Show Ashley Longs Back from Trip By Mrs Alma Mr and Mrs Denver Long and family accompanied by his mother Lizzie Long re- re returned re turned home Tuesday from n day ten trip They went to Boise Idaho where they vis visited I Sister John and on to toI I Portland and Astoria Oregon i and down the coast In Boun- Boun Bountiful they visited Mr and Mrs i Harvey Stuber and at Salt Lake City with her parents Mr and Mrs Alex Duvall Mr and Mrs Howard Wis- Wis Wiswell Wiswell well and family visited the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Niles Haslem They returnEd Sunday to their home jn In Golden Colo They were accompanied by Brent Haslem and Dale Batty Mrs Arvel Allred and daughter Ellen of ar- ar arrived arrived rived Sunday to stay and help care for Arvel's mother Mrs Edith Allred Mr and Mrs Irvin Downey and daughter Evelyn of Rush Rush- Rushville vUle ville Indiana visited July 24 with Mrs Mavis York and family They were home from the St George Temple Mr and Mrs Reed Taylor went to Roosevelt Sunda Sunday where they met at the Hollis Hullinger home for a family dinner Mr and Mrs l Ivan Batty went to Salt Lake City Satur- Satur Saturday Saturday day Diana and Michael Laris of Roosevelt are visiting their week with their aunt Mrs Reed Taylor and family Mr and Mrs Orval Wadley and two sons of Pleasant Grove visited Sunday with her brother Niles Haslem and family Mr and Mrs Dale Thacker went to Salt SaIt Lake Thursday to take her GuIde Patrol class where they visited several places of interest Those going were Eugene Long Brad DavidSon and Donald Winkler Wink Wink- Winkler ler Mr and Mrs L W Crow and family visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Glenn Dav- Dav Davidson Davidson idson Mr and Mrs Jim Redding accompanied their daughter and son law Mr and Mrs Harvey Gaster Jr to Dayton Wyoming to visit his parents Mr and Mrs Harvey Gaster Sr and on through Yellow stone Park They returned home Wednesday Mr and Mrs Wilford Allen of Provo visited three days last week with her sister Mr and Mrs Davis Merkley Mr and Mrs Cells Winn Mr and Mrs Dill Winn and Mrs Ronald Winn went to Logan Thursday and did temple tem tem- temple work returning home Sat Sat- Saturday Mrs Ronald Winn re re- re remained and visited her sister Elva Richards in Ogden a sister Mr and Mrs Kenneth Tidwell In Salt Lake and a sister Mr and Mrs Jack Doyle came home with her for fora a weeks week's visit They returned home Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Sterling Cook went to Craig Thursday Ronald Winn went to Salt Lake Friday evening The Cow Belles held their meeting Monday evening at atthe atthe the home of Mrs Neal Cald well Patty and R Ray y Lynn visited in Salt Lake Thursday The two daughters of Mrs Howard Harrison Diana and andr r Carol returned last week from Massachusetts where they have been visiting relatives rela- rela relatives tives Mrs Har Hanl Stewart and son returned Sunday to fo Salt Lake after aller visiting two weeks with her mother Mrs Beatrice Harrison Those visiting this week at atthe atthe the home of Beatrice Harrison son were two nieces Mrs Willord Wilford Wiston and Mrs Freda Baker of Brigham City and a sister Leona Schaefer Schaefer- meyer and Mrs Alta Covert of Craig Colo and Mrs Mn Bessie Bessie sie Edward n recently returned front from Priest River Idaho where he spent the win ter with his aunt Mr and Mrs Albert Clapp |