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Show during office hours until the date of the hearing. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NICHOLAS R. DOTSON Beaver County Clerk. Published in the Beaver County News August 3, 1972. Tegal notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN hat the Board of County Commissioners Com-missioners of Beaver County, Utah, will hold a public hearing hear-ing on the 7th day of September. Septem-ber. 1972. at 2:00 P.M., at the Court Room in the Beaver County Court House at Beaver City, Utah, at which time and place the petitions hereinafter described for amendment of the Zoning Resclution and Map of Beaver County will be considered consid-ered and arguments by interes1-ed interes1-ed parties and citizens for and against said petitions heard: Petition of William S. Kehr to rezone from Agricultural and Grazing to R-A Residents Agricultural the following property; prop-erty; Commencing 32 chains South of the Northeast corner of Section 28, Township 29 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Base &nd Meridian; theoee South 69 West 22.5 chains; West 18 chgins; North 20 chains; East 4Q chams; South 12 chains to beginning, AlsQ, Commencing 33V2 chains South of the Northeast corner cor-ner of Section 28, Township 29 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence South 6 chains; thence West 17y2 chains; thence North 69 East 18.5 chains to beginning. Also, Commencing at the Southwest South-west corner of the Northwest quarter of Section 27, Township Town-ship 29 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; Merid-ian; thence East 20 chains; thence North 14 chains to South side .of Highway No. 21, thence South 69 20' West 21.5 chains; thence South 6 chains to beginning. Also, Commencing 7.5 chains North of the Southwest corner of Northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 29 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence North 12.25 chains; thence East 20 chains; thence South 69 21' West 21.5 chains to beginning. Also, Commencing at the Northeast North-east corner of Southeast quarter quar-ter of Northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 29 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence South 20 chains; thence West 20 chains; thence North 14 chains; thence North 69 East 4.50 chains; thence North 40 26' East 6 chains; thence East 10.50 chains to beginning. Also, Commencing at the Northwest North-west corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 27, Township Town-ship 29 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence East 7.50 chains; thence South 40 26' West 4 chains; thence South 69 .West 4 chains to West boundary boun-dary line f Southeast quarter quar-ter of Northwest quarter of Said Section; the.nce North 4y2 chains to beginning. Also, Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 21, Township 29 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Also, Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 29 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Also, North half of the Northeast quarter of Section 28, Township Town-ship 29 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Petition of William R. Yard-ley Yard-ley and Hazel B. Yardley to rezone from A-l Agricultural to H-l Highway Service the following property: Beginning at a point which is South 005' East 81.24 rods and South 8936' West 57 rods from the Northeast corner cor-ner of Section 33, Township 29 South, Range 7 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence South 8936' West 61 rods; thence North 444' West 24.06 rods; thence North 201' West 14.9 rods; thence North 029' West 42.31 roifs; thence South 75 East to a point which is North 005- West of the place of beginning; thence South 005' East approximately approximate-ly 65 rods to beginning, containing con-taining approximately 25 acres. Petition of O. M. Porter Distributing Dis-tributing Co. to rezone from R-F Recreation-Forestry to 1-1 Industrial the following property: prop-erty: Beginning 80 rods North from the Southwest corner of Section Sec-tion 10, Township 29 South, Range 7 West, Salt Lake Meridian, thence running North 220 feet; thence East 440 feet; thence South 220 feet; thence West 440 feet to the place of beginning. Said petitions and the recommendations recom-mendations of the County Planning Commission with reference ref-erence thereto are on file in the office of the County Clerk of Beaver County, Utah, and may be, examined by the public |