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Show RAMPTON URGES BUYING RESTRAINT Governor Calvin L. Rampton joined with the Utah Retail Grocers Gro-cers Association and leaders of the LDS church to urge the people of Utah to use restraint in their food purchases over the next 60 days to avoid creating artificial food crises. The Retail Re-tail Grocers Association report that a unique situation is developing devel-oping in Utah which is not found in other marketing areas of the country wherein consumers are engaging in a panic buying process. pro-cess. Apparently there is broad consumer concern over some shortages because of the price freeze, spring weather conditions, condi-tions, and petroleum shortage. This has caused heavy demand on Utah grocery stores, according accord-ing to Lawrence W. Alder, Executive Ex-ecutive Director, Utah Retail Grocers Association. The sale and consumption of tins year's food pack is just being be-ing finished so far as retail sales and food outlets are concerned. con-cerned. This annually creates some shortages as packers, warehousemen, ware-housemen, and retailers attempt to gauge their supplies in anticipation anti-cipation of new crops. The new pack, stated Mr, Alder, will be arriving from now to the next 60 to 90 days, and with norma purchases being made by consumers, con-sumers, there should be no shortages of great concern for the consumers of Utah. However, it appears that shortage is developing, caused by excessive consumer demand. There should be no food shortage short-age unless the consuming public creates one, the Governor said. The U. S. Department of Agriculture Agri-culture reports that this year's harvest of fruits and vegetables for canning and freezing is up from previous years. Also reports re-ports indicate that there Is a bumper crop of local fruit and other commodities. TJie Governor and Mr. Alder eautiongd the consuming public that they do not become alarm? ed and accelerate food shortage purchases beyond what they would noramlly do and what their budget can handle because of the apparent conditions existing ex-isting In the world today. |