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Show Mrs. Virginia Grimes was oat of town to visit her daughters during the Easter week; they are Mr. and Mrs. Steve (Debbie) Campbell of BountUol and Mr. and Mrs. Lee (Pam) Sessions and son Clay ef Cswterville. Lfeida Paice's father, Charle Bryant,, is in theVA hespttal fen Los Angeles. He is having exploratory surgery and a biopsy of the liver. He is doing fine now and expects to spend sometime with Linda and family soon. Her sister, Naney Bryant , is also in the hospital for surgery toi the San Fernando Valley Hospital. Mrs. Jetta Barnes and Mrs. Bernice Ashley are geing to Rickreall, Oregon to visit their brother, William Wil-liam Bradshaw for several days. LaRae Ticker and daughter, daugh-ter, Salt Lake City, were Easter visitors of her pa-ents pa-ents , Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sanney. A large group of Milford-fies Milford-fies made a trip to Veyo, TTtah for Easter where the Children went swimming and a good time was enjoyed by he following; Mr. and Mrs. LDean Barnes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Dalton and family, Nina Marshall, Christine Marshall, Pat Wil-&ms, Wil-&ms, Janet Cunningham, '' Tftr, aI Mrs. Ron Brink-man Brink-man and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hardy and f ami -, ... t Is, Mr. aad Ms. Larry Kin-'.- :' 1s an-fitmily, Mr. and ' Mrs. Ben Cooper, Flossie Rkskersen and Mr. and Mrs. , ' Cltoek A&M and famUy. Mr. ana Mrs. Clark Goodwin Good-win spewt Easter in Beaver ,. le jaeents, Mr. and .? Mm. Juuuh R. Briggs. Cecil and Rachel Stewart f Las Vegas, Nev. were i to see their daughters d families, Mr. and Mrs. ffieorge Griffiths and Mr. atod Mrs. Scott Barnes. Easter weekend guests of Mrs. Maargaret Grimshaw were her children, John and Vickie Carter and children, LaDawn Grimshaw and her , fcrtend Jhn Bassett of Salt ' Soke City, Utah. George Griffith is in Salt Lake City going to brake-mans brake-mans school for the U. P. railroad for approximately two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. James Hand-ley Hand-ley and family of Woods -cross, Utah were down for Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Handley. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Gil-lins Gil-lins and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Myers were hosts at a reunion re-union of . their immediate family (Barlocher) in Mil-ford Mil-ford during the Easter weekend. week-end. Among the guests attending at-tending an Easter lunch at the foot of the east mountains moun-tains were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marshall and daughter Logandale, Nev., and Mr and Mrs. Leo Barlocher and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Singleton, Enterprise, Enter-prise, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Merril Staley and daughter, Caliente, Nevada, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Applegate and daughter, Salt Lake City, Mr. Roger Myers, whose wife was unable to attend, of Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bradshaw Brad-shaw and family of Milford. Mrs. Donna Winn andDeb-ra, andDeb-ra, Salt Lake City, were here over the Easter weekend week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Tolley and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gale. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. ' CD. Gilliam over the Easter East-er weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Whitlock and three children, Las Vegas, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gilliam Jr., Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Clive Barker and family, Cedar City, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gil-lins Gil-lins and family of Pleasant Grove, Utah, spent theEast-er theEast-er weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gillins. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Gale and Helen of Springville were dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. Altheda Gale on Sunday. Mrs. , Naomi Hughes spent a few days visiting her daughter, Mrs. Doris Johnson John-son in Logan, Utah. , .Air. and Mrs. Ross Patterson Pat-terson returned from a three week trip to California. They visited friends and relatives in Escondido, Englewood, Bakersfield and Grass Valley. They also went into Old Mexico. |