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Show OFFICERS OF IIF.BER TOWS bow yon manage to sett your goods below cost and pay your creditors. I fear f you ate trying to cheat some body, ti d ' if I buy these goods, I fear I will be enPresident II. M. Aird. and with tbe Trustee T It. Giles, John Turner, couraging dishonesty, remark she w alked out the door. Men T. S. Watson, A. C. Hatch. wha adopt such a style ef doing business Town Clerk T. 8. Wstson. ' do not understand the art of putting Town Attorney Wm. Buy. money In their purses. If you wish to keep your money you must keep your WASATCH COVSTY OFFICERS. customers. Tbe parson must keep bis congregation, the lawyer Ids client, tie . Trobate Judge?. 8. Wataon. doctor bis patient, tbe teacher his puj-l'- , Ilar-dioSol ectmen David Van Wagenen, the clerk and tbe merchant their honesty, Cummings and J. R. Murdock. for the rarest way to keep your friends Clerk T. It. Gllea. Is to tell thy truth and shame the devil. Assessor and Collector T Hickcn, Jf Prevarication, dissimulation, am) g Treasurer Joseph Hatch. will never make you successful Attorney Wm. Bovs. In the end, either In making or keeping Sheriff It Jonos. , money. Integrity Is the tallisinan of Coroner John McDonald. success, and tbe essential clement In Recorder T. II. Giles. every capacity r of life. ' Now putting Surveyor Wm. Buy. money In tby purse does not mean to hoard it up, for There is He who glv lupcrlnteudent of District Schools eth, and yet Incrcaseth, There Is he who Attuwall Wootton. wlthholdeth more than is mete which Quarantine Physician D. M. Llnusay tends to poverty. , ' We should not with a sparine hand rRETINCT OFFICERS. t'pon the furrow rant the met I, Jbor uetion which part ot the land tiring forth wheat, or bring forth weed. nniEit ritwiNCT. .Would you reap a rich harvest? Then Justices of the Peac-e- George II. Bar-ae- sow thy seed by all waters, for tbou knowest not what will prosper. If you John Duncan. Countable J. W. Witt, Jr. wlshtopnt money In your purse, you ipnst use It with care and cantion. Tills Miow.er rvMcncT. may seem paradoxical, but it is true Justice of the Peace David Van Wag-ene- nevertheless. I.IEl'T. Fkmx. Jr. Constable John. A. Wootton. ', . OUR SELLING J. TURNER & SONS, S I XT - X f PROUD rtlKCINCT. OF HIS makeappUeation he Interior at WaattlngL!' m2, ij imt to eut nit retuok p WhitJ 7,, PtH p, from a trait of the mioirve.Li tinfe tain lan.U of he Initc-- statVSir11" is? 18 mile, haat fro.,, llP ,V l"lZ a eounty, Vtah, U, us follow s, to nmre a it kulr!, BeKlnnlna ttt a . nt Ilollon- M chains Spoint J.; o U kni5i Lee'S rasa and m of I J A DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT EVERYTHING IN DRY GOODS, r Allowed for CASH. IsTotioxis, !Bcots. Slices, Highest Price Paid for produce at the CHARLESTON Hats, Etc. Vvlllps, G-xocexie-s, lEXarixess and. Estias, CO-OP- ., 'J niter the pubIWatiou bvsitnl &. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. TURNER & SONS. PURE ALCOHOL For Medical Purposes. Richard JOIIN Me YA Y - Propiicloi. Etc. Articles, 11 tlK-ne- c OF INTENTION TO MAKE APructTIm for a pci m it to cut timber the m 12 lands, under act of March 3d,S. To ALL WHOM II MAT COXCSSX : Notice U hereby glv,, that Imraeiio.i, after the publication hereof tor three as required by said aet, the undor.IgnoiViM make application to the Hon. NecnC. 11m Intel ior at 2? Washington, ILC mit to cut and remove He t blue u,fortu 1'lne timper tiom a tract or the uimin. ii public mountain liwnls of the Vniled situated abort In miles east from u.rJI' Wasatch county, I' tali, and more iurtMS ly described os fol low s, to it : Beginning nt a point two chains Norik nt V, chains Campbell s creek no I the confluence of Campbell's creek .iw, creek, and 40ehains Northwest of MuMre', saw mill and running from tuence Wni r trains; theifce NS5 deg. 80 min. Wfi thence S 67 deg. 30 min. IV 47 chain; thmn South to the top of ridge on north ule Campbell's hollow; thence along iM in an Kastcrl V direction to a point flne viotk of the beginning point a distance of ikon one mile; thence South ubont so chain W place of beginning, containing about M . Doald Kennedy. . Park, Davis & Co. Brown Chemical Co. Graefexbekg Med. Co. acres. Jos. 4 Jas. C.iiiram. P. O. nd'dress, Heber, IVasatch Co, Utah. T. C. Bailey, Atty. for Applicant. First publication June 30,. 1891 ft, ths Vi Ami everything usually found in a first class Drug Store. Alsou complete line of Stationery, Fine Candies and Cigars. O OOOOOOOOO W' a!it C. I. Hood & Co. J. C. Ayer & Co. . Homer "Williams. 11. II. Warn eh fc Co. WAVE ' NOTICE. Bccelin & Co. David Kennedy. ooooooooo SITcIl WAIL. t j 14 notTce' PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS FAMILY AND . RECIPES CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. OF INTENTION TO MAKE RICHARD BRIDGE, Utah, - - APPUcfTlOX t r a permit to cut timber nixn the pubtie I ml, under act of March 3dr Your Trade Solicited. ESTABLISHMENT, IIebkb City, m )U R. V. Pierce, Job Printing Y, -- sromtw"vK',fonJtrne ot the following companies preparations Always On Hand: THE! l,,r Mi Medicines, Toilet Brrow.v Med.C t A ..... ... . Jf ii iiiuvc ni'ti Piiis. IMne timber from a tract of the lamia of the r ,ur' ' public mountahi I itiu.te about l miles ,i Hi1, fity.Wiis.iti H coiinfv, I tali a!i,i ulaily deaeiibed as s.u.Vlt Harthr BcKiiininit at a point at tlie .. Hollow, lu chains Saw Mill, and runnlni l1,rt' k chains; thence 8 4 leR.Vm v S 7 dejf. K 4n chains to the' ni. , r.dgc; S3thence S II deg. i min W ridge chains; thence S 47 dca A1 the summit ot the Uu UiesnS rl.ii along said ridge in a Nortlrr,,,t,u to a )int due South ot the begin, thence North about It. ,i t p '"'Jt. ginning, containing about SWacreT. JJEALEK IS Drugs, . Gnst r. O, tui.lrcss, Heber,IaturkII, Wasat.li c I'tjhi A Complete Stock WASATCH OF INTENTION TO M lei-fo- r PRICES, ttreonired Your T rade Solicited. CYRUS NOBLE BOURBON, GUINNESSS IMPORTED PORTER, ETC. NOTICE APPl'''OTl ), a pern, It Incut " HWk lan.ls, under act of March 3 1, HEBER SALOON 1891. HEBER, UTAH. T. ALL WHOI IT MAY COXCEBX : Notice! hereby iveu that !u Tnediately after the publicat im hernof i r Dre weeks as required bv sai aet th dmgBcdiDf make application to the lion. Secretary o( the Intel ior at Wafeliinton, D. C., for a per hi it to cut it ml remove Red IMne and wHiu I. now prepared to furnl h- - Hamilton Bashaw, A Fine TROTTING Bred Horse, ALL KINDS OF JOB 'WORK Pino timber from a tract of the umunciH public umuntfvin land of the United 8tat, situated about fR mile Kant from Helr City, WaMiteh county, Vtah, and more particularly described u follow, to wit; Beginning at a point near the head of Uf Hollow Pit chains from l.ec PuhsUiw.iwi. hollow in it NorthcHMterlv direeti n rl I chain 8 W of LtcV old mill ?i ulrnmilnt from thence N 80 deg. 30 mn. h ii chain to a large rock about lo ch.uiH cant of tiif creek; thence S 47 deg. 3ft tatn. K l theffiik. one (hesne lidge a iliMnnce of a xmthwwerL thence a'oug atd ridge in direction to a (Hunt tnmi wlreh tlie 11 nlng ped it liear N 1 dejf- W; thrnee S tlcg. W about one mile io place of beyinaln, containing about 480 acre. John Tr 1) W will stand at J. T. Wilsons Such a. - . barn at Midway, Utah, for the Season of 1891. VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING CAIIDS, Hamilton Bashaw was foaled June 1879, Frank B. Teft of Genoa, Illinois; eolor, black; high, and weighs 1200 pounds in condition. BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, P. O. add res', llebcr, Wnwith Khst publication June 30, 1891, In tlie W0w asatch Wave. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE APPUCATWV or a pei mit to cut tiinberupon the pnbhe Bred by lands, under act of March 3u, 18WL 16J bawls gsio fox tlxc SEASOIT. FRXCE, For further particulars apply for STATEMENTS, BLANK BOOKS, Etc., Etc. V m. Wilson, Midway, Utah. TtrjfLL WIIOIT MAY COlf EK3T: Notice is hereby given that immediacy after the publication hereof for three wseiw as required by said act, the undersigned make application to the Hon. Secretarr the fnteriorat W'ashiugton, !. C.for mit to cut and remove Red Fmc and Wmu Pine timber from a tract of the n wnrryw jiliblwj mountain lands of the United situated about 19 miles East from U'ah, and more p cuy, Wasatch county, tlculaily described as fallows, tow it Beginning at a point on top of ft chains S 47 deg. 30 min. K of ft lW 'tandinjrin Lees Hollow at P11!: ta nUles and e en chains down ssid , a Northeasterly direction frnTT vj and running from thence N 16deg. ..L along said ridge 71 chains to chains North of th creek in said hence N 6ft deg. K 40 chains; tuence h) min, E 17 cliains; thencs Sf deg. chains: thence 14 deg- 30 min W 68 ukm them e N 47 deg. 3) min. W St chains, ess, to the place of beginning, conui about 350 acres.' K.TBAiES- j; , LOCATION NOTICES AND LEGAL BLANKS , ZPXSIZIE ' The Registered Ten-hero- ALWAYS ON HAND :!f Stallion, c " ivU-- - -; This stallion has an Official Certificate f iwr Timn direct to Jean Le Blanco, and we inrfte an CHABLEi examination ofTlii lie is also a True Winner, having Been awm1.il jU. sanl Postofflco Address, neber, Wasatch Co thr Territorial Fair in 1S90 for BcsUYrdieron T. C. Bailey, Attv. for Applies" f'Y MclaI.a1t over. First nnhlieution June S', 181,iuThej This horse is a fine specimen of thebrced amin-utihatch Wave. to improve their stock can rely on his img breeding qualities m. P. Bownx. yr notice ul.jumters at JOHN CAPJJLE'ft BARN, Holier City Utah 1S,)1. f- , OUR CHARGES Ef ; vi v-- ARE THE LOWEST. :- - CALL AND SEE US. visits p PH ICE S REASONABLE, TERMS OF INTENTION TO APr,,lf tlwie timber up'n EASY. for a permit to cut March 3ET . MAKE A TEAlft 3d lands, fueler act of TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERS: BHdrrtak to any iatnjr InlrB,, ul p. lx ofr(hr; xtfA .tf . )'. 1 DR) and v. ALLtx, 5n.x Notice Is hereby given that after the publication hereof for thre as required by said act,thendetw ' W. make application to the Hon. the Interior at Washington, ILIm .iJhef mit to cut Red Pine ami White from a tract of the nusurveyed p1 a tain lands of the United Heber i y about 181 miles hast frommore satch county, Utah, and ; pri wit to as described follows, uaHo Lee s Beginning at a large roek in frWj mlX at a (mint about 10 chains east in J and two miles ami seven f,a hollow in a Northeasterly iA l.ee8 Pass, and riinniii fom PC,, S Cures CRAMPS am COLIC. deg. thence 30 min. K. 33 , j. E. along niti ridge 69 chains to the ,, At said hollow; thenee following UP In a Southwesterly direction U enmpngfd of the V, pur one mil to a point ine w " tJrlo eet mnteriitl, and aho"'1 hast thence jWt point: represents ginning to tlie lac of beginning, conlainl s the full media mil a mine 1M) acres. W'T Ginger in the highest I. O. aldrcss, Midway. Wasalehi degree of perfection." First publication June 3WU. 1801, t jil T. WKSZELL , batch W AIK. Analytical Chcaht. ABERNETHYS Green ik I Ginger - BRANDY. a a ol? !- - al rear. as vreTr In attv rt of oBnurore at ken.e rov. u",rnu Urtmi 81 88 fa f ' DEALERS IN 'nvytkinF KA81lpVriI. Y ; .gtiwW-abou- afJa-mnir- -t One BKf. . ftfopm noale, and t MUintrodaeoow lnor rood, EYE? Grain, Fruits and Vegetables. Main Street, - - Heber City. , KJSr J35-- K flTo th . m? xponvoco Batter wnt at onee 1 UAUj.n appegnaet f It redwood ut n. EL 8(yi-oir2!rcy- i in. ScIStj i"sw " ecop. Tbtfelkmtef .ite-,1- n . Nervous I)biUI fNVt.P Deuyj.tUinj Amt Merchant-- , A gentlemnn liavine linen ,1, AVeakness. 3 Jos. x. Souther Manufctug O. Prostration, f effects evil the all Decay, and - CALI FORMA. and youthful f"N.v, 18 rilAXCItSCO, ,yK d . ,jl make known to othiere the ttn'l'0 Self Cure. To those who vwlb (f() Tins he will paris kept on file. UK. C. Dnkes ifiro him their symptoms, the jnr feceq AJivr Ls.n App'ncv , 64 and 63 of a mail, copy by Merelmnje ceefullv Aduv"9. case. Exelia-iry- , his in Nan Francisco, f California, where fidence.'jAS. W. 1i.sK-NKwntraets fw sen-tio- u-- ed car, be fyr it- - 1 N.. pnMUa.fonJnueMth,, TO ALL WIICOI IT MAY CONUEKS: Notice li lerfbv Riven tii-i- LOWEST AT Charleston, Utah. ALL Jos. R. Murdock, Supt. to-da- Vi-r- '."J." r . the-dian- big one. high dudgeon, having forgot all about the extras and sundries Jie obtained on Changes la lfw fork. credit. This practice h ruinous to exObly fancy," said a stately and ertion and economy, ff a person w anted charming representative of one of New and could not abtaln It on credit, York's oldest families at adinner,when he would work all the harder to produce I was a young girl lu New York I knew one who kept a carsomething by which to produce It. Cred- personally every riage." This seemed almost incredible, iting persons la a most excellent w av to as tbs did not seem much past make rascals, for w hen a man has ob- middle speaker age herself, although, of course, tained an article and worn It out, he feels the time to which she referred had to be hut little like paying for It, and the cir- left politely to surmise, And now, cumstances furnish him a great temp- she went on, most of my intimates do tation) to cheat. It Is not an uncom- not keep horses at all; in fact I may sny mon thing-fa- r a man to oltaln twelve that nowadays I do not know any of the month's credit. This Is neither Cho way people who do keep carriages. Quite an inverse is concluded to make money nor to put It In thy purse. with a ratio, andit anot? she When one laugh sigh. There are to be sure cases where credit considers the vast size of New York and may be necessary, but In a majority of the countless number of handsome instances, It Is useless and Injurious. equipages that crowd Fifth avenue and Country people are the most likely I be Centra park, it seems odd that one indiImposed upon.Bclng generally honest and vidual coaid have noted personally so changes in the conditions of the straight forward themselves, they are many citizens of this great metropolis. New too apt to think that other people are York Tribune), like themselves. It Is In cities and towns where lytng and cheating are practized tMknUaw OCUa th Troable. to a fearful extent. The variety of shore which claim to Did von ever flud a merchant who was follow the natural shape of the foot is not selling at a treiueudouea sac ri live--far almost as large as those that do not. below Why could not all mer- Some of three shoes are so absurdly chants have an established percentage on broad at the tore that they give an imIt their goods and never vary from It? pression that they were designed for a beast; others are ventilated in It would most effectually put au end to hoofed sole. But, in spite of all these origthe seller between and this practice of lying inal and expensive patented devices, the buyer. It ht true that aome merchants fact remains that as many people escape do sell things 'below caevaslonaby. all affliction of the feet who wear ordinhut then they are things that hare been arily well Bhnped, hand sewn shoes as damaged, or gone out of fashion, or at thorn who adopt eccentric shore. It is least, hare become leas valuable. Sellers evident that then is some other trouble of goods presume a little too much. Be- besidre the shape of the shoe that is at work. New York Tribune. ing In the store of a fiicnd of oars the other day. w wire much amused at the lb Uuo. Snttl)i Laekof with manner in which a lady snubbed his Thoiuasville. fe a Beverly, George officious clerk. The lady had been' Ingreat limiter. He never gore out withquiring in regard t some MlV goods, a out bagging a large number of quail, few simples which were shown her, with and he goes often. While hunting rethe usual audacious remark that th silks cently with Mr. Belcher a friglrtened v ry excellent and lost. quail flew againet his gun and killed itself. Cor. Savannah News. 1 know dont Well," said the lady, t r. ... ,,.e smnnut or the l i uisfance of about one nnle- 'j"1' HkS sahl ri.te in a South estorli hr,h point from which the klidetf. W; thence S 1 j" M flhlce be.-li-, ih2 "lnS. coiitm,, 380 acres. o. address, Helrcr, T.C. B!lfcy( Atty tur k WORK. Justice of the Ptace Wm. C. Hanks. Jit Old SwWN Professor Who Took Frldo la ilia labor as a Mechanic. Constable John Fewer. Dr. B. W. Richardson, of London, in mncnecr. att address to workingmen at the congress of the Sanitary institute) ef Ureal Justice of the Peace Isaac Wall. Britain, declared that Work, manual Constable Marquis Batty. work and that, too, of a resolute kind is absolutely necessary for every man," He spoke also of the importance of doUTILITY OF CASH. . ing one's work, not merely to gel it done, Bat with a fueling ot pride In do How to pat Money in Thy Fnrae, ing it well. In this counection be said: I was invited not many years ago to Lkttf.h No. 7. lecture at SL Andrew's university and Written for the WAVg.j to listen in the evening to a lecture by A sandy foundation, Indued, does that another man, like myself, an outsider. fortune stand on which has been built I wa not personally acquainted with this other man. but I knew that he filled open the rulna of houesty, Integrity, and an important judicial office In Scotland, re industry. The art of making money and was considered one of the most able foundations. If snch all you pudlates and learned, as well as one of the wittiwish to be wealthy, you must Inspire est, men in the country. confidence In people, and this can never He chose for his subject Self Cultbe done by lying and cheating. Yon can ure," and for an hour held ns in a perfect dream of pleasure. For my own part I pay no greater compliment to a mad than could not realize that the hour had fled. and is ho honest, candid, to say that The lecture ended at 7 o'clock, and at 8 trustworthy. The public mind las won- I found myself seated at dinner by tlie In to the regard derfully degenerated side of the lecturer at the bouse of one of merit of virtue and tbe demerit of rice the university professors. In the course within the last thirty yews, ft was, f i made some reference to when we were In our teens, the fashion the hull in which the exercises ol the to palliate vices that originated in desti- day had been held how good it was for tution and want, and to be particularly sonnd and what a fine structure to look severe toward crimes of a premeditated npon. And did you like the way In which nature, that were committed by persons the stones were laid inside? asked my whose position and circumstances left new friend conseami them without temptation, The man Immensely," I replied. y who laid those stones was an artist who quently without an excuse. But, must have thought that his work would .tilings are right to the reverse. The of crime diminishes exactly In the live through the ages. Well, that is pleasant to hear, b he same proportion as the actors are refor the walls are my ain doing." moved from want and temptation. To said, He had the Scotch accent when he was steal three dollars Is to Insure your Im- in earnest. prisonment) to steal one hnndrcd dollars Fortunate man," I replied, to have ehnnees to get free, the means to build so fine a place," for I gives yon ntaty-nta- e and to strafn million Is to Insure your thought, naturally enongh, that being a scape. This state of things has been rich man he had built this hall at hia own expense and presented it to the brought atKmt by that misciahie style of 'considering men smart In pwportkia to Fortunate, truly," he answered, but their rascality. Ten to one that the mnn not in that sense. What I mean is that who expresses himself after this fashion I laid every one of those atones with my will become a groat rascal, If be Is not ain hand. I was a working mason, and one al neatly. Due prodigious evd In this the bnihlcr of the hall gave me the job ot laying the inside stone work, andt L omitry hi the system of credit. Less never had any job in my life in which I money has been made and more lost by Hhls system than by any other known, took so much pride and so much pleasure." Whenever a person feels ha wants anyThat workman still lives, and is one thing. or Imagines he docs, he starts off o&the heads oft the university- - While he w cannot He alt was working with his lfandk lie- - was and obtains It on credit. until next week, he must have It how. working also with his brain. He took degree, went to the bar, and now he Why! Because Squire Upper tou and his is a man honored throughout the conn-try- . - wife are to dine with him to day ; consequently is must hare a few extras, and But I refer to Mia hers only as the And when lie obtains them on credit. mason at his trend of his labor. the hill is presented for payment at the That man hadwork, the ida of the paradise. end of the month, he looks daggers at It sweetened hi work; it made it great Ids companion and says: 'Wife, you We applauded fife brilliant lecture, but have run up a tremeuduous big bill this those silent, beautiful stones before him, mouth, and the result Is, wife gets a which echoed our applause, must 1 think, have been to him one cheer more, and a good scolding and husband goes off In ,.ivu ToiLtwiiUvnAI((Wl Not ire I. Hfter the puhlteHti.m here.!??1 reipilreU by euul act the "! e, CIl.UILEiiTON to lor it permit to eut litn.lH, un.ler net ot hereby petty-foggln- j OF INTKVTIOX c, |