Show for the starting of early celery celeri growing on a commercial scale has received most attention in the much bed areas of michigan and new york where thousands of acree are devoted to athla crop california and florida have taken up the indus try and during the winter and baring months provide northern atlee with large amounts ot celery chwe la however 0 o reaba why local growers should not hold their own from june to january against the importation from the south to secure an early crop the ft plan for the amateur grower la to fill with alne soil three inches deep this soil should b pressed down and the scattered either in rows or broadcast cover the seeds by ling through a alne sieve a small quantity of leat mold or sand the window ot a moderately warm room with sprinkling will provide the necessary nece seary for germana ton when the seeding appear after two or three weeks turn the boxe dally to keep the growth even the shows the fonn of box aeed lor the plants |