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Show ARRIVE. 4:00 p.in. 11:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. OPEN. CLOSE. HOURS. Gen'l Delivery Sanday..... Money Order. ....| This week closes all the District schools of Heber precinct, and they, together with the W.S. Academy, intend to join in an excursion to which they cordially invite the parents and friends of all the scholars, DUNCAN, and all friends of education. The gathering place will be Main street, in front of the Heber hall, at 8 7:00 a.1mn. 6:00 p.a 9:00 a.m. | 10 00 te By 9:00 a. m. 4900p. JOHN o'clock P. M. a. m., Thursday, the 28th of May, whence they will repair to the customary place below Jordan’s, and spend the day as TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1891. pleasantly as may be. Come then, bring your conveyances and pic-nics and enjoy All local matter intended for publication yourselves. in the WavxE must be in the office by MonNeil Gillis, foreman of the Ontario No. 2 day noon to insure insertion. mime, met with a very painful accident this We publish notices of births, deaths, free of charge. “Please report the same. ~ ete. morning. —___+2 >____—_ Decoration Day Saturday. Lee ‘Refreshing showers followed by bright sun shine. he message was not from the killed. mine, A just as we go to his friends hereabouts.—Afiner, Willes’ out for the new announcement announcement Hatch & Co. next week. telephone as can be expected, which will be gratifying news to a.good business. Don’t fail to read in another column. man-way press, says he is getling along as well The new fi:zm of Adams & Brim are doing 22nd. The invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Hl. Ella Young to the Rev. Edward HE. Carr. The ceremony will take place at the Uiff Methodist-Episcopal church on the evening of June 2nd. Dr. Tiff will be master of ceremonies. ‘The day will be one long of A. " Geo. M. Giles came into town Saturday evening with six new wagons for A, Hatch & Co. E nee to be remembered, not only by the contract- ing parties, but by many of their friends, they are both faithful, energetic, and Teast week’s storm deterred work somewhat on the livery the when a rock fell from above and struck him with such force as to knock him from the ladder. He fell a distance of ninety feet, but escaped with a badly sprained ankle and several other painful injuries about the body. Considering the distance he fell, it is a great LOCAL WAVES. Look He was going down stable, but it is being pushed as fast as : ossible. J. W. Aird left for Salt Lake Saturday morn‘r g where he w:!i stop a short time before g: ing to San Francisco. workers in the church, and the for sincere Salt Lake members are sparing ne pains nor trouble in decorating the chapel and preparing it for aright royal reunion of the friends of the happy bride and bridegroom. Miss ‘Young left Heber Yesterday morning,and will attend Schneiter ciently from be up and has recovered his attack of again a little. Jehn Morton Levigneur have gone trip after some new Every dry hour utilized in putting an abundant There has on a more, itis expect- done en the of Snake Creek of the mouth every petition citizen directly incorporation return having his jaws he was badly Marshal Mr. Enoch Jorgenson contributed a fine specimen of Calc Spar to our cabinet the morning. The mit, and when . other, day, wich he brought pitch mountain near his Many thanks for the same. from former the San- home. Parsons, We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of an invitation to attend the commencement “exercises of the B. Y. Academy. at Provo, which were held May 21st, but regret that we were unable to be present. Joseph R: Murdock of Charleston is doing considerable work in the real estate business lately. He said to a WAv» reporter the other day: ‘‘My real estate frareneone have amounted to over $15,000 this spring.”” Thomas Clotworthy recently made a trip to the regular summer stamping ground for Wasatch range stock. He reports the stock as being in a worse fix at present than he ever saw them in before at this time of the year. . He said: ‘‘There is not a° beef steer on the _ range.’ There is talk of starting a branch of the Ancient Order of United Workmen in Heber —in fact the arrangements are all made and the members will organize, in all probability, this week. This is a prominent organization and will, without doubt, meet with hearty support from many of our citizens. A large pitty of leading Colorado railroad men visited the Tintic mining camp last week for the purpose of making preliminary arrangements to run a branch of the Rio Grande Western into that district. The Tintie Miner was so elated with the good news that it came out with an extra edition. Lake for that story is that he lost he the pen Tuesday, mit him, Mr. B. L. Sehlesin ver, propricter ef the Model Shoe and Clot'iing House of Park City, has gone to Chicago to look after goods for his rajidly increasing trade. Did you “yead lis new ad. on first page? went to Salt purpose, and not being able te see Iim that eyening stayed in Salt Lake until Wednesday his per- applied for admission at the Warden reftsed to ad- and that he went to Salt Lake and hunted up the Marshal to see if he could get ancther. Marshal Parsons told him that he would be pleased to xaccomedate him, but his frem John orders were very strict on such he could not give him matters, and a permit until he had communicated with the Clerk at Provo to see that it was all right, but if he would call again the next day he could be arranged. thought the matter eer Good music, Good prompting, and a Good time at Turner’s Hall Saturday eve. Come Karly. has his Abegeglen rd mission to in has swapped span of fora he will continue Smith Ie up Next Saturday, Decoration ises to be a lively day sport and good forenoen the Brass on eur main noon, Alpine working lost a good was offered his mare $200 the day takes the place, for between nines. From prem- are making celebration last of both time still more we Willie Bonner has tonishingly. Few yived a such men of our enterprise. through as- have sur- would from get another display puiled fall to make wide-awake of reck to be and under will be a base ball City and Heber the game and when at Turner’s Hall Heber so desire in under the au- Brass Band have a can where chance at quadrille, ete., to the harmoni- strains of the orchestra leadership of Professor ous Park City. a under the Thompson of Be DIED. Chypr—On May 19th,1891, followed by year-old daughter Clyde. urday, bronchitis, She was but of first taken Sunday of measles, Angie, John appeared the and six- Fanny o’clock Tuesday her amount to about $4000. Sunday; among them in all, The witnesses John Crook, to left Thos. evening to sink until when the 10 silent messenger con- called evening funeral took at the residence place of Wednesday the parents. Hicken, Jr., and T. S. Watson, who were Fhe numerous friends of the family, in« subpeenied to testify regarding the value of cluding THE WaAvVE#, sympathize with the the property. King and Houtz are attorneys parents in their hour of bereavement. aEee wy cere estan for Mrs. Shanks, and Sutherland for the defendant. New goods in great variety just arrived at The witnesses who went to Prove on the Shanks divorce case returned late last eveni, the case having been decided at 5 o’clock p.m. Mrs. Shanks was awarded the house Lacy Hatch’s Millinery store. and two lots where bo the wife of Hphrdim !Haws, May {4th, 1891, a boy. she lives, all the stock that are kept at her corral, and $200 in mon- ey. All parties interested were satisfied an came home happy. This is a peculiar case, Mr. and Mrs. Shanks having lived together over thirty-six years, and raised a large fam~ ily of children. : was, I presume, anything or anybody honor sanction or doings, being impurities? allowed go on, we ail Shall of soon Wasateh the I failto animal estate, ready of the nocturval to the else would that point. Bp. may Van ene ef those in, official dignity fatherly suayity. It the as a Tuesday especially, was that henceforth and destinies Mary Jane place. duly in the realm Wave but on went to intentions,” and On Wednesday ‘‘naturalized,” and now of Hymen. Tun Mr. and Mrs. Michel the congratulates on their important a whis- couple their ‘‘papers.”” citizenship with Monday, the prospective they are enjoying unites of Chris- impending to me on in of Thompson, The they were full franchise of step. 4 THE SCHOOL. Monday the scheol second half-term week the attendance what, but cidents only te some of edly doubting to Evglish weather changes. You that brings the going and and While the wet, etc. 2 s 2 RY THIS, nothing and will surely do size 50 c. and $1.00. Francisco, made the Ball Next Saturday the a HER SALE LV EN est materials, to are about Striking pre- Friday of special that each for culinary purposes this a day, gallons When comes in us not let issues busy of I will one, figures, families family which in Mid- consumes three aggregates gallens o 540 put fer the daily the water any $10 for the further matca Ginger degree in our (er consumpditches is in the present muddy, chocolate-colored condition, each galion contains ing the lowest figures (So as not to terri- to four ounces of sediment. from Again HL. CROOK. Clotworthy & Crock, BUCHER. will keep on hand he 0 - & and all implements Place = of business, DE LLER IN ALL KINDS OF —— SINCASTS notified that if you fail er as above reds ui red, othe cour che ie complaint, and. Soak ul, 2nd cost be biel ved in the Wa1 news} paper published in Wa- PT.BARNUM - HAS SPENT AS HIGH AS S4OUD00 A YEAR IN ADVERTISING: TO DAY IT TAKES SEVEN FIGURES A TO TELL HIS FORTUNE. NY MINNA NIN BS S THE two tak- y 3 EUDEHO! Bocds w a wal sendFREE E PERSO ach locality, above On! ee ages who write us at oncecan make sure of Is scope. MORAL NOTICE. IS: te chance. All you have to doin returnis 1s sh hae our goods to those who yo. ae epenbory and those sae goane of ih avertisement the small end of the tele- The following cut ives ee Sarennnes of it reduced to enous the fiftieth part of its ee Te is perang 2 onb leas oe ope, aslaiee as is easy to carry. We will also show you hoy ae n make from §$eto EO a day at ee a the Stats ae out experien ee . Better write at once. We pay all express charges. madres, H. HALLETT & CO,, Box S88, PORTLAND, MAINE. 25th day of 2 IRRIGATION Wasatch County, Utah. CO. NOTICE: Don’t Depend on Them fa TO Secretary. t j-16 CREI FETC ORS. OF ee COUN: IN THE PROBATE COUR of Wasatch and Territor a of In the wale of the estate - Sauniiel Je Day pe deceased. sher eby Bean by the undersigned. ae Ae ation of the estate of Samuel J. Davi son d ceeeny to me eredi sons having claims agai 404 ion. of this notice, to the s tor at his Testes in Wallsburg,in the said county of Was ae KLIN A. FRAUGHTON Administrator a the estate of Samuel J. Davidson, decea Dated at HOGS Soe, May 21, 181. iseover You! NOTICE. ily little forturies have ee madeat 8000.00 a yearis being made by John R. the ak ee is new. Great pay SURE, oroF Goodwin,Troy,N.Y.,at work for us. dtcadee you may ‘not make’ ae mus Ae teach vu quel iBho y to ea Ret $5 Re $19 ad st ‘0 aeith 5 7 commence at home, givaly"ie our tine, or Epike Oana only to % a ie start you, furnish “BAS ILY, SPEEDILY Tene ae i CULAKS FREE. Address at once, _ STENSUN & €0., PORTLAND, HAINE. A ene sex, own log altiey aw hevever they ive. ae ne can do Easy to learn. start y A No ous youn ai devote your fime to the work. aoe is an derful su Beginners are earning from $25 to $50 Pers w eek and‘upw: ards, and m ater | Q little experience. We can furnish you the employ yihont ani ach you i REE. No space to ezplan here. Full who are Weak, Nervous, and us. Debilitat- Weakness, and all the effects of early evil habits, or later indiscretions, which toad to Premature Decay, Consumption or Insanity, should send for and read the ‘‘Booko f Life, » giving particulars of a Home Cure. Sen t (sealed , by addressing Dr. Parker’ Medical and Surgical Institute, 151 North Spruce St. , Nashville, Tenn. They guarantee a eure or no Pa Sunday Morning. For Sale. Five acres and fifty-eight rods of first class hay land in North Field. Enquire of C. P. |: Carlin, Daniels Creek. j2 YEAR! how to earn the N ae on Lundertake to Dhyee ‘Thousand Dollar: Ns ee aeay hich you can ae bh arn that amount. h district anty. I a provided. patie nee aoe large na SO, ED. Fall EC, ALLEN, articular 3COO ee PRE x ADD, » I’sNEW dress at a agai, Raine, Rasband Bros. of Park City will pay eight cents a pound for pork. or particulars inquire of Joseph Rasband at Heber. % ett ——_—__<+ s- Satur- Help a,good cause by attending the Decoration Day Ball. ee i Drink Jersey cream. Ho n Heb ly sppointed by the Sai eourt for the ment of said account eae. hearing said “petition for distribution oes tate, at which time end Dineeer ty pe sted therein may appe: nd file ea e ions ii writing to eal scoee Aaa At of said estate and contest the same. m26 ak 8S H. GILEs Clerk of the Probate Court,Wasatch Co. Utak THE NORTH FIELD IRRIGATION Co. Heber, Wasatch ASSESSMENT A reasonable price will be paid for wild animals and other rfatural curiosities. Jones’ Museum of Nature, Fairber* Dancing will commence at 8 sharp day night. Come early. ss aggre ee IN THE PROD aT cos we aoe COUN: ty of Wasatch and Territory o In the ae of the estate ae Miller, deceased _Notice is ereby given that Hae s Mille the executor of the estate Nelson Mier, deceased, has rendered ‘and presented for settlem briefly tech any fairly intelligent person of either whi who a i ener Peete ction, will work industrious, i a You are ina Bad Fix. But we will cure you if you will pay 0 Th CREEK McGiire, 25, 8Su | ed, suffering from Nervous Debility, a Wek this ISAAC O. WALL, Justice of the Peace. ROTICE IS HEREBY G ILA A aneetingof the directors, held on May 22nd, 1891, an assessment¢ ae per share was levied on the ca 3 of -the cen ‘tion, payable ono uD me . ee A 1, to Win. C. Bell a te rae st Ww thi is assessment ay remai the a day of July, 1801, will be ent advertised for sale at SAA av nless Ee pment is € awit Z De sant the Hey. e deli ue aa ov ins bee of adver Fee abd Keep YOUR BUSINESS, and, Inoldentaliy, YOURSELF, Before the Public. Este hand, ASSESSME Manufetu’g Co. escapes jhe wor rid. jour facilities are nequaled, and to introduce out Heber. er oy Buysville, WSIANSININE Chemist. BEST St., day at ve fled a ere oa he rein. Said action is br ought tor 6.7. ddama Phy tite He ae fol. mbed ca to wi Ojie sinall iron gray maré, abor a 5 oe old, piaiaed @ with two bars under IRON AND WOOD TURNING. the highest FOR Man Main In the Jusfice’s Court, Wallisbarg Preeinet; Territory of Utah, } .. County of Wasatel, § 5° J. L. Parcell, Plaintiff. } = vS. Daag, $ 75 John Doe, Defendant. oe aoe Doe, w hose name is otherwise unnown, Greeti ing, by summoned to beand ap. au NGS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Planing jone on Short Notice, Men MILES pout’ (8 ih $ by the SUMMONS WENZELL, @ne of the carricd Sabr LAKE PRICES. Ww e furnish everything. We WHATIS GOING ON BRIM, CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT COMPANY. of the pur- CALIFORNIA. a COOPER YVAGON Supphes. of perfection.” Jos. N. Souther Choice MUTTON, SAUSAGE, WEAL, ETC. ADANIS Also, a Gr eat. Variety of Fo00 | Sold by Druggists and Wine Merchants, SAN FRANCISCO, of Butter, Hges and All Kinds of Produce Taken. Picture Frames, Mouldings, Glass and Photographer’s and represents Analytical inquire T. CLOTWORTHY.. Sse and COLIC. tn Séason. particulars Lemotis, Oranges and Green Vegetables in, season. THAT from time an unusually low average, water FOR ARRIVED! Pipumation FRE, “ATER QTE oe Oc, ALUUSTA, MAINE, This plain at For HASY. | BEEF, TERMS A Complete Stock of Artists’ Whievials consivting of ‘Pube-paints , ransp arent water-colors, Pladies’ Brushes, Pens, Canvas , Cardboard, Pallets, ete., ete. OF of tale. 180 JUST the full medicinal value of Ja-\ WIT. not- the The above that carth. very will tell their own .....14 of 1891 istry« HEADOUARTERS inter-, programmes liberality, pure per ib. 5... Night, songs. the water dressed The Registered Percheron Stallion will stand at A. Hatch’s barn for the season where WATER WE DRINK. of Chickens, PRICES RHASONABLE, 8m12-92 California, “Tt is composed LER AR tH has been in ences. from it at 600) substantial —< DR. ABERNETHY’S Green Ginger RANDY, flagging,and its benefits the water say But inevitable and we nay up especial catching about There grain unless forget way. JIS itn, weather in the school been 75 LSo AAT Et Nee! He ee ee Ike as well as Cures CRAMPS against copious the bowels by unforeseen same fail, if enly by THE its the these have recitations San which or Old- ef the little attractiveness and ‘‘insuiar”, feet will be felt next afternoons ac- the down on without through undoubt- taken all last some- mumps, with the work .The off season, the grass getting its scholars the see, are upon this people ferences, fallen the especially prevalent takes had temporarily, are quite precautions entered of six weeks. sickness, & Jos. Hatch, who holds certifieate of reg- ibe tees in Tp. 38. R.4. E., Salt Lake Mer. ce S 48 min. W -ten (10) an mal a3 ebains; thence N 89 tee: 12. min. W three (3) chains; thence N 48 mi E ten thence S 89 des - 12 min b three (3) amis to Area three (3) acres 2)in Block nuin2 1 1 Lots, coi an Set ee forty. sour sie square rods, situated us section UL e (5)Tp. 4 Dey Ht. 5 E., Salt Lak ee and conditions of sale: gold Coin CEE ue ited States. pen seo ot one m ade a2 rae oy, fter he of this aout endanal befor ] bids or offers mus left at the office of Wn Tfouse in the said 1eé undersigned perso: i ve I. MOULT TON, Guardian of the persons: a ‘estates oft LyLillie ate pulton) Violet Moul¥ MD uae a Mou ton, ae eke Wa es ae for Guardian. Dat a ras 20, “189 1b with tying and ‘‘secret” | Y my 5 acts and hands, announced OM pee DANIELS” It D. mingles was po semi-barbarous he delights event Per DUSNee eee If there’s he this and according which of Oa’ Extensive advertising is the key to success. id a i ite e highe se bidder ae cash, Sold: ere ect to confirsaid Probate Coun on or after eas oe oe oS a okeres st and estate of the id nd to allthose certain lots, Bist: X ne eS, OY par ing in the te tory of Uta hand bounded and des cribed as follows, to wit Begin ae ats a pe eighty oe Hoe oa the est¢ Or and forty: ( cans, residence This Large NOTICE audi- the both to be¢ome real NOTICE OF GUARDIAN ’*S REAL ESTATE their the 20th, performed handsome, Decoration made tin custom. see and Dancing at 8. of, boilers, which tion. sedimentary of things be Grey FLOUR. Elizabeth Sellers, agent for Wasatch and Summit counties. .This machine will knit High Patent, per cwt.. stockings, mittens, etc., of any desired size. Strai ohte. Poy All orders promptly attended to. Address Fancy Family fs Mrs Sellers, Heber City, Utah. * Bran & Shorts, per cwt..... contracts for advertising can be made for it. x rr point of such Wednesday, confine myself Lurme—Wm. Van Wagener of Midway thas plenty of lime constantly on hand; the The Academy will close next Friday for vest ever made in Utah. : % fhe present year. The head teacher, Mr. Jorgenson, will leave for Ephraim, his old Heber Brass Band Ball on Saturday night. home, on Saturday, where he will locate for such have contamina- against Exchange, of couple. the year being Murpocx—To the wife of David N. Murdock, May 22nd, 1891, a boy. with be ‘‘fun for the beys, but——.” paration hence. The married eld ‘‘tinte-honored” withstanding tinued estimated, assault newly colds, property, is noisy display Sat- and ‘‘the boys” the principal Mon- worse, which torture, On of not from .20 16 75 This paper is kept on file at E. C. Dake’s Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchant’s meetings’ kettles, tory on day morning she grew minutes other available instrument better; sick Isabella Shanks has brought suit in the First District Court at Provo against James D. Shanks for # divoree and one-half of the preparation every te ‘‘declare spent in the face 8 miss the ane evening horns, their be times. ee GRATING The will in bells, Heber occasion rainy ee ad Aird Knowledge. especially. cow per in comprising 190 The. Hailstone BR: ack acres of desireable land, apply to % William Petersen, 566 West Ist strect Salt Lake City. success for, a “hullabaloo” of a racket get in them of the Thursday WwW. him Association are the all who the Nducational will for evening will teams of care tian Michel hard the waltz, fraternity of the programmes the hearts, base ball mettle spices pursuit teaching his painstaking the nuptial knot have dancing in his new of Park always Der Kees OZR i re es 2 otatoes, per oe ees People’s Knitting Machine. any- present For Saie. of his departure wish wagen its If the eld order Store. a sure. of Jolin regret They the practicing The friends In all accounts enough, with discourse as both good Midway learned lovers one, in shape. The the be an interesting used on the new academy and asylum. Mr. Crook says the contract wil keep several men quartying all summer. He looks fora big boom in the flagstone business this seasone Oh! that we had a railroad! ; It’s wet in Prof. Thompson of Park City will lead the Belmont and Kinney, the leading building Orchestra at Turner’s Hall Saturday night. contractors of Provo; were up yesterday and made arrangements with Crook & Sons for a large amount Vennor. will the a much in protected NOW By: sure and creditable and Day. are feet, the of half This is. will say, t will cost you for a grand Independence in there with Heber. feature itis who gullets filth. water you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs, Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Celds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufierers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Richard Bridge’s Drug severely. preparatiens arranging true loyalty in con- will be felt rather for main which — her kept her all winter so that the loss just in this season in after- and the ornamental. good fall and of need while which contest Day, of mud when the other dition, Bands music streets, at 2:30, Day. load way Butter, et not with off sturdy tile fields. Mark will the keep procession, Wagenen Decoration down PRODUCE. eruptions, and postiyely cures piles, or no pay required. Itis guaranteed to give per= fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Jor sale by m12-92 Richard Bridge. Remember that you are invited to Turner’s Hall next Saturday night.» Admission 50 cts fall. oxen On people force PRICUS. 7 ble Swit- Wintsch, On the or Report. = tetter, fer- from Conrad for California. dis- week sores, corns, and all skin with to latest reports have to great was a appointment to them. every down wash fever chilblains, trusty we'll to thirty days imprisonment, which sentence was to commence Tuesday, the 28rd. John M. left Heber Tuesday and, wishing to see unable yisit with his friends, which stronger words: ef Midway hands, his and Elder of no Ee of swollen with the mumps sedi- pounds but samples a but on account last week, solid 75 for transportation. Jcnothan Clegg recently sold a strip of the Methodist conference to be held in Salt horse so easily, if at all. Good nursing, lan? to the Heber town corporation to be Lake this week, her school having closed last goed nature and good medical attendance used as a right of way for an irrigating ditch. Thursday. : do wonders sometimes. Dr. Lindsay did Homer Fraughton consumated a land deal John M. Murdock was released from the well. last Saturday in wiich he transferred to Jesse Utah penitentiary last Wednesday, where he The rain storms have, in a measure, inNelson 174 acres of land on the Meaks bot- served a term of thirty days for unlawful coterfered with the progress in the outtoms for $2 3 per acre. hab. He returned home on Thursday. door werk on the Hot Pot or Big Mound The Wasatch county ladies will mect next There is a good story told on John M. hotel of Mr.Schneiter; but the establish Thursday in the Stake house to hold a Relief connection with his incarceration. It seems ment is being pushed toward an early Society « conference, and the children will that at the time he was sentenced at Provo opening with all available means and hold a Primary conference on Friday at the he requested to be allowed to return to Heber help. before commencing his term of imprisonsame place. Our worthy post master was reported ment. This privilege was granted him, and Mrs. Abram Hatch went to Salt Lake Sunhe was allowed to go on his own recognizance in these hebdomadary ‘‘Musings”,seyeral “day to meet her brother, George Wooley, on his promise to be at the pen the following weeks ago, as predicting frequent rains, who was to arrive on that day from Australia, Tuesday. The Clerk of the district court in fact,a wet season. To allappearances where he has been for two and a half years gave him a paper directed to the Marshal or we may be justified in setting him down preaching the gospel. as a prephet of greater credibility than varden, stating that he had been sentenced Geo. Cluff was up from Provo of plainer, chapped mares Court, County vales till next and to still tion and ‘‘get there.” We ounces equal sores, ulcers, salt rheum, The Registered Percheron Stallion, “BEAUCHAMPT,’”’ No. 6555, will travel through the settlements in Wasatch County for the season This: stallion has an Offici al Certificate of Pedigree tracing of 1891. direct to Jean Le Blance, and we in vite an examination of the same. a Henry Van Wagenen has opened his brick- He is also a Prize \ Winner, having been awarded a Silver Medal at the Territorial Fair in 1890 for }BBest Pe reheron Stallion four years old and yard at Midway, where he is prepared to This horse is a fine specimen of the breed and parties wishing turn out the best article in the market of over. builders’ supplies. He guarantees his brick, to improve their sstoGk can neh y on his breeding qualities. W iu. PB: BowEn. sae 16 especially the new pressed article, which is superior to any brick heretofore manufactured Headquarters at JOHN CARLILE’S BARN, Heber City, Utah. or imported in W. asatch county. It is dura- the According day. other, better water, interested signed to the zerland, which day, In jnto Market Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, of peomale take Mipway, Utah, May 25, 1891. Nearly in the town soon which been lands canyon. of is confidently expected. and ounces good poor, sinner) facts and figures, that we must was crop final, surveying each Now, ‘‘lay-eut.’ week in ‘‘spuds,” 1200 ment inud. state, prospecting past ed this time south HE. two rich and and theif unsuspecting to and promising of the their systems sufii- pneumonia around Henry. Coleman, saint WAIN WZ VAN LlNN VAN! INV LEAVE, 8:00 a. m. Simon young, female, INV Om MAILS S. Park Olives seen A ay. y Charl ton, W ‘alisbu Tg. . OFFICE _ of mails much) of water, our (old and and aes OF MAILS. too per gallon ple ZS Wit Ww ao DEPARTURE AND Schedule ofarval a aul oo at Heber City Posto flied, NNov. fy the timid mud WLNT mK yi ARRIVAL MIDWAY MUSINGS. the present, but he proposes ere long to attend some eastern college to finish his education. Mr. J. assures us that it is with much Water IKurnished from Heaven and Harth—The Private regret that he leaves this pleasant littlevalley, School—A Quiet Wedthe kind people, and joyous, happy students ding—A Noisy to whom he has become very much atNight—ete. | tached. He takes with him the best wishes of a host of friends. OTICE IS HEREBY meetin of t County, Utah. NOTICH. GIVEN THAT AT & Canmore payableon June 20 Til, oe J. H. Moulton at Heber. ‘hithing k wpon which Assessment may remain unpaid on the a i day of July 1891, will delinquent and advertis day of August, 189 assessment, together with cost “of advertising and expense : ne oy MoOULTOR, Sceretary. ae Heber, U tah, Max is, 13891. t j-3 Location bianks |