Show DOCTOR URGED AN OPERATION instead I 1 took lydia E pink hams vegetable compound and was cured baltimore md nearly four years I 1 buffered from organic troubles ner ness and head aches and every Ulf fT month would have to S 1 alms stay in bed most of VU 1 the timo treat P r ments would nsf ill bl me or a alme ats si fad ml y doctor was al bial ii i i all wava m to t t i iL have an operation my sister asked mo pink hama vegetable SIO f compound before ff consenting to an yf operation I 1 took y five bottles of it and it bag completely 1 cured me and my work is I 1 tell all my frenda who have any trouble of this kind what lydia EL vegetable compound has done for me NELLIE B baltimore md it is only natural for any woman to dread the thought of an operation so many women have been restored to health by this famous remedy lydia EL vegetable compound after an operation has been advised that it will pay any woman who suffers from euch ailments to consider trying it before submitting to such a trying ordeal CODER la COWS ran be overcome by feeding cow tonic to purity abe anil dr david robert BADGER BALM to A aad heallon ointment foi gore aad ID adders udders head the 1 fiend for free booklet on IN cow a it no dealer in tour town write tr cald let co grand ingua waukesha wll W N U salt lake city no 6 1918 prescription FOR WEAK KIDNEYS have yon ever stopped to reason why it is that so many products that are ex te naively advertised all at once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten the reason is plain the article did not fulfill fulfil the promises of the manufacturer this applies more particularly to a medicine A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself as like an endless chain astern the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited to those who are in need of it A prominent druggist saye take for example dr swamp root a preparation I 1 have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend for in almost every cae it shows excellent re aults as many of my customers testify no other kidney remedy that I 1 know of has so large a sale according to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who haie aed the preparation the success of dr kelmers swamp root is due to the fact that so many people claim it fulfills fulfils al most every wish in overcoming kidney liver and bladder ailments corrects ur inary troubled lea and neutralizes the line acid which causes rheumatism you may receive a sample bottle of swamp root by parcel post address dr kilmed co binghamton N Y and enclose ten cents alao mention this paper large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores adv GERMAN SYRUP will quiet your cough soothe the in lamination of a sore throat and lungs stop irritation in the bronchial tubes insuring a good nights rest free froan coughing and with easy expectoration in the morning made and sold in america for fifty two years A won prescription assisting nature in building up your general health and throwing oft the disease especially useful in lung trouble asthma croup bronchitis etc for sale in all civilized countries ad important to mothers examine carefully every bottle ol 01 CASTORIA that famous old remedy or infants and children and see that it bears the signature of in use for over 30 children cry for fletcherr Flet chera cantoria Ca atoria when your eyes need care try lurlne eye remedy vo vav comfort CO aeota at inglat or inal walto for fr bye book io AE nervous headaches four bottles of peruna made me well JW mrs effle hill blanchetter blanchester Blan chester ohio writes as follows 1 I cannot tell how nuch I 1 suffered in the past twelve years I 1 have been treated by physicians and no relief only tor a short time I 1 was in such a condition from nervous headaches such heavy feeling as if my brain was pressing down and so nervous I 1 could not get my rest at night would have sinking spells and then BO weak that I 1 auld not do my work I 1 began to take denma have taken four bottles of peruna and have gained in strength and flesh and can say I 1 am a well I 1 cannot thank you enough for my recovery fi woman I 1 cannot thank you enough tor my recovery thos who object to liquid medicines can secure peruna tablets you can prevent this loathsome disease from running through your stable and cure all the colts with it when you begin the treatment no matter how young s is sate to use on any colt it Is wonderful how it pr eventa all no matter how colts or horse at any age are exposed all good druggists and turf roods houses and manufacturers sell PiS at 50 cena and sl a bottle 15 and a dozen CO gochen ina V S A A FIGHT FOR LIFE it has been fight 0 die for many of us in the past and the lucky people are hose who have suffered but who are now well because they heeded nature s warn ing signal in time to correct their brou trou ble with that wonderful new discovery of dr pierce 8 called an u alc you should promptly heed these warnings some of which are dizzy spells backache irregularity of the urine or the painful twinges of rheumatism sciatica or lumbago to delay may rna e possible the dangerous forms of kidney disease such as bright a disease diabetes or stone in the bladder to overcome these distressing conditions take plenty of exercise in air avoid a heavy meat diet drink freely of water and at each meal take dr pierce s tablets double strength you will in a short time find that you are one of the firm In dorsers of as are thousands of neighbors step into the drug store and ask tor a sixty cent package of or send dr V M pierce buffalo N Y loc for trial Is many times more po tent than pile cured in to 1 ray refund money AZO ointment B lod bleeding or rile t iret application aliea luef fua lun it a woman Is ag young ns alia claims to be no other woman W believe it AT AN END the female complaints and weaknesses that make woman life a misery they re relieved by dr pierces faunte pre for all the derange niente disorders and diseases peculiar to the aex this is the only remedy certain to benefit it s a legitimate medicine for broman carefully adapted to her delicate organization and never conflicting with any of her conditions it regulates and promotes all the proper functions builds up and invigorates the entire astern and restores health and strength are you weak nervous and ailing or rundown run down and overworked then it will bring iou special help its the mother a friend it lessens pain and insures life of both mother and child dr pierced Pier cea favorite prescription has a record of ears of success it is a most potent invigorating tonic and strengthening it is made of the glycene extracts of native medicinal roots found in our forests and contains not a drop of alcohol or harmful drugs sold in tablet or liquid form by dealers tablets 60 centa LUCKY aaretta TC enjoy this real X burley cigarette its full of flavor just as good as a pipe the burley tobacco is toasted makes the taste delicious you know how toasting improves the flavor of bread and its the same with tobacco exactly |