Show THE CON r O 1 II U T IU About out Con fit n In lu old 1011 George 0 II It I Den Dm general managar of ot the th Mercur ur properties at was wal Wa In U I the city elT Ott last ut evening and n has ban I expressed aa as well wall w ash 1 fled fe with wll We W are aN now no treating between and a M too lola t of ofa 0 ero a day ha he h Mid Mi aa thIs IhU morning and are an employing 40 men ThIS ta is rather more mr than for foi fi some months month pest end and nd Ju Jut t about MUI I equal to 10 the lh It force forc em cm employed f a Jr ago go co The T or ore we w are r now treating poe average vf eta ea does to 14 H 4 a II ton aon Th lb Te ascend Ind lection of UM the 1 plant la ii In unit colts allAI all oj and an la Is I giving Ing very VIl good t re is At AI the th Ingot property which hit h hb been b hut hu l down for fo seine time pest pt thing are arc again in active operation A Anew Anew new nw tl a hoist hh hn beta i been bean Installed and nd commenced work wok last Thursday Tuh An Incline ha been n tart on the lb vein vain vainon ven on Ott 01 the Ille I level and an the aa face fc look locke line f The Th l obtained an w 1 tar far t are ant by b no manna n phenomenal pl out but there 1 I IVI very every VI Indication that thI these Ih will wl be hi b pr per perfectly tU before many In lest feet more have been cut Mr Din D will I remain In the oily ty onla on a the U day dl property or ir o two before Ilore returning spain to tn |