Show FAULTY AULTY RECORDS I I If l ii III In III Ogden Ogdon 1111 ti and yet t not nol is II tile the that mun couples who secured In Iii Inthis this county Imo have found iii One case ill Is that thai of It ofa Ita a young liet who F their license lint were vere hy by th t ill presh ii ing mn 1st or or nl old jj of a j iou who ne 00 to make the tho return of ofIL It IL to the tho chock In honking or he 1 records County CleriC Cieri has a ur Of such eu cOHOS eH Ims I out letters to tho he III tile tho eases their attention to so set II I I H 92 of oC Utah I 1 Wi JOT as 08 Tho Ii ug t h mar 30 thereof tel teI the o to In tIlo clerk cierI of oC oCth th iii It Is i with I It ill III the tho over hi hIs sIgnature givIng thu dato anti I of celebration linCi tho ho names of tv 01 0 more present Ont lIt at the tho ilage tir fallinI to 10 Ie such lIuch Ie cc turn lle hc ts 18 o It a A mass it th lie tax tox OF nt 2 et hus called lIel by f Ogden Jen league lit tIle VOlIN on Oft to 10 the of bonding tue dt cIty fo for II a lie nev hlll high build hog A II to th the proposition or nol lint who hio 1110 are alo tu to hu be Ii H e of Ogden has I a compall to erect U a IJ hour City rue compan i III b be known ilK UN lh the lItch Ce will bo be for or Ili hI this ell city several II ago go with sIth II a Iii CIt Cht Mo was III hi Sunday ott b by Sheriff who reached Ogden on flu an titi 11 if Gotchel I h ly hl Oller ent to lIlt h Ito wIll rC 1 paper 1111 which lied l from t r ol will not hot lt the requisition |