Show NEW NW INCORPORATIONS The Time Salt Sal Lake Pressed com cent cm pany unit has flIed fed amended articles of oC In Incorporation incorporation corporation In iii tho the office orl of oC tho county clerk cleric Increasing the tho capital stock tr to timid and Ild reducing tim tho value of oC time the shares sharem to Sit 10 each ech The Thc original ca 1 was i WOO In Jim shards sha of oC time tho th value of 1000 The Tho William Webster Cigar company limes has tiled Hied led articles of ot Incorporation Jn with the Uw county clerk cek The capital stock stockIs I Is placed nt at II 0 In shares hares of ot time the value alno of 1 each Time Tho officers are ar M I J president Fred J Scheffer vice sice Ice president Jacob Jach A secre secretary secretary tary tn and treasurer |