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Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS The -following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Beaver County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. All locations are In SLB&M. 27161 Leland G. Sullivan and Evan L. Sullivan, 645 East 200 South St., St. George, Ut 3.0 sec-ft. sec-ft. for irrigation use from Waste Ditch carrying Milford City sewage. sew-age. Effluent, trib. to Beaver River. Riv-er. The water is to foe diverted at a point N. 204 ft. and W. 1320 ft. from S14 Cor. Sec. 5, T28S, R10W, and conveyed -through 6500 ft. of open canal to the place of use where it will be used from Mar. 1 to Oct. 31 to irrigate 200 acres in Ei2SW14, SE14NW14, WV'NEi4 Said Sec. 5. 28403 Harry G. Barnes, Mil-ford, Mil-ford, Ut. 5 sec.-ift. for irrigation use from a 6-in. well bet. 250 and 300 ft. deep at a point N. 750 ft. and E. 750 ft. from W14 Cor. Sec. 11, T29S, R11W. The water is to be used from Apr. 1 to Nov. 1 to irrigate 47 acres in SE14NE14 Sec. 10, SWV4SW14 Sec. 11, T29S, R11W. 29595 G. A. Hansen, 434 Ness Bldg. f.alt Lake City, Ut .25 sec-ft. sec-ft. fo' stock-watering use from an -in well bet. 125 and 200 ft. deep at a point S. 170 ft. and E. 700 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 14, T28S, R10W, The water is to -be used for the watering of 4,000 sheep. 29639 Minersville Town Corporation, Corp-oration, Minersville, Ut. .067 sec.-ft. sec.-ft. for municipal use from Lincoln Spring Area, trib, to Lincoln Gulch Creek, She water to be collected from the spring area described a follows: Beg. N. 160 ft. and E. 1222 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 20, T29S, R9W, thence N. 52 deg 30 min. E. 875 ft., N. 75 deg. 00 min. E. 500 ft., S. 15 deg. 00 -min. E. 150 ft., S. 75 deg. 00 min. W. 470 ft., S 52 deg. 30 min. W. 845 ft., N. 37 deg. 30 min. W. 150 ft. to beg. The water is to be collected at the point of diversion located N. 150 ft. and E. 1300 ft. from SW Cor. said Sec. 20, by means of 1250 rt of 6-in. perforated CMP and two 48-in. CMP collection iboxes, and conveyed through 16,500 ft. of 2-in. plastic pipe to 40 000 gallon steel tank, thence through 4500 ft. of 6-in. pipe to the town of Minersville, Miners-ville, situated in W12W12 gec 7, T30S, R9W, Sec. 12, T30S, RJ0W, and used for municipal purposes, and from ApL: 1 to Oct. 31 to irrigate ir-rigate 3.06 acres in Ei2SWi4 Sec. 1, T30S, R10W. Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications applica-tions with reasons therefor, must be made in affidavit form with extra copy and filed with the Slate Engineer, 403 State Capitol, Suit Lake City 14, Utah, on or before be-fore Sept. 27, 1958. WAYNE D. ORIDDLE, State Engineer. Published In Beaver County Newr. Milford, Utah, from Aug. 14 to Aug. 28, 1958. |