Show central new settlement good crop prospects central juno 14 and lettuce arc ready for table use nov corn is seril inches high potatoes arc in bloom alic oung alf elfi planted this 13 1 3 looking aci nice miss htiu libolt li is returned from pine alio had bian fori adya dya utting for her he lias been at ork mits hiel brickan is in st tiling care of her bittl 0 laby aiu hi ix cn kiy ill but is now ir and mra I 1 V liao aiom ranch elicio they hid lccy i diw days arb cinc tullis of pinto lias ixon etith M E ho wad in st alio etcor liard for juno haq arrived on its wi w i to modem tsie violt li i gone io tiie to look c |