Show why hesitate to to spend th arty dollar dollars for a watch that w 11 II last all a 1 fet me when you pend spend that much tor for a su u t of 0 clothe clothes wh A wea s out in a few month months we advocate better watches we gua antee we ell sell get a good one our modest price prices make buying easy BOYD PARK D 6 MAKERS OF JEWELRY MAIN STREET SALT sait LAKE CITY F A R pirl MACHINERY mr farmer your work in the field 1 TT beld is made easier and more effective by using the best implements obtainable use scotch clipper plows success sulky plows star disc harrows thomas grain drills and other mach nry nery told sold by ut istah a h I 1 implement M 11 p I 1 e m Is e n t wick company SALT LAKE CITY UTAH we want your business and can save you money send for catalogue sale sales rep dative 1 tor for at ar WANTED priced western made we I 1 aftab shed thed complete comple tel neof concrete mixers and mach alach nery liberal commits orolee cor on excl sive terr tory I 1 iee let deterred rei ret erred addreen ren reen machinery 14 grinik co ss t aalke ty utah |