Show sale notice state of utah county of ington bloomington precinct of said county I 1 have in my possession alic following described animals ani mils aich if not cl and taken aa still bo sold at public auction to alie highest cash bidder at my corral in bloomington precinct on saturday the day of december 1908 at 2 p m one liblit ral bald face to old li cifer marked under liala crop on boto cars brand resembling N on left gnp one dark red to year old steer marked crop and avo slits and un durbit on right car and lopo on left ear baand resembling sem bling z on left ribs old annd OH left als 31 barred out said arc bield by mo to alie payment of 60 cents for damages done upon the premises of L J larson of bloomington in the price field by said animals on alic day of 1908 JOHN M |