Show I REAL ESTATE ESTATE TRANSFERS Herman Harms to Ella ElIf Campbell part pert lot 8 2 block fiS C S plot pint D J 1 j OO Janice James Jensen at tit al to 10 The Tho Sandy Sand of oC Church of or Joan Jessie Christ Chrict of ot o 1 Sarah Shill Hill to Gertrude Hill Smith ot It a nh III Iota lota K 35 and auld SC 36 block II 11 Forest Forent Dale Dab 5 I James Jome McDonald and anil wife wi to to DavId and wife part lot 2 2 block 31 plat plot A AC 21 20 C A to Miry Mary A 1 lis lot 43 etc block i Graeber r rO I 1 0 O addition 8 B BAda Ada Buy to Newel K Ie part of ot lot 1 block 33 13 E 30 10 0 William to P Allmark land Ilind In la section n fl 0 township i 2 south ROUth range 1 2 cast 1 Herbert E Dane Dana and wife to J JD J 3 JD D Shilling lot 6 block 3 plat B 20 1000 James H I Newton and wife to t A AH AH H 11 Walsh part pait of lot 3 Slack block pint D I I MM roo W J 3 Crismon and wife to John JohnE JohnH E H Davey part of ot lot hot S 8 block SO 50 plat pInt A AJoseph 5 Joseph Nelson aud and wife wire to Joseph JosephE eph ephE E 23 Edwards Ed warde part Hogg mining milling claim et ct nl al West Mountain |