Show I LATE LOCALS I I Batik naul local batik clearings 1 to III as 3 against I for tor the tho do day last luH rear O 41 1110 Loss IJu Borne Fire compan adjusted INI this morning tho tim i a Site loss JOEl or Davits In tito tho To Webb tho ot of cadets lit qt tIne the high school will appoint the now om coin run puny Friday C t D r has hOK sold Rold to ii Mathis tots lots 27 tied 18 15 block I Genns lon for CM 2 OO Miller r has haN reid to 10 I 1 onus and lots In lolI for tOl ut of coal report conI still t with only one titan firm iii town receiving coal coni anti not amy ony too much of oC while Castle Gate coin is not b being received In as large lots Dt as mn may ho ba 10 I It If the whalen is III open anti there ought not to ho be tinny III great hut bill It if It 11 Iii II at al all revere 11 u h look out nUl J C ot of Murray read n a paper thin Iho met or of III tIne n asno hO dalton oil tine 1110 Advent tak hag the tho view Ilow or of It II Most tall take the rol t tow that in II that Christ will no nit t the tho chose of tine Mr Ir hauls to the nUb appear tnt at tine the begin of oC tine period I or tn t V Th see of 01 the ot of Utah course nr inC I lectures and nind will b be given next ola In III Ih the MIl flew 1 church h will In 11 t Et Ilz tz Bowlens ot of ns Its dramatized b hr the Iho MI Is II mimetic for n a similar reproduction if t tine the Passion liay ot of anti this is IN saint 11 10 hit be tull Ull UI to 10 the tho Of cf the I l Web r dO not tee reo lion how Oen Geni I an con l actual facts favor tim tho Cf It tin nce to American goonis ins fill the tho has been t meter able IJ b Am clothing men mell Ho He Henio nio maUls holda It was entirely to bring over from Landau It military tailor lallor I to the tinny when there theN tire ellO plenty In this country perfectly or of tho work without abroad c Is III Collector of the tho custom hOUSE ro 10 ports business as I tie more Inore coil niece mor Snit Salt Lake o ants are aro It for tor their to 10 Import directly to this thiN city rent of through the New York and Stint Francisco ens bun holt houses s rite coll collector clor hoen nee MO closely I to his work that me hI hUH Innis runt not bean e n able to 10 tinko Ii a then for Cor tat Iwo yearn year tie he hat been sick anti a 11 Ie iest l hut ho hl hopes tn he bl 1111 lo 10 secure It a ot of In December ron morn lugs Tribune a long and attack on nI Capt er Improper Iran transactions In the ot of Stores lI tn ti his care are The IO these teem thin the from thin meat whiCh ho he inns been disposing of at ofas as well n as he can to the advantage f for or of the tho state Is clearing inn 1111 tine tho decks lie He claims everything is 18 fair arid and abo above aind as s for tor the tho flour ting sold old nt at so 90 low tI ft Nice wh that Is wry Very natural ns as the Iho flour hlll hail been ot by mini and prospected by mice AllMon Au nl the litO stores 1 11 han hIn said tIne the captain will r return turi a full tuii leport to lila his officer bulletin of oC the State board or oC h alth I Iq being today It shows tub total deaths In the thc state as from I 13 tow s and districts to box 28 tinero being 6 0 distrIcts ye re porting no deaths vere cre 61 I localities reported free roan disease rho In detaIl were wera nH as follows fever 20 10 ca cats e no deaths smallpox 12 eases no leathis Iberia 27 cases I 1 deaths j typhoid to te teIJI vet itt IS I crises 16 whooping cough I H casts 2 I deaths 16 I 6 cn eases J pia deaths 21 I caes 10 consumption 10 cases 6 cl deaths |