Show fOLLOWING NEW NE LEAD fOR THUGS Sullivan in Stilt SIt Lake GroIn Trying to Leave State SEARCH IS STILL KEPT UP Police Sheriff All AllOver li Over liil Will Ih I antI Where 1 I a Where Whre lier I is Oar Jr OarTh olar la 7 Th These TheM are Ute the questions at t police pollee headquarters In the opinion of Chief of ot Police Pollee Pitt lIt Sullivan 1 I is still at atIn In Salt kit L lAke ke while white I Is making an effort to leave the state Mate Day Da and nd night nl ht the hunt hUllt for the mur murderers deters of Patrolman Charles 8 I Ford Fordi Fordis i is kept up The TIle polio are confident the men mn will wilt be either captured or killed In a very verr short hort time Rumor humor after atter rumor and clue hie after clue have been ben followed to 10 the end but so 0 tar far without results NUlt The TIt Tb authorities believe that escape I is This confidence Q I is based hued on the Ihl knowledge e that practically every u venue of escape lI ape has h been cut off CIRCULARS SENT BENT OUT circulars elMul with a description and pic plc picture ture of each ach of the desperate d criminal criminale have hae been sent lInt broadcast throughout the country A photograph of and nd aim a description came to Chief Pitt tart last evening even In it appears that the tha theman thaman theman man I Is 18 not a a as at lint reported r but It half halt Mexican and half Indian Speaking of ot the case cAli thI morning Chief Pitt said Mid S CHIBI CHII PITTS We e have followed a thousand ru rumor norM mor and each one ha h proved fruitless but we have by no mean means lost hope of capturing the men Eve police de department department ever evera every sheriff sheri IT ft constable lOIlta l and oven even railroad agent ent nt east west wen north and nd south have been furnished descriptions tIon of or the two men We Ve heard herd that a man named van nn had called celled for mall at Lynn june Junc Junction non tion and later hater I ter that he ha was Wall F un seen n In hi Juab These The reports were carefully followed toll owed up but the man did not prove to 10 be Sullivan If It either of or the men Inen show how up at any point along the tho rail railroads railroad roads road they the are sure to be picked up I 1 Iam Iam am Inclined to the opinion that Sulli Sullivan Sullivan van an Is I here her he while I think Garcia Garola Is try t tInK Ing InK to make his hi way WRY out of the state traveling by night He lie wa was here for about two months and during all 11 that time but bul few people saw w him for tor Uw the th reason that he Vent went out only at night I am now Ow operating along different lines lins which kleh I do not ROt care to 10 tAte state just Jut now no and I ted feel f 1 certain the men mn will b be caught BEI AND AD A IJ HELD Tip tho the bartender tad and h his wife and nd Owens Owen the Ibe man mn who con confessed conI teased to complicity In the Albany Alban He es esloon loon lO It holdup and nd robbery are still In I jail jell and they will be kept there tor or an n Indefinite period According to the lite there them Is a 11 strong case It against 1 Ita Int the tho for receiving stolen property from Garcia 01 and possibly front from Sullivan and an for harboring the thugs thug The confession of Owens Owen Insures his hi Nife eafe behind locks lock and end bars barn |