Show nsf T L j fr OUR correspondents LA VERKIN nov 10 the raisins and muscat are about all aono from and orders not all filled what wo want farmer friends is more raisins and the greater the quantity the greater iv ill be tho market good classified deed peaches are also in demand presidents D H morns and jen mo nixon of the M I 1 work were hero sunday evening they gave us a real treat and awakened awik ened the young to mutual work bro morns through his good tact secured eight subscribers to the improvement era peace be with them up the mer politics have cooled down sectional and smiles have abated A good shaking up seems to hao caused reassembling so that emilea and good wishes are robt A dean has returned from salt lake city with his heaning improved molasses making is about ended i 1 1 f W alias ruth ahrling of alceda been employed as teacher of our primary grade R J jolly has gono out west with chickens and eggs PINE VALLEY pine valley nov 14 the boys and girls of the ath ath and ath grades placed baseball thursday the looking party gave a dance friday evening which was enjoyed by all elias hunt and luther terry of enterprise were here on the ath dinst as home missionaries their talk was very interesting joe bellstrom formerly of this place but now of was in town yesterday H D holt and arthur bracken left monday for gold sannes with produce t LEEDS leeds noy 7 miss foster vant to st george to visit ier folks saturday and returned monday mist buth left last thursday for washington to the primary school there mrs martha randall left for her homo at amia arizona last thursday miss alice stirling has gono to pinto to visit relatives and friends mrs pat holohan of virgin is spending a few days here mrs J T afflack of st georgo is visiting hero MESQUITE nevada nov 16 christian jenen has just stacked his sixth crop of lucirn so people can see what this country can produce if properly cared for people are still busy putting in grain the stork visited the home of arthur bunker last week and left a bouncing baby boy this is their first son daddy wears a broad smile miss amanda iceson is staying with mrs bunker the relief society have put in a committee to help the young ladies and young men have dances socials and plays cich friday night A good time is anticipated next friday night stephen R lingo has a bid gathering on one of his legs it is feared ie will have to consult a doctor if ie get better soon f at last we have a bell we can icar all over town no wo think people cant find excuses for being ate to gatherings acel badum and potter have gone north after spuds washington washington nov 17 the old folks party was pulled off last friday and a good hand shaking and a very good time enjoyed by most of the old people T J col well and wife have gone to enterprise to visit with friends and to buy their winter poti toos eva west who ha been working in st george at alic morns house returned home yesterday A II 11 and A A ruby have started to cedar city for lime for the new school house our new school house is fast going up and it is a building that the place may be proud afi miss carne neilson who his been in salt lake for treatment is ed home today |