU -Si 7 DAYS A WttK "fcQd COMMERCIAL Sr) RESIDENTIAL BZjS REPAIRS S - SEPTIC TANK SERVICES I PERFECTED ROOTER 438-2634 SERVICE rot ouioc scmct Wm. KEHR PLUMBING J0 NORTH IOO WOT UAVB TfrMISC. FOR SALE FOR SALE '60 CMC V-6 school bus, new 5-speed trans., excellent for motor home. Asking $900; '70 Olds Toronado, fully equip., nice. $1200; 17 cu. ft. GE gold refrigerator, nice, $100. Ph. 387-5541. 14c FOR SALE New, never used 23 volume set of Encyclopaedia Britaiir.'ca including index, plus 15 volume Britannica Junior, 3 section Webster's Dictionary, Dic-tionary, set of Annals of America from 1493-1968. Webster's Biographical Dictionary, New Webster's Web-ster's Collegiate Dictionary Diction-ary and Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms, and metal book case. See at 536 West Center, or Ph. 387-5557. 1214p' i lien Stick-bill HOLIES FHA - VA -FmHA & Conventional Finance We Also Do Alterations-Foundations Framing - Sidewalks Patios Covering: MILFORD - BEAVER and CEDAR areas R & E CONTRACTORS CALL TIM 387-5541 CB'er, get your Call Cards at the COUNTY NEWS. Acknowledge the contacts and friends you meet over your citizen band radios. Prices as low as $10.00 for 2P0 cards with camera-ready camera-ready copy. See Red at the COUNTY NEWS office. Ph. 387-2881. tfv |