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Show Tony Lama Justin 3?f ! e Dan Post Acme lggpjjg; I , o Wrangler Frye ' ff:g w Nocona wggjjy 1 SADDLERY - RANCHWEAR - WESTERN BOOTS S j Send for your FREE 96 Page Color Calaoju Order by mail. IrfckC WCl( ST0"SID S $ We ship anywhere. V RANCHWEAR 'ARKlNS $ Serving the Nation from the Heart of the West 1 62 East 2nd South Street Salt Lake City, Utah 8411 i j Dept. "N" Phone 801 322-0409 I PHONE YOUR NEWS 387-2881 Wkm? fi gpt flue Efesfl IX Dozen S&sggesi2is. 5 t T h0h? A :r:,;:! g mm ,"i W';v"4l 1 Electric blanket when your Freezer make sure your freezer Iron getting an iron hot enough alarm rings in the morning, f 's n0 running colder than recom- to take out wrinkles takes turn off the blanket first, mended by the manufacturer. electricity. So once it's hot, do a then the clock. Replace worn-out or broken door whole batch rather than one or gaskets to prevent warm air two items, from leaking in. f C POTS XiriS Ctfv.l r SMT, ! J? jWL 1 J WA&H SHO!J- WASH Wa$m t ls' 4Refrigerator-the cold stays in P" Dishwasher-for machines that tf Clothes washer-use the full when the door is closed. Keeping j don't have partial load settings, 'O cycle setting only for full loads, your refrigerator defrosted will rinse and hold your dishes until Colored and slightly soiled clothes keep it performing efficiently. there is a full load. can be cleaned in warm rather than hot water. ? : 'S3''TOSft:s2se2w m f .v XK V- III -w: -ks x . v Wf : 7 t Winl'r105'"! dPer" Q EleCtHc over-make the best Television-if nobody's watching, out' d ect sun iU,htamS ACP . O Use of a warmed-up oven. Bake M it should be turned off. out direct sunlight can cut heat w several dishes together which coming into your house by 50 require slightly different heat percent, substantially reducing settings and remove as each your air conditioner's workload. js done. F - fn : : L'" iU rj r-, r-, r-i r-i n Hll out wghi,e they" are gh " 1 A TLcoTior' ' drip id Ca" bC US!d " T ' damp and just right for Z J z Zx ,n C0Vered P ironine 5 Pur 2500 gallons of hot water 6' dow" the drain. And remember, showers take less hot water than baths. Uaala Power 2i LigEafi SisapaEiy Electricity-Key to a Quality Environment Wfien you need advise beiherel Just ask. Our experts will go to work. And give you sound advice. Absolutely free. It's good to know, when you need financial advice, we'll be there! . "Ita msl go we'll fa thzre!" MILFORD STATE BANK A FRIENDLY BANK FOR ALL THE PEOPLE All Accounts Insured Up to $20,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |